He's Just A Man! -- Dr. R.A. Vernon
00:00 If you do too much and look at too much, then whoever you end up marrying won't be enough.
00:08 So you got to wrench your soul and get your mind right and get your spirit right.
00:14 So you don't take your past into your future.
00:16 Oh, what's up, everybody? Welcome back to Dr. R.A. Vernon TV, the one night stand single.
00:23 So I don't know when you're watching this, but as we speak, it's February
00:26 2024. I'm on a worldwide tour, not just nationwide. It's international.
00:31 I'm headed to the Bahamas, Freeport, Nassau. We're getting calls from Canada.
00:36 This tour may end up all across the world. There are so many people
00:39 who want to talk about the reality of being grown and alone.
00:43 I don't want to call it a challenge because some people are single and satisfied.
00:48 They love it. Divorcees, widows, people who have been through different things,
00:52 seasoned singles. Some people are single for a season. There's a whole lot going on, man.
00:57 OK, speaking of relationships, let's get right into it tonight.
01:01 Something has been on my mind. OK, when you're watching this daytime,
01:04 nighttime, you got to tell everybody, particularly me, OK, here's a subject.
01:08 You want something? He's just a man. He's just a man. I know that.
01:12 Like, what do you mean? He's just a man. Are you are you pacifying?
01:16 Are you trying to make what men do OK with their sexuality?
01:21 No, but he's a man that'll grab you. Let me explain what I mean by that.
01:25 I was thinking about this idea of the differences between men and women.
01:31 And one of the things I'm going to campaign to do, you've heard me say it.
01:34 What civil rights was to Dr. King family is to me.
01:39 So the Lord told me to be bold. And I'm telling you, there are differences.
01:44 There are real differences between men and women.
01:48 The world is trying to make us a genderless society.
01:52 Oh, it don't matter. Man, woman, we all do the same things.
01:56 There's no differences between men and women. If women like women and men like men.
02:00 Are you want to men? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
02:02 There are differences, clear differences between most men and most women.
02:09 OK, Genesis one twenty eight. Let me jump right in.
02:12 Let's give it some biblical backdrop and then let's get practical.
02:15 Genesis one twenty eight, the message version says, then God blessed them and said,
02:20 be fruitful and multiply. You know, the next place you see that
02:25 in Genesis nine, eight chapters later, God tells Noah, OK, so he tells Adam, watch this.
02:30 And he peep this be fruitful and multiply. In other words, have a lot of sex,
02:36 make a lot of babies because we try to literally put thousands of people in the world,
02:43 millions of people. They'll come out of you and Eve. So have a lot of babies, make a lot of love.
02:47 In Genesis nine, then God bless Noah. This is after right after the fall, after the flood.
02:54 We all know this from Sunday School 101. Noah and his family are the only people
03:00 on Earth who didn't get destroyed by the flood. What does God tell them in Genesis nine?
03:05 Then God bless Noah and his sons and told them be fruitful and multiply, feel the earth.
03:14 Now, why does he say that to Noah's sons? Because they have to be responsible
03:20 for making a lot of love to their wives and making a lot of babies.
03:27 If the entire earth or replenishing of the earth is going to come out of their loins.
03:33 OK, that's biblical backdrop. Let's get it. The point I'm making is God put something in men
03:39 that we have to be sexually turned on. In order to have sex. Now, this is a Bible cast is for
03:50 grownups. Let your children watch. I'm fine if you like to, but I want to talk to grown people.
03:55 So there's a difference between male sexuality and female sexuality.
04:02 OK, let's just drop something polemical right quick. Just stop me when I'm lying.
04:05 All a woman has to do to have sex is be present.
04:10 OK, somebody please stop me when I'm lying. Let me try this again.
04:15 I didn't say to enjoy it, not to enjoy it. There's a lot of different factors. We know that.
04:21 But technically, for a woman to have sex, for a woman to get pregnant, all she has to be
04:29 is present. She doesn't have to be aroused. She doesn't have to necessarily enjoy it.
04:35 She doesn't necessarily have to be attracted to who she's with.
04:39 Technically, physically, anthropologically, all a woman has to be is present.
04:45 Not so with a man. And I happen to be one of them. We have to be what? Aroused, turned on.
04:54 No sex is happening with no man in the world unless he is aroused, unless he is what? Turned on.
05:03 OK, erect. I mean, we're grown. Let's talk. So that said, I believe and I think is an
05:09 anthropological truth that God put something extra in men, that God made us a little bit
05:17 more sexual, a lot more in most cases, where we're always thinking about it because our sexual
05:24 organs are external, whereas a woman's are what? Internal. They're on the inside. A man's is on
05:31 the outside. I'm putting some anthropology in my theology for a reason. Stick with me.
05:37 Galatians 3, verse 28 says, "There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female,
05:46 for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Look at me. For you are all one in Christ Jesus.
05:52 There's neither male nor female. I've been saying something for years. It's a vernonism. I think
05:58 you'll agree with me. In Christ, there's neither male nor female. In life, there is. Come here.
06:08 In Christ, there's neither male nor female. I know that's true. Galatians 3, 28. In other words,
06:13 we're all going to heaven. Who accept him as our savior has nothing to do with what gender we are.
06:18 Most women, many women are smarter than men. I tell bros all the time, she don't need you for
06:24 your money. She needs you for your ministry. Sister girl got more degree than you. In most
06:30 cases, I think Lady Vernon is smarter than me. She's always dropping some wisdom on me that
06:35 blesses me. So I'm not stupid enough to think that men are smarter or better than women,
06:41 but we are different. And whoever doesn't agree with that, you can drop it in the comments,
06:46 argue with me. We are different and the world's trying to make us the same. This genderless
06:53 society. Let me make my point. Bunch of women. My wife sometimes trains leading ladies and first
07:00 ladies from across the country. And they're all out of the house. They're all out at the house
07:04 and they're sitting around Indian style, pajama pants on, legs crossed in front of her, just
07:09 sitting in the living room. She dropping wisdom, sitting in the chair. They all on the floor,
07:13 on the couch, shoes off, chilling down on the ground, legs open until I walk in.
07:18 I walk in briefly from a meeting or something, which is why I leave when they come. But I walk
07:26 in from a meeting or something. The whole room changes. You know why? Because a man walked in.
07:31 When I walk in, I changed the room. Same thing if a bunch of bros is hooping in the game room,
07:38 playing dominoes, shooting pool, and a girl walk in. The room going to change, particularly if
07:43 she's built up nice. Let's just go here. Like the room's going to change because we bros.
07:48 Am I making a point? Where are you going? I'm simply saying to you that it is because of those
07:54 differences that men have to be extra careful with their sexuality. This is for men, but I need
08:04 women to listen because I'm going to help you tonight with your boyfriend. I'm going to help
08:09 you. Yes, I'm going here with those of you that have dealt with some cheating from your husband.
08:14 If you think this is a justification for adultery, then you must not know me.
08:18 All right. I've made a lot of mistakes in my life, but that's not one. I don't play with other women,
08:23 but don't clap for me because I have a lot of issues like all of us watching. I'm full of sand.
08:27 I'm full of stuff. I need the grace of God. That's just an area God has graced me in. So,
08:33 I'm not teaching this out of guilt. I'm not teaching this to justify something that I've done.
08:39 I'm teaching this because the Holy Spirit told me to help some women that have been hurt by a good
08:45 man with bad flesh. Sometimes they don't need to be forgiven. Sometimes you should leave and never
08:51 come back. Okay? The Lord will speak to you on that. But by the time I'm done, one of the things
08:56 the Lord told me was, "Is anybody or one of my calls is to say stuff that may not be popular,
09:03 but I've thought through it." Most of you remember David, David 2 Samuel 11, verses 2 through 5,
09:10 and you all know the story. And I used to tell, and I'm still telling pastors, "Stop saying you
09:16 all know the story." In this new school day, when people watching YouTube, don't assume everybody
09:21 know these Bible stories, these ancient texts from antiquity that we all assume people know,
09:27 because we all knew these stories growing up in Sunday school. No. If you're watching this tonight
09:32 and you've never read the Bible, let me read this to you. 2 Samuel 11, verses 2 through 5,
09:36 the message says, "Late one afternoon, late one afternoon after his midday rest, David got up
09:41 out of his bed and was walking on the roof of the palace. As he looked out over the city,
09:45 he noticed a woman of unusual beauty." That's fine. She fine. "Taking a bath. He sent someone
09:52 to find out who she was, and he was told she is Bathsheba, the daughter of Elam, the wife of Uriah
09:57 the Hittite. Then David sent the messenger to get her, and when she came to the palace,
10:02 he slept with her. She had just completed her purification rites after having her menstrual
10:07 period. Then she returned home. Later, Bathsheba discovered she was pregnant. She sent a message
10:12 to David saying, 'I'm pregnant.'" Many of you know this from Sunday School 101,
10:17 but let's unpack it. It's like the most major sin in David's life. It's the one, right, that made
10:24 the sword never leave his house. It's the one that took him through a whole lot he shouldn't
10:30 have had to go through. Why? Because I love what Dr. Michael Eric Dyson says, "He let his loins
10:39 lead his logic." Dr. Michael Eric Dyson, one of the most cold-blooded quotes I've ever heard him
10:46 say, and you know he's a wordsmith. He said, "The brother let his loins lead his logic."
10:53 One more time. "He let his loins lead his logic." So what happens? David, who your Bible says is a
11:02 man after God's own heart. He's not some trifling cat who's trying to hurt God's heart. He's not
11:08 some cat who doesn't care about God's agenda. He's not some cat that's just trying to have a
11:14 body count, okay? How many can I hit in one day? We all know that, guys. Sometimes it's your son,
11:20 it's your cousin. Come on, let's talk straight. Brothers you grew up with, no regard for God,
11:25 no heart for God, no thinking about God. All they care about is satisfying the flesh
11:30 and the more the merrier, right? Body count, big body count. Can't even count the body count no
11:37 more. That's just real. That's not David. David is a brother who loves God. David is a good brother
11:44 who should have been at war but stayed home. Let me pause parenthetically, be sober, be
11:51 villageant the scripture says for your adversary. The devil goes about like a roaring lion seeking
11:57 who he may devour. My son, Raphael, is on the camera and he's probably so tired of this scripture.
12:04 I've been telling him since he was a baby. I say, "Ralph, remember Satan desires to sift you like
12:10 wheat, but I prayed for you," Jesus told Peter. I don't know who this is for tonight. Satan desires
12:16 to sift you like wheat. Look at me. All I'm trying to tell you is that David is a good brother
12:22 with this strong sexual nature and because he got out of purpose and wasn't concentrating
12:31 that quick, his loins led his logic. A good brother. How many people in the Bible does God
12:38 say he's a man after my own heart? David is the truth. David is a good-hearted brother
12:44 who did something stupid. Sound like some of your husbands, you sound like somebody
12:51 that you've been disappointed by. I'm not justifying. I am not justifying adultery.
12:58 Adultery is so serious. Jesus even said, "You can divorce me if I cheat on you." When Jesus said,
13:04 people talk about Jesus, Jesus said, "Except for adultery." Jesus said that, that you are not to
13:09 divorce except for adultery. So, adultery is so serious that Jesus says, "If you can't get over
13:15 it, I give you the right to divorce and get you another man." That's what Jesus said. So, I tell
13:20 brothers to be careful because Jesus gave her out. Jesus gave her one, not Paul, not me. When Jesus
13:27 gave you it out, you got it out. But I want to say something, and I want to spend the rest of my time
13:33 sort of working here. And I won't be long today, tonight, whenever you're watching. You've probably
13:37 never heard a preacher teach this. But again, like I've been saying all across the country,
13:43 stop me when I'm lying. I know it's tight, but it's right. I know it's different. I know it's
13:48 different, but it really is true. I want women to understand that men have a different sort of
13:57 proclivity than most women, because there's always this email like, "You don't know me. I'm just like
14:04 a man." Okay, well, you're the rare exception. Most men have a greater sexual appetite than most
14:13 women. Most wives don't want to have sex as much as their husbands, particularly during the sexual
14:21 ages of their life. Now, once life changes and physical stuff starts to happen, but in general,
14:26 most wives, including mine, has had to push me back at times. Like, come on. It's just what it
14:32 is, right? Okay, get to your point. Sometime adultery happens, and when it happens, women
14:41 are absolutely crushed, and they should be, particularly wives. Wives are crushed. And one
14:47 of the things I'm saying is I try to get women to understand there is absolutely no excuse. I try to
14:54 get men to understand you made a covenant. There is no excuse. But I do try to help women understand
15:02 that his sexuality, unlike yours, is often detached from his emotionality.
15:11 Yeah, stop me when I'm lying. This is what I do. His sexuality is detached from his emotionality.
15:21 Now, let's deal with this, because I may get in some trouble. Send this to your friends. Let's
15:26 talk about it. Put some stuff in the chat. Let's go here. Normally, when a woman cheat on you,
15:32 she's just about through with you, if she's your wife. If a woman cheats, what are you talking
15:40 about, Dr. Byrne? I'm talking about, oh, did they say 10,000 hours to be an expert at something?
15:46 I got my hours. Including therapists, who do you think talks to more people
15:52 than mega church pastors who love people? That's me. So I don't know if you know anybody that has
15:58 talked to as many people as I have. I don't know that even most therapists have had as many women
16:04 and couples over 25 years, pastors, athletes, parishioners, people in general, leaders,
16:16 preachers. It's what I do. And I am telling you, and my wife will tell you this too,
16:22 because she often works with me with people. A lot of time when a woman messing around,
16:26 she's done. Yeah, yeah. I look at her eyes like she's done. Unless there's some financial reason
16:34 she has to stay, she's just about ready to go. Yeah. When a woman has another man on the side,
16:40 particularly if she enjoys that man in the bed, she's about ready to go be with him.
16:45 Conversely, most men are not trying to leave their wife. Yeah, it's not. No, he don't love her.
16:54 He often doesn't even care about her. He let his loins lead his logic. And because he just had a
17:02 dumb day, he ends up losing his whole family and don't even care about the girl. Sometimes don't
17:07 even remember the girl like it was nothing. The wife is crushed and she should be because she
17:14 feels like, how could you? And she's right to feel that way. One of the things I just simply tell
17:19 women, I said, no, please know you have a right to do what the scripture says,
17:23 but he probably cares nothing about her. He probably cares nothing about it. On the other hand,
17:30 most of the time, women don't have detached adultery. When a woman is messing around,
17:38 she likes that guy, particularly if he's good to her sexually and she got her own money.
17:44 She's trying to figure out a way to get up out of there. I'm simply saying to you,
17:50 how do we deal with this sexuality in men? And I'm going here because if I'm going to do these
17:56 Bible casts, I made myself a promise. I was almost done with these in 2024 because between the tour
18:03 and my five children and now grandchildren and a wife and a church that needs me, I have no time
18:09 to waste on fillers in my schedule. So I told our team, if I'm a sit in front of this mic,
18:16 if I'm a sit in front of this camera, I'm not doing just Mary had a little lamb. You can watch
18:20 me preach on Sunday. If we're going to do this Bible cast, let's touch some relevant topics that
18:26 can really help people. So I'm simply saying to women, most women whose husband has had a one
18:34 time stupid moment, just pray about forgiveness because possibly it meant nothing to him.
18:43 I'm not justifying it. If you decide to leave him, you have a biblical right, but I am telling you,
18:50 he doesn't necessarily care anything about her. There is this stupidity in us. Hence my subject.
18:57 He's just a man. There's some things about being a man that I can't stand about us.
19:01 We are so darn turned on by sight. You can have the coldest woman in the world walking down the
19:09 street and one comes walking towards you and you're like, oh my goodness, I kind of want to
19:13 look at her even tongue talking, loving Jesus, reading the Bible. It does not take away from
19:21 the sexuality that is in us. There is this domain. There is this be fruitful and multiply element to
19:29 our sexuality that's still there. So that if we don't get turned on more than you,
19:35 then how can we perform? All you have to do to have sex is be present. We have to get turned on.
19:44 The downside of that is sometime our wife isn't the only woman that turns us on,
19:52 but she's the only one that most of us love. What women want to hear is you shouldn't be turned on
20:00 by nobody but me. I wish that was a reality. And truth be told, there's some brothers. There's not
20:07 that bad looking to you either. Right. But it's not a, I had this and I'm what time it, I'm not
20:14 doing good on time guys. The one, three of my staff ladies told me that I trust, you know,
20:19 when I do stuff, I do my homework and I've been talking to ladies over the years.
20:22 I had more than one woman tell me that I respected this. Some of you in typing the comments,
20:28 one woman told me method way more than one. I'm talking about women. I respect who speak truth to
20:32 me, who I know, honor God, who have a past, who have a past. Listen to me, not Virgin Mary's,
20:39 who have a past, but God changed their heart. And now they're madly in love with their husbands.
20:45 Can I tell you something? They told me, and it gave me such an honor, told me this. And I believe
20:49 him. You don't have to believe him. I don't look at Northern man. I don't look at Northern me. I
20:54 mean, I'm not blind, but I don't, I don't look at Northern man thinking I want to sleep with him.
20:58 None. I love my husband. I don't look at other men that way. I'm like, real. I don't look at me in
21:04 my eyes and say, no, I don't do that. I don't undress me and thinking what it, what it would
21:08 be to have this private in me or just all the crazy stuff. And it dawned on me. Oh, there's a
21:15 difference. There's a distinction. I love my husband and I don't want Northern man touching
21:19 me. I don't play with men. I don't want no other man touching me. I'm talking about women. Look
21:23 at me who have had other partners in the past. I don't know many men. I don't think I know any
21:33 who hasn't looked at some woman and thought if it wasn't wrong,
21:38 that's the difference between us. He's just a man. There is sexuality in him. It does not mean that
21:49 he does not love God. Let's go practical. Stop acting cuckoo. Every time you catch him glancing,
21:56 he don't want to marry her brothers. Use common sense like me. You just can't be dishonoring your
22:02 wife, but there's something in him. And if you hear from a pastor who loves Jesus and everybody
22:08 know my son standing right there in man, lust about my wife. I think my wife is the finest woman
22:15 in my church and I'm not lying. I'm sitting in Jesus church. I think she's the best built,
22:19 best looking. Every man should feel that way about his wife. So this is not some frustrated man
22:24 who's committed adultery, trying to justify cheating and justify. I think if I'm known for
22:30 anything, it is already Vernon loves victory. Rose Vernon. I sleep with her. I love her. I make
22:36 love to her. I've never come close to adultery. Don't clap. Don't put anything in the comments.
22:41 I don't deserve praise. I'm just telling you, I'm teaching this not out of guilt. I'm not teaching
22:48 this because I've been through adultery. I'm not teaching this because I'm in trouble with my wife.
22:53 I'm cooling the gang. And yet I feel the need to help couples who have struggled to know
22:59 that just because there's been a one-time stupidity, just maybe your marriage is worth salvaging.
23:09 Also really want to help ladies to know in most cases, he didn't love her. He just let his loins
23:18 lead his logic. Let me close by giving some advice to men. And I want to help you. I love what Job
23:26 says in Job 31 verse one. I made a covenant pack with myself, never to undress a girl with my eyes.
23:36 Please get this to your husband. Please get this to your boyfriend, to your sons. I may put it back
23:42 up Phil, a covenant solemn pack. I made a solemn pack with myself. I had, I made myself a promise
23:49 never to undress a girl with my eyes. Do you know how cold that is? And you ready?
23:56 This is your camera. He made that before Instagram.
24:03 He made that pack before Instagram. When ladies pretty much wore sheets in that culture,
24:13 what kind of pack you think you got to make?
24:18 Bruh, my sons right there. I have to guard the only thing that can mess up what I got
24:26 is this. If you keep looking at something way better than what you got,
24:34 then what you got won't be enough. Hence, I'm coming to a city near you. This is why I ain't
24:40 playing with bros. I'm telling bros, get what you need in your bed. You like a lot of junk.
24:45 Don't marry junkless. Don't laugh. Look at my son. Don't marry junkless. You're hooked up with
24:52 junkless. Talking about you like junk. Phil, don't try not to laugh because you're on the camera.
24:59 Yeah. You like slim, athletic, and beautiful. Then don't marry a full figure girl. Talking about
25:05 calling her overweight when she's not overweight at all. She's just slim, figured, and beautiful.
25:09 And somebody would love to have that. They like them slim and athletic. I don't care what you
25:14 like. Just get what you like because I don't want you committing adultery or breaking the covenant
25:22 with your eyes. So the Lord just told me part of my success is I'm not swiping left and leave my
25:32 marriage bereft. Not me. No, no, no, no. I made a solemn pact with myself never to undress a girl
25:40 with my eyes. There's a lot more than just lust now because many men, and this is another, we'll
25:46 get together next time. They're not just cheating because you're not cute. They're cheating because
25:53 you're not nice. And sometimes she's doing stuff on you because of a lack of emotionality and
26:00 caring. So there are other issues in marriage, but I'm just talking about tonight. I'm talking
26:04 about what I'm talking about. And that is the fact that sometime men will do something dumb
26:11 because they did not do what Paul said in Ephesians 5, 18. And I'll close with this.
26:18 Don't be drunk with wine because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with
26:29 the Holy Spirit. I'm done. Be filled with the Holy Spirit. You need the Holy Spirit
26:38 to guard your heart and to guard your eyes and to give you the strength not to look at certain stuff
26:47 so that you don't end up in a bed you shouldn't be in. I'm not just talking to married brothers.
26:52 I'm teaching these brothers who are single. I'm trying to make sure they don't add anybody to
26:57 their body count. Some of them are single dads. They're not Virgin Marys. We don't play games
27:02 here. They're single dads. They've had life has happened. They know what a good looking woman
27:06 feels like to be with sexually all that. We don't play games here. I'm teaching them. Watch this.
27:12 If you do too much and look at too much, then whoever you end up marrying won't be enough.
27:22 So you got to wrench your soul and get your mind right and get your spirit right
27:27 so you don't take your past into your future. Oh, but I'm not. I'm not getting away from what
27:33 I started with. He's just a man. That title was just to grab your attention. Well, he's just a
27:38 man. You hear old people say that old ladies when a man does that, the girl, he's just a man.
27:43 There's some truth to that, but that's not a justification for ever dishonoring your marriage.
27:50 But if I can help one woman, maybe this is for one woman tonight, that may be a one time stupid
27:58 thing happened because he let his loins lead his logic. In most cases, he don't love her.
28:05 In most cases, she's not getting his money. In 99% of cases, you get his life insurance.
28:13 You're the one he's leaving his home to. You're the one he would die for so you could live.
28:17 You're the one he would take out a kidney for or a lung so you could have it.
28:21 He just had a stupid night and just maybe redemption can take place.
28:27 But I'm not justifying it. Please don't type in the comments. I've said it four times. I am not
28:32 justifying ever cheating on your spouse because the Bible says not to. But I'll end where I
28:40 started. Most of the time when a man does something stupid, he still love his family.
28:47 Most of the time when a woman out here, she may be ready to go. I said most of the time
28:55 from my counsel, she messed around with some guy and she enjoyed it. If she can get out,
29:02 she may be on her way out. So I think whether you be a husband or a wife, this word tonight was for
29:07 you to guard your heart, have conversations, keep God in the middle of it. Singles, are you listening
29:13 to me? Make sure that the purer you keep your heart and keep your flesh, the better chance you'll have
29:20 of not falling into the sin of adultery. I pray. Was that all right, guys? Did y'all get
29:26 something out of that? I hope somebody got something out of this. I'm like, I'm going places.
29:30 I'm going to places unknown. And I'm not just trying to go viral. I mean that. I'm not trying
29:35 to be polemical. God know my heart. I'm just I just want to talk about what's really on my heart.
29:40 And I've been waiting on something like this. I mean, can you imagine this on a Sunday morning
29:44 with teenagers and kids and children's church? So one of the things this is doing is allowing
29:49 me a chance to to say some things from my experience. I'm not just talking biblically.
29:54 I am talking experientially again. Ten thousand hours makes you an expert. I put my hours in.
30:01 I've talked to women and most of the time and my wife will tell you this. I'm finished. I see
30:05 we're out of time. Most of the time we get in the car after talking to some couple. And you know,
30:11 we say she done with him. Yeah, she was too casual. She didn't mess somebody. She didn't
30:17 mess around. She's done. Yeah, we can talk all we want. She's done. Yeah, she messed with somebody.
30:23 She's done. Most of the time, the man still wants his wife. He just did something stupid.
30:30 Both can be prevented by guarding your spirit, guarding your heart and standing in the Word of
30:40 God being spirit for a father. Thank you for this word. But I thank you now for who you are
30:44 and bless our time together in Jesus name. We pray that this word impacted some marriage,
30:50 help somebody that was single to make good choices, both male and female in Jesus name.
30:55 We pray a man drop it. Feel. Listen, it's right there on the screen. If this is real, would you
31:00 comment and say that was tight, but it was right. If you disagree with me, just respectfully tell
31:06 me. Don't put stupid stuff in the comments. Come on. Give me a principle critique. Say, Dr. Vernon,
31:11 I disagree. OK, OK, let's talk about why you disagree. That's what these are for. Put something
31:16 in the comments. Enlighten me. All right. Educate me. Tell me where you disagree. I'm OK. What I'm
31:22 saying, I'm saying from a pure place, you respond from a pure, respectful place, because if I can
31:28 save some marriage and help single people to be better, that's my goal right now in this season.
31:32 The book is crazy. Drop the cover. Dr. R.A. Vernon, 10 Rules of Dating. The rules have changed.
31:40 The rules have changed. That's the new books. I'm out of here. I love you. Come on. If this
31:44 bless you is right there on the screen. So something and say I appreciate are there 50 people
31:50 that will say I'll sew something tonight, put it in the comments and say I'm sewing, I'm sewing,
31:54 I'm sewing. If you can sew a 50 dollar gift tonight, do that. Come on. Take that credit
31:58 card out. Be a blessing to us. Help us help people. We use this ministry. I've never,
32:03 ever, ever written a personal check from this ministry to help me ever one time. Every check
32:09 that is written has been to help people. And I'm telling you that as you so you're helping me to
32:15 help people. All right. Keep praying for me. I love you. And we'll see you next time. Take care.