US gridlock over Ukraine aid is 'already' having consequences on the battlefield, warns Stoltenberg

  • 7 months ago
The impasse in the US Congress over new assistance to Ukraine "has already had consequences" on the battlefield, Jens Stoltenberg has warned.
00:00 The American gridlock over Ukraine aid is already having consequences on the battlefield.
00:08 That was the warning from NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg after a two-day meeting of
00:14 the alliance's defence ministers in Brussels.
00:17 Stoltenberg hopes the US Congress will soon unblock a hard-fought bill that includes a
00:22 $60 billion military and financial support for Kyiv.
00:26 But Republican opposition in the House of Representatives remains stiff and is being
00:30 influenced by presidential hopeful Donald Trump.
00:35 The fact that the US has not been able to make a decision so far has already had consequences.
00:41 It is impacting the flow of support.
00:45 To some extent, this can be compensated by increased support from other allies.
00:51 And the European allies and Canada are stepping up, are doing more.
00:56 Stoltenberg said assistance to Ukraine would be an example of transatlantic burden sharing
01:02 rather than the US working alone.
01:04 The Secretary General also warned that Putin's victory in Ukraine could set a precedent for
01:10 a Chinese invasion of Taiwan.
01:14 If President Putin wins in Ukraine, it's also a challenge for us.
01:21 It will be a message to authoritarian leaders, not only Putin, but also to President Xi,
01:28 that when they use military force, they get what they want.
01:31 What happens in Ukraine today can happen in Taiwan tomorrow.
01:37 As part of the ongoing support for Ukraine, NATO defence ministers agreed to set up a
01:42 new joint centre in Poland.
01:45 The hub will allow Ukraine's armed forces to share lessons learned from the war and train
01:50 alongside their NATO counterparts.
01:52 (crowd chattering)
01:55 (whooshing)
