Top 20 Funniest Animated TV Moments of the Century (So Far)

  • 8 months ago
We could all use a good laugh! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for some of the most rib-tickling, laugh-out-loud moments in animated kids and adult programs in the 21st century so far. There will be spoilers if you’ve never guffawed at these scenes.


00:00 Sure, everybody knows that the bird is the word!
00:02 Oh, well, a bird, bird, a bird's a word.
00:05 Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for some of the most rib-tickling,
00:09 laugh-out-loud moments in animated kids and adult programs in the 21st century so far.
00:15 There will be spoilers if you've never guffawed at these scenes.
00:18 Aw, come on!
00:19 Boo!
00:20 Boo!
00:21 Number 20, Lesson Zero Twilight, My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic.
00:26 Being the dedicated teacher's pet, Twilight Sparkle panics when she realizes she hasn't
00:31 sent a friendship lesson to her teacher, Princess Celestia, this week.
00:35 Desperate, she goes searching for a friendship problem to solve, with mixed-slash-hilarious
00:39 results in and of itself.
00:40 My letter to Princess Celestia is almost overdue, and I haven't learned anything about friendship!
00:46 With time nearly up, she decides that if she can't find a problem to fix, she'll make
00:51 one instead.
00:52 We really shouldn't be laughing at someone's mental breakdown, but her unhinged facial
00:55 expressions, the dramatically crazed tone of her voice, and just watching a normally
00:59 sensible pony lose her marbles are too funny to ignore.
01:02 Thankfully, this story has a happy ending, but it shows it doesn't take much to break
01:10 someone.
01:11 Number 19, A Not-So-Friendly Game, Adventure Time.
01:15 Even after they've tangled with the likes of Lich or the Ice King, Finn and Jake must
01:20 now face their most formidable foe yet, tabletop gaming.
01:24 Jake ropes Finn into playing his favorite game, Card Wars.
01:27 The story doesn't sound exciting except for one terrifying fact, Jake is insane, and
01:32 insanely competitive.
01:33 He is hell-bent on defeating Finn, and he's losing his marbles over a pig.
01:43 To be fair, Finn did diss his cornfield, so he had it coming.
01:47 Jake's growing frustration is both hilarious and honestly relatable to anyone who's played
01:52 a tabletop game with that one super competitive player.
01:54 But in the end, the two pals get to laugh it off almost as much as we do.
02:02 Number 18, Scrooge's Funeral, DuckTales.
02:06 Supposedly, Scrooge McDuck has tragically passed away due to "gold fever".
02:11 Several of Scrooge's family and acquaintances attend the funeral with solemn faces, and
02:15 then a glom gold enters.
02:17 *Glom Gold's "Win Win Win" plays*
02:23 Dressed in bling and white, the short-tempered schemer dances triumphantly, celebrating his
02:27 nemesis' demise.
02:29 He even tries to dance on his casket.
02:31 It's inappropriate, it's tasteless, it's too funny to put into words.
02:35 Glom gold completely ignoring all the glares, and all I do is win playing during his entrance
02:42 is just icing on this comedy cake.
02:45 Of course, the funeral is just a setup to expose Glom Gold's latest scheme, but we're
02:48 still left snickering at his obscene display.
02:50 Number 17, Evil Beware, We Have Waffles, Teen Titans.
02:55 Undeniably, one of the most beloved elements of the original Teen Titans cartoon is how
02:59 it successfully balanced the serious moments with an equal amount of comedy.
03:03 One of our favorite jokes occurs when Cyborg starts upgrading the tower.
03:07 He shows off a futuristic toaster, and Raven mutters arguably the greatest line in all
03:12 of history.
03:13 Even if the quote is brief, Raven's natural snarky tone makes it all the funnier.
03:18 A joke doesn't always have to be over the top or absurd to stand out.
03:22 Sometimes, good old-fashioned sarcasm is all you need to get a laugh.
03:26 Of course, meme culture doesn't hurt either.
03:28 Number 16, Gumball Catches Banana Joe, The Amazing World of Gumball.
03:36 Even as a cartoon network show, The Amazing World of Gumball has been unafraid to let
03:40 slip a few jokes that kids might not get, but adults will laugh out loud too.
03:44 One of these innuendos occurs when Gumball is racing through Banana Joe's house.
03:49 He walks in on Banana Joe sitting at his computer, watching someone peeling an orange.
03:53 With Joe being a fruit himself, this goes in several different hysterical directions,
04:01 and Gumball's following reaction is honestly appropriate.
04:04 We're not here to judge, especially with how funny the outcome is, but he could have
04:08 at least kept his door locked if he needed the private time.
04:11 Number 15, Stan's Joke, Gravity Falls.
04:18 How many times has this happened to you?
04:20 You're trying to propose to your girlfriend in the middle of the lake when suddenly some
04:23 old guy interrupts you to tell a really inappropriate joke, ruining the romantic moment.
04:29 Well, that's exactly what happens in the second episode of Gravity Falls.
04:33 Grunkle Stan gets lonely during his fishing trip, so he tries to make friends with a pair
04:37 of lovers with a joke.
04:38 Unfortunately, the two don't find Stan's sense of humor amusing.
04:42 We, on the other hand, can't stop laughing.
04:47 Both of the joke itself and the joke itself are just a joke.
04:50 It's a joke that's not funny, and it's a joke that's not funny.
04:54 Terrible.
04:55 We, on the other hand, can't stop laughing.
04:57 Both of the joke itself and how horribly awkward the scene becomes thanks to Stan's failed
05:01 comedy attempt.
05:02 Number 14, Unmasking Batman, Harley Quinn.
05:06 This welcomed reimagining of the classic DC villains has given us too much to choose from.
05:11 We could have taken anything from the Vili Awards episode, from Joker's scathing opening
05:15 number to Catwoman's savage acceptance speech.
05:17 You finally realize you haven't let a single black villain win, no matter how much we deserve
05:22 it.
05:23 Black men has been out here for years as a marquee villain, and you don't see him
05:27 getting an award.
05:28 He's black.
05:29 But we're going with Scarecrow's overzealous unmasking of Batman and the Joker's disarming
05:33 reaction.
05:34 Joker and Scarecrow celebrate the Clown Prince's birthday with the Caped Crusader finally in
05:38 their clutches.
05:39 But when Scarecrow prematurely reveals Bruce Wayne, the Joker only laments that the mystery
05:44 has been ruined.
05:45 Half the fun of our relationship was the mystery.
05:48 His ranting about the nature of their relationship is a bit meta, since the fun of Joker in Batman's
05:53 rivalry has always been in the chase.
05:55 It's hilariously accurate.
05:56 We also didn't expect Joker's biggest qualm with Bruce to be about electric cars.
06:00 Let's face it, we all have our peculiar kinks, so it's not our place to judge.
06:15 But when it comes to Andrew from Big Mouth, we have to raise our eyebrows in this case.
06:19 Knock knock, who's there?
06:20 It's the hormone monster.
06:22 No, no, no, no, no, you gotta be kidding me.
06:24 With a little encouragement from his hormone monster, Andrew blows off some steam to a
06:30 cat-shaped clock.
06:31 Oh, and he does this mere inches away from his friend while he's sleeping.
06:34 Nick's grandmother gave him that clock.
06:36 She knew what she was doing.
06:37 The whole scene is bizarre and disturbing, but that only adds to the humor of the whole
06:41 thing.
06:42 Sleep in it, pig.
06:43 In the end, the monster leaves Andrew to sleep in his mess, and we're left giggling
06:47 uncomfortably, remembering our own awkward days of puberty.
06:50 Even as one of the more mature chapters in the Scooby-Doo franchise, Mystery Incorporated
06:59 could dish out plenty of comedy gems.
07:01 For example, in the series premiere, the gang has just unmasked the slime mutant, and it's
07:06 revealed to be their science teacher, Professor Ruffalo.
07:08 Then dude, who is it?
07:15 Daphne asks why he'd need to rob a bank when he already makes a teacher's salary,
07:19 and, well, there's your answer.
07:21 He didn't even have to explain his reasoning.
07:32 They just understood right away, adding an extra sense of relatability to the joke.
07:36 Even though his approach was wrong, we can sympathize with Ruffalo's reasoning with
07:39 how little respect teachers get.
07:45 Kids say the darndest things.
07:47 For example, the Powerpuff Girls are introducing their new neighbor to the professor.
07:50 They tell Robin about how the professor created them in a lab accident.
08:00 The professor just smiles and shrugs it off, and Robin's response?
08:04 On the one hand, it's sad for a child to say such a thing.
08:10 On the other hand, the line came so suddenly that we can't help but snicker.
08:14 The professor's stunned expression sells the punchline even more.
08:17 To be honest, we're more worried about the parents who have to explain the joke to their kids.
08:21 That's going to get awkward really fast.
08:24 We all remember how stressful learning to drive was.
08:30 Sadly, now it's Tina's turn to feel our pain.
08:34 Bob lets his eldest daughter drive his car in an empty parking lot with only one other car around.
08:42 Unfortunately, Tina's nervousness gets the better of her,
08:45 Bob's own nervousness being no help at all.
08:47 They end up colliding into the back of the other car.
08:49 Thankfully, the other car isn't too damaged,
08:56 but Tina still insists they leave a note.
08:58 Bless her heart.
08:59 Honestly, getting nervous behind the wheel is relatable,
09:02 but the way the whole thing escalated with Tina not even stepping on the gas once
09:06 is enough to get a chuckle out of anyone.
09:08 Number 9.
09:09 Mr. Turner Shattered Dreams - The Fairly Oddparents
09:12 Before the infamous seasonal rot,
09:14 The Fairly Oddparents was well-beloved for its amusing running gags and savage comebacks,
09:19 especially at Timmy's expense.
09:20 But arguably, one of their most brutal jokes occurs when Timmy is helping his dad clean out the attic.
09:28 Timmy accidentally shatters his dad's tiny box of dreams.
09:33 Mr. Turner assures him that his dreams were shattered years ago.
09:36 When Timmy asks how many years ago,
09:38 Ouch!
09:39 Mr. Turner was never going to win a Parent of the Year award,
09:47 but the fact that he shamelessly roasted his son like that is sad for Timmy,
09:51 but chuckle-worthy for us.
09:52 He didn't even have to try and think of an answer.
09:55 Number 8.
09:56 Doofenshmirtz Burns Himself - Phineas and Ferb
09:59 Honestly, Doofenshmirtz has enough funny moments to make a list all his own,
10:03 but if we have to choose one,
10:04 let's look back at the time that he and Perry the Platypus battled it out,
10:08 giant robot style.
10:09 Perry pilots a Queen Elizabeth robot,
10:16 while Doofenshmirtz gets a fire-breathing dragon.
10:19 Unsurprisingly, Perry is running circles around the bad doctor,
10:22 so Doofenshmirtz pulls out his secret weapon and gets literally burnt.
10:26 Honestly, it's a fire-breathing dragon that's piloted in the mouth.
10:29 What did he expect would happen?
10:31 But mine breathes fire!
10:40 That was a stupid design.
10:42 Once again, Doofenshmirtz's incompetence shines through with hilarious results,
10:46 and the day is saved by Perry the Platypus.
10:48 Not that he had to do much.
10:49 Number 7.
10:51 Voltron Gets Served - Robot Chicken
10:54 In the first season of Robot Chicken,
10:56 the heroes of Voltron find themselves face-to-face with a sinister alien monster.
11:00 But what would have been a brawl to the death,
11:02 turns into a breakdancing contest between the two titanic combatants.
11:05 They're neck and neck until the final act where Voltron goes down
11:13 in an embarrassing display and just kills the alien out of spite.
11:16 Series co-creator Seth Green cites this as one of his favorite sketches,
11:20 and it's not hard to see why.
11:22 Along with hilariously blending Voltron with "You Got Served" into a brilliant parody,
11:26 we can't help but chuckle at the so-called "defender of the universe" being such a poor sport.
11:30 Number 6.
11:42 That's Rough Buddy - Avatar The Last Airbender
11:45 Yes, even an emotional, adventurous show like Avatar The Last Airbender
11:49 knows how to give us a good laugh.
11:50 [Sokka's Cactus Juice Joke]
11:57 But we still chuckle at Sokka's cactus juice trip.
12:00 The moment that really tickles our ribs is this little gem between him and Zuko.
12:04 They're discussing their respective rocky love lives,
12:06 when Sokka brings up the incident with his first love, Yue.
12:10 Zuko's only response is, "That's rough, buddy."
12:13 While Sokka and Yue's story is tragic, Zuko's reaction is understandable.
12:17 How do you respond to someone telling you their girlfriend turned into the moon?
12:20 It's awkward, it's uncomfortable,
12:22 but we can't help but snicker at this little bonding session.
12:25 Number 5.
12:26 One Crazy Chocoholic - SpongeBob SquarePants
12:30 In yet another underwater adventure,
12:32 SpongeBob and Patrick try to be door-to-door chocolate salesmen.
12:35 Unfortunately, their first customer is a raving lunatic who howls "chocolate" at the top of his
12:40 voice and even chases our dynamic duo down the street.
12:43 -Chocolate! Chocolate! Chocolate! Chocolate!
12:50 For the rest of the episode, the maniac shrieks and pursues the two,
12:54 scaring them out of their wits.
12:55 When he finally catches up to them, the punchline is hilariously satisfying.
12:59 Honestly, it was hard to pick just one gut-busting moment from this Nickelodeon smash hit.
13:04 Still, the hysterical build-up and even funnier payoff
13:07 make this iconic moment an uproarious cut above the rest.
13:11 -Now that I've got you right where I want you, I'd like to buy all your chocolate.
13:16 Number 4.
13:17 Peter's Anthem - Family Guy
13:19 -Oh my God, this is "Surf and Bird" by the Trashmen. This is my favorite song of all time!
13:24 Do you have a song that you love so much, you can't get out of your head no matter what?
13:28 For Peter Griffin, that song is definitely "Surf and Bird" by the Trashmen.
13:32 -Everybody knows that the bird is the word!
13:34 Oh, well, a bird, bird, bird, the bird is the word.
13:37 Hey, guy behind the counter, the bird is the word.
13:39 The minute he reconnects with his favorite song, he plays it ad nauseam,
13:43 sings and dances to it, and goes to extreme lengths to show his love for it
13:47 throughout the rest of the episode.
13:48 -Oh, well, a bird, bird, bird, the bird is the word. Oh, well, a bird, bird, bird, the bird is the word.
13:53 Yes, the repetition of the song might get old fast,
13:56 but seeing Peter enjoy it way too much coupled with everyone else's clear annoyance with the tune
14:01 makes it all the more entertaining.
14:02 -A bird, bird, bird, bird, the bird is the word. A bird, bird, bird, bird, the bird is the word.
14:07 Sadly for the rest of the Griffins, the song still makes comebacks even after its initial episode.
14:11 -Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word.
14:17 Number 3, "Pickle Rick" - Rick and Morty.
14:20 -Come on, flip the pickle, Morty. You're not gonna regret it. The payoff is huge.
14:24 I turned myself into a pickle, Morty! Boom!
14:28 This one moment from Rick and Morty exploded into a meme that shook the whole internet.
14:32 Right up there with the schezuan sauce or "Get Schwifty."
14:34 -You gotta get schwifty in here. It's time to get schwifty.
14:40 To set the scene, Rick tells Morty to come into the garage,
14:43 only to find that Rick has turned himself into a pickle,
14:45 just to get out of going to family counseling.
14:47 -Rick, did you do this on purpose to get out of family counseling?
14:50 -Morty!
14:51 -It's okay, Beth. I understand Morty's suspicion. I've misled him before.
14:55 Morty, turn me so we're making eye contact.
14:57 The absurdity of this ordeal is amusing enough, but the way Rick's scheme backfires
15:01 and turns into a struggle to survive makes it even more hysterical.
15:05 Rick could have avoided this trouble if he didn't try to weasel out of counseling,
15:08 but then the world would have been denied this outrageous meme.
15:11 So some good came out of it.
15:12 -Can you move? Can you fly?
15:13 -Wouldn't be much of a pickle if I could.
15:15 -Alright, well, do pickles live forever, or...
15:18 -Morty, stop digging for hidden layers and just be impressed. I'm a pickle.
15:22 Number 2. Cartman's Special Chili - South Park
15:26 Sometimes, a joke is so absurd, yet so morbid, you can't help but laugh.
15:31 South Park demonstrates this in one of its most infamous scenes.
15:34 Cartman has been butting heads with 9th grader Scott Tenorman,
15:36 and it comes to a head at a chili cook-off.
15:39 -Yes, I'm afraid this isn't your chili, Scott. I switched it with Chef's.
15:42 Scott plans to prank Cartman with hairy chili,
15:44 while Cartman tricks Scott into eating chili made out of his parents.
15:48 -Do you like it? Do you like it, Scott? I call it Mr. and Mrs. Tenorman Chili.
15:53 Yes, you heard that right. Cartman took the time to have some punk's parents murdered,
15:57 and then feed their remains to him.
15:59 -Oh my God!
16:01 He even sadistically starts licking poor Scott's tears. It's all kinds of twisted,
16:05 but we'd be lying if we said we didn't shuckle a little over how insane the whole thing plays out.
16:09 -Oh, let me taste your tears, Scott. Mmm, your tears are so yummy and sweet.
16:14 Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get
16:17 notified about our latest videos. You have the option to be notified for occasional videos or
16:22 all of them. If you're on your phone, make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications.
16:28 1. Homer's Horrific Vision - The Simpsons
16:33 It's been said that some of The Simpsons' best material came from the 90s,
16:37 but even 21st Century Simpsons isn't without its gems. One such classic occurs when Homer
16:41 meets up with Flanders while skiing, in Flanders' suit. Let's just say it fits too well.
16:47 -That suit's a little revealing, isn't it?
16:49 -Well, it allows for maximum mobility. Feels like I'm wearing nothing at all.
16:54 Homer is traumatized and ends up flying down the slope, but when he tries to remember how to ski,
16:59 he only has Flanders on his brain. -Feels like I'm wearing nothing at all.
17:03 Nothing at all. Nothing at all. -Ugh! Stupid, sexy Flanders!
17:09 Considering Homer's infamous feud with his cheerful neighbor, this is hilariously ironic
17:13 and painful, and the additional pain Homer faces going down the hill is just icing on top. Even in
17:18 the newer century, the iconic cartoon family still knows how to tickle our funny bones.
17:23 -Jingle! -He he he.
17:26 Are there any rib-tickling cartoon moments you think we missed? Let us know in the comments.
17:30 -I turned myself into a pickle!
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