Gioco d'azzardo, Nuzzolo (Asl Caserta): "L'incidenza della dipendenza da gioco d'azzardo è in aumento"

  • 7 months ago
(Adnkronos) - "Dal Covid in poi la dipendenza da gioco d'azzardo è in aumento, intervenire è fondamentale " - dichiara Nuzzolo, la direttrice dipartimento dipendenze Asl di Caserta, a margine della conferenza stampa per la firma del protocollo di intesa per la lotta e la prevenzione del disturbo da gioco d’azzardo e delle dipendenze patologiche, firmato dalla Asl di Caserta e Codere Italia, operatore internazionale di gioco legale.


00:00 "We have been recording for a few years a new increase, a new commissioning of new
00:08 registrations of 100-120 people.
00:11 These questions that we have in the operational unit come both from the prevention that has
00:21 been put into place within the ASLA Gazerta for about six years, the target is young people
00:27 aged 15 to 19, but also in the places of aggregation, the squares, the parishes, which we do through
00:35 another important action, that of the road unit.
00:38 Road operators raise awareness, inform on what can be the knowledge of the topic,
00:47 and we hope with these two actions to arrive in the phase of experimentation, not of the
00:53 chronicization of the problem.
00:57 Our action, compared to the pathological hazard, is early detection, that is, early diagnosis,
01:06 early intervention and early diagnosis.
01:08 The commissioning, when the problem is chronicized, is very complex, clearly, and also includes
01:15 aspects that cure over-indebtedness, that is, we have budgets that can be used for
01:22 over-indebtedness, because very often these people, in the more dramatic phases, have
01:28 a dependency that leads them to have more economic availability.
01:35 So, we are moving to the level of prevention and we register new registrations of 100-120
01:44 citizens of the ASLA Gazerta territory, we are only talking about the ASLA Gazerta.
01:49 So, considering the Campania region and considering the national level, we are absolutely in line
01:55 with what is the national trend.
