सांसद को दी चुनौती, देखिए वीडियो

  • 7 months ago
सिवनी. सिवनी-बरघाट-कटंगी रेल लाइन की स्वीकृति के लिए ब्राडगेज रेल संघर्ष समिति ने विकासखण्ड बरघाट के ग्राम गंगेरुआ में सभा की और रैली निकाल कर प्रदर्शन के बाद प्रधानमंत्री, रेल मंत्री व रेलवे के अधिकारियों के नाम तहसीलदार संजय बरैया को ज्ञापन सौंपा।
इस मौके पर ब्राड


00:00 As the Railway Union has announced, the railway line for Sivni, Barghat and Katangi has been approved by the Railway Department.
00:20 Under the leadership of the Chief of the Railway Union, Mr. Arjun Singh Kakodia, today, the
00:30 Graha village of Gangerua, which is the Patra village of Dal Singh Bhisen, the chairman of Sivni, Barghat,
00:40 has been appointed as the head of the Railway Union.
00:50 Before this, it was the responsibility of the Railway Department to ensure that the railway line is properly maintained.
01:10 The Railway Department is a member of the Railway Union and is responsible for ensuring that the railway line is properly maintained.
01:20 We are challenging the members of the Railway Union to approve the survey conducted by the Railway Department.
01:40 If they approve the survey, I will announce that we will not hesitate to congratulate them.
01:50 If they do not approve, they will take back their words.
02:10 Please come with us to Delhi and participate in the protest so that the new railway line can be provided.
