Jepang Resesi, Hubungan Ekonomi Diperkuat

  • 7 months ago
Menteri Luar Negeri, Retno Marsudi menegaskan, hubungan perdagangan antara Indonesia dengan Jepang tetap terjalin dengan baik, meski terjadi gejolak perekonomian di negeri Sakura tersebut. Dimana tercatat kerja sama perdagangan antara Indonesia dengan Jepang, khusus nilai ekspor yang setiap tahun terus meningkat.


00:00 Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said that trade between Indonesia and Japan is still going well,
00:08 despite the economic downturn in the country.
00:12 It was noted that the cooperation between Indonesia and Japan, especially the export value,
00:17 which continues to increase every year.
00:19 In addition, Japan is noted to be one of Indonesia's main trading partners.
00:24 The Statistics Agency noted that Japan is the fourth largest exporter target country in Indonesia.
00:30 In addition, Japan is a major source of investment for Indonesia.
00:33 For this reason, the government continues to strengthen cooperation in the field of economy and trade with Japan.
00:39 With Japan, for example, until last November,
00:44 our trade has reached more than Rp34 billion and our surplus is Rp3.8 billion.
00:54 Meanwhile, investment, Japan is also one of the major sources of investment.
00:59 Thank you for watching!
