Harda Factory Blast Update: क्या बारूद के ढेर पर बैठा है हरदा?

  • 7 months ago
हरदा पटाखा फैक्ट्री ब्लास्ट की दर्दनाक दास्तां..तीन आरोपियों को किया गिरफ्तार ..मृतकों के परिजनों को 4-4 लाख का मुआवजा..लापरवाही की चिंगारी उठी और पूरा गांव जल गया।


00:00 A fire broke out in a factory in Haridwar, Madhya Pradesh.
00:03 Many people lost their lives and about 200 people were injured.
00:07 Most of the injured were sent to the hospitals of Haridwar, Bhopal, Indore, Khandwa and Narmada Puram.
00:13 About 300 workers work in the factory daily.
00:16 In the 32 large compartments of the factory, one after another explosions were made by the collected explosives.
00:23 The fire caught the surrounding area.
00:26 Around the factory, 7 houses were burnt to ashes.
00:30 CM Mohanlal Yadav has announced to provide financial aid of Rs 4 lakhs to the victims of the accident.
00:37 On the other hand, within a few hours of the accident, the police arrested three accused of the explosion from Sangarpur, Rajgarh district.
00:47 The accused were running away from the explosion.
00:51 The police were following them from Shahjapur.
00:55 The Sangarpur police have said that the factory owner Rajesh Akrawal and his partner fled after the blast.
01:02 The three were being searched by the police.
01:05 The fire broke out in the factory.
01:12 One after another explosions shook the area.
01:15 In this fire, the workers working in the factory were also affected.
01:22 According to the information, 14 people have been found dead in the accident.
01:27 The explosion fell 400 meters away from the factory.
01:34 More than 115 ambulances were put in the ambulance.
01:37 There was no place left to keep feet in the hospital.
01:40 Screams and screams were heard everywhere.
01:43 After the storm, the smoke and the scary scene are seen in the pictures.
01:52 It is clear from the sky that there are farms all around and many houses in the middle of the farm.
01:59 And between these houses and the settlement, the factory of death was running.
02:04 Where the explosion was not a forced or illegal, but a part of the business.
02:11 The business of crackers cannot run without explosives.
02:15 But the factory sitting on the pile of explosives can run in the middle of the settlement.
02:20 And when this happens, then such accidents will happen.
02:24 For a while, it seemed like a bomb blast.
02:28 But when the flames started rising from this area,
02:32 it was understood that there was an explosion in the factory of explosives.
02:38 When this explosion happened, there were many people inside and outside the factory.
02:42 Some people were blown away by the explosion and taken far to the fields and roads.
02:47 People's corpses were lying far away.
02:49 The number of injured was not even possible at that time.
02:52 On top of that, the first explosion was the first explosion, and the next few minutes were stopped and explosions continued.
02:59 You should know that the land on which the crackers factory was being run,
03:03 half of it was allowed to trade on agriculture and half on trade.
03:07 A small part was made to store the stock in the factory basement.
03:12 That part is filled with water and gurmur.
03:15 Rescue operations were carried out with the help of 12 Pocline machines.
03:19 Rescue operation has been completed at Ground Zero.
