6 More Horror Movies No-One Survives

  • 7 months ago
There's no escaping the clutches of these grim horror flicks.


00:00 The world of horror is a cruel, cruel beast, and sometimes it's even crueler than others.
00:06 It's one thing to have most characters in a movie die and just leave one final girl,
00:10 but it's a whole entire other thing when everyone dies.
00:14 Yeah, that's pretty bad going.
00:15 Picking up from our previous list of 10 horror movies where everyone dies,
00:19 due to popular request, we've put together a few more.
00:22 Thanks to that previous list, we can already tick these off the list,
00:25 so no comments asking for these. Go back to the other video.
00:28 We will have No Eden Lake, No Paranormal Activity, Cabin Fever, The Final Destination franchise,
00:34 Quarantine, 28 Weeks Later, The Blair Witch Project, Zack Snyder's Dawn of the Dead,
00:38 The Cabin in the Woods, and of course, the iconic Night of the Living Dead.
00:42 These are all off the table. So let's get to looking at six new ones.
00:46 I'm Amy from WhatCulture, and here are six more horror movies no one survives.
00:51 Six. Inbred.
00:53 Receiving its premiere in 2011 before a low-key release the following year,
00:57 British horror film Inbred is definitely a picture that will stick with you long after its 90-minute runtime is finished.
01:03 Is Inbred particularly good? No.
01:06 But what makes it stand out, though, is that it's brimming with gratuitous, gruesome gore.
01:11 Even now, over a decade since its release, Inbred remains a surprisingly jarring watch for those who choose to revisit it.
01:19 Plot-wise, the movie centres on four troubled youths who are taken to a small Yorkshire village to carry out some community service.
01:26 All done under the supervision of two caretakers.
01:28 Of course, this is a horror movie and nothing can go as planned,
01:31 so the group find themselves not exactly welcomed with open arms by the locals.
01:36 As it turns out, the residents of said village like to brutalise any visitors in spectacular fashion.
01:42 By that, it means that the outsiders are kidnapped and then used as part of a creepy stage show put on by the locals, for the locals.
01:49 With such shows ultimately resulting in the death of these star attractions.
01:53 Whether it's by chainsaw, gun, being trampled by a horse, or any number of other horrible things,
01:58 all six of Inbred's protagonists wind up dead.
02:01 Five. House of a Thousand Corpses.
02:04 Rob Zombie's directorial debut, House of a Thousand Corpses, infamously introduced the world to the Firefly family.
02:10 A clan of twisted, murderous sorts, the Firefly crew would go on to cause chaos and carnage for a further two movies.
02:17 Not even stopped by their purported demise at the end of The Devil's Rejects,
02:21 they appeared again, of course, in 2019's Three from Hell.
02:24 As House of a Thousand Corpses opens up, the attention is on four friends travelling cross-country
02:29 in order to pen a book on the most unique roadside attractions.
02:32 Upon hearing from Captain Spaulding about the twisted legend of Dr. Satan,
02:36 our buddies venture off to learn more about this sinister figure.
02:39 Unfortunately for them, damage to their car means an initially warm stay at the nearby home of the Fireflies.
02:46 But, of course, by the end of the film, this stay has not been warm and welcoming at all.
02:49 In fact, they're all dead.
02:51 For Rainn Wilson's Bill, he's killed and sculpted into a fishboy.
02:55 Jennifer Josten's Mary is erratically, frantically stabbed by Baby.
02:59 Chris Hardwick's Jerry is tortured to death by the aforementioned Dr. Satan.
03:03 And Erin Daniels' poor, poor Denise is maniacally hunted down by the Fireflies.
03:08 Before then, she's the last to be seen being operated on and, presumably, killed by Dr. Satan.
03:14 Four. Unfriended.
03:16 For every positive of social media, there are a handful of negatives.
03:20 All usually due to the sort of idiots who have to ruin things for everyone.
03:24 In 2014's Unfriended, it's Facebook in the crosshairs.
03:27 To set the stage, we have Laura Barnes,
03:30 a high school student who took her own life after a video was circulated on Facebook
03:34 of her drunkenly passed out and having soiled herself.
03:37 Skip Forward a Year and the supposed friends that were involved in the incident and its filming
03:41 are now seemingly haunted by Laura's spirit.
03:45 Being a tech-driven horror film, these hauntings actually play out through Skype chats,
03:49 with Laura exacting revenge from beyond the grave and tormenting her supposed BFFs.
03:54 By the time the penny drops that the mysterious, murderous Billy227 Skype user
03:59 really is somehow the presence of Laura,
04:01 it's too late for our core cast of teens,
04:03 with every single one of them winding up dead via bleach, blender, gunshot, and, uh,
04:08 a curling iron shoved down the throat.
04:11 To top it all off, Laura then uploads a video of all of this happening onto Facebook
04:16 and closes off the movie with her spirit lunging towards the camera.
04:19 3. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - The Beginning
04:23 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - The Beginning has to be one of the great,
04:26 so near but so far final kills,
04:29 with Leatherface appearing in the backseat of an escaping car to slice up Jordana Brewster's Chrissy.
04:34 As a movie, The Beginning is bang average at best,
04:37 but with the slaughtering of Chrissy, Leatherface had finished his job
04:41 and made sure that the picture had zero survivors.
04:43 This 2006 prequel picture details how Thomas Hewitt became Leatherface,
04:48 and the film opens with an early death as Thomas' mother dies
04:51 whilst giving birth to the future chainsaw enthusiast.
04:53 From there, the now-adult Tommy kills his boss,
04:56 before then getting the chance to carve up five pretty young things by the time The Beginning wraps up,
05:01 the last of these being the aforementioned Chrissy.
05:03 Away from that, Leatherface also, of course, manages to polish off a couple of other people,
05:07 including two cops who manage to get in his way.
05:09 As of the time of the writing of this script,
05:11 Leatherface has been seen to have killed a total of 55 people,
05:15 and The Beginning was the picture that gave us a glimpse at the maniac's first few formative years.
05:20 2. 2001 Maniacs
05:23 A loose remake of the 1964 movie that was inspired by the 1940s musical,
05:28 Tim Sullivan's 2001 Maniacs is a great little popcorn horror flick
05:33 with some fine turns from genre faves Robert England, Lin Shay and Peter Stormare.
05:38 Set in the Georgia town of Pleasant Valley,
05:40 this picture finds six college kids and a few bikers stumble upon said town,
05:44 just as the annual Guts and Glory celebrations are taking place.
05:48 Yes, the event title sounds a bit ominous, but then you can lighten up by knowing
05:51 it's actually just a memorial for those who died in the American Civil War.
05:56 It's just that actually, we're mourning the ones that died on the Confederate side,
05:59 and Pleasant Valley itself is actually a cemetery site.
06:03 After all but two of our protagonists are slaughtered in some truly gruesome ways,
06:08 the reveal of Pleasant Valley's truth is made out once two survivors manage to get out
06:12 and make it to the nearby Sheriff's office.
06:14 There, the duo are informed that Pleasant Valley no longer exists,
06:17 and that the site is nowadays a graveyard.
06:20 Rightfully freak the hell out, our heroic pair pile onto a motorbike and drive off into the sunset,
06:25 only to then be decapitated by a well-placed slice of barbed wire.
06:30 And with that, every one of this 2005 movie's key characters are nicely killed off.
06:36 1. The Dyatlov Pass Incident
06:40 From director Renny Harlin, as in the helmer of the likes of Die Hard 2, Deep Blue Sea,
06:44 Cliffhanger, and A Nightmare on Elm Street 4,
06:47 the Dyatlov Pass Incident is loosely based on the real-life deaths and disappearances
06:51 of nine hikers in 1959.
06:53 In regards to the loosely based angle here,
06:56 Harlin uses these disappearances as a launching point for a film that goes utterly nuts,
07:01 that throws time-travelling mutants and time-travelling mutants into the equation.
07:05 Also known as Devil's Pass in some markets, this 2013 film focuses on five modern-day American students
07:12 who head to the snowy Russian mountains where the events of '59 reportedly took place.
07:17 Desperate to unravel the truth behind this mystery,
07:19 three of the group wind up dead during the early goings of the picture,
07:22 and the remaining duo then encounter the aforementioned mutants.
07:26 Trapped in a minuscule bunker, the pair of Jensen and Holly have screeching beasts outside their door
07:31 as a strange wormhole appears in their tiny, temporary safe haven.
07:35 Left with no choice, the two opt to step through this wormhole and end up back in 1959.
07:41 As a result of this time-travelling, Jensen and Holly have mutated,
07:44 and as the realisation kicks in, they see that they are indeed the same mutants
07:48 who've been stalking their future selves in the present.
07:51 Sort of meaning that the human versions of them are dead and died in the present
07:55 when they travelled back to the past, which also kind of makes their death date the 50s.
08:00 They're sort of now dead before the present moment ever really arrived,
08:04 and now they're weird-looking, crusty-ass mutants.
08:06 Not one of the worst ways to go on this list, but definitely one of the weirdest.
08:10 And with that, we've reached the end of this list of six more horror movies that no one survives.
08:15 If you reckon you could have given us four more to make it up to a nice round ten,
08:19 then please let us know in the comments down below with what you would have included.
08:23 Remember, no repeats of the first list. Don't be lazy.
08:25 If you don't fancy that, though, head over to whatculture.com
08:27 to find more lists and articles like this every single day.
08:30 As always, I've been Amy from WhatCulture, and I'll catch you next time.
