Top 10 People South Park Loves to Make Fun Of

  • 7 months ago
South Park is NOT a fan of these celebs! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the celebrities who have gotten the worst of “South Park’s” wrath.


00:00 Hello!
00:03 Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the celebrities who have
00:08 gotten the worst of South Park's wrath.
00:11 While pretty much no one is safe from Trey Parker and Matt Stone's taunting, this list
00:15 will include the people they seem to enjoy picking on the most frequently, or the most
00:20 savagely.
00:21 10.
00:30 Rob Schneider So maybe it's not Rob Schneider himself that
00:34 Trey and Matt like to rip on.
00:36 Rather, it's the formula that his movies and the trailers for those movies tend to
00:40 follow.
00:41 In Schneider's season 6 debut, the show takes multiple jabs at the actor in the form
01:00 of mock movie trailers, each one with a premise more ridiculous than the next.
01:11 That said, the real Schneider wasn't particularly bothered by his portrayal on the show, stating
01:22 it was "very funny and could have been meaner."
01:25 What else can you say but derp de derp de derp derp?
01:39 9.
01:40 Ben Affleck Like Rob Schneider, Ben Affleck isn't one
01:48 of the more frequent celebrity targets.
01:51 But the stabs they have taken at Affleck have, admittedly, been pretty acerbic.
01:55 After implying in season 5 that Affleck's face looks like a rear end, Trey and Matt
02:00 brought him back in season 7, having him fall in love with Cartman's hand puppet imitation
02:05 of Jennifer Lopez.
02:17 Judging by how ridiculously stupid they make Affleck, it's clear Matt and Trey aren't
02:22 fans of the A-list actor.
02:28 Come to think of it, they don't seem too keen on his significant other J-Lo either.
02:38 8.
02:40 The Kardashians Sorry, sisters.
02:43 You can't be that rich and that influential and not get made fun of on South Park.
02:51 Not only are the Kardashians, namely Kim, Khloe, and Kourtney, animated to look considerably
02:57 less attractive than their real-life counterparts, but the first episode featuring them on screen
03:02 sees the sisters get murdered by a deranged, phony, hating civilian.
03:06 Much to Butter's despair.
03:14 In a later episode, Kim, then the wife of rapper Kanye West, is harshly compared to
03:20 a hobbit.
03:21 Well, at least Butter still seems to be on the sister's side, or at least Kim's.
03:36 7.
03:37 Caitlyn Jenner Speaking of the Kardashians, stepmother Caitlyn
03:41 Jenner hasn't escaped her share of South Park's venom.
03:49 The season 19 premiere, Stunning and Brave, uses the former athlete as a centerpiece for
03:55 their point about politically correct culture, with Kyle facing all kinds of trouble just
03:59 for saying he didn't think Jenner was a hero.
04:13 Is this a poignant argument?
04:15 Maybe but Jenner's later appearances on the show involve less commentary about social
04:19 issues and more petty jokes about her fatal 2015 car accident.
04:24 After she becomes Garrison's running mate, Jenner is seen hitting people with her car
04:28 almost every time she's on screen.
04:32 6.
04:34 Paris Hilton The South Park creators have made their disdain
04:37 for Paris Hilton pretty clear.
04:45 The season 8 episode about Hilton shows her acting like a vapid, spoiled party girl who
04:51 takes pride in her wealth, snobbiness, and promiscuity.
04:57 When all the girls at South Park Elementary start acting just like Hilton, Wendy is the
05:01 only one who sees the famed heiress' behavior as harmful.
05:05 The episode culminates in a showdown where Hilton's true character is revealed, and
05:09 the girls decide she may not be the best role model after all.
05:13 Before actually watching the episode, Hilton said that she was flattered to have been featured
05:18 on the show, but after seeing how brutal it was, she wasn't so amused.
05:23 5.
05:25 Mel Gibson South Park's roast of Mel Gibson began in
05:43 season 8, which lampoons the controversy surrounding his film, The Passion of the Christ.
05:48 The episode shows Gibson to have a devoted following, maybe a little too devoted in Cartman's
05:53 case, who were inspired by his film.
06:03 But when Stan and Kenny are not impressed by the movie and go to Gibson's house to
06:07 ask for their money back, they find a complete whack job.
06:16 South Park's caricature of the acclaimed filmmaker is loud, cartoony, and thoroughly
06:21 degrading.
06:22 Granted, Trey and Matt would later shoot Gibson a sincere compliment in Imagination Land.
06:30 4.
06:32 Michael Jackson Season 8 sees the arrival of an eccentric father
06:36 in South Park.
06:49 In disguise and going by the pseudonym Mr. Jefferson, Michael Jackson charms Cartman
06:55 and the other kids with his love of toys, games, and other childlike things.
06:59 Eventually, though, Mr. Jefferson is revealed to be unstable, delusional, and, uh, perhaps
07:05 not the best parent.
07:14 In later seasons, after the real-life MJ had passed away, he appears as a spirit who possesses
07:20 Ike Broflovsky and eventually returns as a hologram.
07:24 Matt and Trey's opinion of the King of Pop becomes more apparent every time we see them
07:28 call out someone for being "ignorant."
07:35 3.
07:39 Kanye West When you stir up controversy as much as Kanye
07:54 West, there's no avoiding a good smackdown from South Park.
07:57 You really don't get it.
08:03 The show has rather viciously poked fun at the rapper on a few occasions, beginning in
08:08 Season 13.
08:10 Here we see him absolutely lose it over a joke about fish sticks, which he's the only
08:14 person in the world not to get.
08:26 Kanye's dramatic meltdown is pretty true to life, but Trey and Matt definitely amped
08:31 up his ego and stupidity for comedic purposes.
08:35 The rapper responded to the parody with a long, all-caps monologue online before working
08:40 a nod to the episode into his song "Gorgeous."
08:43 If that's not typical Ye behavior, then what is?
08:47 2.
08:48 Tom Cruise Oh boy, if there's any celebrity who didn't
08:52 appreciate their portrayal on South Park, it's likely Tom Cruise.
09:03 Season 9's "Trapped in the Closet" dug into the actor hard, attacking not only Cruise
09:07 himself but also his faith.
09:10 After Stan hurts his feelings, South Park's incarnation of Cruise throws a tantrum and
09:15 traps himself in the closet.
09:21 We can gather by the closing scene, in which Stan dares Cruise and the other Scientologists
09:26 to sue him, that Trey and Matt were expecting Cruise to be pissed in real life.
09:40 The character would return as the primary villain in the show's 200th episode.
09:44 Yes, safe to say Cruise and the South Park team are not the best of friends.
10:04 1.
10:05 Barbara Streisand Trey and Matt may be infamous for ripping
10:09 on famous people, but Barbara Streisand is the only star they've admitted to actually
10:15 hating.
10:16 Their beef with the famed singer goes as far back as the first season.
10:27 After Streisand proclaimed her hatred of their home state Colorado, the South Park creators
10:31 wrote her into their show, portraying her as a power-hungry villainess bent on world
10:37 domination.
10:38 By the end of the episode, she morphed into Mecha Streisand, one of the most fearsome
10:42 creatures ever to attack a tiny mountain town.
10:51 The show would go on to use Babs as the butt of multiple jokes throughout its run.
10:56 Moral of the story, don't mess with South Park.
11:13 Which South Park celebrity roast did you find the most brutal?
11:16 Share your thoughts in the comments.
11:30 Thanks for watching.
11:34 Bye!
11:35 Bye!
11:35 Bye!
11:36 Bye!
11:36 Bye!
11:37 Bye!
11:37 Bye!
11:38 Bye!