Falling for it again? || Acharya Prashant

  • 7 months ago
00:00 You are hurt because you do not like what is happening.
00:04 Your resistance is hurting you.
00:06 An arrow comes to you, you obstruct it with your hand.
00:10 It is the obstruction that you offer that will pierce your hand.
00:14 You do not offer any obstruction to the arrow.
00:16 The arrow just passes you by.
00:19 If you do not want to be anymore in misery, stop being who you are.
00:23 You have seen the consequence of who you are and still you do not want to wake up.
00:28 Do you know who you are? You are the one who will accept this guy back if he comes to your life.
00:33 Do you know who you are? You are the one who will again have a quarrel with this guy.
00:38 Do you know who you are? You are the one who will again have a breakup
00:41 and you will again shed tears when the guy goes away.
00:45 You want to remain caught in this cycle? Please do not remain caught in this cycle.
00:49 Guys, come and go. There is nobody more important than your own peace.
