Kent Student 101 (Season 2024 Episode 2)

  • 8 months ago
In today's episode, we're talking about wellbeing. We'll be looking at what mental and physical health means to students and exploring ways to feel better - from cooking and exercise, to trying new activities and unwinding in our free time.


00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - Hello, and welcome to Kent Student 101.
00:24 I'm Chantel, and this is the weekly program
00:26 all about student life across Kent.
00:28 This is a show designed by students
00:30 to help you through your time at university
00:32 and highlight a range of resources,
00:34 opportunities, and activities open to you.
00:37 In today's episode, we're talking about wellbeing.
00:40 We'll be looking at what mental and physical health
00:42 means to students and exploring ways to feel better,
00:45 from cooking and exercise, to trying new activities
00:48 and unwinding in our free time.
00:50 First, tonight, we all struggle
00:53 with our mental half at times.
00:55 Sometimes we feel we cannot confide in family or friends
00:58 or we need a fresh perspective on our situation.
01:01 Did you know that you can access counselling
01:03 through your university?
01:05 Earlier today, I spoke to Tam Sam-Shonson
01:08 about the services available to students.
01:11 Hi, Sam.
01:11 So what can students expect
01:13 when accessing counselling at university?
01:15 - Okay, so counselling is a safe space
01:21 for students to access.
01:23 It's confidential,
01:26 a space where they can talk through any difficulties
01:29 they may be experiencing that are having an impact
01:31 on their emotional wellbeing or mental health.
01:34 And it's a space that's non-judgmental.
01:38 So as I say, kind of confidential, safe,
01:42 and just an opportunity to talk through
01:43 with somebody impartial about any difficulties
01:46 that they may be experiencing.
01:48 - Okay, and what are the benefits of counselling?
01:54 - So the benefits are,
01:57 I guess, very much around what I've just said.
02:01 You know, it's rare that we get in our day-to-day life
02:04 that kind of confidential space, that impartial space.
02:07 So it's something very different
02:08 to what a lot of people may experience
02:10 in their day-to-day lives,
02:12 but they just have a clear space
02:14 that's just very much dedicated to themselves
02:16 to talk through those difficulties
02:18 that they're experiencing
02:20 and just kind of try and find a way forward.
02:23 One of the key things with counselling
02:25 is it's very much about kind of trying to increase,
02:27 excuse me, trying to increase self-awareness,
02:30 but also kind of working towards change.
02:33 So if something isn't working well in their lives,
02:35 to kind of think about kind of strategies
02:37 to try and support that,
02:39 and to try and find ways forward
02:41 to try and manage those difficulties
02:43 that they're experiencing.
02:44 - That's good to hear.
02:46 And what kind of issues
02:47 can students address in counselling?
02:51 - So the issues are wide ranging.
02:55 In general, I would just say that it's anything
02:59 that may be having an impact
03:00 on their emotional wellbeing or their mental health.
03:03 So that can range from day-to-day difficulties,
03:06 relationship difficulties,
03:08 but the main thing that tends to be a feature of counselling
03:13 will be either/or, as well as anxiety and/or depression.
03:20 So those are the key areas,
03:21 and anything then that's kind of contributing
03:24 to that anxiety and low mood,
03:26 or kind of impacting hugely on those areas.
03:31 - Thank you very much for joining us today, Sam.
03:35 Thank you so much.
03:36 Counselling is not the only service available to students
03:41 to help with their wellbeing.
03:43 Various student-run societies are an option as well.
03:46 The recreation station went to the Therapeutic Arts Society
03:49 at the University of Kent to chat to some of its members
03:52 and find out how arts can be unused to de-stress
03:55 and get creative at the same time.
03:57 Ash Leachford has more.
03:59 - I went to the University of Kent
04:06 to talk to the President and Vice President
04:08 of the Therapeutic Arts Society
04:10 to talk with them about how creativity
04:12 can benefit our wellbeing.
04:14 This is what they had to say.
04:15 - 'Cause we're uni students and it's master's students.
04:18 I think this is like an opportunity
04:20 to just let go of uni life.
04:22 - Make new friends, be around like-minded people,
04:25 especially for like second or third year students.
04:27 - Oh yeah, definitely.
04:28 - It's very stressful.
04:29 So like once a week for two hours doing arts and crafts,
04:34 being around the same people, showing up.
04:36 Like sometimes, some sessions we have a lot of people,
04:38 that clearly means that, okay,
04:40 they are feeling good in the session.
04:42 This is why they're attending, they're showing up.
04:45 I don't think we realise it.
04:46 Every day, like obviously when we go out,
04:49 our brain captures a lot of things
04:51 and some of the things actually trigger us,
04:53 we don't even realise.
04:54 So I'm guessing taking out five minutes of your day.
04:58 - I forget that I'm even a uni student,
05:00 I'm just back being with five people,
05:02 just doing colouring again.
05:03 - Even like crocheting, when I do it, I'm so focused
05:05 because I was like, I don't wanna make a mistake,
05:06 I don't wanna do the line again.
05:08 So I'd say, yeah, like it definitely,
05:11 it like positively impacts your mental health.
05:13 And you're learning something new.
05:15 - We have music, so we have like relaxing music
05:17 in the background, so that really sets the tone.
05:20 And then we just do our own thing,
05:22 because we have like,
05:23 and we've set up like tables for different things,
05:26 like whether it be drawing, painting,
05:29 crocheting, hammer beats.
05:30 - To see people giggling, smiling.
05:32 - That already means that like they're having a good time.
05:34 - Right, and there's like a positive aura in the room.
05:36 - 100%.
05:37 - Like it's a positive energy, so like,
05:38 yeah, everyone's having a good time.
05:39 (upbeat music)
05:44 - Now, we all know university can be a stressful
05:48 and taxing time mentally.
05:50 So we went to the University of Kent
05:52 and the universities at Medway
05:54 to find out how students look after their mental health
05:56 and wellbeing.
05:57 And if they think they are provided enough support
06:00 throughout their academic journey.
06:02 - I just try to talk to people really.
06:04 I try to not stay in my room.
06:06 It's quite hard to get out of my own room sometimes.
06:09 So things like societies where you're forced
06:12 to talk to people,
06:13 I feel in the long run tends to be better
06:16 than just sort of rotting away in a room for a bit.
06:19 - I mostly try to take breaks where I can.
06:22 Try and remember where mental health comes before uni,
06:27 I guess, and try and balance it as best I can.
06:30 - Trying to sleep seven hours every day,
06:33 at least that's about it.
06:35 - Maybe I'll do some sports and all.
06:37 I also do say, like to take some out,
06:40 some time out to play Batman and all.
06:43 So that's also a good thing to calm your mind.
06:45 I mean, work out your body a bit.
06:47 - Getting up early in the morning, doing your chores
06:50 and also heading out to the university
06:52 can be a bit of mental wracking stuff.
06:55 But if you hit the gym or just do some physical activity,
06:59 that would be much better.
07:00 And I would suggest not to stay on your phone
07:03 for much longer.
07:04 - I don't think so actually,
07:05 'cause most of them are not aware of them at all.
07:07 - If you look at the vast majority of students,
07:10 most of them don't really say,
07:13 are familiar to the wellbeing programs
07:16 offered by the university.
07:17 - I'm not sure, I've never really partaked
07:19 in any of the wellbeing services.
07:21 But from what I've heard from my buddies,
07:24 it's always great fun and they always learn something.
07:28 - Probably not to be honest,
07:29 because even when people have like an ILP, for example,
07:33 I mean, I make good use of like
07:36 the deadline extensions and stuff.
07:37 But there's a lot of people I've met where I've said,
07:40 you know, you can use those, right?
07:41 And like, it comes as a surprise, I guess.
07:44 So I feel like a lot of people aren't fully aware
07:47 of what is available to them,
07:49 or if they are feel like intimidated about using it.
07:53 - I think most probably,
07:54 most of them won't be knowing about the services.
07:57 Even if they know,
07:58 they don't take the initiative to go out there
08:01 and do a small consultation.
08:03 So they maybe because of the shy part,
08:06 or they're not having the courage to go out there
08:08 and talk to the faculty members,
08:10 thinking some inferiority complex.
08:14 - Next, earlier this week,
08:17 Dan, Ben and me went to University of Kent,
08:20 Canterbury campus to chat with students
08:22 and the heads of the Yoga Society
08:24 to discuss the impact of yoga on our wellbeing.
08:26 Yoga is a form of low intensity exercise,
08:29 which has been proven to have many positive benefits.
08:32 Mainly, it can help you relax
08:34 and it never hurts to get your body moving.
08:36 Here's how that went.
08:38 - The stresses of university can become a lot for a student
08:41 and sometimes it's difficult to know exactly how to unwind
08:44 and maintain good mental health and physical wellbeing.
08:48 There are many groups,
08:49 both student specific and non-specific
08:50 around Kent aiming to tackle this.
08:53 Today, we're going to look at one of these groups
08:55 and get the student perspective on what can be done.
08:58 I'm here at the University of Kent
09:00 where I'm gonna be chatting
09:01 to the student-led Yoga Society.
09:03 Yoga is an exercise that's said to help
09:05 in both the body and the mind of a person
09:07 without requiring the equipment
09:09 nor the time that going to the gym can sometimes need.
09:12 But what do students think of yoga
09:14 and do they think it can help with their mental wellbeing?
09:16 - I just said I do believe yoga does help
09:19 mental health and mental wellbeing.
09:22 I've had friends who've done yoga before.
09:23 - Yeah, I went for my first session last week
09:26 and I just recently got the membership.
09:28 So I'm planning to go every week from now on.
09:31 I've had like a stressful day of lessons
09:33 and just going there in the evening
09:34 really helped like get my mind off things.
09:36 - My wellbeing, I would say that sometimes I need
09:40 in terms of whenever I have a lot of work
09:45 I'm involved in a lot of tasks.
09:48 - The Yoga Society meets regularly every week
09:50 for classes focusing on different parts of the body.
09:53 We spoke to members of the committee
09:54 for more information on how the classes work
09:57 and how exactly they help students.
09:59 - And I initially got into it for my mental health
10:02 and just to get into a bit more of a healthier lifestyle.
10:07 And I initially started doing like morning
10:10 and nighttime yoga just to start my day off
10:12 with just feeling good and finish my day off feeling good.
10:16 - It's a very good time to take a minute for yourself
10:19 if you kind of haven't had a chance to all day.
10:22 And it just, you get to kind of go in positions
10:24 that really relieve all the kind of tension
10:26 and stress that you're holding throughout the day.
10:28 - I think just with the stress of being a student
10:31 in general and having all the stress of deadlines
10:34 and just feeling overwhelmed of uni work
10:36 and your future in general,
10:38 I think it's a really good way to just look inwards
10:41 and just focus on being present in that very moment
10:43 instead of thinking about your future
10:46 or thinking about the what ifs.
10:47 It's just really good at being in the moment
10:49 and just staying content with where you are
10:52 at this very minute.
10:54 - We live in an age where mental health awareness
10:56 and consideration for wellbeing is at a high.
10:59 There are so many groups in the wider community
11:01 and student-led at the university.
11:03 We only spoke to one today,
11:05 but we could have spoken to so many others
11:07 in the wider community that range from meditative walks
11:11 to music to art therapy.
11:13 For both students and non-students,
11:15 Kent seems to have a thriving community brimming
11:17 with opportunities to aid in wellbeing.
11:19 This has been Dan Bellamy for KMTV.
11:22 - It's time for a quick break now, but don't go anywhere.
11:27 Coming up once again,
11:29 the Bodger Babes are cooking up a storm
11:31 with a wholesome and healthy recipe that's cheap as chips
11:34 for you and your friends to try at home.
11:36 Plus, we visited a gym and discussed gym anxiety
11:39 with a personal fitness trainer to give you tips
11:43 on how to beat anxiety in the gym as a beginner.
11:46 And of course, we'll be heading over to Calamity Corner
11:49 where Kristen will be tackling
11:50 your wellbeing questions head on.
11:53 We'll be back to all of that and more
11:55 after this short break, so hold tight.
11:57 See you.
11:58 (upbeat music)
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13:21 - How's it going?
13:47 - Hello, hi.
13:49 - How's it going?
13:50 - What did you have for breakfast today?
13:53 - I didn't have anything for breakfast today.
13:56 So...
13:56 - Give me a new poster.
14:01 - Say again.
14:03 - I didn't have anything for breakfast today.
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15:05 (upbeat music)
15:07 - Welcome back to Kent Student 101.
15:14 This week we're talking all about wellbeing.
15:17 Now, for many people cooking is a way to relieve stress.
15:20 This week, the Budget Babes are back with a recipe
15:23 you can try at home for an affordable price.
15:25 Let's take a look.
15:26 - Hi, I'm Peter and welcome to the Budget Babes.
15:31 (upbeat music)
15:35 (upbeat music)
15:37 - On today's episode, in celebration of wellbeing week,
15:42 I'll be cooking something that's very special
15:43 and cozy to me, Korean army stew.
15:46 The reason why I'm making it is because
15:47 it reminds me of home and it's what I cook
15:49 when I'm feeling a bit down or it's a bit cold outside.
15:52 Today, the ingredients we'll be using are
15:54 tofu, cabbage, spring onions, cheese, spam, eggs,
16:01 garlic, sausage, and instant noodles.
16:04 We also have our sauces as well, which are essential,
16:07 especially this one.
16:08 This is gochujang, Korean bean paste,
16:12 and it's what gives Korean army stew its flavor.
16:15 Now I'm using cabbage today, but realistically,
16:18 you can use whatever you want.
16:20 After the Korean War, food was scarce,
16:22 so Korean soldiers used what was left behind
16:24 by the American military, hence why it's called army stew.
16:28 Prep all ingredients by cutting them into small chunks,
16:31 just like how I'm doing on screen.
16:33 For the sauce, mix three teaspoons of sesame oil,
16:37 three tablespoons of soy sauce,
16:39 three teaspoons of fish sauce,
16:41 and three tablespoons of gochujang.
16:43 Then add your minced garlic
16:46 and your instant noodle seasoning packet
16:48 and make sure to mix well.
16:49 Korean army stew, or budae jjigae,
16:55 is a dish where you use whatever you have in your kitchen.
16:57 Today, we're using cabbage, tofu, spam, and sausages.
17:01 This recipe can be varied,
17:02 as some like to use baked beans,
17:04 seafood, mushrooms, and dumplings.
17:06 Just make sure all ingredients in the pan
17:10 are evenly spaced out, as shown.
17:13 Now that we've prepared all of our ingredients,
17:14 it's time to boil it.
17:15 This dish is really customizable.
17:19 Think of this as a template,
17:20 so you can add or take away whatever you want.
17:23 Either way, it's going to taste good.
17:26 Fun fact, spicy food causes boosts
17:28 in serotonin and endorphin levels,
17:30 which is what your body releases when you're happy.
17:32 So this is the perfect dish for your well-being.
17:34 Let your stew boil until the noodles are soft
17:40 and the cabbage has wilted, then add your eggs.
17:43 And there you have it,
17:44 Korean army stew made simple and delicious.
17:47 It makes three servings and less than four pounds
17:49 per portion.
17:50 I hope you guys try it at home.
17:51 Won't regret it.
17:53 Now, time for me to enjoy.
17:56 Thanks for watching.
17:59 We'll see you next week.
18:00 - Now for Calamity Corner,
18:12 the advice section of the show,
18:13 where this week, Kristen will be answering
18:15 your questions about well-being.
18:17 Mainly how to manage stress during deadlines,
18:20 the through relaxation,
18:21 when the pressures of university are at their peak.
18:24 - Hello, and welcome to this week's Calamity Corner,
18:32 where this week, I'll be answering your questions
18:34 on well-being.
18:36 The first question is,
18:38 how do I handle stress during exam season and deadlines?
18:42 So first of all, the first tip, plan A,
18:46 would be to plan out your time well in advance
18:50 and, you know, section off.
18:51 So for example, section off a piece of work to do each day,
18:55 maybe 10 or 20 minutes each day.
18:58 And then by the end of say two months,
19:00 whether when the deadline is or when the exam is,
19:03 you'll be well prepared.
19:04 The second question, how do I get better sleep?
19:08 So in order to get better sleep,
19:12 I recommend a wind down time of maybe like an hour,
19:16 where you have a little routine before you get into bed.
19:19 So maybe you have a shower,
19:20 you have a nice cup of decaf tea or a hot chocolate,
19:24 and you can read a book.
19:26 Don't be put off by other people's routines.
19:28 These are a good idea.
19:29 These are called water paintings.
19:31 And basically all the colors are already there.
19:33 You just get water and you paint over the top
19:35 and then the water comes out.
19:37 Good sleep helps us concentrate
19:38 and eating well helps us concentrate as well.
19:41 Watch our last show last week
19:42 to find out the best brain food for these times.
19:46 (upbeat music)
19:48 Next, we know what the gym is
19:52 and we've all heard about anxiety,
19:54 but have you heard of gym anxiety?
19:56 Or maybe you've even heard of the term gym intimidation.
20:00 Whatever you call it,
20:01 it affects a surprising number of students.
20:03 This week, Daisy and Charlotte headed to the gym
20:06 to tackle it head on.
20:07 Let's see how they did.
20:09 - For some students, going to the gym is a habit
20:11 and just another part of their routine.
20:13 But for others, it can feel inaccessible and even daunting.
20:16 If you experience gym anxiety, you are not alone.
20:20 Today, we'll follow Charlotte,
20:21 a student at the University of Kent,
20:23 through her introduction to the gym.
20:25 - I've been to the gym probably twice
20:27 when I was a bit younger to go to a class,
20:30 but normally I exercise at home.
20:32 I find that exercise is really helpful
20:34 for maintaining my physical and mental wellbeing.
20:37 It improves my mood
20:38 and also gives me a sense of productivity.
20:41 I'm feeling a bit nervous,
20:42 but I'm here to show people that it's okay
20:44 to try things that you're afraid of
20:46 and we can all benefit from doing things for the first time.
20:49 - Personal trainer Jordan is here to help.
20:57 - Hi, my name's Jordan.
21:00 I am a professional wrestler and a personal trainer.
21:04 The gym can look like a scary place.
21:06 Like gym, what's it, gym intimidation is a real thing.
21:10 In the nicest possible way, nobody cares.
21:12 Like they're there to do their thing.
21:15 You're just there to do your thing.
21:16 It becomes a nice atmosphere
21:18 because everyone is there supporting each other.
21:21 If I was to give tips to anyone starting the gym,
21:24 I would definitely say come in with a plan.
21:26 Know what you're doing.
21:27 Know what the plan is for the day.
21:30 Have alternatives in your mind as well.
21:32 So if you get in and it's really busy,
21:34 you might wanna do a leg press,
21:36 but there's no leg press free.
21:38 So maybe grab a kettlebell
21:39 and have in mind that you're gonna do goblet squats instead.
21:42 - It's all too easy for students to feel busy
21:45 or stressed to set aside time for exercise.
21:47 We asked Jordan why it is so important
21:50 and for tips to stay consistent.
21:52 - It's easier said than done.
21:54 And it's something that you will be told
21:56 and you might not believe straight away,
21:58 but it's not motivation.
22:00 It's more just habit,
22:02 creating that lifestyle of healthy eating,
22:06 healthy living, healthy life.
22:07 Working out and exercise and fitness,
22:09 it releases all those feel good hormones.
22:12 So like naturally you're just gonna feel better.
22:16 It's gonna reduce anxiety.
22:17 It's gonna reduce stress.
22:18 It's gonna make you feel great.
22:20 - It was great to have Jordan here to talk me through
22:23 what's available at the gym and how to use it.
22:25 I think I'd feel more prepared now
22:27 walking into the gym on campus if I wanted to.
22:30 - As we found today,
22:31 campus gyms aren't the only option for students.
22:34 Fanit Pro Wrestling is one of the many independent gyms
22:37 available for students in Kent.
22:39 If you're feeling apprehensive,
22:40 consider asking for an induction.
22:42 This is Daisy for KNTV.
22:44 - Now I'm joined by Alex Gave to share with us
22:50 this week's Alex analysis on the anime "Cells at Work".
22:54 Alex, thanks for joining me.
22:55 Let's start with you telling us a bit about the series.
22:57 - So as you said, the show is called "Cells at Work"
22:59 and essentially is about cells at work in the human body.
23:02 So you follow these kind of anthropomorphic cells
23:06 as they go about the body performing various functions.
23:09 The main ones you follow are red blood cells
23:11 and white blood cells.
23:12 So it's a really fun concept.
23:13 - And what do you think makes the show stand out?
23:16 - Well, the concept is so unique.
23:17 It's really not something you're gonna find anywhere else.
23:20 I mean, it's such a creative idea.
23:22 And when you look at how the different cells are designed
23:25 and anthropomorphized,
23:26 you have red blood cells in their little red hats,
23:29 you have white blood cells who are completely white,
23:31 and you have platelets here, which you can see on the screen,
23:35 who are just small children,
23:38 so that they really, they turn the different cells
23:41 into something really interesting and human.
23:43 - So you mentioned the red blood cells
23:45 having their red hats and the white blood cells in all white.
23:48 What do you think of the art style of the anime?
23:51 - Well, I think the art style works really well.
23:53 One of the things that is interesting about this show
23:54 is it began as a manga.
23:56 And in a lot of mangas, when they transition to an anime,
23:59 it's not as successful as you might think it would be
24:01 because a lot of animators can be quite lazy.
24:04 They simply just copy stills from the manga
24:07 without really doing much animation work.
24:10 This translates great into an anime.
24:12 I think the style is really great.
24:13 It's very vibrant.
24:15 And obviously, as I said before,
24:16 it's very creative, this idea.
24:19 Yeah. - Yeah.
24:21 And who does the show appeal to, would you say?
24:24 - Well, I would say it appeals to young people, students.
24:29 I would say that sort of teenager to student
24:31 sort of age range.
24:33 It's something that's quite educational, fun.
24:35 So if you're a student,
24:36 that's basically what you wanna watch, really.
24:39 I would say if you're thinking of showing this to someone
24:42 maybe younger than 10, maybe that's not appropriate.
24:45 There's quite a bit of blood in it.
24:46 There's violence in it, which isn't great.
24:48 But I'd say if you're in the age range of a student,
24:51 it's probably more appropriate.
24:53 - Okay, and did you find it educational?
24:55 Did you learn anything from the anime?
24:56 - Yeah, I mean, I thought it was really educational.
24:59 I was learning things that I hadn't heard since GCSE.
25:02 - Oh, wow. - Really.
25:03 So it was very interesting.
25:05 And during the show, when different cells are introduced
25:08 or bodily functions are introduced,
25:10 they have a small section where they explain
25:13 what the function of that cell is, how this happens.
25:16 So you learn a lot about how the body functions,
25:19 what the different purposes of the cells are.
25:21 And so for someone like me who hadn't thought
25:23 about these things since I was in school,
25:25 it was kind of, it was like, it was really educational.
25:28 I got a re-education, I think.
25:30 Yes. - That's interesting.
25:31 And would you recommend the anime to a friend?
25:33 Would you re-watch the anime?
25:34 - I would say it's definitely worth watching.
25:38 It's not the most serious show.
25:40 So I don't think it's something that you have to like,
25:42 watch all the way through or anything like that.
25:45 But I'd say, you know, if you wanna dip in and out of it,
25:48 that's something you do.
25:49 I definitely recommend it to anything,
25:52 anybody kind of looking for something that's educational,
25:55 but also kind of lighthearted.
25:57 'Cause the way you consume information in the show
25:59 is different than any other educational thing.
26:02 Because you consume the names and the information
26:05 the way you would information in another show.
26:07 So I think that's a great way of teaching.
26:09 And it's, yeah, it's great.
26:12 - Yeah. - Yeah.
26:14 - And fun little question, out of 10, what do you rate it?
26:17 - I would have to give it,
26:20 I don't, I'd give maybe like a seven or an eight.
26:24 - A seven or an eight.
26:25 - You know, I'm not a huge anime watcher.
26:27 So maybe it doesn't appeal to me, but yeah, I enjoyed it.
26:29 - Okay, thank you so much for joining us again, Alex.
26:32 Well, that's all we've got time for
26:33 on this week's episode of KM Student 101.
26:36 Be sure to add KMTV on all your socials to keep up.
26:39 We'll see you next week and have a good one.
26:41 Thank you for watching.
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