The Powerpuff Girls Movie Full Movie Watch Online 123Movies

  • 8 months ago


00:00:00 [music]
00:00:16 [chatter]
00:00:20 [music]
00:00:30 The city of Townsville
00:00:33 [explosion]
00:00:35 is in some serious, serious, serious trouble.
00:00:42 Day after day, crime, lawlessness, and evil are running rampant.
00:00:49 Its citizens have lost all hope.
00:00:52 They are utterly helpless and in desperate need of a true hero.
00:00:58 But who?
00:01:00 Is there no one who can help this forsaken town and make it a better place?
00:01:06 Fear not, fair viewers, for there is a man.
00:01:10 A man of science.
00:01:12 A forward-thinking man who looks back.
00:01:16 Back to a sweeter time, when there was a spice to life and everything was...
00:01:22 nice.
00:01:24 [crunching]
00:01:28 I must profess, sir, this man holds the ingredients to Townsville's salvation.
00:01:34 This man, known simply as...
00:01:37 [slicing]
00:01:38 The Professor.
00:01:40 [music]
00:01:43 [sirens]
00:01:48 [music]
00:01:51 [slicing]
00:01:53 [music]
00:01:56 [sirens]
00:01:59 [music]
00:02:02 [slicing]
00:02:05 [music]
00:02:08 [sirens]
00:02:11 [music]
00:02:14 [slicing]
00:02:17 [music]
00:02:20 [slicing]
00:02:23 [music]
00:02:26 [sirens]
00:02:29 [music]
00:02:32 [sirens]
00:02:35 [music]
00:02:38 [sizzling]
00:02:41 [music]
00:02:44 [sizzling]
00:02:47 [music]
00:02:50 [sizzling]
00:02:53 [music]
00:02:56 [thunder]
00:02:59 [chickens clucking]
00:03:02 [music]
00:03:09 [thud]
00:03:18 [footsteps]
00:03:27 [footsteps]
00:03:34 Hi!
00:03:35 Ah!
00:03:36 What's your name?
00:03:38 Oh, uh, my name is, uh, Professor, Professor Utonium.
00:03:43 Hello!
00:03:44 Hello, Professor Utonium! It's very nice to meet you!
00:03:48 It's very nice to meet you, too!
00:03:51 Um, what are your names?
00:03:54 You made us, so shouldn't you also name us?
00:03:57 Um, okay!
00:04:00 Oh, this is so cool!
00:04:02 Well, now, let's see.
00:04:04 Because of your directness and opening right up to me,
00:04:07 I think I'll call you Blossom.
00:04:10 [giggles]
00:04:12 Well, aren't you all cute and bubbly?
00:04:15 That's it! You'll be my little bubbles.
00:04:18 So, we have Blossom, Bubbles, and...
00:04:21 [ticking]
00:04:23 Buttercup, because it also begins with a B.
00:04:26 Hmph!
00:04:27 And together you are three perfect little g-g-gifts!
00:04:31 Birthday! It's your birthday! I should get gifts!
00:04:35 Wow, I can't believe it!
00:04:36 I wanted to make some kids that I could teach good and bad, right and wrong,
00:04:39 and in turn, maybe they'd do some good for this terrible town, and now I can!
00:04:44 All I gotta do is be a good parent!
00:04:46 [music]
00:04:51 And mind you, good parents don't leave their kids home alone.
00:04:54 Sugar, spice, and everything nice!
00:04:56 Who would have guessed that's what little girls were actually made of?
00:04:59 I still can't believe it worked, that I actually made three perfect little girls!
00:05:02 Three perfect, normal little girls!
00:05:04 Professor, you should be more careful when coming down the steps.
00:05:07 You could get hurt.
00:05:09 Hey, are these for us?
00:05:11 Yippee!
00:05:14 Thanks, Professor!
00:05:20 [laughter]
00:05:25 Hey, thanks!
00:05:40 Yes, Professor, thank you!
00:05:42 This is the best gift ever, Dad.
00:05:49 Yes, it is.
00:05:51 [laughter]
00:05:56 Okay, girls, now watch me!
00:06:17 [music]
00:06:22 I think you missed a spot.
00:06:24 [laughter]
00:06:28 I'll go wash up, then we'll bring in the furniture.
00:06:31 Girls, wait!
00:06:35 You should let me--
00:06:36 Help?
00:06:37 Whoa!
00:06:43 This looks pretty good.
00:06:45 What do you think?
00:06:46 I think it's a little dark.
00:06:48 Well, I like it dark.
00:06:50 Some windows might be nice.
00:06:51 Yeah, I could see some windows.
00:06:54 Right about here.
00:06:57 I'll call a contractor tomorrow.
00:06:59 Or that works, too.
00:07:10 Who's hungry?
00:07:13 Ready?
00:07:14 Ready!
00:07:15 Go!
00:07:16 [music]
00:07:38 [laughter]
00:07:41 Okay, girls, time for--
00:07:48 bed.
00:07:56 [water running]
00:07:59 [door creaking]
00:08:09 [footsteps]
00:08:23 [music]
00:08:26 Wake up, girls!
00:08:36 Time for school!
00:08:37 What's school?
00:08:39 This is school.
00:08:40 I'm your teacher, Miss Keen,
00:08:42 and this is where kids come to learn.
00:08:45 See?
00:08:46 [children playing]
00:08:51 Hey, you want to play?
00:08:53 [laughter]
00:08:58 Um, do you think they'll be okay?
00:09:00 'Cause I'm new at this parenting thing,
00:09:02 and I wanted to come and meet you
00:09:03 and see them off on their first day,
00:09:05 'cause they're really special.
00:09:06 I mean, really special.
00:09:08 And I just want to make sure they'll be okay.
00:09:10 So what do you think?
00:09:11 Do you think they'll be okay?
00:09:13 They'll be just fine, Professor.
00:09:18 We'll see you at noon.
00:09:19 Okay. Bye, girls. Bye!
00:09:22 Bye! Bye-bye! Bye!
00:09:24 Bye!
00:09:26 Okay, class, take your seats.
00:09:30 Miss Keen, can Blossom sit with us?
00:09:32 Can we sit with Bubbles?
00:09:34 Can Buttercup sit over here?
00:09:35 The girls can sit right here in the middle,
00:09:38 so they'll be next to everyone.
00:09:40 Yay!
00:09:42 Now, let's begin.
00:09:48 [knock on door]
00:09:50 Hello, Professor, right on time.
00:09:52 Your girls are right outside with the other children.
00:09:55 Oh, no! Look at this mess.
00:09:58 I knew the girls would be a handful,
00:10:00 but I'm so sorry.
00:10:02 What, this?
00:10:03 This is what happens
00:10:04 when you put 20 little kids in one room.
00:10:07 Your girls were perfect.
00:10:09 Perfect, normal, well-behaved little girls.
00:10:12 Nothing out of the ordinary?
00:10:14 No. Like what?
00:10:17 That was sweet.
00:10:19 What's the point of this game, anyway?
00:10:22 Tag, you're it.
00:10:24 [laughs]
00:10:26 Whoa, everyone's running from that girl.
00:10:31 It's like she's been infected.
00:10:33 Maybe she's a freak.
00:10:35 Yeah, and they hate her.
00:10:37 Tag, you're it!
00:10:39 Oh, no! I've been infected!
00:10:42 All right, what's going on here?
00:10:44 I've been infected.
00:10:46 You're not infected.
00:10:49 It's just a game.
00:10:50 It is?
00:10:51 Yeah.
00:10:52 A game? Neat.
00:10:53 Yeah, how do we play?
00:10:55 Uh...
00:10:56 Okay, look, it's very simple.
00:10:59 Bubbles, tag me.
00:11:01 Come on, it's okay.
00:11:03 All right, now I'm it.
00:11:10 And all you gots to do to play is tag someone else.
00:11:13 And they're it.
00:11:15 By the way, you're it.
00:11:17 Awesome, I'm it!
00:11:19 What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?
00:11:21 Just tag someone else.
00:11:23 And they're it.
00:11:25 [giggles]
00:11:33 Time to put it into overdrive, Bubbles.
00:11:40 [♪♪♪]
00:11:43 Tag, you're it!
00:12:07 I'm gonna tag you guys now!
00:12:10 Ha ha! You missed us.
00:12:18 Ha ha! Now you're it!
00:12:25 No, no, I'm not!
00:12:27 [giggles]
00:12:29 Missed me!
00:12:34 [giggles]
00:12:37 Tag!
00:12:39 Tag!
00:12:43 Gotcha!
00:12:48 [giggles]
00:12:53 Girls, no! Wait!
00:12:58 [♪♪♪]
00:13:02 [♪♪♪]
00:13:05 [gasps]
00:13:28 [giggles]
00:13:31 Tag, tag me!
00:13:33 [screams]
00:13:40 Oh, no.
00:13:46 [♪♪♪]
00:13:52 [♪♪♪]
00:13:55 [screams]
00:14:09 [screams]
00:14:20 Huh?
00:14:22 [gasps]
00:14:37 That way, huh?
00:14:44 [screams]
00:14:48 [♪♪♪]
00:14:51 Tag, you're it!
00:14:58 There they are!
00:15:07 Watch out! Here she comes!
00:15:12 [giggles]
00:15:14 [screams]
00:15:17 [♪♪♪]
00:15:20 Ha ha ha!
00:15:42 Ha, suckers!
00:15:45 Tag, you're it!
00:15:47 You know, I've got a nice car.
00:15:50 Huh?
00:15:55 Tag, you're it!
00:15:57 Tag!
00:15:59 [screams]
00:16:05 She'll never find us up here.
00:16:09 Do you hear something?
00:16:13 [explosion]
00:16:15 Whoa, run!
00:16:17 Tag, you're both it!
00:16:19 Hey, we can't both be it.
00:16:22 Why not?
00:16:24 Tag!
00:16:25 What? I can't be it twice.
00:16:27 Why not?
00:16:29 Okay, then. Tag, now you guys are it.
00:16:32 Tag!
00:16:33 Tags!
00:16:34 Hey, no tag backs. Tag!
00:16:36 Tag!
00:16:37 Tag! Tag! Tag! Tag! Tag!
00:16:39 [gasps]
00:16:41 (gasping)
00:16:43 (shouting)
00:16:46 (laughing)
00:16:50 Oh, boy.
00:17:02 Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy.
00:17:07 (shouting)
00:17:09 (clicking)
00:17:11 Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy.
00:17:14 (shouting)
00:17:17 Oh, boy.
00:17:19 Oh, boy is right, Mayor.
00:17:20 It's terrible.
00:17:21 The town is being destroyed by three girls
00:17:23 with freakish powers.
00:17:24 This is a very serious situation.
00:17:26 What action do you propose we take?
00:17:28 (shouting)
00:17:31 Don't worry, gentlemen.
00:17:32 The Mayor and I have the situation under control.
00:17:34 Oh, boy.
00:17:35 Ah, no, sir.
00:17:36 (laughing)
00:17:38 Oh, boy.
00:17:41 You tell 'em, Mayor.
00:17:42 Townsville will not stand for this kind of behavior.
00:17:44 (shouting)
00:17:46 Mayor, hello.
00:17:50 City being destroyed?
00:17:51 Where are you going?
00:17:52 Oh, boy.
00:17:53 (laughing)
00:17:55 Mayor, what are you doing?
00:17:58 We're in a serious pickle.
00:17:59 Exactly.
00:18:00 Girls, no!
00:18:04 Hello.
00:18:05 Hello.
00:18:08 The usual, cue card.
00:18:11 (laughing)
00:18:13 Yes, I have a fine vintage for you here.
00:18:17 Pick the best day.
00:18:19 Oh, boy.
00:18:20 (laughing)
00:18:23 (sad music)
00:18:26 (shouting)
00:18:33 (laughing)
00:18:35 (explosion)
00:18:38 (cheering)
00:18:41 Girls, girls, are you okay?
00:18:46 Tag!
00:18:47 You're it, Professor!
00:18:49 (laughing)
00:18:51 (sad music)
00:18:53 (laughing)
00:18:56 (explosion)
00:19:09 (triumphant music)
00:19:14 (explosion)
00:19:16 (sirens)
00:19:26 Okay, girls.
00:19:32 Girls, it's almost bedtime, okay?
00:19:35 Girls?
00:19:36 Come on, Professor, you're it!
00:19:37 You gotta catch us!
00:19:39 Yes, I suppose I do, don't I?
00:19:42 (lasers)
00:19:44 Gotcha, you little bunny.
00:19:50 Help, I got gotten!
00:19:53 Blossom, watch out!
00:19:54 You're the sole survivor!
00:19:57 No way, Professor, you can't catch me!
00:19:59 Oh, yes I can, because the game's over,
00:20:02 and it's your bedtime.
00:20:04 Now come up here so we can catch you.
00:20:06 Ha!
00:20:11 (laughing)
00:20:13 Well now, three little girls
00:20:15 had a very busy day today, didn't they?
00:20:18 Yeah, it was fun!
00:20:19 We met lots of kids, and we learned things.
00:20:21 And we played tag!
00:20:23 Mm-hmm, well, I'm glad you had so much fun,
00:20:26 because tomorrow will be a busy day too.
00:20:28 So let's get your nighties on and into bed.
00:20:31 There's something we should talk about.
00:20:33 Okay, everybody in?
00:20:35 Yep, what's up, Daddy-O?
00:20:37 Well, it's your superpowers.
00:20:39 I'm not sure how to say this,
00:20:41 but I don't think you should use them in public anymore.
00:20:45 Why?
00:20:47 Well, your powers are very special and unique.
00:20:50 And although we have a lot of fun
00:20:52 doing unique things around the house,
00:20:54 out in Townsville, people don't really understand
00:20:57 just how special you girls are yet.
00:21:00 And unfortunately, people often get scared or angry
00:21:04 when they don't understand something special or unique.
00:21:07 That's silly!
00:21:08 Well, I think so too.
00:21:10 But nonetheless, take it easy with the powers tomorrow.
00:21:14 Just give Townsville a little time
00:21:16 to understand your specialness, okay?
00:21:19 Okay, okay, yeah, yeah.
00:21:21 But people here are nice.
00:21:22 Things will be fine.
00:21:23 (dramatic music)
00:21:26 (laughing)
00:21:37 (laughing)
00:21:39 So I'll be waiting here to pick you up
00:21:48 when school gets out, okay?
00:21:50 Okay, but don't worry, Professor.
00:21:52 Things are gonna be fine.
00:21:53 (dramatic music)
00:21:59 Oh, girls!
00:22:02 We didn't know if you'd be joining us today!
00:22:05 Take your seats!
00:22:06 (bells jingling)
00:22:09 I'm sorry to say there won't be any recess for a while
00:22:15 due to all the reconstruction!
00:22:18 Secondly, I'm afraid we won't have any lights
00:22:21 or water for a while.
00:22:24 And a broken refrigerator means snack time is out!
00:22:28 So let's try to ignore all the work bins
00:22:30 and noise and such and get right to work, shall we?
00:22:34 (whirring)
00:22:36 Girls, can you recite the alphabet for us?
00:22:40 (whirring)
00:22:42 Girls, A, B, Cs?
00:22:46 - A, B, C, D, E!
00:22:49 - Hey, come on, dang it!
00:22:55 You done done broke the board plan, dangling concharder!
00:22:59 (whirring)
00:23:02 (bells jingling)
00:23:05 Oh, almost time to pick up the girls!
00:23:08 Better motor!
00:23:08 - That's him, boys!
00:23:12 He's in cahoots with the evil pickle cop killers,
00:23:16 cucumber crushers, vinegar violets, dill stroyers!
00:23:20 Why, it's just not culture!
00:23:22 It's-- - Let it go, Mayor.
00:23:23 Let it go.
00:23:25 Are these your babies?
00:23:26 - Why, yes, but they were just playing!
00:23:29 They're really very good little girls,
00:23:32 and I need to pick them up from school.
00:23:34 - I understand, sir, but we really would like
00:23:37 for you to come downtown with us
00:23:38 so we can ask you a few questions.
00:23:40 - You guys, my kids, I really ought to pick 'em up!
00:23:45 I can't just leave them there alone!
00:23:50 (birds chirping)
00:23:53 - He's not coming!
00:24:11 He hates us, he totally hates us!
00:24:13 (crying)
00:24:15 - No, he probably just got held up,
00:24:17 or maybe the car broke, or maybe he just forgot,
00:24:19 or maybe he hates us.
00:24:22 Come on, let's try and find our way home.
00:24:27 We're not supposed to use our powers.
00:24:33 Come on, girls.
00:24:37 (somber music)
00:24:49 - The cause, three super-powered little girls.
00:24:53 - Should the manufacturing
00:24:54 of super-powered children be illegal?
00:24:56 - A great travesty has befallen our beloved city.
00:25:00 - I was reaching down between my legs
00:25:01 to ease the seat back when this atomic bug flies in
00:25:04 with no fair warning!
00:25:05 - The devastation, devastating.
00:25:08 - Of course it should be illegal!
00:25:09 - Used to be a time when you could buy an honest pickle!
00:25:12 - And they were causing an eruption,
00:25:14 lighting up the sky!
00:25:15 - Estimated dollars in damages, a whopping 25 million.
00:25:20 - I'm offended you're looking at it!
00:25:22 - The kind that you can only find at a pickle cart!
00:25:27 - Nah, Jamie's crying.
00:25:29 - Well, it seems that the hatred is running rampant for--
00:25:33 - Those mutant bug-eyed--
00:25:35 - Pickle cart killings!
00:25:37 - Freaks, back to you, Linda.
00:25:39 - They are little freaks, aren't they?
00:25:42 With more on this subject is--
00:25:43 (men yelling)
00:25:46 - We interrupt this program for an important news flash.
00:26:06 Arrested today in connection with the Tag incident
00:26:09 was a mad scientist responsible
00:26:10 for creating the destructive girls, Professor Utonium.
00:26:13 Upon incarceration, the professor had this statement to make.
00:26:17 - Please, just let me go.
00:26:19 My girls, they need me.
00:26:21 They don't know I'm in jail.
00:26:23 What if they tried to go home themselves?
00:26:28 They can't find their way if they don't fly!
00:26:38 - Geese, they're only little girls who are probably cold,
00:26:41 scared, and maybe even lost.
00:26:46 - Well, it's official.
00:26:53 I have no idea where we are.
00:26:56 - Well, I can't say it's been the best day.
00:26:59 - But it probably couldn't get much worse.
00:27:03 (explosion booms)
00:27:05 (all screaming)
00:27:08 - Hey, it's okay.
00:27:11 Maybe there's a box we can get in around back.
00:27:13 Come on.
00:27:14 See, there's a whole bunch of boxes.
00:27:22 (dramatic music)
00:27:25 (all screaming)
00:27:30 (dramatic music)
00:27:33 - Oh, what's the matter?
00:27:43 Did somebody get washed?
00:27:45 (laughing)
00:27:48 (all laughing)
00:27:51 (explosion booms)
00:27:57 (all screaming)
00:28:00 (dramatic music)
00:28:05 - Whoa, Nick!
00:28:23 - Hey, wait!
00:28:24 Come back!
00:28:25 (dramatic music)
00:28:28 - Hey guys, over here!
00:28:40 Hi, what's your name?
00:28:42 - I'm Blossom.
00:28:43 - Buttercup.
00:28:44 - And I'm Bubbles!
00:28:46 - Go away, please.
00:28:49 Do not look at me.
00:28:51 - But we just wanted to thank you for saving us
00:28:53 from those green gangsters back there.
00:28:55 - Yeah, that was amazing with the trash can lid.
00:28:57 It was all swish, bang, splash, bam, boom!
00:29:01 - Yeah, you rock!
00:29:03 - No, please.
00:29:05 I dare not listen.
00:29:07 For I have been lashed by harsh tongues for too long.
00:29:12 Alas, my little ones, I do not rock.
00:29:16 For I, JoJo, am a monster.
00:29:21 (explosion booms)
00:29:24 - You're not a monster.
00:29:26 Monsters are evil.
00:29:27 - Yeah, and anybody who would save us like you did
00:29:28 is so not evil.
00:29:30 - You're no monster, mister.
00:29:32 You're just really dirty.
00:29:34 - Please, you're just trying to make me feel better,
00:29:38 but my pain is not for you to understand.
00:29:41 Besides, how could you?
00:29:44 For you are pure and innocent and most certainly loved.
00:29:49 How could you know what it is to be cast out
00:29:54 into a world that only offers misery?
00:29:57 How could you know what it's like for people to fear
00:30:02 and despise you for the very things that make you special?
00:30:06 Because you don't fit in.
00:30:08 Because you are a freak!
00:30:10 - Because we're freaks too.
00:30:20 - What amazing powers!
00:30:23 - No, they're terrible!
00:30:24 - I bet everyone hates them.
00:30:26 - Yeah.
00:30:27 - And they hate you too.
00:30:29 - Yes.
00:30:30 - I am in the same boat.
00:30:35 This brain is full of brilliant ideas.
00:30:39 But will anyone listen?
00:30:43 No.
00:30:44 Nothing in this gray matters.
00:30:48 So what's the point?
00:30:50 (dramatic music)
00:30:53 - Oh, Jojo, don't be sad.
00:30:58 Our dad says that sometimes people get angry
00:31:01 when they don't understand something special or unique.
00:31:04 - And if you just give people time,
00:31:06 they'll start to understand your specialness.
00:31:09 - Yeah, you just gotta believe in yourself.
00:31:12 - You mean if I take the time to construct
00:31:13 my most ingenious plan to help the town
00:31:15 to make it a better place machine,
00:31:16 then people will come to understand my specialness?
00:31:20 - Uh...
00:31:21 - Okay, I'll do it.
00:31:22 I don't need your help.
00:31:23 - What?
00:31:24 - Jump in, take this device I've built into the volcano.
00:31:27 We need to harness the energy of the Earth's core for power.
00:31:30 - What are you talking about?
00:31:31 - The plan.
00:31:32 - What plan?
00:31:33 - Our plan.
00:31:34 - To do what?
00:31:35 - To make the town better, of course.
00:31:36 - What?
00:31:37 - You know, using my ideas and your powers,
00:31:40 we will build to help the town
00:31:41 to make it a better place machine.
00:31:42 That way everyone will see that our special abilities
00:31:44 are good, and everyone will love us.
00:31:46 Remember, it was your idea.
00:31:48 - Uh, oh yeah.
00:31:51 But use our powers?
00:31:53 - Yes.
00:31:53 - No way.
00:31:54 - Come on.
00:31:55 - Nuh-uh.
00:31:57 We're never using our powers again.
00:32:00 - Oh girls, don't be sad.
00:32:03 Your powers are great.
00:32:05 You just gotta believe in yourself.
00:32:08 (dramatic music)
00:32:11 (water bubbling)
00:32:13 (dramatic music)
00:32:16 (water bubbling)
00:32:19 (dramatic music)
00:32:23 - Yes, yes, yes!
00:32:43 - We did good?
00:32:46 - You did very good.
00:32:48 Very good indeed.
00:32:50 - Now what do we do?
00:32:52 - First we construct the superstructure.
00:32:54 (dramatic music)
00:32:57 (dramatic music)
00:32:59 (dramatic music)
00:33:02 (dramatic music)
00:33:05 (dramatic music)
00:33:08 (dramatic music)
00:33:10 (dramatic music)
00:33:13 (dramatic music)
00:33:16 (dramatic music)
00:33:42 (dramatic music)
00:33:44 - Look, can't you see our plan is working?
00:34:02 Our work is proceeding as planned.
00:34:05 At last our lives will be better.
00:34:07 At last we will be accepted.
00:34:10 At last our greatest work is complete.
00:34:13 Oops.
00:34:16 - What's wrong?
00:34:16 - Well, there is one last teeny tiny
00:34:21 itsy bitsy thing we still need.
00:34:24 (dramatic music)
00:34:39 - Yes, yes, yes!
00:34:41 - We did good?
00:34:43 - You did very good.
00:34:45 Very good indeed.
00:34:48 - Now what do we do?
00:34:49 - Well, because you've done so good,
00:34:53 I've got a special surprise.
00:34:56 (upbeat music)
00:34:57 - Yay!
00:34:58 (upbeat music)
00:35:05 (upbeat music)
00:35:08 - Whoa!
00:35:09 (screaming)
00:35:13 (upbeat music)
00:35:16 (upbeat music)
00:35:18 (upbeat music)
00:35:21 (upbeat music)
00:35:31 (screaming)
00:35:44 (upbeat music)
00:35:46 (screaming)
00:35:49 (upbeat music)
00:35:51 - Worthless, lame.
00:36:16 - Stupid.
00:36:17 - Okay.
00:36:18 - Better.
00:36:19 - Almost.
00:36:20 - Awesome!
00:36:22 (laughing)
00:36:24 (dramatic music)
00:36:30 - Come girls, our work is fin...
00:36:46 Oh, I mean time to go.
00:36:48 - Aw.
00:36:50 - But JoJo.
00:36:51 - We haven't seen the gazelles.
00:36:53 - Or the crocodiles.
00:36:54 - Or the unicorns.
00:36:55 Just one unicorn.
00:36:57 (thudding)
00:36:59 (crying)
00:37:01 - Excuse me ma'am, I think you dropped this.
00:37:05 (crying)
00:37:07 - I thought the zoo kept all the animals in cages.
00:37:13 - Yeah, well you're welcome lady.
00:37:15 - Don't listen Bubbles.
00:37:17 - That's right Bubbles, do not listen.
00:37:20 All of you deafen yourselves to their heartless words.
00:37:24 They do not know that it is their saviors
00:37:27 they are speaking to.
00:37:28 They are unaware that your actions
00:37:30 will have helped change their world forever.
00:37:33 Because we have helped the town
00:37:37 and made it a better place.
00:37:39 - You think they'll be surprised?
00:37:41 - Oh yeah.
00:37:43 - You think they'll still be mad at us for playing tag?
00:37:45 - No, they'll have forgotten all about that.
00:37:49 - Will they love us?
00:37:51 - Yes.
00:37:54 - Really?
00:37:55 - Would I lie to you?
00:37:57 (dramatic music)
00:38:00 - I'm so excited.
00:38:06 - Yeah, we'll show 'em.
00:38:07 - Hey, where's...
00:38:08 (thudding)
00:38:10 - Professor!
00:38:11 - Oh girls, thank goodness you're okay.
00:38:15 I'm so sorry.
00:38:17 I'm a terrible, terrible parent.
00:38:19 You must hate me for not picking you up from school,
00:38:22 but it's not my fault.
00:38:24 It's this town, they've gone crazy.
00:38:27 It's like they've never seen kids playing before.
00:38:29 I knew your powers would take some getting used to,
00:38:32 but jail, lawsuits, angry mobs, what's next?
00:38:37 - Don't worry Professor, things are gonna get better.
00:38:40 We promise.
00:38:43 (alarm beeping)
00:38:47 (dramatic music)
00:38:49 (alarm beeping)
00:38:52 (dramatic music)
00:38:58 (alarm beeping)
00:39:13 (alarm beeping)
00:39:18 (dramatic music)
00:39:21 (alarm beeping)
00:39:24 (dramatic music)
00:39:29 (alarm beeping)
00:39:57 (laughing)
00:40:00 (dramatic music)
00:40:03 (laughing)
00:40:05 (dramatic music)
00:40:10 (laughing)
00:40:12 (laughing)
00:40:42 - Today's the day!
00:40:43 - Today's the day!
00:40:44 - Today's the day!
00:40:45 - Today's the day!
00:40:46 - What to wear?
00:40:47 - What to wear?
00:40:48 - What to wear?
00:40:49 - Ooh, that's nice.
00:40:50 (whooshing)
00:40:52 (bell ringing)
00:40:57 (dramatic music)
00:41:10 - Professor, wake up!
00:41:12 Wake up!
00:41:12 Wake--
00:41:13 - Up, wake up my brothers!
00:41:15 Wake up and seize the--
00:41:17 - Day!
00:41:18 - The day?
00:41:19 - Yeah, the day when we--
00:41:21 - Show Townsville just what our powers can really do!
00:41:25 (crowd cheering)
00:41:27 - What?
00:41:28 - We're gonna show Townsville
00:41:29 just what our powers can really do!
00:41:31 - Yeah, we did something really good.
00:41:33 - That's gonna really, really, really--
00:41:35 (screaming)
00:41:37 - Wow, we met the sky.
00:41:40 - With powers like God,
00:41:41 who was also hated by everybody.
00:41:44 - But he had this great idea.
00:41:46 (crowd cheering)
00:41:47 - To help the town.
00:41:49 (whooshing)
00:41:50 - And make it a better place.
00:41:52 (whooshing)
00:41:53 - That way the town would accept us.
00:41:55 (crowd cheering)
00:41:56 - 'Cause we did something to help.
00:41:58 (whooshing)
00:41:59 - So we used all our powers.
00:42:01 (crowd cheering)
00:42:02 - And abilities.
00:42:03 (crowd cheering)
00:42:04 - And his ideas.
00:42:05 (crowd cheering)
00:42:07 - To help everybody.
00:42:08 - City of Townsville.
00:42:09 - It's gonna be so cool.
00:42:11 - I'd like to take this moment.
00:42:13 - You're gonna be so proud.
00:42:15 - To thank the little people.
00:42:17 - Everyone's gonna love us.
00:42:19 - Who helped make this day a smashing success.
00:42:22 - We did really--
00:42:24 (crowd cheering)
00:42:27 - Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup.
00:42:34 I couldn't have done it without ya.
00:42:37 (dramatic music)
00:42:39 - It's their fault.
00:42:41 - I knew they were no good.
00:42:42 (laughing)
00:42:44 - Jojo, what happened?
00:42:46 - This isn't making the town a better place.
00:42:48 - Yes it is.
00:42:49 For me, the hobo formerly known as Jojo is no more.
00:42:53 From this day forward, I shall be known as Mojo Jojo.
00:42:58 (dramatic music)
00:43:01 (gasping)
00:43:02 For too long, apes and monkeys
00:43:04 have been under the thumb of man.
00:43:06 For the time has come to oppose that thumb
00:43:10 and take hold of what is rightfully ours.
00:43:14 The world!
00:43:15 - Professor, we didn't want this.
00:43:19 - Liar!
00:43:20 - Sibbers!
00:43:20 - You've doomed us all!
00:43:22 - Please, professor.
00:43:23 Please believe us.
00:43:26 (crowd cheering)
00:43:29 - I don't know who to believe.
00:43:33 (gasping)
00:43:35 - I thought you were good.
00:43:37 (dramatic music)
00:43:40 - Yeah!
00:43:43 Woo!
00:43:44 All right!
00:43:45 I rock!
00:43:46 I rock so hard.
00:43:48 For I, Mojo Jojo, have succeeded in my first,
00:43:52 greatest, and most brilliant plan ever.
00:43:56 And I, Mojo Jojo, shall be king of the planet of the apes!
00:44:01 (dramatic music)
00:44:04 You shall be king.
00:44:07 Pre-posterous.
00:44:08 - What?
00:44:09 How dare you?
00:44:10 - For it is I who is the one most suited to be ruler.
00:44:13 - Those are my clothes.
00:44:14 - I, Ojo Tango, shall be simian supreme.
00:44:19 - No, Ojo.
00:44:20 Mojo!
00:44:21 - As I unleash the offensive omnipotence
00:44:24 of the oppressive Orangotank.
00:44:27 Hold on.
00:44:28 - Oh no.
00:44:29 - It is I who shall get a grip of the situation.
00:44:31 - You better not.
00:44:32 - As I, Rocko Socko, seize control and rule.
00:44:37 (explosion)
00:44:37 Wait.
00:44:38 - I, Baboon Kaboom, with my Baboon Bot will be the boss!
00:44:43 - Uh oh.
00:44:44 - And if you don't like it,
00:44:46 you can sniff my Baboon Bot bombs!
00:44:50 (explosion)
00:44:52 - Oh, that's classy.
00:44:53 - Gangway, gangway!
00:44:55 - But we, the Go-Go Patrol, as brothers in arms,
00:44:57 are lead to form a chain of command
00:44:58 that will reach out and take hold of your world.
00:45:00 - I, Hotta Wotta, am boiling mad,
00:45:02 for you are all right behind the ears.
00:45:05 Therefore, I shall unleash a scalding torrent
00:45:07 to drown you all out, for I don't give a what's your mouth.
00:45:10 - I, Cha-Ching Cha-Ching, symbolize chaotic calamity.
00:45:14 (explosion)
00:45:15 - We, the Do-Da-Do-Da-Do-Do-Do's,
00:45:18 shall rain on your parade because we're the spit!
00:45:23 - Ew.
00:45:24 - My name is Hotcha Cha-Cha and here is my speech.
00:45:27 A diabolical plan with lots of appeal.
00:45:30 Spreading out bananas far and wide,
00:45:33 fixing up the folks on a slippery slide.
00:45:36 - That's pretty catchy.
00:45:37 - I, blah blah blah blah, shall create a source of chaos
00:45:41 and stir up trouble with a destructive force
00:45:43 known as the tornado.
00:45:45 - Tormato?
00:45:46 - Tormato.
00:45:47 - Woo-hoo!
00:45:50 - I, Dilla-Dilla.
00:45:51 - I, Bonsa-Benda.
00:45:52 - I, Rula-Rula.
00:45:53 - I, Cachow-Cachow.
00:45:54 - I, Wacko-Spacko.
00:45:55 - I, Pappy-Wappy.
00:45:56 - I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I.
00:46:01 - No!
00:46:02 Stop, cease, desist.
00:46:05 Do not continue with your ramblings
00:46:07 for my ramblings are the ramblings to be obeyed.
00:46:09 For I am the king, supreme leader,
00:46:10 and all around dictator, don't you see?
00:46:12 All you monkeys are my plan, so your plans are my plans
00:46:15 because you made plans and my plan was to make you.
00:46:17 I plan to rule the planet,
00:46:18 not to have my plans planned to stop me.
00:46:21 I am your creator, I am your king,
00:46:24 I am Mojo Jojo, obey me!
00:46:26 (baby crying)
00:46:37 (baby crying)
00:46:46 (baby crying)
00:46:48 (baby crying)
00:47:16 - That jerk, that big fat dumb jerk.
00:47:19 He duped us, he planned it all along and we fell for it.
00:47:23 - And now everybody hates us even more.
00:47:28 What are you doing?
00:47:36 - What does it look like I'm doing?
00:47:40 I'm building a house 'cause now we have to live here.
00:47:46 - Here?
00:47:47 - Yeah, don't you see?
00:47:49 This can be the bedroom and this is my bed.
00:47:53 That can be your bed over there.
00:47:57 - I don't wanna sleep on a rock!
00:48:01 (baby crying)
00:48:05 - Maybe if someone hadn't pushed Bubbles into the school.
00:48:11 - Oh look, she speaks.
00:48:14 - Well maybe if somebody hadn't insisted
00:48:16 on walking home from school so we could run
00:48:19 into the biggest liar in the universe.
00:48:22 - We weren't allowed to use our powers and you know it.
00:48:25 - Oh look, it's Miss Goody Goody.
00:48:28 - What was I supposed to do?
00:48:30 We weren't gonna get people to stop hating us
00:48:32 by breaking rules.
00:48:33 - Oh yeah, and using our super powers to make a
00:48:36 help the town and make it a better place machine
00:48:39 was following rules!
00:48:42 - I didn't see you putting up a fight!
00:48:44 - Well you're gonna now.
00:48:46 (yells)
00:48:48 (baby crying)
00:49:09 - I'm not fighting with you Buttercup.
00:49:12 - Oh yeah, 'cause you know I'll kick your butt.
00:49:16 - No, because I know, oh never mind.
00:49:20 I'm not fighting with you and I'm not talking to you ever!
00:49:23 - Well prepare yourself for a long silence girl
00:49:29 'cause we're gonna spend the rest of our lives here
00:49:31 thanks to you.
00:49:33 - At least I got me a bed.
00:49:36 (footsteps)
00:50:03 (crying)
00:50:05 - Blossom?
00:50:15 Buttercup?
00:50:16 Do you hear that?
00:50:19 (screaming)
00:50:22 - No.
00:50:24 - Blossom, what should we do?
00:50:26 (screaming)
00:50:30 (screaming)
00:50:33 - I bet Miss Goody Goody will say we should take
00:50:37 responsibility for our mistakes and go help everybody.
00:50:40 - It sounds like they're hurting.
00:50:43 - Who cares?
00:50:44 (screaming)
00:50:50 - What do we do?
00:50:52 - Nothing!
00:50:53 (screaming)
00:50:58 (dramatic music)
00:51:01 - Professor!
00:51:15 Professor!
00:51:17 Professor!
00:51:17 Professor!
00:51:18 Professor!
00:51:19 (explosion)
00:51:21 (screaming)
00:51:26 (screaming)
00:51:28 - Bubbles, wait!
00:51:30 (screaming)
00:51:33 - Good job Bubbles, but we really gotta save the baby!
00:51:36 (dramatic music)
00:51:39 - Holy!
00:51:39 - Hey, what about the dog?
00:51:44 - Whoa!
00:51:47 - You'll be safe now.
00:51:53 - Here you go miss.
00:51:54 - Thank you.
00:51:55 - Come on Bubbles, let's go!
00:51:58 (screaming)
00:51:59 - Save those people!
00:52:01 - Wait, this isn't my baby!
00:52:03 - Good job.
00:52:06 - Can we find the professor now please?
00:52:11 - Aw man!
00:52:14 (screaming)
00:52:19 (explosion)
00:52:22 - Now stay!
00:52:30 - Doggone it!
00:52:49 - More!
00:52:50 (screaming)
00:52:53 - Okay, you should be safe here.
00:53:01 - All of this is hopeless!
00:53:03 - I know, there's too many monkeys.
00:53:07 What can we do?
00:53:08 (screaming)
00:53:09 - Get your hands off him you dark, dirty ape!
00:53:13 (screaming)
00:53:17 (explosion)
00:53:20 (gasping)
00:53:29 - I didn't mean it!
00:53:31 It was an accident!
00:53:34 I, he wouldn't let go!
00:53:36 And the dog, that stupid dog!
00:53:39 And the monkeys!
00:53:42 (screaming)
00:53:46 - I couldn't, I, oh man!
00:53:48 - Buttercup!
00:53:49 - I, I, I!
00:53:49 - You're a genius!
00:53:51 (dramatic music)
00:53:53 - I am?
00:53:54 - She is?
00:53:55 - Yeah!
00:53:56 The one way to stop the monkeys,
00:53:58 save the town and find the professor,
00:53:59 is to use our powers to--
00:54:01 (screaming)
00:54:04 - Better yet, watch!
00:54:05 (explosion)
00:54:15 (explosion)
00:54:17 - Wow!
00:54:18 - That was a big bang!
00:54:20 (screaming)
00:54:23 - Let it out!
00:54:24 (explosion)
00:54:26 - Come on girls, let's put an end to this gorilla warfare!
00:54:37 (gunshots)
00:54:41 - Ha ha, good one Bubbles!
00:54:46 - Girl!
00:54:47 - Shut up!
00:54:48 I was afraid of this.
00:54:49 They've returned and found out
00:54:50 just what our powers can really do.
00:54:53 Come, you will make a good power proof vest!
00:54:56 (explosions)
00:55:00 (dramatic music)
00:55:03 (explosion)
00:55:05 (explosion)
00:55:07 (explosion)
00:55:10 (explosion)
00:55:12 (explosion)
00:55:14 (explosion)
00:55:17 (explosion)
00:55:21 (explosion)
00:55:29 (explosion)
00:55:37 (explosion)
00:55:42 (dramatic music)
00:55:44 (explosion)
00:55:47 (dramatic music)
00:55:49 (dramatic music)
00:55:52 (dramatic music)
00:55:55 (dramatic music)
00:55:58 (dramatic music)
00:56:21 (dramatic music)
00:56:23 - None of those stupid monkeys had Professor!
00:56:41 - When can he be?
00:56:42 - Take a good guess.
00:56:44 (dramatic music)
00:56:46 (explosion)
00:56:49 (explosion)
00:56:51 - Come on girls, we've got one last monkey
00:56:54 to get off our backs!
00:56:56 (explosion)
00:56:58 - Not so fast!
00:57:02 - Mojo Jojo!
00:57:03 - Oh, look at the way the heroes here to save their daddy.
00:57:09 - No girls, save yourselves!
00:57:11 - Sorry Professor!
00:57:13 - We can take this chump chimp down easy.
00:57:15 - Nothing he can do can stop us!
00:57:17 (gasps)
00:57:18 - That's better.
00:57:20 It's good you little freaks know when you're beaten.
00:57:24 Now if you'll excuse me, I Mojo Jojo
00:57:27 have a town to take over.
00:57:29 I have a world to rule.
00:57:30 I have to seize control of an area
00:57:32 and force its inhabitants to follow my way of thinking.
00:57:36 (dramatic music)
00:57:39 (explosion)
00:57:43 (beeping)
00:57:45 - Even if it means
00:57:48 taking extreme measures!
00:57:52 - No!
00:57:54 - You wouldn't!
00:57:55 - I would!
00:57:56 (explosion)
00:57:59 (screaming)
00:58:07 (explosion)
00:58:10 (screaming)
00:58:20 - Professor!
00:58:21 - Now I am more Mojo than before!
00:58:33 (screaming)
00:58:36 Now as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted,
00:58:55 I Mojo Jojo have succeeded in my first attempt.
00:59:01 I have succeeded in my first,
00:59:04 greatest and most brilliant plan ever.
00:59:07 And I Mojo Jojo shall be king!
00:59:12 - Oh girls, thank goodness you're okay.
00:59:29 Now let's get out of this town
00:59:30 and find a new safe place to live.
00:59:32 - It's no use professor.
00:59:33 - We already tried running away.
00:59:35 - We have to fix the problem we helped start.
00:59:37 You said to give everyone a little time
00:59:39 to understand our specialness.
00:59:41 Well now it's time for everyone to understand,
00:59:43 especially Mojo.
00:59:45 (dramatic music)
00:59:59 - Come on, Professor now and we'll go easy on you!
01:00:03 Down here!
01:00:07 - Oh my, you're actually trying to stop me?
01:00:13 That's so cute.
01:00:15 - Try nothing!
01:00:18 We will stop you.
01:00:19 - Who are you calling cute?
01:00:20 (laughing)
01:00:23 - Okay, let's play!
01:00:27 (lasers firing)
01:00:30 (dramatic music)
01:00:33 (lasers firing)
01:00:35 (screaming)
01:00:40 - Professor!
01:00:43 (screaming)
01:00:54 (explosion)
01:01:00 (explosion)
01:01:02 - Good job girls!
01:01:05 - That Mojo is no Mo!
01:01:07 (laughing)
01:01:10 (screaming)
01:01:17 (groaning)
01:01:19 (lasers firing)
01:01:25 (screaming)
01:01:27 (lasers firing)
01:01:30 - Somebody's mad!
01:01:40 Look out!
01:01:54 (screaming)
01:01:56 - Oh no, look!
01:01:57 Mojo's sunglasses came down!
01:02:00 - I have an idea, come on!
01:02:02 - Do you think he's finished?
01:02:13 - No, but you are!
01:02:15 (screaming)
01:02:22 (explosion)
01:02:24 - Fools!
01:02:27 You dare to challenge me?
01:02:30 Attempt to defeat me?
01:02:32 Try to destroy me?
01:02:35 I will save you from certain death.
01:02:40 After all I've done for you,
01:02:43 you betray me?
01:02:44 And why?
01:02:47 For them?
01:02:48 The ones who hated you?
01:02:52 Have forsaken you?
01:02:54 Can't you see?
01:02:58 None of them will ever understand you as I can.
01:03:03 For we are kindred spirits
01:03:06 whose powers spring from the same source.
01:03:09 So girls, do not make me destroy you.
01:03:12 For we are smarter, we are stronger,
01:03:19 we are invincible, we have the power,
01:03:22 we are superior to them,
01:03:26 and we shall rule!
01:03:28 All we have to do is work together.
01:03:35 Girls, join me.
01:03:39 (dramatic music)
01:03:49 (dramatic music)
01:03:52 - No!
01:03:52 - We'd never join you, and it's because we are stronger.
01:04:01 - Because we are invincible!
01:04:03 - Because we have the power.
01:04:06 - We have to protect them from you.
01:04:09 - It's you who is to be feared.
01:04:11 - 'Cause you are a monster!
01:04:13 - You are evil!
01:04:15 - And you are!
01:04:16 - And you are!
01:04:17 - It's!
01:04:20 (screaming)
01:04:22 - Curses!
01:04:24 - Girls, girls, where are you?
01:04:29 You were right, we should try and stop Mojo and I know how.
01:04:32 I whipped up an antidote to Chemical X,
01:04:33 it'll do away with his powers.
01:04:34 Girls, girls, girls!
01:04:36 - Perfecto!
01:04:38 (explosion)
01:04:43 (water bubbling)
01:04:45 - Oh girls, I'm so sorry for doubting you.
01:05:00 You are good, good, perfect little girls, and I love you.
01:05:03 - We love you too!
01:05:05 - And we're really sorry, we messed up really bad.
01:05:08 - But we're ready, Professor.
01:05:11 - Ready?
01:05:12 - To take the antidote X to get rid of our powers.
01:05:15 - If it wasn't for them, none of this would have happened.
01:05:18 - Besides, maybe everyone would like us more
01:05:21 if we were just normal little girls.
01:05:23 - No!
01:05:24 - Huh?
01:05:26 - Um, well, don't do that 'cause that was pretty cool
01:05:31 with the...
01:05:36 - Girls, I think what the mayor is trying to say is
01:05:40 we're sorry and thank you.
01:05:42 - Yes, that was super, just super!
01:05:45 - Amazing!
01:05:47 - Fantastic!
01:05:48 - Wonderful!
01:05:49 - Stupendous!
01:05:51 - You rock!
01:05:52 - Thank you.
01:05:54 (cheering)
01:05:56 - Yeah!
01:06:01 That was awesome!
01:06:04 You were all flying and running and then,
01:06:07 laser eyes, then, bam!
01:06:11 And then, and then, bam!
01:06:14 You punched that guy, remember?
01:06:16 - Yeah, that was great.
01:06:21 You know, this town stinks and I was wondering
01:06:26 if maybe sometime we could like call you
01:06:30 to save the day or whatever.
01:06:34 - Can we, Professor?
01:06:35 - Well, I don't know.
01:06:37 Hmm.
01:06:40 Okay, but only if it's before your bedtime.
01:06:42 (screaming)
01:06:45 (birds chirping)
01:06:49 (screaming)
01:07:03 (whooshing)
01:07:05 (screaming)
01:07:08 (gunshots)
01:07:16 - Sugar, spice, and everything nice.
01:07:24 These were the ingredients chosen
01:07:26 to create the perfect little girl.
01:07:28 But Professor Utonium accidentally added
01:07:32 an extra ingredient to the concoction, Chemical X.
01:07:36 Thus, Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup were born.
01:07:40 Using their ultra super powers,
01:07:42 they've dedicated their lives to fighting crime
01:07:46 and the forces of evil.
01:07:48 And so, for the very first time,
01:07:56 the day is saved thanks to the Powerpuff Girls.
01:08:01 - Powerpuff Girls!
01:08:03 Hey, that's a good name for them.
01:08:04 Powerpuff Girls, yeah!
01:08:07 I like that.
01:08:09 Wonder if they will, I'll run it by 'em.
01:08:12 Powerpuff Girls!
01:08:13 Huh?
01:08:14 (upbeat music)
01:08:18 ♪ Blossom, commands a rival leader ♪
01:08:26 ♪ Bubbles, she has a giant laughter ♪
01:08:27 ♪ Buttercup, she's the toughest fighter ♪
01:08:29 ♪ Powerpuffs, they're deadly ♪
01:08:31 ♪ Fighting crime, trying to save the world ♪
01:08:34 ♪ Here they come just in time ♪
01:08:36 ♪ The Powerpuff Girls ♪
01:08:38 ♪ Fighting crime, trying to save the world ♪
01:08:41 ♪ Here they come just in time ♪
01:08:44 ♪ The Powerpuff Girls ♪
01:08:46 ♪ Bubbles, it's the mad fuzzy love girl ♪
01:08:48 ♪ Watercup, it's the repulsive monster ♪
01:08:49 ♪ Buttercup, it's evil, war, joy, joy, joy ♪
01:08:51 ♪ Just a little at a time ♪
01:08:53 ♪ Fighting crime, trying to save the world ♪
01:08:56 ♪ Here they come just in time ♪
01:08:58 ♪ Go, go, go ♪
