Piraterie somalienne : un réveil inquiétant près de la Corne de l'Afrique

  • 7 months ago
Un navire arraisonné, emmené avec son équipage en Somalie et depuis, aucune nouvelle: l'attaque le 14 décembre du vraquier MV Ruen a réveillé le spectre de la piraterie qui a semé la terreur au large de la Corne de l'Afrique entre 2005 et 2012.
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00:00 A ship has sounded, carried away with its crew in Somalia and since, no news, the attack
00:05 on December 14 of the wrecker MV Ruan awakened the specter of piracy that has sown terror
00:09 off the corner of Africa between 2005 and 2012.
00:13 This attack led to 380,000 sailors, 700 km east of the island of Yemen on Socotra and
00:18 the first detour succeeded by Somali pirates since the tanker Harris 13 in 2017,
00:23 itself unprecedented since 2012.
00:25 It is the most extreme case of a threat that has accrued in this area of ​​the Indian Ocean
00:30 on a major commercial road, underline the experts questioned by the AFP, which however
00:35 judge a large-scale resurgence unlikely.
00:37 Since mid-December, the British Maritime Security Agency (UKMTU) has reported 6 incidents
00:43 off the Somali coast, ranging from the approach by armed men to K-47s, rocket launchers,
00:49 to shipwrecking.
00:50 The trend has started last year.
00:52 In 2023, the French Maritime Security Expertise Poll (MECA Center) had recorded 9 incidents
00:59 of piracy off the Somali coast, a novelty for several years.
01:02 The most significant acts have focused on the end of the year, almost in a
01:08 concomitant way to what happened in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden and Bab el-Mandeb,
01:13 details the AFP the captain of frigate Eric Jaslin, commander of the MECA Center.
01:17 Since mid-November, Yemeni rebels have been carrying out attacks in this area on ships
01:22 linked to Israel, as a pretext for its war against Hamas in Gaza after the 7 October attack.
01:26 Almost at the same time, we began to observe phenomena of piracy against
01:31 ships off the Puntland, says Eric Jaslin.
01:34 This Somali region at the tip of the Horn of Africa, bathed in the north by the Gulf of
01:39 Aden and to the east by the Indian Ocean, is a historical landmark of piracy.
01:42 Hunting grounds.
01:44 Several divergences of doho, typical ships of the Indian Ocean, last year alerted
01:49 some observers to the fact that groups of Somali pirates could be
01:53 re-equipping themselves with means of allowing long-range attacks at sea, emphasizes Timothy
01:57 Walker, researcher at the Institute for Security Studies (ISS).
02:01 According to the traditional piracy operandi modus, the seizure of fishing boats, motorized
02:07 boats, boatmen, being able to travel long distances allows to obtain a sea vessel,
02:12 hence operations are then launched with more manageable boats.
