10 Star Wars Secrets Everyone Knows But You

  • 7 months ago
You didn't know how Star Wars' green milk tasted? Well, now you do...


00:00 From many a moment you didn't realise was entirely made up on the spot, or not as it
00:05 later became known, to mind-boggling mistakes leading to an entire feature being redubbed.
00:11 It's time you discovered the secrets every other Star Wars diehard has already had their
00:16 minds utterly blown by.
00:18 Gareth here from WhatCulture Star Wars and here are 10 Star Wars Secrets Everyone Knows
00:23 But You.
00:24 10.
00:25 The only celebrity cameo you missed It has become an adventure in its own right,
00:29 unpacking precisely which well-known stars of stage and screen have managed to wiggle
00:34 their way into the various space-aged locales seen in whatever latest slice of Star Wars
00:39 goodness is being pumped onto our screens.
00:42 Most recently, Zach Braff's unexpected cameo, whilst buried deep in prosthetics as the double-crossing
00:47 Freck in Disney+'s Obi-Wan Kenobi, acted as the latest well-known celeb getting in
00:52 on the Skywalker saga action.
00:55 But he merely joins the likes of Joseph Gordon-Levitt playing Slow and Low, Tom Hardy and Daniel
00:59 Craig rocking up as Stormtroopers, and Simon Pegg as Unkar Plutt, to seriously name but
01:05 a few, in making a subtle mark on a series each of the stars clearly hold very dear to
01:10 their hearts.
01:11 Said cameos aren't strictly confined to famous actors either, with music sensations like
01:16 Ed Sheeran and Nick Godrich both appearing in Rise of Skywalker at various points too.
01:22 9.
01:23 Ewan McGregor hasn't always been a huge fan of the Star Wars experience
01:27 Time has a way of healing all wounds, and luckily it found a way to help Ewan McGregor
01:31 recover from his prequel-inflicted wounds just in time for him to rediscover his Obi-Wan
01:36 Kenobi mojo for Disney+.
01:38 Yet while McGregor has been quick to note how refreshing it's been in more recent
01:42 times to come into contact with the younger folks they made the prequel films for, the
01:46 Scottish star hasn't always been a huge admirer of the all-round Star Wars experience
01:51 he's found himself at the centre of.
01:53 Claiming that he'd not actually come into contact with any genuine fans of the galaxy
01:57 far, far away for the most part back in 2014, McGregor would claim, "The people I meet
02:02 are the F'ers who want me to sign Star Wars photos, so they can sell them on the internet
02:07 or the people at premieres who are crushing children against barriers to get me to sign
02:11 their effing picture of Obi-Wan Kenobi.
02:13 They're not fans, they're parasitical lowlifes and effing W'ers."
02:17 Thankfully, those kids who were likely crushed against said barriers found a way to bring
02:21 Ewan back to the light side in the end.
02:23 8.
02:24 Return of the Jedi's Fake Production Title Helped the Shoot
02:27 It's become pretty standard practice in this day and age to disguise the filming of
02:31 one of the hottest incoming features the movie business has to offer with the gifting of
02:35 a fake production name to said project.
02:38 See Avengers Infinity War and Endgame's codename of Mary Lou, for example.
02:42 But some three decades or so before Robert Downey Jr. and co. were going under the radar,
02:47 the folks trying to bring the eagerly awaited original trilogy concluding Return of the
02:51 Jedi opted to head down the secret title route to ensure the studio wouldn't be priced
02:56 out of using certain locations just because there was an eye-catching Star Wars feature
03:00 coming to town.
03:01 Blue Harvest was the title eventually landed on, with said fake feature having the backstory
03:06 of being an incoming horror flick, with the artificial tagline of "horror beyond imagination".
03:11 This also helped keep unwanted attention from the general public to a minimum when shooting
03:16 on location, with next to nobody giving a damn about a title that would soon go on to
03:20 become the catalyst for a Family Guy corner of the galaxy in its own right.
03:24 7.
03:25 Han Solo's "I Know" Wasn't Completely Improvised In The Moment
03:28 For the longest time, it was largely believed that, being the lovable maverick fans knew
03:32 him to be, Harrison Ford had decided to cheekily go off script in the heat of the moment.
03:38 With Han Solo's utterance to his beloved Princess Leia of "I know" on the back of
03:41 her declaration of love towards the smuggler.
03:44 In actual fact though, said line, while not in the original script, wasn't actually
03:48 entirely improvised on the fly by Ford there and then.
03:52 Thanks to recordings from the set of The Empire Strikes Back now being made available to dive
03:55 into, and Vulture later providing confirmation on the matter, it was later revealed that
04:00 the actor actually discussed replacing the previously planned response of "Just remember
04:04 that 'cause I'll be back" with director Irving Kirshner on set.
04:08 Then after some typical Ford persuasion tactics that consisted of him feeling "I know"
04:12 better fit the sequence, and Solo in general, Kirshner eventually granted Ford this request,
04:17 and an instantly iconic one-liner was emphatically born.
04:20 Just with a little prior planning first.
04:22 6.
04:23 How Much Did The Galaxy's Feature Players Make?
04:26 It certainly pays to be a part of one of the biggest pop culture franchises to have ever
04:29 existed in this particular galaxy, but just how much?
04:33 Well, to begin with, Harrison Ford was said to have pocketed a cool $10,000 for his work
04:38 as Han Solo in A New Hope, with the likes of Mark Hamill and Sir Alec Guinness being
04:42 said to have come away with $650,000 and $3.3 million respectively for said first outing.
04:49 Carrie Fisher's salary wasn't officially disclosed, however, though it's been reported
04:53 that she earned a quarter of a percent of the flick's total profits, which is not
04:57 too shabby.
04:58 Jumping into prequel territory, Ewan McGregor reportedly earned $7 million for appearing
05:03 in Revenge of the Sith alone, with the Scottish star likely earning a pretty penny from his
05:07 new spin-off show too.
05:09 Rounding out the pay packets, newcomers Daisy Ridley and John Boyega were both able to land
05:13 between $100,000 to $300,000 for their work on The Force Awakens, with said salary no
05:19 doubt rising for the subsequent entries, which is something you can probably apply to the
05:22 rest of the people on this list.
05:24 And the likes of Oscar Isaac and Adam Driver, being slightly more high-profile names at
05:28 the time, were able to secure mid-to-high six-figure deals upon making their Star Wars
05:32 battles in the same flick.
05:34 So simply put, they got paid.
05:36 5.
05:37 Who Needs a Script?
05:39 Despite the aforementioned iconic delivery of "I know, not actually coming out of
05:42 nowhere", that's not to say this galaxy far, far away hasn't played host to its
05:46 fair share of previously unexpected and unscripted beats over the decades.
05:51 Proving that sometimes the most charming Star Wars utterances have been known to come in
05:55 the heat of a moment, Chirrut Imwe actor Donnie Yen would admit that his declaring of "are
05:59 you kidding me, I'm blind" upon having his head bagged in Rogue One was completely
06:03 made up by the actor on the day of shooting.
06:06 Mark Hamill was also not exactly shy about adding the odd bit of dialogue or action into
06:10 a scene should he feel the urge, with his "a new hope" line of "I can't see
06:13 a thing in this helmet" and kissing of Carrie Fisher's head during their exchange in The
06:17 Last Jedi both not being in the script before the director called action.
06:21 4.
06:22 Harrison Ford sawed up the Millennium Falcon
06:25 Before he became known for playing perhaps the single most recognisable smuggler in the
06:28 galaxy, you may be aware of the fact that Harrison Ford was actually very much immersed
06:33 in the field of carpentry.
06:34 However, coming equipped with the ability to master all things wooden isn't always
06:38 a great thing – when you find yourself on the set of an incoming blockbuster, that is,
06:42 as Mark Hamill would hilariously recall to Empire.
06:45 Apparently, on one particularly stressful day, Ford took to literally sawing his beloved
06:50 Millennium Falcon to bits on the back of production on an original trilogy flick, leaving him
06:55 rather frustrated.
06:56 As Hamill would explain, "People were coming up to me going, 'You've got to stop Harrison.
07:00 He's sawing up the Falcon.'
07:02 It was made of wood, and he just took a saw to it.
07:04 I love Harrison."
07:05 In that same conversation, the Luke Skywalker actor would also recount a tale of Ford jigging
07:09 his way into his dressing room to the sound of Andrea True Connection's "More, more,
07:14 more", only to completely no-sell the antics the minute someone arrived at Hamill's door.
07:19 Give us more, more, more of this, Ford, please.
07:22 3.
07:23 What goes into green milk?
07:24 Despite sitting as perhaps one of the most jarring scenes ever committed to the Skywalker
07:28 saga as a whole, you'd be lying if you said you weren't even just a little bit curious
07:32 as to what in the world the recently harvested green milk Luke Skywalker was seen consuming
07:36 in The Last Jedi tasted like.
07:39 Well, wonder no more, as Mark Hamill himself eventually shed some light as to what Tala
07:43 Siren green milk actually consisted and tasted of via his Twitter account.
07:48 As it goes, if you're a fan of regular coconut water, then are you in for a treat the next
07:52 time you squeeze the teat of a Tala Siren chilling by the Acto water.
07:56 And in order to give the liquid its unmistakable green aesthetic, Hamill would also note how
08:00 this effect was actually remarkably added into the scene in post-production.
08:04 So there you have it, you can rest easy knowing said unsettling scene isn't as entirely disturbing
08:09 as you previously thought.
08:11 Still pretty weird, though, right?
08:12 2.
08:13 All of Attack of the Clones was redubbed
08:15 For years, the vast majority of Star Wars fans have often lumped George Lucas' seemingly
08:19 soulless Attack of the Clones near the bottom of many a rankings list when it comes to the
08:24 Skywalker saga.
08:25 Now, sure, there are some admitted highlights in the form of some particularly compelling
08:29 lightsaber duels, battleground skirmishes and staggering CGI.
08:33 But the entire endeavour often feels weighed down by dialogue that feels entirely unnatural
08:38 and disconnected from the living beings actually delivering the words.
08:41 Well, as recently revealed by Obi-Wan Kenobi actor Ewan McGregor, the fact the entire film
08:46 was said to have been redubbed likely didn't help Episode 2 when it came to its routinely
08:51 clunky and lifeless verbal exchanges.
08:53 As McGregor would note to SlashFilm, the cutting-edge cameras used for this groundbreaking prequel
08:58 entry were actually rather noisy, with the actor admitting it was so noisy and when in
09:03 post-production they realised at the end that the noise they made was exactly the frequency
09:07 of the human voice.
09:08 So we had to ADR every single line of Episode 2.
09:11 None of the original dialogue made it through because of that, because the cameras were
09:15 like so new.
09:16 So it turns out Hayden Christensen was forced to complain about sand both on location and
09:20 within a recording booth later down the road.
09:23 Poor soul.
09:24 1.
09:25 Finn's familiar Stormtrooper number
09:26 I'm finishing off with a rather satisfying secret hiding in plain sight that went completely
09:31 overlooked by the vast majority of folks who filed into cinema screens for the record-breaking
09:35 return of all things Star Wars in 2015.
09:38 Bursting onto the Force Awakens scene like a Stormtrooper possessed, John Boyega's
09:42 Finn, aka FN-2187, instantly captured fans' attention from the second he was spotted
09:47 questioning his allegiances to the Big Bad First Order early on in J.J. Abrams' flick.
09:51 However, what most weren't actually quick to spot upon taking an interest in Boyega's
09:55 troubled trooper was the fact that his original First Order title before being charmingly
10:00 rechristened by Poe Dameron was actually a Corvax way particularly adored princess.
10:05 Jumping all the way back to 1977, a new hope saw Carrie Fisher's Leia being held captive
10:10 on the Death Star in cell number, you guessed it, 2187.
10:14 And this initial reference was actually a nod to a short film called 2187 by Arthur
10:18 Lipset, which actually inspired George Lucas to create the feature TH-X1138 and the concept
10:24 of the Force as a whole.
10:26 In short, 2187 is a rather significant number in this corner of the galaxy.
10:30 And that's our list!
10:32 Know of any other Star Wars secrets that everybody knows, but you?
10:35 Even though you now know these, but do you know any more that other people don't know?
10:38 Then let me know in the comments section right down below!
