• last year
WATCH: Annemaree Langford discusses her art alongside art therapist Kaelene Masters ahead of the Studio A exhibition.


00:00 Hi, I'm Anne-Marie Langford. This is acrylic pour.
00:05 Yes, so I'm Kayleen and an art therapist and acrylic pouring is where you use different sorts of acrylics to create sort of an abstract looking painting.
00:15 So what you do is you're pouring these colours on however you like and then what Anne-Marie does is she lifts and it flows down and then you lift back and it starts to create a pattern of how you like.
00:28 The best thing about acrylic pours is you actually don't know what's going to happen and it's exciting.
00:35 It's like developing old photography or the negatives. You just don't know what's going to happen and then it comes out.
00:40 So you can do all sorts of acrylic pouring. You can do sea scenes, you can do mountains, you can do abstract and it just makes a beautiful effect.
00:50 You can also use a hairdryer to blow it down and you can also have straws which you nearly passed out but that was still very good.
00:58 And then you blow the paint down however you want to see it and you can create things that you don't know that was going to happen beforehand.
01:07 So they're exciting, they are fast and they are easy. That's what I like about them.
01:13 Anne-Marie, how do you feel about the work you've created, this particular piece?
01:17 Wonderful.
01:18 And what do you love most about this?
01:21 I just love the bright colours and that I can do it.
01:24 do it.