60+ Riddles Meant for the Intellectually Sharp

  • 8 months ago
Hey, puzzle enthusiasts! Feeling up for a mental workout? We've got a challenge for the sharp minds out there – 60+ mind-bending riddles that'll keep you on your toes. If you're ready to flex those intellectual muscles and embark on a journey of twists and turns, this video is tailor-made for you. Grab a snack, gather your friends, and let's see who can crack these brain teasers first. Don't just watch – join the fun, solve the riddles, and let us know which of them was the hardest for you! ️‍♂️


00:00 A mad scientist caught Larry and locked him in a small room.
00:03 There were no windows, and the door was locked.
00:06 But there was a note on the table. It was from the scientist.
00:09 "JFMAM...JASOND. Guess the missing letter, and I'll set you free."
00:26 Ten minutes later, Larry was already running away from the strange place.
00:30 He managed to figure out that the missing letter was "J".
00:33 Those were the first letters of the months of the year, from January to December.
00:37 In the sixth letter, "J" stood for June.
00:41 There are two villages next to each other.
00:44 People who always tell the truth live in one of them.
00:47 Liars live in the other.
00:48 The inhabitants of the villages often visit each other.
00:51 You're in one of the villages, but you don't know which one it is.
00:54 What question should you ask a passerby to find out where you are?
00:58 Ask them, "Are you a guest here?"
01:10 If they answer "Yes", you're in the village of liars.
01:13 If they say "No", you're in the village where honest people live.
01:16 Brian came to his senses on the floor in his living room.
01:21 He was unharmed, but couldn't remember a thing.
01:24 Suddenly, two young women entered the house.
01:27 They looked exactly the same.
01:29 When they found out what had happened, each of them started to claim that Brian was her husband.
01:34 Can you help the guy figure out which of the women is his real wife?
01:38 It's the woman on the left.
01:49 She has a tattoo on the same arm as the girl in the wedding photo.
01:54 Megan was 21 on her last birthday, but she's going to be 23 on her next one.
01:59 How is it possible?
02:01 It's Megan's 22nd birthday today!
02:13 Sandra's boyfriend went on a business trip to New York.
02:17 Soon, the girl got a weird text message from him.
02:20 It looked like this.
02:21 "NHAPPPY"
02:24 What did Sandra's boyfriend want to say?
02:26 The message means "Unhappy without you".
02:38 Now how about solving this Rebus Puzzle?
02:42 "NEA"
02:44 "Friended"
02:45 What can it mean?
02:47 "FRIEND"
02:48 "FRIEND"
02:49 "FRIEND"
02:50 "FRIEND"
02:51 "FRIEND"
02:52 "FRIEND"
02:53 "FRIEND"
02:54 "FRIEND"
02:55 It's a friend in need!
02:57 And one more for you!
03:00 "MAN"
03:01 "MAN"
03:02 "MAN"
03:03 "BOARD"
03:04 "BOARD"
03:05 "BOARD"
03:06 "BOARD"
03:07 "BOARD"
03:08 "BOARD"
03:09 "BOARD"
03:10 "BOARD"
03:11 It's Man Overboard!
03:13 Great job!
03:15 Now let's see how attentive you are.
03:17 Look at this image.
03:18 Who's not from Earth?
03:20 Must be the guy on the right.
03:31 The guy on the left is only wearing a Halloween costume.
03:33 Look at his hazel eyes.
03:35 They seem to be absolutely human.
03:37 And now look at the eyes of the guy on the right.
03:40 Eww, creepy!
03:41 How about this image?
03:44 Can you spot anyone who doesn't look like us?
03:46 Earthlings?
03:48 It's the lady on the left.
03:58 Have you noticed a couple of extra eyes hiding in her hair?
04:01 These drivers are about to take part in a race.
04:05 Which of them is from another planet?
04:10 That driver over there.
04:18 He seems to be leaving a trail of slime behind him.
04:20 Okay, you have a sharp eye.
04:24 But is it sharp enough to crack the following riddles?
04:27 A rabbit is hiding somewhere among these mushrooms.
04:31 Can you spot it?
04:36 [BELL DINGS]
04:38 It chose one of the largest mushrooms to hide behind.
04:44 At first sight, there's nothing unusual here.
04:48 But what if you examine the picture more attentively?
04:54 [BELL DINGS]
05:00 Right, no one uses a soccer ball to play basketball.
05:05 Mark bought a new keyboard.
05:07 But the seller fooled the guy and gave him a fake one.
05:10 Can you find the proof?
05:15 [BELL DINGS]
05:21 The keyboard has two eights, but no nines.
05:24 A dog runs away from its master
05:28 and is now hiding somewhere among these bowls.
05:31 Help the worried owner find its pooch.
05:36 [BELL DINGS]
05:42 Gotcha! Similar, but not the same.
05:45 How good are you at math? Let's figure it out.
05:50 How much will a 50-degree angle measure
05:52 if you look at it through a microscope that magnifies five times?
05:59 [BELL DINGS]
06:01 The angle won't change. It'll still be 50 degrees.
06:09 A worker was found unconscious near the entrance of an abandoned building.
06:14 He has no memory of what happened, but seems to have fallen from the building.
06:19 Detective Marks is assigned to this case,
06:22 and he must figure out whether the worker fell or was pushed.
06:26 He goes to the first floor, opens the window, and throws out a small rock.
06:30 He does the same on the second floor and all the way to the top.
06:34 When the detective comes back down, he's sure the worker was pushed.
06:39 How does he know?
06:43 He had to open windows on all floors to throw out rocks.
06:52 This was an abandoned building, and someone closed the window right after pushing the worker.
06:58 James ordered a coffee from his local bakery, put in some sugar,
07:04 but then noticed a fly in his cup.
07:07 He told the staff member, and they took back the coffee and brought him a new one.
07:11 But when he got a sip, he got angry. Why?
07:18 [MUSIC]
07:20 His new coffee was already sweetened.
07:25 The staff member only removed the fly.
07:28 Tom was walking in a snowy park at 10 p.m. when he got attacked from behind.
07:36 He didn't see who knocked him out, and he immediately went to the police.
07:40 The detectives questioned four suspects.
07:43 Adam said he was at a suit fitting for his dinner later.
07:47 Daniel said he was hosting a party at his place.
07:50 Susan said she was working out before going to work.
07:54 And Luke said he went to the park to get some cool photos of flying birds.
07:59 One of them is lying. Who?
08:04 It's Luke. It's next to impossible to see birds at night in winter.
08:16 Right before the final soccer match, the team's goalkeeper went missing.
08:21 The police arrived, and they had three suspects from the rival team.
08:25 Mike said he was signing autographs for his friends.
08:29 Jake said he had broken his ankle, and he was getting a massage.
08:33 John was training at the gym before the match.
08:37 The police immediately knew who did it.
08:42 [MUSIC]
08:44 It was Jake. You don't get a massage when you break your ankle.
08:51 A doctor walked into an unconscious patient's ward.
08:57 There, he saw a nurse buttoning up her shirt.
09:00 As soon as she noticed him, she exclaimed, "It's not what you think!"
09:04 The nurse isn't lying, but why was her shirt unbuttoned in the first place?
09:11 [MUSIC]
09:13 She got locked out of the changing room and knew that the patient was unconscious.
09:22 So, she went to his ward to change into her uniform.
09:25 Yeah, I believe her.
09:27 A group of six friends decided to check out an abandoned house in their neighborhood.
09:33 When they arrived, Mark, one of the group, warned his friends not to go in.
09:38 But all of them ignored him and walked in anyway.
09:42 Mark stayed outside, but his friends never came out.
09:46 What did he see that stopped him from going into the house?
09:52 There were footprints going in, but none coming out.
10:03 Detective Stevenson is taken by some of his mean supervisors who want to test his intelligence.
10:09 They put him in a room with two doors.
10:12 One leads to freedom, while the other opens onto a bottomless pit.
10:17 There are two guards, either responsible for one door.
10:21 One of them always tells the truth, while the other always lies.
10:25 Stevenson doesn't know who's the honest one, and he can only ask one question to one of them.
10:31 What should the question be to save his life?
10:36 If I ask the security guard next to you which door leads to freedom, what will he say?
10:48 The honest guard will say that the liar will point to the dangerous door.
10:52 The liar will point to that one too.
10:55 No matter who Stevenson asks, he should pick the door neither of them will point at.
11:01 Melissa is walking down a dark alley when she notices a dark figure following her.
11:08 She walks into a restaurant and sits at a table.
11:11 The mysterious figure does the same.
11:14 Then she yawns and immediately knows she's got a stalker.
11:18 How?
11:21 [YAWNING]
11:23 When she looked up, the mysterious figure was also yawning.
11:30 It means they had been watching her.
11:33 The director of a large company was found unconscious in his office.
11:39 The police showed up, saw the messy office, and realized that a fight had gone down.
11:44 They went to his secretary and asked to see the list of visitors that day.
11:49 Immediately, they knew who did it.
11:51 How?
11:54 The last visitor was the culprit.
12:02 During the fight, the wall clock also stopped because it got hit.
12:06 It showed the exact time the last appointment took place.
12:10 Sarah wanted to get some money from her brother for a house.
12:15 She couldn't tell him the truth and asked him for an expensive gift.
12:19 After a week, her brother gave her a glamorous tiara.
12:23 Then she went to her second brother, asked for money, but he gave her jewelry.
12:28 Still, she's got both money and jewelry.
12:31 How is it possible?
12:35 She asked for a similar jewelry item and sold one of them.
12:45 Suzy went on a dating website and found three guys that she liked,
12:50 all with some very impressive backgrounds.
12:53 But only one of them is telling the truth.
12:56 Can you guess which one?
12:58 Shane said he was an astronaut.
13:01 He went to Mars and enjoyed a beautiful sunset.
13:04 Chris said he was a scientist and went to the North Pole.
13:08 He enjoyed being on floating ice and seeing both Arctic foxes and penguins.
13:13 Dylan said he was a pilot, and once he flew his helicopter so fast,
13:18 he broke the sound barrier.
13:23 Shane is telling the truth.
13:31 The sunset on Mars is blue.
13:33 There are no penguins in the North Pole,
13:36 and helicopters can't travel faster than the speed of sound.
13:39 Oh, and yes, we'll also ignore the fact that no one's been to Mars yet.
13:44 Suzy also thinks Shane has beautiful eyes,
13:47 so who are we to disrupt this love connection?
13:50 Kyra and Ava want to go to a party,
13:54 but their parents ban them from leaving the house.
13:57 Kyra decided to sneak out using the attic window,
14:01 while Ava used the back door.
14:03 Who won't make it to the party tonight?
14:08 Ava.
14:09 Kyra is quite risky,
14:11 but Ava's dad is reading a newspaper in the backyard.
14:15 Maya and Chloe went for a walk.
14:18 Maya went to a forest and stopped to take selfies with a friendly squirrel she met.
14:23 Chloe went hiking and decided to take a selfie on the cliff.
14:27 Who is in danger?
14:31 Ava.
14:36 Maya.
14:42 The branch above her is about to fall.
14:45 Maeve and Sarah are cheating on their math test.
14:48 Who is more likely to be caught?
14:53 Sarah.
14:59 Although she's sitting in the back,
15:01 the teacher's looking right at her.
15:04 Bella and Ashley came home from a party,
15:07 which they told their parents would be a study date.
15:10 Who's gonna be grounded till the end of the month?
15:15 Bella.
15:21 She'll have a hard time coming up with a logical explanation for the confetti in her hair.
15:26 Elizabeth and Kate are late for work,
15:30 so they're driving above the speed limit.
15:32 Which of them is in greater danger?
15:37 Kate.
15:44 She has many objects lying scattered in her car.
15:46 In case of an accident, they may hit her.
15:49 Ariana and Serena have to do their house chores
15:53 before they'll be allowed to go to the birthday party.
15:56 Who is going to be late?
16:02 Ariana.
16:07 The iron isn't plugged in.
16:08 Since she's distracted with the TV,
16:10 it might take her a while to notice.
16:13 And finally,
16:15 here are the hardest questions that award 3 points each.
16:18 Jessica and Margot are jaywalking.
16:22 Jessica is listening to music,
16:24 and Margot is texting her friend.
16:26 Who is in greater danger?
16:31 Jessica.
16:37 Although they're both behaving poorly,
16:39 Margot is on a straight road where she can be noticed.
16:42 Jessica is jaywalking before the road takes a turn.
16:45 Someone might not have enough time to react and stop.
16:49 Julia and Naya are taking a vacation to the jungles.
16:53 Julia got tangled up in Liana's,
16:56 and Naya got stuck in Quicksand.
16:58 Who's in danger?
17:02 Juliet.
17:08 She can't get out,
17:09 and there's a jaguar approaching her.
17:12 Naya is relatively fine,
17:14 because it's actually difficult to sink in Quicksand.
17:17 Leah and her friend Caleb went camping.
17:20 Caleb was bitten by a snake,
17:22 and Leah is sucking the venom out of his leg.
17:25 Amelia is on the trip as well,
17:27 and there's a black widow on her neck.
17:29 Who is in danger?
17:33 Leah.
17:40 It's dangerous to suck out the venom.
17:42 As for Amelia,
17:43 black widows rarely bite,
17:45 and the bites are rarely fatal.
17:47 Becky and Allison are both in a bathtub,
17:50 doing their morning routine.
17:52 Becky is using the hair dryer,
17:54 Allison is charging her phone while scrolling through the Internet.
17:57 Who is less clever?
18:02 Allison.
18:08 It's dangerous enough to have a socket close to the water,
18:11 but Allison is charging her phone.
18:13 Becky is sitting in the empty bathtub.
18:16 She might be a little weird,
18:17 but at least she's safe.
18:19 Evelyn and Grace are on vacation.
18:23 Evelyn is spending it in a desert,
18:25 and Grace is in the wilderness.
18:27 By the end of the day,
18:29 they get tired and decide to spend the night where they are.
18:32 Who's making a huge mistake?
18:37 Evelyn.
18:44 Night temperature in a desert can fall to 25°F,
18:47 and she'll be freezing.
18:49 Grace's fire will scare away wild animals.
18:53 Emma and Avery are planning to go to the movies with their friends tonight.
18:57 Meanwhile, they're enjoying a hot summer day.
19:00 Who's not going to make it to the movies?
19:05 Avery.
19:11 She's about to cook the meat that has been standing in the sun for a while.
19:15 In the evening, she'll get food poisoning.
19:19 Scarlett and Emily are sitting on a beach in the city center.
19:22 Scarlett is applying makeup,
19:24 and Emily is texting her friends.
19:26 Who is more likely to be robbed?
19:31 Emily.
19:38 Although they're both distracted,
19:39 at least Scarlett has a mirror in her hands
19:41 and can see if someone is approaching her.
19:44 Ella and Madison are driving to their friend's birthday party.
19:48 Ella is chatting on the phone with her boyfriend,
19:51 while Madison is applying lipstick.
19:53 Who is in greater danger?
19:58 Madison.
20:04 Although they both shouldn't be distracted while driving,
20:07 Madison isn't wearing a seatbelt.
20:09 Now, sum up your points.
20:12 If you got less than 25 points,
20:14 you scored below average.
20:16 But don't be sad.
20:17 Check out some of our other riddles to train.
20:20 If you got between 26 and 40 points,
20:23 you have an average score,
20:24 and you're on the right track.
20:26 If you scored between 41 and 55,
20:29 you're above average.
20:31 And if you scored 56 or more,
20:33 you must be a second Einstein.
20:36 Relatively speaking.
20:38 It belongs to your friend,
20:40 but you use it way more than them.
20:42 What is it?
20:46 [DING]
20:47 That's right.
20:48 It's your friend's name.
20:50 Alice was walking in a field
20:52 and suddenly saw a white rabbit.
20:54 She took a picture of the animal.
20:56 Suddenly, the rabbit said,
20:58 "Hey, I can show you where the treasures are hidden."
21:00 Alice got very excited.
21:02 But then, her friend called her,
21:04 and the rabbit ran away.
21:06 When Alice returned to the field the next day,
21:08 she saw nine rabbits.
21:10 They all had the same name.
21:12 Alice was very happy.
21:14 She saw nine rabbits.
21:16 They all kept silent.
21:18 Can you help Alice find the right rabbit?
21:22 [DING]
21:29 It's over there, in the right corner.
21:31 What substance is there in each mug?
21:35 One, it's not sugar or water.
21:37 Two, it's not sugar or tea.
21:40 Three, it's not tea or water.
21:46 [DING]
21:52 The first mug contains tea.
21:54 The second mug contains water.
21:56 And the third mug is full of sugar.
21:59 Gemma overslept and arrived at her office
22:02 an hour later than usual.
22:04 She found a beautiful bouquet of roses on her table.
22:07 Gemma got very excited when she saw
22:09 a postcard tucked among the flowers.
22:11 She reached for it and accidentally pricked her finger on a thorn.
22:15 The card said the flowers were from a secret admirer.
22:18 Gemma looked attentively at her three colleagues.
22:22 Serge was on the phone.
22:24 Will was printing out some documents.
22:26 He winked at the girl.
22:28 And Peter was making coffee.
22:30 He offered Gemma to join him.
22:32 At that moment, Gemma understood who had sent her the bouquet.
22:35 How?
22:40 [DING]
22:41 It was Serge.
22:43 He had a fresh scratch left by a thorn on his finger.
22:46 Rotate it 90 degrees and it's everything.
22:50 Cut it in half and it's nothing.
22:53 What is it?
22:57 [DING]
23:03 When you cut eight in half,
23:05 you get a square.
23:07 When you cut eight in half,
23:09 it turns into two zeros.
23:11 If you place it on the side,
23:13 eight turns into the infinity symbol.
23:15 The more it dries,
23:17 the wetter it gets.
23:19 What is it?
23:23 [DING]
23:28 It's a towel.
23:30 Tim loved his girlfriend, Christy, very much.
23:33 So he went to a tattoo artist
23:35 to get her name tattooed on his arm.
23:37 But the artist turned out to be a crazy scientist.
23:40 He used Tim's DNA to create two evil clones.
23:43 When Christy came to the tattoo parlor to pick Tim up,
23:46 she saw three identical guys.
23:49 Help Christy determine which Tim is the real one.
23:55 [DING]
24:01 The guy on the left is the real Tim.
24:03 He's the only one who has a tattoo.
24:05 The clones aren't supposed to have any.
24:08 How many months of the year have 28 days?
24:15 [DING]
24:22 All 12 months.
24:24 Look at the picture.
24:26 Which one is different?
24:30 [DING]
24:31 It's A.
24:32 The color that should be at the top is at the bottom.
24:35 Helen was a famous singer.
24:38 When she was applying her makeup in the dressing room,
24:41 her agent called her.
24:42 He said that her song had become the main hit of the year.
24:45 Helen told her assistant, Nick,
24:47 "Hurry up, bring my best friend Lisa here.
24:49 I want to celebrate."
24:51 Nick came out of the dressing room
24:53 and saw a crowd of fans in front of him.
24:55 He was so excited.
24:57 He said, "I'm so excited.
24:59 I'm so excited."
25:00 He said, "I'm so excited."
25:01 He said, "I'm so excited."
25:02 He said, "I'm so excited."
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29:56 He said, "I'm so excited."
30:00 He said, "I'm so excited."
30:04 He said, "I'm so excited."
30:08 He said, "I'm so excited."
30:12 He said, "I'm so excited."
30:16 He said, "I'm so excited."
30:20 He said, "I'm so excited."
30:24 He said, "I'm so excited."
30:28 He said, "I'm so excited."
30:32 He said, "I'm so excited."
30:36 He said, "I'm so excited."
30:40 It's a cold!
30:44 Two teams were playing soccer against each other. Each of the teams scored two goals in total.
30:50 And still, it wasn't a tie. One team won and the other lost. How come?
30:56 One of the teams scored an own goal.
31:06 Young but very popular blogger Eric wrote his first book. It was a huge success.
31:12 The guy was preparing for his first book signing. He was very excited and nervous.
31:18 So he took a break to steady his nerves in a quiet corner. But even at 6 p.m., when the meeting was supposed to start,
31:24 Eric was nowhere to be seen. In 10 minutes, a security guard found him lying on the floor in the bathroom.
31:30 Someone had hit the writer on the head. The police had three suspects.
31:36 Angela, his agent, said she had been solving some urgent organizational issues.
31:42 Frank, one of the fans, said he had been a great lover of Eric's books for years. He wouldn't do anything to harm the writer.
31:48 And Patrick, the security guard, said he had been doing his job, keeping the fans away from the entrance.
31:54 Who hit Eric?
31:58 It was Frank. It was Eric's first book. Frank couldn't possibly be reading his books for years.
32:04 Look at these guys carefully. Who is a fake fireman?
32:10 It's the guy on the right. He's not wearing a helmet and doesn't have a special bag.
32:16 Plus, his pants aren't part of the uniform.
32:22 You have 3 empty cups and 10 sugar cubes.
32:28 You need to distribute these sugar cubes between the cups so that each of them contains an odd number of cubes.
32:34 Put 3 sugar cubes in the first cup and 3 cubes in the second one.
32:40 After that, put the remaining 4 sugar cubes in the third cup.
32:46 Put 3 sugar cubes in the first cup and 3 cubes in the second one.
32:52 After that, put the remaining 4 cubes and the second cup in cup number 3.
32:58 Now, the first cup has 3 sugar cubes and the second one has 3 sugar cubes too.
33:04 As for the third cup, it has 7 sugar cubes, 4 of its own, and 3 in the second cup.
33:10 The boys were walking home after doing their weekly grocery shopping.
33:16 Deborah kept complaining about how heavy her bags were.
33:22 Then Rachel told her, "I don't understand why you're upset. If you gave me one of your bags, I would have twice more bags than you do.
33:28 And if I gave you one of mine, we would have the same number of bags."
33:34 Rachel had 7 bags while Deborah was only carrying 5 bags.
33:40 Janice was having her morning coffee in a cafe when she heard a car screeching to a halt, then loud shouting.
33:46 She ran there and saw a man with his bicycle on the ground and a car standing nearby.
33:52 The cyclist didn't look hurt, and Janice helped him to get up.
33:58 The car driver came up to them too. The cyclist pointed at the man.
34:04 "He made me crash by hitting my bike with his car."
34:10 But the driver said, "I saw him losing control of his bike in the mirror. Then he fell to the ground, and I stopped the car to go check on him."
34:16 Janice almost immediately understood who was lying. Have you figured it out?
34:22 The car doesn't have side mirrors. There are also lots of things in the back seat.
34:28 They block the view of the road. So the driver couldn't have seen anything in his rear-view mirror either. He's lying.
34:34 One wealthy businessman was famous for always wearing a white hat.
34:40 But one day, he came to his office with a bunch of fruit on his head.
34:46 His employees were shocked, but they didn't dare to question the man. The situation repeated the next day.
34:52 On the third day, the businessman's secretary plucked up all his courage and asked what was going on.
34:58 The man answered, "Ah, that's because I lost a bet. I haven't fulfilled it yet, but I'll do it today. There's no need to order lunch for me."
35:04 What did the businessman have to do to fulfill the bet?
35:10 He had to eat his hat.
35:16 When he made this bet, he said, "If I lose, I'll eat my hat."
35:22 Detective Mark Darson suspected one man of committing a crime. He decided to stake out his house.
35:28 Not too far away, he spotted an artist setting up her easel. Apparently, she was going to draw the criminal's house.
35:34 At one point, the detective had to go away to the police station. He asked the girl to call him if she saw someone entering or leaving the house.
35:40 She agreed. When Mark came back in the evening, the artist told him she'd seen no one.
35:46 The detective immediately understood she was lying. How did he figure it out?
35:52 When he was leaving, all the windows in the house were closed.
35:58 But in the picture the girl drew, the windows are open. It means someone was inside while Mark was away.
36:04 Take a look at this picture and try to understand which guy is Ben.
36:10 Ben is the guy looking for something on the floor. He's the only one not wearing his shoes.
36:16 That's because there's still a window open.
36:22 You've got a sack filled with coffee beans.
36:28 You need to use this coffee to completely fill two other sacks of the same size.
36:34 How can you do it?
36:40 Put one empty sack into the other and fill them with coffee.
36:46 A large sum of money was stolen from Mr. Green's safe.
36:52 The police suspect Alan. But Alan says, "I don't know anything about safes or about how to open them. I'm a simple blacksmith."
36:58 The detective doesn't believe him and asks Alan to prove it.
37:04 He gives the guy one job-related task. If he copes with it, he's telling the truth.
37:10 Alan gets five different chains. Each of them has three links.
37:16 The detective asks the guy to make one chain out of these five pieces.
37:22 But he can separate and combine only three links. In no time, Alan finished this task and was released.
37:28 How did he do it?
37:34 Alan separated three links of one chain and used them to connect the remaining four chains.
37:40 Can you move just one matchstick to make a square?
37:46 Pull this matchstick up a bit. Here's your perfect square.
37:52 Mr. Bernard, a famous inventor, lived on the sixth floor of an apartment building.
37:58 After long months of work, he finally created a time machine.
38:04 He packed lots of food, water, and other necessary stuff and was ready to test his invention.
38:10 He set the timer so that the machine took him 500 years back into the past.
38:16 Mr. Bernard was about to press start when a thought came to his mind.
38:22 He took the time and carried it to his garage that was on the first floor. Why?
38:28 This way, the inventor would avoid getting hurt.
38:34 Five centuries ago, there were no such high buildings.
38:40 He'd simply fall to the ground from the height of the sixth floor.
38:46 He was terrified when he said he hadn't painted the green smiley face on the fence. Which one is it?
38:52 It's the guy on the left. Check out his left hand.
38:58 Even though it's in his pocket, you can still spot some green paint he'd used.
39:04 Bruce was walking along the beach when he found a glass bottom.
39:10 The thing looked old, and the guy spent a long time trying to open it.
39:16 Finally, he succeeded. To his shock, a genie rose from the bottom.
39:22 "I'll fulfill your three wishes, but you aren't allowed to wish for more wishes."
39:28 Bruce agreed, but still managed to get more wishes. How did he do it?
39:34 His first wish was that the genie allowed him to ask for more wishes.
39:40 Several birds landed on trees, one bird for one tree.
39:46 But in this case, one of them didn't have a tree of its own.
39:52 Then they regrouped, with two birds sitting on one tree.
39:58 [clock ticking]
40:04 There are four birds and three trees.
40:10 Detective Hall, one of the agency's most talented detectives, used his coded key and entered the apartment where the secret documents were hidden.
40:18 To help him find them, his assistant Clark had left an encrypted note with the exact location of the documents.
40:24 It looked like this.
40:28 Detective Hall deciphered the message and found the documents. Where were they hidden?
40:34 [clock ticking]
40:40 The note says "Under the carpet in the studio." The detective just read it backwards and ignored the spaces between the words.
40:48 That's it for today! So, hey, if you pacified your curiosity, then give the video a like and share it with your friends.
40:54 Or, if you want more, just click on these videos and stay on the Bright Side!
