• last year
President Joe Biden lashed out at Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress on Tuesday, accusing his chief political rival of sabotaging a bipartisan bill that could meaningfully address dysfunction at the border, and GOP leaders for caving to Trump's demands.


00:00 For much too long, as you all know, the immigration system has been broken.
00:04 And it's long past time to fix it.
00:07 That's why months ago, I instructed my team to begin negotiations with a bipartisan group
00:11 of senators to seriously and finally fix our immigration system.
00:16 For months now, that's what they've done.
00:19 Working around the clock, through the holidays, over the weekends, it's been an extraordinary
00:23 effort by Senators Lankford, Murphy, and Sinema.
00:26 The result of all this hard work is a bipartisan agreement that represents the most fair, humane
00:33 reforms in our immigration system in a long time, and the toughest set of reforms to secure
00:39 the border ever.
00:41 Now, all indications are this bill won't even move forward to the Senate floor.
00:47 Why?
00:48 A simple reason.
00:50 Donald Trump.
00:51 Because Donald Trump thinks it's bad for him politically.
00:54 Therefore, he doesn't -- even though it helps the country, he's not for it.
00:59 He'd rather weaponize this issue than actually solve it.
01:02 So for the last 24 hours, he's done nothing, I'm told, but reach out to Republicans in
01:07 the House and the Senate and threaten them and try to intimidate them to vote against
01:12 this proposal.
01:13 And it looks like they're caving.
01:16 Frankly, they owe it to the American people to show some spine and do what they know to
01:21 be right.
01:22 The bottom line is this bipartisan bill is a win for America because it makes important
01:27 fixes to our broken immigration system.
01:29 And it's the toughest, fairest law that's ever been proposed relative to the border.
01:35 The clock is ticking.
01:37 Every week, every month that passes without new aid to Ukraine means fewer artillery shells,
01:44 fewer air defense systems, fewer tools for Ukraine to defend itself against this Russian
01:49 onslaught.
01:51 Just what Putin wants.
01:52 For those Republicans in Congress who think they can oppose funding for Ukraine and not
01:56 be held accountable, history is watching.
02:01 History is watching.
02:02 A failure to support Ukraine at this critical moment will never be forgotten.
02:08 This bipartisan agreement also provides Israel with what it needs to protect its people and
02:13 defend itself against Hamas terrorists.
02:15 And it will provide the necessary life-saving humanitarian assistance for the Palestinian
02:20 people.
02:22 By opposing this bill, they're denying aid to the people who are really suffering and
02:27 desperately need help.
02:29 So I'm calling on Congress to pass this bill.
02:31 It gets to my desk immediately.
02:34 But if the bill fails, I want to be absolutely clear about something.
02:37 The American people are going to know why it failed.
02:41 I'll be taking this issue to the country.
02:43 The Republicans have to decide, who do they serve, Donald Trump or the American people?
02:49 Are they here to solve problems or just weaponize those problems for political purposes?
02:57 I know my answer.
02:59 I serve the American people.
03:02 I'm here to solve problems.
