Jokowi Resmi Buka Pameran IIMS 2024

  • 7 months ago
Presiden Joko Widodo resmi membuka pameran otomotif Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) 2024. Presiden menegaskan bahwa kendaraan berbasis listrik merupakan masa depan bagi industri otomotif Indonesia.


00:00 President Joko Widodo officially opened the Indonesia Automotive International Motor Show or IIMS 2024.
00:06 The President affirmed that electric-based vehicles are the future for the Indonesian automotive industry.
00:12 The development of electric vehicle ecosystems continues to be maximized.
00:19 Through the IIMS 2024 Indonesia Automotive International Motor Show,
00:24 the President affirmed that electric-based vehicles are the future for the Indonesian automotive industry.
00:30 To that end, the President continues to encourage the development of electric vehicles based on environmental friendliness,
00:33 including public transportation modes based on electricity.
00:36 The government is also committed to promoting the reduction of the first rate tax or PPN for electric vehicle products.
00:44 We will support the reduction of PPN. I think this will encourage sales and,
00:56 in turn, encourage the production of electric vehicles in Indonesia.
01:04 I think the direction is there, so that we can compete with other countries.
01:10 If all the local content is already there,
01:19 I think we will see later that we can compete with other countries.
01:24 On the other hand, Indonesia itself is focusing on producing electric vehicle batteries
01:29 by adding large sources of dieminerals.
01:31 Moreover, electric-based vehicles are the future for the Indonesian automotive industry.
01:36 From Jakarta, I am Meliputan, IEDX Channel.
01:41 Indonesia's Electric Vehicle Industry
