Chaaruhasne I Heat 1

  • 7 months ago


00:00 His world is his son. He is the only one.
00:03 Ishant.
00:05 Ishant, my son.
00:09 He is the biggest strength in my life.
00:12 Till now.
00:13 Because I have struggled a lot to give birth to him.
00:16 In my life, that pace is a very difficult pace.
00:21 I faced a lot of trauma at that time.
00:24 Because, work stress is high.
00:26 At the same time, my son is in my womb.
00:29 He is always in pain.
00:31 After that, I had to separate my husband for 3 months.
00:35 Everyday, I used to think about him and feel sad.
00:38 Once, while going to the clinic,
00:43 the doctor told me that he is a boy.
00:46 My husband was not even there to share that moment with me.
00:50 So, I came to work and called him.
00:54 He told me that he is a boy.
01:00 I was very happy.
01:01 I was not able to celebrate that moment with him.
01:10 But still, it is a very beautiful memory for both of us.
01:14 He is the biggest gift I have received in my life.
01:22 My father is a musician.
01:24 He is a bass guitarist.
01:26 I got to know about music from him.
01:30 We used to sing at home.
01:32 We used to sing when we used to gather.
01:35 We used to play guitar and sing.
01:38 He is not only an elder daughter,
01:40 but he is a big hero to me.
01:42 There is a song called "Mudhal Kanavai".
01:47 She sang that song to me.
01:50 I sang and she said, "Look how it is."
01:52 It was a beautiful song.
01:54 My father did not know about it.
01:56 He said that he would sing.
01:57 I joined a music class to see if I had the passion.
02:01 It was a beautiful period of time when I was learning music.
02:05 But it was a situation where I could not learn it completely.
02:09 She did not have the energy to learn it.
02:14 So, I stopped it.
02:17 When I was 16 or 17 years old,
02:20 my father told me that she had a husky voice.
02:22 He put me in the Weston Vocal.
02:25 I used to sing Malay songs and English songs.
02:29 I still like Malay songs.
02:32 She used to learn well and sing well.
02:36 That is how her singing talent started.
02:41 When we go to competitions,
02:44 my father helps us in many ways.
02:46 He tells us to sing in the right key.
02:49 If we do not do this,
02:51 my father will scold us a lot.
02:52 So, no matter what competition we go to,
02:55 or where we sing,
02:57 we should come to my father and sit in front.
02:59 Charu will definitely be a good singer this time.
03:06 Many people have asked me why I came to this big stage platform.
03:12 The first and foremost reason is that I want to make my son proud.
03:16 I want to make my son proud.
03:18 [Music]
03:23 [Music]
