Lancashire Bowel Screening nurse Louise Newton has retired
00:00 Hello I'm with Louise Newton on the right here and Catherine Corcoran.
00:04 What's been going on today? What's your role and what's been happening?
00:08 So I'm the lead SSP, the lead nurse for the Lancashire Bowel Screening Programme
00:14 and it's been my retirement day today after nearly 37 years in the NHS
00:20 and I've been the lead nurse for the Lancashire Bowel Cancer Screening Programme since 2008.
00:27 And did you set up the service with two other people?
00:31 Yes, so back in 2008 myself as the lead nurse, Dr Hendrixy, consultant and Judith Statham, the programme manager,
00:41 set up the programme from the beginning so there was no bowel cancer screening for any patients until that date in 2008.
00:50 And I believe during the time since you've helped save quite a lot of lives with this service.
00:56 Yeah we have, we've saved so many lives preventing cancer as well and it's from age 60 to 74 year olds
01:05 and we've had age extended lower down to 56 year olds, 58 year olds and 54 year olds
01:11 and in a year's time we're hoping to extend the age down even to 52 year olds and 50 year olds
01:18 but I obviously won't be there then, my deputy lead SSP is taking over my role, Cathy, as the lead.
01:25 We'll be seeing all that going through which is exciting.
01:29 So Cathy you organised this event today, this lead we do and you also taken over that role so big footsteps to follow in.
01:38 Big sheets to fill definitely, yeah, but I'm very excited about the role and I hope that I continue the excellent work
01:46 that Louise has done for all these years.
01:50 Tremendous and what about the video because there was a video shown looking back on your life with all your ex-colleagues
01:57 saying very nice things about you, that must have been very moving, who organised that and how did it feel?
02:02 Cathy organised that and it felt amazing and it was just unbelievable that all those people had so many nice things to say about me,
02:14 I didn't expect it and yeah it was very heartwarming to hear.
02:21 Excellent, thank you both, well done.
02:23 Thank you.