• last year
In this episode we will explore the current status of the Falcons, their previous accomplishments and how the season is going for them so far.
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - Hello, and welcome to Limitless, Rise of the Falcons.
00:22 I'm your host, Daniel Ananu, and in this show,
00:25 we will look at the amazing world of American football
00:27 through the eyes of the University of Kent's
00:29 very own team, the Falcons.
00:32 In this episode, we will explore the current status
00:34 of the Falcons, their previous accomplishments,
00:36 and how the season is going for them so far.
00:39 But first, let's look at what the Falcons have achieved
00:42 in the last five years.
00:43 I talked to Julian Carey to learn more.
00:46 The Kent Falcons have a rich history when it comes
00:48 to winning and entering the playoffs and championships.
00:50 But like any team that wants to be crowned champions,
00:53 being successful doesn't come without trials
00:55 and tribulations.
00:56 I spoke to former Kent Falcons quarterback, Julian Carey,
01:00 to find out more about his experience playing
01:02 for the Falcons, the team's achievements,
01:04 as well as the struggles of trying to reach the playoffs.
01:06 - Before I joined, we had won everything.
01:09 And so the expectations were quite high.
01:12 When I had joined, then we kind of stagnated,
01:16 hitting like mid-level or high-level
01:19 in the playoffs every year.
01:21 And of course, then COVID happened, which was devastating.
01:24 We played through some of COVID, actually,
01:28 just finishing off a season.
01:30 And then we had a full season canceled,
01:32 which in many players' opinions would have been
01:36 by far our best season in quite a while,
01:39 which is unfortunate.
01:40 But we had a very high, very good reputation,
01:45 winning reputation, if you will.
01:46 And so I think we were disliked by most other teams
01:52 in our division.
01:53 And we were the ones to beat in many circumstances.
01:58 I think for the loss in the quarterfinals,
02:01 that was, we had very high expectations for ourselves.
02:04 We had a very strong core team,
02:07 but the Christchurch Chargers or Phoenix,
02:12 they are our rivals.
02:13 We have our homecoming games against them.
02:17 - And so the Falcons have definitely been put to the test
02:21 over the years, playing through a pandemic
02:24 as well as a quarterfinal loss.
02:25 But it's safe to say that that has not dampened
02:28 their confidence.
02:29 Instead, it has ignited their desire and will to win.
02:32 Now we'll examine the current state of the team
02:37 this season.
02:38 Jack Darkin interviewed some team members
02:40 and the head coach to hear their thoughts and opinions
02:43 on how the season is going so far.
02:44 - This is the Kent Falcons,
02:48 the University of Kent's very own American football team.
02:52 As part of the fastest growing sport in the UK,
02:56 the Kent Falcons are one of the most popular
02:58 sports societies on campus.
03:00 In 2017, the Kent Falcons went undefeated champions
03:04 of the Southeast Division One in Bucks.
03:07 This year, they'll be hoping to replicate that success.
03:09 In what was a thrilling game,
03:11 the Kent Falcons came out on top, winning 30 to 21.
03:14 I spoke to some of the players about their thoughts
03:16 and opinions about the current state of their team
03:19 this season.
03:19 - So we've currently, in our last three, we've won two.
03:24 So I'd say like, other than like it getting a bit shaky
03:27 towards the end, I feel like we handle business a lot.
03:30 We are, in my opinion, even though the stats may not show it,
03:33 we are the best team in this division.
03:34 So I was just happy to keep showing that over and over again.
03:36 - Even if the stats don't show it,
03:37 we have the belief that we're the best team.
03:39 - I feel like we're in a very good spot.
03:41 We've come from a lot of what I see from last year.
03:44 You know, we had to re-board most of the team.
03:46 A lot of the guys here are rookies
03:47 and they've progressed really well.
03:49 And I think we're in a prime position to either make the prem
03:52 or at least, you know, put a good run in the playoffs.
03:54 - The team trains several times a week.
03:56 And many of the players believe that this has been the key
03:58 to their success this year.
04:00 - Training's good.
04:01 So we train Monday, Thursday, Saturday,
04:04 right in the morning as well, on 9 AMs,
04:07 right when nobody wants to show up.
04:09 But that's the one that really tests our spirit.
04:11 And it showed in the game today.
04:14 I was trying to get my team a Monday training session
04:18 for the whole summer and we got it.
04:19 And I think that's impacted our team a lot.
04:22 Obviously we just came back from Div 2 last year
04:27 and going straight into the divisions,
04:29 into playoffs now is amazing.
04:31 - For this season, they have appointed a number
04:33 of new coaches who have had experience coaching Team GB.
04:36 - I think that like, compared to our previous seasons,
04:39 this is obviously the most like structured we've been.
04:41 Like we've got a lot of good coaches
04:43 and like this is probably the best like intake
04:46 of new players we've had since I've been on the team.
04:48 - This year we really stepped up.
04:49 I think we have something around like 10 coaches,
04:53 like two positional coaches for each position.
04:55 So, you know, we've really got really good
04:56 high quality coaching, some GB coaches.
04:58 - We haven't done anything special, I don't think,
05:01 in terms of like, we've got some sort of, you know,
05:04 magic golden chalice that kind of makes think that's it.
05:09 We've got something that no one else has.
05:11 It's just, it's the same football programme
05:12 that exists across the country.
05:14 But I think the difference for us has just been,
05:17 we set a standard.
05:18 We've got some core philosophies
05:20 that we expect everyone to follow,
05:22 that everyone can recite and remember
05:24 and, you know, preach back to me.
05:27 And we just enjoy being on the field
05:30 and spending those two hours practising
05:32 and being around each other's company and, you know,
05:35 pushing towards that standard that we're setting.
05:37 - The recent wins against the Regents and the Pirates
05:39 leads to Kent Falcons top of the division,
05:41 having won six of their games and only losing two.
05:44 This means that they have clinched playoffs
05:46 and will be looking to win it all
05:47 and get promotion to the Prem division.
05:49 This brings us up to speed with how their season is going
05:52 and the current team status going forward.
05:54 - And now it's time for Tony Teaches,
06:00 where we learn fundamental manoeuvres of the game.
06:03 This week, we'll be looking at the art of catching
06:06 with Kent Falcons wide receiver, Joel Hughes,
06:08 and our resident running back, Tony Muzunichita.
06:11 - Hello, and welcome back to Tony Teaches.
06:16 This week, I'm joined with Kent Falcons wide receiver,
06:19 Joel Hughes.
06:20 - Thanks for joining me, Joel.
06:21 You've been having a stellar season so far.
06:24 What would you say is a highlight for you from the season?
06:26 - Ooh, that's a good question.
06:28 There's been so many.
06:30 I wanna say the first win against Essex.
06:35 It really put a staple in for the season for us
06:38 'cause it was a tough game, awful conditions,
06:42 but we pulled through.
06:43 But yeah, that first win to set the standard for the season,
06:47 especially being away as well, it really set the bar high.
06:50 - And so you've been having a lot of high performances.
06:52 How do you balance the student athlete lifestyle?
06:55 - Lucky for me, I study a course
06:58 that doesn't require me to be in uni as much.
07:02 It's just more the practical sessions
07:03 'cause I do sports therapy.
07:05 So having practiced three times a week
07:07 actually kind of gets me out the house a little bit.
07:11 - And why did you choose to play American football?
07:13 - It all started four years ago now
07:17 when my brother went to university at Loughborough.
07:20 He joined the team and then he got me and my dad down
07:24 to watch some of his games.
07:26 And then every week he'd come home
07:27 and watch the NFL with us on Sundays.
07:29 - After our chat this week, me and Joel took off to the field
07:31 to show you guys the art of catching.
07:33 Now I know it looks easy on TV
07:35 and I know Joel definitely makes it look easy
07:37 every game week, but let's break it down.
07:40 As a wide receiver, you want to be catching the ball
07:42 in the diamond formation if the ball is above your waist.
07:44 And when it's below, you want to cup your hands together
07:47 with your pinkies touching.
07:48 And when the ball is coming over your head or your shoulder,
07:51 you want to keep your palms together
07:52 and your pinkies touching and catch with soft hands.
07:55 Now here's Joel with some tips on catching.
07:58 - The way I was taught is to take a picture of the ball
08:02 right through the middle,
08:04 take a picture of the tip of the ball
08:05 and you want to catch it like that.
08:07 Number these, one, two, three, four.
08:10 - Now that's how you catch the ball.
08:11 Next week, I'll be showing you guys
08:13 how to play some defence.
08:15 - And finally, let's have a look
08:18 at what the future holds for the Falcons.
08:20 Joining us now is the president and linebacker
08:23 of the Falcons, Daniel Collado.
08:25 Well, Daniel, thank you for joining me.
08:27 You recently clinched the playoffs, is that correct?
08:29 - Yeah, that is.
08:31 - How far do you think your team can go?
08:33 - I think the team can go all the way, honestly.
08:35 I believe the rookies and the senior players
08:37 as well as the coaches will force our way
08:40 to the finals and win it all.
08:41 - And what is so special about your team,
08:44 especially this season's team,
08:45 that makes you think you can take the team
08:48 all the way to the playoffs
08:49 and possibly win the championship?
08:51 - I think it's the culture change.
08:52 I think from all the way to the top,
08:55 from myself, Ben, as well as Adam Lillis,
08:59 we put a culture into the team
09:00 that the coaches lead upon,
09:02 the senior players and the rookies lead upon.
09:04 And that's the way we are going forward.
09:08 I think that's how we're going to win the whole thing.
09:10 - Excellent.
09:11 And is there anything you've learned this season
09:13 that you want to take into future seasons
09:14 and into the future as well?
09:16 - Giving rookies their trust.
09:18 I think being brand new to the sport,
09:20 you might be a bit reserved,
09:21 but I think giving them your trust
09:23 and hyping them up as well as everyone else along the team,
09:26 I think that's the way we keep going forward and forward
09:29 and eventually carry on winning.
09:32 - Excellent.
09:32 And obviously it's no secret you want to go into the playoffs
09:35 and eventually win the championship.
09:38 In terms of the projection of the team,
09:40 do you feel like you're ahead of schedule,
09:42 behind schedule, even on schedule as well?
09:45 - Well, the eventual goal is to win the whole thing
09:49 nationally with winning at Prem.
09:52 And currently we're in Diff 1,
09:54 we're in the playoffs in our first year.
09:56 And I think we're in the right track.
09:58 I think we're right on time.
10:00 And it's given us a lot of confidence going forward.
10:03 It's a blessed position to be in right now.
10:06 And we'll see where the future takes us.
10:07 - And the goals that you have, the whole team has,
10:10 how do you plan on reaching those goals?
10:12 - By honestly carrying out what we started this year,
10:15 the culture, everything, the coaches,
10:17 adding on top of that,
10:18 and just carrying on being who we are,
10:20 you know, working hard for each other
10:23 and taking us to the top.
10:25 - And are there any players who are planning to play,
10:28 continue playing American football after uni?
10:30 - I think there's aspiration throughout the team.
10:33 I want to go into the GFL or the EFL,
10:35 as well as play for Team Spain.
10:37 I know Ben, Ben Craig, the VP, the running back
10:41 also wants to play in other places.
10:42 So there's Joel, the right receiver.
10:44 I think there's many players that can go
10:47 into that next level.
10:48 And I think we'll see them shortly.
10:50 - Excellent.
10:51 Well, thank you so much for joining me on the chat today.
10:53 I hope to see you win the playoffs
10:54 and hope to see you soon.
10:57 - Thank you very much.
10:58 - Thank you very much.
10:59 - Now we've reached the end zone of today's episode.
11:03 Hopefully you enjoyed taking a dive
11:06 into the Falcons progress and promising future.
11:10 Catch us for the next episode,
11:11 where we will look closer at the team's culture,
11:14 player dynamics, and out of practice socials.
11:19 You can watch all the episodes of the Falcons,
11:22 the limitless rise of the Falcons on kmtv.co.uk.
11:26 But for now, thank you for watching and goodbye.
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