"Throne of Seal" is a Chinese animated series that follows the story of Long Haochen, who joins the Knights Temple and embarks on an adventure to fight demons alongside the Six Temples. The series premiered on April 28, 2022, and has gained popularity for its compelling storyline and characters.
Drama, Soul Land, Perfect World, Throne of Seal, Swallowed Star, The Degenerate-Drawing Jianghu, SoulLand, PerfectWorld, ThroneofSeal, SwallowedStar, ThedegenerateDrawingJianghu, 斗罗大陆, 吞噬星空, 完美世界, 神印王座, 画江湖之不良人, Anime, 斗罗大陆2
Drama, Soul Land, Perfect World, Throne of Seal, Swallowed Star, The Degenerate-Drawing Jianghu, SoulLand, PerfectWorld, ThroneofSeal, SwallowedStar, ThedegenerateDrawingJianghu, 斗罗大陆, 吞噬星空, 完美世界, 神印王座, 画江湖之不良人, Anime, 斗罗大陆2