Après les attaques de Trump, l'Otan met en avant des budgets en hausse

  • 7 months ago
Le secrétaire général de l'Otan Jens Stoltenberg doit détailler mercredi la hausse des dépenses militaires des pays de l'Alliance, quelques jours après des critiques acerbes de Donald Trump sur les mauvais payeurs en Europe.
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00:00 NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg is due to detail Wednesday the increase in military
00:04 spending in the Alliance countries, a few days after critical remarks by Donald Trump
00:08 on "bad" European payers.
00:09 Long-awaited by the United States, this increase was reminded last week in a
00:15 stunning way by the former president and likely Republican candidate during the November
00:20 scrutiny.
00:21 Relating, during a campaign meeting, a conversation he had with a head of state, the former president
00:26 and candidate, one of the presidents, stood up and said, "Sir, if we don't pay and
00:31 we are attacked by Russia, will you protect us?
00:34 " "No, I will not protect you.
00:38 In fact, I will encourage them to do what they want.
00:41 You have to pay your bills more. "
00:44 Words deemed dangerous or irresponsible by several NATO leaders, including American
00:50 President Joe Biden or German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.
00:53 Beyond their voluntarily provocative dimension, these words do not take into account the efforts
00:58 of the Allies for now 10 years, let alone in Brussels.
01:01 If only 11 countries out of 31 had reached the goal of 2% of their GDP in military spending
01:06 in 2023, this figure was to be close to 20 in 2024, learned the AFP of sources close
01:12 to the Alliance.
01:13 The detailed figures must be presented by Jens Stoltenberg at a meeting of the
01:18 Defense Ministers of the Alliance in Brussels.
01:20 The money has flowed.
01:22 The annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014 has contributed to encouraging Europeans to
01:28 invest more in their defense resources.
01:29 And the threshold of 2% has become a floor in 2022 by Russia since the invasion of Ukraine
01:35 and no longer a ceiling of expenses.
01:37 Which did not prevent Donald Trump from appropriating the merit.
01:41 The latter thus affirmed that he had made the Alliance strong under his mandate, 2017
01:46 to 2021.
01:47 "When I told the 20 countries that they were not paying their fair share because they had to pay,
01:52 without which they would not benefit from American protection, the money flowed, "he said.
01:57 But now that I am no longer there to say "more you have to pay more", here it is
02:02 starting again.
02:03 If these attacks against bad payers within the Alliance do not date from yesterday, these
02:07 words encouraging Russia to attack India have shocked.
02:10 It is a change of scale, an alignment on Russia that is dangerous, "said a diplomat
02:15 from NATO.
02:16 However, these words above all show the need for Europeans, 29 out of 31 countries
02:22 within NATO, to take on their responsibility in terms of defense, "added this diplomat.
02:27 And this responsibility also goes through Ukraine, another issue of this ministerial meeting.
02:32 A meeting of the countries supporting the effort of the Ukrainian war is scheduled for Wednesday
02:36 on the eve of the ministerial meeting, in the absence of the US Secretary of Defense
02:41 Lloyd Austin, and while an American aid of more than $60 million in favor of Kiev
02:45 always blocked the congress for a Republican Trumpist elected candidate.
