Nord: trois personnes âgées tuées par une voiture, colère des habitants

  • 8 months ago
Trois personnes âgées sont décédées lundi dans un accident de la route, fauchées par une voiture à l'entrée du village de Steenbecque (Nord), alors qu'elles effectuaient une randonnée sur une route dont la dangerosité avait déjà été dénoncée par les habitants.
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00:00 Three elderly people died on Monday in a road accident,
00:03 hit by a car at the entrance of the village of Stenbeck, North,
00:07 while hiking on a road whose danger had already been denounced by the inhabitants.
00:13 A fourth person, whose life expectancy is estimated to be stable,
00:18 was heliported to the island's CHU,
00:20 to be specified by the AFP by the Deputy Mayor of Dunkirk, François-Xavier Bieuville,
00:25 confirming information from the North.
00:28 According to the initial information,
00:30 a light tourist vehicle made a jam at the exit of the village, he said.
00:35 The driver lost control of the vehicle,
00:38 which hit four people on the sidewalk while hiking.
00:43 The four victims were born in the 1950s, the Deputy Mayor said.
00:48 The driver was placed in custody.
00:51 According to his first statements,
00:53 he would have fallen asleep behind the wheel, Mr. Bieuville said.
00:57 But this is one of the hypotheses provided by the person himself.
01:02 According to him, the driver was not drunk,
01:05 elements that should be specified by the investigation of the Dunkirk Park.
01:10 Two of the victims are from Stenbeck,
01:13 and two others from the village near Morbeck,
01:15 said the Deputy Mayor,
01:17 present on site on Monday morning, just like the mayor of the locality, Carole Delaire.
01:22 "I was still in the bathtub when I told my husband,
01:25 'Plus, il y a un bouchon inhabituel avec un tas de camions plus.
01:29 Il est allé voir et m'a dit,
01:31 'Plus, il y a eu un accident plus',
01:33 "testifies Sabine Cayamaret, 52 years old,
01:35 "along this very busy road.
01:38 "There were four people on the ground on the road,
01:41 "including his neighbor, seriously injured.
01:44 "The driver was parked there with a kind of 4x4,
01:47 "the car was badly damaged in front,
01:49 "and the guy was serenely posing on the phone.
01:53 "I said, 'Plus, mais qu'est-ce qui s'est passé?'
01:55 "Plus, il m'a répondu calmement.
01:57 "Plus, je me suis endormie.
01:59 "J'ai pris la poubelle plus.
02:01 "Mais c'est pas possible, sa version ne tient pas, estime-t-elle.
02:05 "Je suis écheurée, je suis en colère,
02:07 "depuis le temps qu'on réclame un ralentisseur, poursuit-elle.
02:11 "Avant de s'interrompre et de lancer aux automobilistes,
02:14 "c'est 30 ici.
02:16 "C'est 30."
02:18 The four victims, a few meters after the speed limit sign,
02:23 were used to meeting three times a week
02:26 to walk together with sticks and were part of a club of seniors.
02:30 It became the motorway.
02:32 One of them was the president of the Retirees Association,
02:36 she organized ball games,
02:38 she organized meals, dances,
02:40 she was very lively, at 73 or 74 years old,
02:44 says Pierre Dubois, 66, who has lived in Stenbeck for 20 years.
02:49 "He walked every day, in the morning.
02:52 "At least once in two, people don't respect the 30 km/h, he says.
02:58 "Here, it became the motorway."
03:01 The accident took place in Rüder, a road in the middle of the fields,
03:04 at the exit of this village of about 1,700 inhabitants,
03:07 located in a rural area on the border with the Pas-de-Calais.
03:11 The road connects the village to that of Morbec, located 4 km away.
03:16 The alert was given at 8.49 am to the firefighters,
03:19 who arrived first on site,
03:21 to indicate to the AFP Nicolas Mougin,
03:23 spokesperson of the Departmental Fire and Rescue Service (SDIS) of the North.
03:30 Four ambulances and several road rescue vehicles were deployed,
03:34 as well as two SAMU teams, according to this same source.
03:38 No other pedestrian accompanied the group of four walkers,
03:42 said Mr Mougin.
03:44 The road, cut at the time of the judicial findings,
03:48 was reopened at the end of the morning, according to Mr Bieuville.
