Plus d'un élève par classe en moyenne victime de harcèlement

  • 7 months ago
Plus d'un élève par classe est en moyenne victime de harcèlement scolaire selon les résultats d'une grande enquête nationale révélés par la ministre de l'Education nationale Nicole Belloubet, lundi.
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00:00 More than one student per class is on average a victim of school harassment
00:03 according to the results of a major national investigation
00:05 revealed by the Minister of National Education Nicole Belloubet on Monday.
00:09 The investigation, carried out in November 2023
00:12 in the wake of an inter-ministerial plan against school harassment,
00:15 has shown that 5% of students at CE2 and CM2,
00:18 6% of high school students and 4% of high school students
00:21 are considered victims of harassment,
00:23 said the new minister during her first visit to a college in Reims.
00:28 "It is a real scourge that we must absolutely regulate,"
00:31 said the minister to the press.
00:33 "A student should not come to his school with a fear in his stomach,
00:37 but on the contrary a smile on his face,"
00:39 added Mrs Belloubet,
00:41 who during her visit to Robert Schumann College
00:43 talked with the team of the Programme for the Fight Against School Harassment.
00:47 The study's conclusions reveal that a significant part of students
00:51 must be subject to increased vigilance against the risk of harassment,
00:54 i.e. 19% of students at CE2 and CM2, 6% of high school students and 5% of high school students.
01:00 This vast investigation will now be carried out every year
01:03 in the form of an annual barometer of school harassment
01:06 intended to follow the evolution of this phenomenon,
01:08 announced the new Minister of Education.
01:10 In the event of a situation at risk discovered via the questionnaire,
01:15 a new individual self-evaluation during which anonymity will be raised,
01:18 with the parents' agreement will be decided,
01:21 said the Ministry of National Education.
01:24 The government unveiled at the end of September
01:26 an inter-ministerial plan for the fight against school harassment,
01:29 promising "general mobilization" against this massive phenomenon.
01:32 Empathy lessons,
01:34 confiscation of cell phones in serious cases,
01:37 exclusion of harasser students on social networks,
01:39 the executive said it was "a priority" to fight school harassment
01:43 for the 2023 return after a series of dramas
01:46 such as the suicide of young Lindsay in Pas-de-Calais
01:48 or a teenager, Nicolas, in the Yvelines.
01:51 The figures revealed on Monday are to be considered
01:54 a previous abundant numbering relayed by the press
01:56 and political leaders
01:57 making up an average of one in ten students
01:59 concerned with school harassment.
