المدير العام للمصرف العربي للتنمية لـ CNBC عربية: خطتنا التمويلية المتوقعة للعام الحالي عند حوالي 2.5 مليار دولار

  • 7 months ago


00:00 "The bank in 2024 is the last year of the 8th five-year plan.
00:06 This plan was in line with the bank's strategy in 2030, which has four main aims.
00:16 The first is the main building, the second is the agricultural value chains,
00:24 the third is to strengthen small and medium-sized businesses,
00:30 and the fourth is to strengthen the private sector."
00:35 "What are the funds that have been allocated to the bank in the beginning of the year and in the end?"
00:42 "The bank has a wide range of funding mechanisms.
00:48 There is the affordable funding, which is for the least developed African countries.
00:54 There is the long-term development funding, the private sector funding,
01:00 the commercial funding, and the grant that is not required.
01:03 The total amount of funds allocated to the bank in 2020-2023 is 2.2 billion dollars.
01:13 This is allocated to African countries in different areas,
01:18 according to the areas that the bank is involved in.
01:24 We expect that in 2024, the bank's funding will reach 2.5 billion dollars
01:35 in the different areas that include the activities of the bank."
01:39 "What is the nature of the bank's activities in African countries,
01:43 which has seen some kind of conflicts or political instability,
01:47 because in 2023 the country was divided on this issue,
01:50 and still a number of countries are suffering?"
01:53 "This is a very important question.
01:55 But the role of the bank is to adapt to the conditions in these African countries.
02:03 For example, in the past 50 years, the African countries have seen
02:09 a situation where the system has changed in an unconstitutional way.
02:15 But the bank has continued to support African countries in the past 50 years,
02:22 and has been able to finance 800 development projects,
02:27 in partnership with many Arab and African institutions,
02:31 and also to provide what is considered to be a thousand unpaid grants
02:35 to strengthen the capabilities and artistic support
02:38 in the vital projects for African countries."
02:42 "The current situation of the interest rate,
02:45 has it motivated us to increase the interest rate?
02:50 Because we provide some of our funds with a limited interest rate.
02:54 Why were the bonds issued for 500 million euros,
02:59 and are there any intentions to issue more bonds during the current year?"
03:04 "Of course, the bank, as a development financing institution,
03:08 deals with countries according to their capabilities.
03:11 Therefore, the countries that receive the most interest,
03:14 receive a limited amount of financing,
03:16 which can last for up to 30 years,
03:18 and can last for up to 10 years.
03:20 The interest rate may be within 1% in most cases.
03:26 Therefore, these countries receive a type of facilitated financing,
03:31 which is similar to grants.
03:34 There are countries that have a higher interest rate,
03:38 so the bank tries to take into account their ability to pay,
03:44 but at the same time, without giving the interest to these countries.
03:47 Therefore, the interest rate that the bank offers is always lower than the market rate,
03:54 because the bank is not a profit-making institution,
03:56 so it does not distribute profits, nor does it seek to achieve profits,
03:59 but it seeks financial sustainability for its operations,
04:03 and at the same time, to support African countries and provide facilitated financing for them."
04:07 "For financial sustainability, are there any issuances during the current year,
04:10 and how much can the value reach?"
04:12 "The bank issued, during the past month,
04:15 bonds with the euro currency,
04:18 and there was a great response from investors,
04:23 where the bank was asking for 500 million dollars,
04:26 and the amount reached 1.5 billion dollars in the first three hours.
04:33 The bank issued 500 million dollars,
04:37 and according to the bank's financing plan,
04:40 it will be issued every year, at least once or twice a year,
04:46 during the coming years.
04:48 The bank is currently working on the 59th plan,
04:53 which will be completed in 2025-2029."
04:56 "What is the growth rate of African economies,
04:59 or at least the countries that are working on them,
05:01 during the current year, in light of global changes?"
05:04 "Of course, the growth rates in African countries,
05:09 and in the world in general,
05:11 change from month to month,
05:13 according to geopolitical and natural trends.
05:17 But according to our expectations,
05:19 and in light of the global trend to reduce the interest rates,
05:24 during 2024,
05:26 and in light of the agricultural season,
05:31 in a number of African countries,
05:33 and the arrival of some development projects,
05:35 to the production stages,
05:37 the Arab Economic Bank in Africa expects,
05:40 that the growth rate will be 4%, in the medium term.
05:43 Of course, countries will achieve a growth rate of 8%,
05:47 and countries will achieve a lower level,
05:50 but in the medium term, we expect the growth rate to be 4%.
