Taylor Swift巡回开唱 经济效应堪比50国GDP!新加坡成为“演唱会经济”大赢家?大马“自作自受”错失良机?

  • 7 months ago
▌热点短视频 ▌传新加坡靠一招抢走美国天后泰勒斯,让其他东南亚国家无法邀得开唱!新加坡为何可成为“演唱会经济”国际大赢家?

主持 | @Jazkee 界錤

#泰勒斯 #TaylorSwift #演唱会经济
#theerastour #时代巡回演唱会
#发射热点 #84hotspot #热点短视频

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00:00 You can only fly to Singapore to watch Taylor Swift's tour concert.
00:04 Singapore, a city that is very smart and good at business,
00:07 is said to have used a subsidy of $2 million to $3 million to sign a contract with Taylor Swift
00:12 to get exclusive rights to perform in Singapore.
00:15 The "Goddess of Culture" is so popular that no other Southeast Asian country can invite Taylor to sing.
00:20 The late Thai Prime Minister Sertar revealed the fact, saying
00:24 that even if he wants Thailand to subsidize more money, he is willing.
00:27 Because Taylor Swift's concert economy is only worth two words.
00:32 It is an unchangeable fact that Singapore has Taylor Swift as its sole god in Southeast Asia.
00:38 And this "Goddess" is really amazing.
00:41 The "meaningful economic benefits" she brings to concerts
00:44 are even more considered to be the soft American economy after the pandemic.
00:48 According to the report of the market research company Question Pro,
00:50 Taylor Swift held 53 tour concerts in the United States last year.
00:54 Conservative estimates bring an income of up to $500 million to the American economy,
00:58 which is about $241 billion.
01:01 It exceeds the GDP of 50 countries in the world.
01:05 The consumption of tourism, accommodation, catering, clothing, etc.
01:08 is even more powerful than the Biden administration's helicopter money-saving economy.
01:12 Taylor Swift's charm is still not diminished.
01:15 During the New Year of the Peasant, she sang in Tokyo, Japan.
01:18 The concert lasted for only four days, and she brought over $11 billion to Japan.
01:25 It created a huge impact on the economy.
01:27 Taylor Swift's economic benefits are comparable to the Olympics.
01:30 All countries in the world want to keep this "Goddess".
01:33 Next month, it's the turn of Singapore.
01:35 Other Southeast Asian countries can only watch the "Goddess"
01:39 go around to Singapore to deliver the money.
01:42 And Singapore can beat other Southeast Asian countries
01:44 to become the international winner of the concert economy.
01:47 In addition to being strategic and smart,
01:48 they also value the "fat pork" of the concert economy.
01:52 According to reports, Singapore knows that it lacks tourist attractions to attract tourists.
01:56 It has long built itself into an Asian city of activities and entertainment,
01:59 and is a world-class tourist destination.
02:02 First, they have invested a lot of money in the construction of
02:03 the concert venues, the National Theatre and the Art Museum,
02:07 and have built a Singaporean stadium that can accommodate more than 50,000 people.
02:10 This is one example.
02:15 Next is the advantages of the "Goddess".
02:17 Like the strong geographical environment and the inclusive Chinese and Western culture,
02:20 it has become the biggest difference between them and their neighbors.
02:24 In addition to Taylor Swift's six concerts in Singapore,
02:27 American composer Charlie Puth,
02:29 British soul singer Sam Smith,
02:30 American rock singer Pulse Melon, etc.
02:33 have all gone around the world to sing in Singapore.
02:35 The Minister of Tourism of China, Zhang Xinxin, once criticized
02:38 Taylor Swift's six concerts to make Singapore's economic income
02:41 nearly 300 million RMB.
02:43 On the contrary, China has been constantly advocating negative
02:46 religious and ethnic issues due to the manipulation of
02:48 the "friends and family" and politicians,
02:51 which has directly impacted China's international image and reputation.
02:55 Professor Huang Jinrong of the University of Tokyo,
02:58 when he was interviewed by the South Asian Business Daily,
03:00 said that the government should be very decisive and
03:01 dare to hold an international concert,
03:05 and use huge economic income to make the local voice disappear.
03:08 Do you think the Chinese government should be brave enough to
03:11 open the door and welcome the world-class superstar
03:14 "God of Wealth" to sing?
03:16 Or should Malaysia go out of its way,
03:18 not necessarily to be isolated from the concert economy?
03:21 Welcome to leave a message to tell us your thoughts.
03:23 Remember to like, share and keep an eye on Reddit and Hustle1
03:25 to let you know more domestic and foreign news.
03:27 (electronic music)
03:30 you
