Head of UN nuclear watchdog says Iran not being 'entirely transparent' about enrichment programme

  • 7 months ago
The warning comes two days after the military displayed a series of missiles at the Islamic Republic's 45th anniversary celebrations.
00:00 The head of the United Nations nuclear watchdog warned on Tuesday that Iran is not being "entirely
00:08 transparent" regarding its atomic program.
00:13 The warning comes after the announcement by a former head of Tehran's program that the
00:17 country has "in its mands all the parts needed to make a weapon."
00:21 "If Iran wants to have a nuclear power program as they have, they can and rightly so, no problem
00:31 with that.
00:32 But they have to have a system of inspections which is commensurate with what they are doing
00:39 and they keep not giving the answers and the cooperation that they should be extending
00:45 to the agency."
00:46 Since the failure of the 2015 nuclear deal with world powers, Iran has continued to enrich
00:52 uranium.
00:53 It has accumulated enough to build several weapons, but the USA that hasn't happened
00:57 yet.
00:57 [WHOOSH]
