10 Secrets You Still Haven’t Found In Fallout Games

  • 7 months ago
Totally rad discoveries.


00:00 The Fallout series keeps telling us that "war never changes", but that sense of repetition
00:05 certainly doesn't seem to ring true when we're fighting our way across the franchise's
00:09 wastelands.
00:10 These games offer a different experience every time you start over, with new secrets, easter
00:14 eggs and hidden quests on each playthrough.
00:17 Even if you've explored a radiated Boston to death, the previous games are worth revisiting,
00:22 as there are plenty of secrets that slipped under your radar the first time around.
00:25 I'm Jess from WhatCulture, and here are 10 secrets you still haven't found in the Fallout
00:30 games.
00:31 10.
00:32 The Mysterious Stranger File - Fallout 4 This is a wonderful easter egg that ties Fallout
00:37 4 to almost every single entry that came before it, albeit in a pretty small way.
00:42 The Mysterious Stranger, a trench coat-garbed enigma straight out of film noir, has been
00:46 showing up in these games since the original, helping the player out in tight spots if they
00:50 happen to be equipped with a specific perk.
00:53 There are few people in the wastelands of post-apocalyptic America who know the first
00:57 thing about the character's identity, but one who does is Fallout 4 companion Nick Valentine.
01:03 And with a little detective work, you can find out more about him too.
01:06 Valentine's case file on the Mysterious Stranger is located under the bed in his office at
01:11 Diamond City.
01:12 It's a great read, documenting the arcane gunslinger's appearances all the way back
01:17 to the first Fallout game.
01:19 9.
01:20 The Cheers Bar - Fallout 4 Perhaps you did stumble upon this decaying
01:23 shell of a drinking hole while wandering the Commonwealth, but there's more to it than
01:27 meets the eye.
01:29 Near Boston Common and Swan's Pond, there's a set of stairs which lead to a basement bar
01:33 called Probst, which translates from German as "Cheers".
01:36 Yep, that means exactly what you think it does, this is indeed a recreation of the bar
01:41 from the iconic US sitcom Cheers, and all the main characters are present.
01:45 Norman Cliff are propped up on their usual stools, and Frasier Crane is sat near the entrance,
01:51 but they've long since forgotten your name, having withered away to dried-up old skeletons.
01:55 Okay, so it's a little depressing seeing the corpses of the Cheers cast, but even Boston's
02:00 favorite bar isn't immune to the effects of the apocalypse.
02:02 8.
02:03 Sniper Shack - Fallout 3 There's something of a housing crisis in
02:06 Fallout 3's capital wasteland.
02:08 Decent accommodation is super hard to come by, unless you're happy about murdering an
02:13 entire town of people who are nothing but nice to you just so you could get a great
02:16 penthouse.
02:17 But there is one prime piece of real estate you can secure without murdering scores of
02:21 innocent people.
02:22 Hidden away up in the mountains above Rocco's Last Gas is a quaint little shack made from
02:27 haphazardly arranged sheets of corrugated iron.
02:30 It may not look like much from the outside, but its interiors make this a property that's
02:34 worth tracking down.
02:36 Inside there's loot aplenty, including the Victory Rifle, and even a workbench for your
02:41 equipment modding needs.
02:42 The only downside to the Sniper Shack is that it's located in a rough neighborhood.
02:46 Expect to be greeted by regulators or Talon Company mercs every time you step out your
02:51 front door.
02:52 But hey, at least it gives you some easy XP.
02:54 7.
02:55 Alien Crash Site - Fallout 3 One of the coolest things that off-the-beaten-track
02:59 wandering has ever thrown up in Fallout 3, the alien spacecraft wreckage can be found
03:04 by heading to the MDPL-13 power station and following the power lines to the south.
03:09 Players won't need another reason to go tracking this one down since it's a freaking UFO, but
03:14 just in case you do, there's also a really powerful weapon there and a bunch of rare
03:19 ammo.
03:20 The crash site is where you can obtain an alien blaster, as well as 120 alien power
03:24 cells, which are hard to come by around the capital wasteland.
03:27 6.
03:28 AR-14 Prototype Laser - Fallout New Vegas One of Fallout New Vegas' must-have weapons
03:34 is also one of its best-kept secrets, hidden in the maze-like depths of Vault 22.
03:39 The AR-14 is an energy weapon and a successor to the AR-9 and AR-12.
03:45 It's more powerful than either of those and fires snazzy green lasers instead of red.
03:50 The only drawback is that it's a prototype, which means the gun breaks after 42 reloads.
03:56 Still it's worth seeking out, and you can find Vault 22 by heading to the southwest
04:00 of the Griffin Wares Sacked Caravan, east of Jacobstown and west from the Thorn.
04:04 The entrance to the vault can then be found at the bottom of the cliff.
04:08 5.
04:09 Somewhere I Wander - Fallout New Vegas This side quest from Fallout New Vegas often
04:13 goes unnoticed by first-time players as it isn't one you naturally stumble upon.
04:18 It's tucked away between Camp Nelson and Teachatty Cup Mine, accessible via a small
04:23 road.
04:24 Taking this unmarked path will lead you to Private Reynolds, who informs you that NCR
04:28 soldiers have been taken hostage by a Caesar's Legion garrison.
04:32 Accept the quest and you'll be plunged into an epic subterranean rescue mission.
04:36 If you hold influence with the Legion, you can lag your way inside and eventually negotiate
04:41 with Alexis over the prisoner's release.
04:43 Alternatively, if the Legion hates your guts, then the all-guns-blazing approach is even
04:48 more satisfying.
04:49 Anywhere I Wander is a quest worth embarking on.
04:52 Post-completion you'll receive the usual injection of XP, along with the location for
04:56 Camp Forlorn Hope and NCR fame.
04:59 4.
05:00 Infinite Bottlecaps Trick - Fallout There's an argument to be made, and an argument
05:04 I would personally make and have made, that RPGs these days are getting a lot easier,
05:09 especially Bethesda RPGs.
05:11 Head back to the first Fallout if you don't believe me.
05:13 Its isometric wasteland is more unforgiving than the 3D worlds which followed, so you
05:18 might want to call on this trick to level the playing field, should you choose to venture
05:22 back there for some nostalgic kicks.
05:24 Every Fallout game ever made seems to have the odd glitch here and there, and this was
05:28 one that you could exploit to secure infinite bottlecaps.
05:31 In Junk Town you'll encounter Killian Darkwater.
05:34 He's the settlement's mayor and the owner of its general store, but he's also your
05:38 mine for an endless pool of cash.
05:41 Steal from Killian and take his bottlecaps.
05:43 Once you've carried out this amoral act, save the game and load it back up again.
05:47 All of Killian's inventory should be replenished, so you're free to go ahead and steal from
05:52 him all over again.
05:53 3.
05:54 The Literal Easter Egg - Fallout 2 The Fallout series is packed to the rafters
05:58 with Easter eggs, from movie references to historical artifacts, but none are more literal
06:03 than this one from Fallout 2.
06:05 In New Reno Westside, you'll come across a gun emporium called New Reno Arms.
06:10 Head to the basement and you'll discover an array of tools, ammo and even a howitzer,
06:14 but that's not what you came in here for.
06:16 On the far right of the screen is a pot covered by a mattress, and the hand icon will appear
06:21 when you hover the cursor over it.
06:23 Inside the pot is an Easter egg.
06:25 Literally, it's a chicken's egg decorated with colorful paint patterns.
06:29 Word has it that Fallout 2's development team originally intended for a companion character
06:33 called "The Chicken" to hatch from the egg, but for whatever reason this plan was shelved,
06:38 and the item is purely for novelty value.
06:40 Nevertheless, I think we can all agree you cannot claim to have found every single Fallout
06:44 Easter egg if you haven't found the real one.
06:46 2.
06:47 X-01 Power Armor - Fallout 4 Fast forward back to the current generation
06:51 and no Fallout 4 player should be without the X-01 Power Armor, but many fail to discover
06:57 it in their Maiden playthrough.
06:59 The game's most powerful armor is easily missed since it doesn't have a landmark on the map,
07:03 but traveling east of Goodneighbor will put you right in the vicinity.
07:07 Head to the custom house tower and go southwest until you find the building 35 Court.
07:12 Once you're at the top of the building, two high-level robot baddies will attack.
07:16 You might want to save your game before this point because they're tough as hell, and they're
07:20 the last thing standing between you and the X-01 Power Armor.
07:24 Once you've turned these foes into scrap metal, hit the button inside the alcoves the robots
07:28 emerge from and your shiny new suit will present itself.
07:31 1.
07:32 Isabella Proud's Camp - Fallout 3 The Fallout universe is filled with hidden
07:36 side stories, some told through quests, some books, some terminals, some holotapes, and
07:42 this one in particular is deeply tragic.
07:44 Isabella Proud's Camp is particularly well-hidden, requiring players to carefully navigate around
07:50 a number of obstacles in Tacoma Park to gain access to its factory.
07:54 The camp itself is located behind this building.
07:56 The camp is populated by two dead scientists in yellow radiation suits and a bunch of feral
08:01 ghouls, including a named one known as Samuel.
08:04 One of the corpses is that of Isabella Proud, and her sad tale spins out in a nearby research
08:09 terminal.
08:10 Isabella was a researcher interested in exploring and studying feral ghouls, and her husband
08:15 Jason was uneasy about her work.
08:17 Understandably.
08:18 After discovering that ghouls are drawn to radiation, she covered both of their suits
08:22 with a radioactive resin to attract them.
08:25 Their ultimate fate is ambiguous, but the corpses they left behind suggest it wasn't
08:30 nice.
08:31 It's unclear whether the radioactive resin killed them, or the ghouls Isabella was hoping
08:35 to study were her downfall.
08:36 That's the end of our list, but do let me know down in the comments if you can think
08:40 of any other secrets you've found in the Fallout franchise you reckon most people missed
08:44 out on.
08:45 As always, I've been Jess from WhatCulture, thank you so much for hanging out with me.
08:49 If you like you can come say hi to me on my Twitter account, where I'm @JessMcDonald,
08:54 but make sure you stay tuned to us here for plenty more great gaming lists.
