Nikki Haley Spurs Debate on India's Strategic Alliances With Russia, Questions U.S Leadership| One

  • 7 months ago
Nikki Haley, a potential Republican presidential candidate, asserted in a Fox Business News interview that India desires partnership with the US but lacks trust in American leadership. She emphasized India's strategic relationship with Russia due to its reliance on Russian military equipment. Haley highlighted India's perception of US weakness, hindering trust in American leadership.

#NikkiHaley #RepublicanPrimary #India #IndiaUS #IndiaRussiarelations #USIndia #DonaldTrump #worldnews #Oneindia #Oneindianews
00:00 Hopeful Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley's statements have triggered debates
00:06 on social media.
00:07 According to a media report, Nikki Haley has stated that although India wants to be a partner
00:12 with the United States, it does not trust the US leadership.
00:17 She also noted how India and Russia have so strategically maintained a tight relationship
00:22 in the current world.
00:23 "I have dealt with India too.
00:25 I have got to say, I have dealt with India too.
00:28 I have partnered with Modi and India wants to be a partner with the United States."
00:32 However, she further added that they, India, doesn't want to be a partner with Russia.
00:37 According to Haley, the problem is India doesn't trust the United States to win.
00:42 They don't trust the United States to lead.
00:44 They want to see right now that the United States is weak and India has always played
00:49 it smart.
00:50 And so they have stayed close with Russia because that's where they get a lot of their
00:54 military equipment.
00:56 She said in a response to a question on Fox News.
01:00 Haley further added that when we start to lead again, when we start to get the weakness
01:04 out and stop putting our head in the sand, that's when our friend India, Australia, New
01:09 Zealand, all of them and Israel, Japan, South Korea, all of them want to do that.
01:14 Japan gave themselves a billion-dollar stimulus to become less dependent on China.
01:19 Even India gave themselves a billion-dollar stimulus to become less dependent on China,
01:23 she told, adding that the US needs to start building up its alliance very soon.
01:28 For the unaware, Nikki Haley, who herself is of Indian descent, has been aiming to challenge
01:33 Trump for the Republican Party presidential nomination.
01:36 However, the chances are very grim.
01:39 She recently encountered a big setback in the Nevada primary as voters opted for none
01:44 of these candidates over Haley, marking her as the first to suffer such a defeat since
01:49 the option's inception in 1975.
01:53 This outcome has dented Haley's aspiration to emerge as a serious contender against Donald
01:58 Trump within the Republican Party.
02:00 However, the new statements given by her have triggered debate that is that true whether
02:05 India wants to be a partner with Russia and the United States or not.
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