Conflits, crises et coups d'Etat au premier plan du sommet de l'UA

  • 7 months ago
Les dirigeants des pays membres de l'Union africaine (UA) se retrouvent samedi à Addis Abeba pour un sommet de deux jours au moment où les coups d'Etat, les conflits et les crises politiques menacent de ternir le développement du continent.

Le Soudan est "en flammes", "la Somalie toujours soumise à la menace djihadiste", a exposé le président de la Commission de l'UA, Moussa Faki Mahamat, mentionnant également "une situation de la Corne de l'Afrique qui ne cesse de préoccuper", les "sempiternelles tensions dans l'est de la RDC", l'instabilité en Libye ou encore le "péril terroriste" au Sahel.

"La résurgence des coups d'Etat militaires, les violences pré- et post-électorales, les crises humanitaires liées à la guerre et/ou aux effets du changement climatique, sont autant de très grandes sources d'inquiétudes pour nous", a déclaré M.
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00:00 The leaders of the member countries of the African Union (UAE) meet on Saturday in Addis
00:04 Ababa for a two-day summit at a time when state coups, conflicts and political crises
00:08 threaten to deter the development of the continent.
00:10 "Sudan is on fire, Somalia still subjected to the jihadist threat," said the president
00:16 of the UAE Commission, Moussa Fakimahama, also mentioning a situation in the Horn of
00:21 Africa that is constantly worrying, the ever-increasing tensions in eastern RDC, instability in Libya
00:27 or the terrorist threat in Bossael.
00:29 "The resurgence of military coups, the violence against the post-electoral, the humanitarian
00:35 crises linked to the war and/or the effects of climate change are so many very great
00:39 sources of concern for us," said Mr. Faki on Wednesday at the opening of the Executive
00:43 Board of the UAE, which brings together the foreign affairs ministers of the member states.
00:47 "These elements seriously threaten to deter the signs of the emergence of Africa, of which
00:51 we are proud," he said.
00:53 Six of the 55 member states will be absent at the call at the summit, suspended due to
00:58 state coups, with Gabon and Niger joining the ranks of Bani-le-Mali, Guinea, Sudan
01:04 and Burkina Faso in 2023.
01:06 On the eve of the opening of the summit, the Angolan president Joao Lourenço, a mediator
01:11 of the UAE, gathered several African heads of state in Addis Ababa to discuss the situation
01:15 in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (RDC).
01:19 The Congolese president Felix Tshisekedi was particularly present.
