Highlights of the 2024 Cobargo Show, Cobargo NSW
00:00 [crowd cheering]
00:16 Now, very special people coming in, in the horses, Richard Otten and Mag Solway, leading our procession in ladies and gentlemen.
00:28 These two people are the backbone of this area. They performed here for many, many years in the show ring.
00:39 They are our eldest statesmen, so please put your hands together for Mr Richard Otten and Mag Solway.
00:46 [crowd cheering]
00:51 A magnificent sight.
00:53 [crowd cheering]
00:58 Look at that magnificent year on that horse. Isn't that a beautiful sight?
01:04 [crowd cheering]
01:05 Now you see the modern day practice, the distance disorder animal that was our practice of yesteryear.
01:11 [crowd cheering]
01:14 [music]
01:35 Hey, thank you Kabago. Thanks kids of Kabago.
01:39 [crowd cheering]
02:02 This is Jack. Oh, he's got a winner! He's got a winner! At 26 pounds.
02:13 [crowd cheering]