'Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts' Shot Two Endings. Here’s Why They Chose The One You See

  • 7 months ago
Mike Reyes' interview with Lorenzo Di Bonaventura
00:00 - GI Joe, that last scene, first of all,
00:02 bring in Michael Kelly.
00:04 I love that you brought in Michael Kelly for this role
00:05 because you bring that man and he kills anytime.
00:08 - He killed it.
00:08 - But now that we have this connection here,
00:12 is there already an idea for that
00:16 GI Joe Transformers crossover?
00:18 And what made you even think of doing that?
00:20 - We don't think of it as a crossover either,
00:22 which is interesting.
00:23 I know that, well, the terminology for me,
00:27 I find it limiting.
00:30 - Fair.
00:30 - We've been debating Joe,
00:33 the fan base has been debating it forever.
00:36 You know, they're like, "Oh, what are you gonna do?
00:38 "When are you gonna do it?"
00:38 And we've wanted to do it,
00:41 but we'd never found really an organic situation
00:44 to do it with.
00:45 So what happened in this case is when we came up
00:48 with a character who can't get a job,
00:51 it was like the greatest idea
00:52 that he's gonna get the greatest job ever, right?
00:55 And so it was really,
00:56 otherwise it feels like you're just jamming it in.
00:59 - Yeah.
00:59 - You know, it feels like it's the payoff to the movie.
01:02 - Honestly, it was.
01:03 It was just amazing to see that.
01:04 And he's got the card in his hand,
01:05 I'm thinking, "Okay, it's Nest, it's Sector 7, whatever."
01:08 - Yeah, exactly.
01:08 - He flips it and it's GI Joe.
01:09 I go jaw drops, like, "What?"
01:13 - Well, you know, what's funny is we shot two cards.
01:16 - What was the other one?
01:17 - Sector 7.
01:19 'Cause we wanted to experience it ourselves.
01:21 'Cause we were really, it was important to us
01:24 that it felt very organic.
01:25 So we didn't know until we saw it
01:28 that it was like, "Okay, it works."
01:29 You know, that we had that chill,
01:32 that tingle down the spine that like, Joe.
01:35 - Well, I was excited about it.
01:36 Like, I remember presenting it to the studio
01:39 when I first turned in the draft of the script
01:41 to the producers and everybody.
01:42 And they're like, "Whoa, this is crazy, this is a leap."
01:45 But I saw on everyone's faces
01:46 they were kind of excited about it.
01:47 Like, it led us to a new direction
01:49 and all the possibilities now went like this.
01:52 But I was just like, I feel like in terms of the,
01:55 that specific franchise,
01:56 like, that's the one where I did have the toys growing up.
01:58 I didn't have the toys of Transformers growing up.
02:00 My mom and dad never, sad face.
02:03 But in this particular case, the Joes I did have.
02:05 And I was like, "If there's a way that I can combine these
02:08 "and like create something natural and organic
02:10 "so fans could appreciate,
02:12 "but see them sort of working together, you know,
02:14 "it would be cool."
02:15 And then I'm a fan of the graphic novels too and the comics.
02:17 And there is a few special edition comics out there
02:20 that kind of hint at it.
02:21 So when I pitched it to the studio and said,
02:23 "Well, we can go with it."
02:24 They were excited about it.
02:25 It just took like two years for us to finally
02:27 get all the yeses that we need to move forward on it.
02:30 is.
