This is what people in Lancashire thought after experts said UK state pension could rise to 71

  • 7 months ago
The current UK state pension age is 66 - one of the highest retirement ages (the age you can claim your state pension) in Europe.

But that could be about to change, with experts suggesting the retirement age could rise to 71 by 2050.

This is what people in Lancashire had to say.


00:00 In the UK the current retirement age is around 66 to 67 years old but this is set to increase.
00:07 Experts say that soon we may be expected to retire at 71 years old, giving the UK by far the highest retirement age in Europe.
00:15 I'm here in Lancashire to see what people think about this increase.
00:19 I think it's ridiculous and I think at this point I'm never going to retire, I'm only 24 and I feel like the age goes up every couple of years.
00:28 I'll probably be still working when I'm 85 and then that'll be it.
00:32 It's a complicated one because obviously it depends on the fitness of the people involved, whether or not they've thought about it early enough.
00:45 A lot of people are working a lot longer anyway, voluntary.
00:51 Any date is always an artificial one, whether it was 60, 65, 67, 71.
01:00 I don't know what year they're planning to bring it in from.
01:04 What do other people do when they retire?
01:08 A lot of people I know haven't done very well once they've retired and left the workplace.
01:13 Some do.
01:16 I suppose it all comes down to what you expect and what you're told to do.
01:25 It's getting a bit much really, 71, because people are not as fit in the late 60s.
01:33 A lot of jobs you wouldn't be able to carry on at that age because if you worked on a building site there's no way you could carry on with that kind of physical work to the age of 71.
01:47 I just suppose it affects people in the lower earning threshold because the people that earn more have the choice to retire earlier than the ones that don't earn as much because they have to work to retirement.
01:59 I think it's a silly idea because the job I used to do, I've been retired 11 years now, but the job I used to do I would not be able to do it physically now.
02:12 There's a lot of jobs that people wouldn't be able to do physically.
02:17 If you've paid in and you've worked all your life, I think it's unfair to think that you should be able to work past, well after you've retired at 60 or 65.
02:31 I know my husband, he had a very physical job and he retired last year and he says the same.
02:39 He said he just couldn't physically do it and that's one of the reasons why I think it's a silly idea.
02:45 I think it's not good at all. I think it's a shame.
02:50 I mean it means you're going to have to live a long time to enjoy a bit of pension time.
02:58 So, I don't like it.
