• 7 months ago


00:00 [MUSIC]
00:10 >> Can he pull the heroics once again?
00:16 Tao makes the run up, makes no mistake this time.
00:21 >> But in a face to face fashion,
00:24 clearly see the reading bed of his mind set the goalkeeper.
00:28 >> He knew exactly where that was going but it was too hard and too low.
00:32 >> Back to Kekana, launches a ball forward for
00:37 Tapelo, Morena, can he whip it across?
00:40 Cut back, and they make it count.
00:43 >> Liberty, Shishi, as is known.
00:46 Zwane coming late, perfect.
00:51 >> Well, there were questions on whether they had the firepower to deliver the goods.
00:57 >> It's an emphatic yes at the moment as the younger pull back here.
01:04 But now they lose possession and the chance to venture forward.
01:07 Zwane still in possession, tries to take it on his own, and he delivers.
01:13 >> They've constantly talked about the fact that he reinvents himself.
01:16 He constantly seeks to renew his abilities.
01:21 It's almost like a Benjamin Button case, gets younger as he gets older.
01:26 Also change positions now with the substitutions.
01:29 >> As a long ball is played through, now a chance here once again to break and
01:33 could it turn to- >> Allowed them to free themselves up.
01:36 And the danger of being the team on the back foot came rearing its ugly head here
01:42 for Namibia, they had to push numbers forward.
01:45 [MUSIC]
01:49 >> Now straight through, little touch in from Sitori, but
01:52 Popa looks offside, it's in the back of the net.
01:55 >> Flag stays down, the call is given.
02:00 [MUSIC]
02:01 >> He looks to be slightly off there, Fancy.
02:04 >> Yeah, could be a very tight one to call.
02:09 But once again, South Africa just making sure with those combination passes.
02:14 [MUSIC]
02:19 >> It's a very good kick, it's an overhaul.
02:22 South Africa make it two-nil, and they are heading into the quarterfinals.
02:27 >> A stunning free kick in at the near post, no chance for Bruno.
02:32 We've seen some good set pieces in this tournament,
02:35 that's gotta be right up there.
02:36 [MUSIC]
02:41 >> Some mark it up as out.
02:43 >> Was in, yeah, he's tucked into his net at the moment.
02:47 >> To go home a player now.
02:49 >> Of Mamadou Di Sandams, of South Africa.
02:55 To give South Africa the advantage in the penalty shootout through one round of
02:59 kicks to Bojo Muguela against Virginia, fires it firmly into the back of the net.
03:04 And South Africa have the early advantage, but
03:07 there's a long way to go in this shootout yet.
03:11 >> Well struck, waited for the goalkeeper, and
03:13 then it went straight into the middle.
03:15 [MUSIC]
03:17 >> It's one-one in the shootout.
03:21 This from Moutoubi Mbala to give South Africa the advantage.
03:25 [MUSIC]
03:30 Former no-nonsense midfielder at Highlands Park.
03:34 He was a goal scorer in his days at Highlands Park, and
03:37 he can certainly strike firmly from the penalty mark.
03:40 From 12 yards out against Virginia to give South Africa a 2-1 advantage in
03:44 the shootout, Moutoubi Mbala.
03:46 [MUSIC]
03:48 Comfortably converts.
03:50 >> Calm and collected, waited for the goalkeeper, saw him move, and
03:54 then he just plays the ball the opposite way of the goalkeeper.
03:58 [MUSIC]
04:00 >> The man who leads South Africa in song.
04:03 [MUSIC]
04:05 [MUSIC]
