What Are 'Local Rules' In Golf?

  • 8 months ago
In this video, Jeremy Ellwood answers the question: What Are 'Local Rules' In Golf?
00:00 The question we are asking here is what is a local rule in golf.
00:03 Now there are 24 rules of golf.
00:05 There are also local rules that apply either at certain courses or in certain competitions
00:11 when conditions might require them.
00:13 The RNA's website says a local rule is a modification of a rule or an additional rule that the committee
00:18 adopts for general play or a particular competition.
00:22 Probably the most familiar local rule that you will have played many times is preferred
00:26 lies during the winter months when conditions aren't so great and to ensure the fair playing
00:31 of the game during those months you are allowed to move your ball from where it was originally
00:35 lying and place it within a specified area on the fairway.
00:41 There are lots of local rules and you will see them on the back of scorecards.
00:44 Typically they will cover things like exactly what is out of bounds.
00:48 On this card here that I am looking at it says on or over the road to the left of the
00:53 holes on the first, second, third, fourth and fifth.
00:56 So it is important to know that because if your ball is on the road you might be tempted
01:00 to think that is an immovable obstruction and I would get relief from that, but in this
01:03 specific example that rule is out of bounds so you would have no option but to go and
01:08 replay again under penalty of stroke and distance.
01:14 Another local rule that is fairly common, but not everywhere, I have got two cards here
01:19 it is on one of them, but not the other one is for when a sprinkler head lies between
01:25 your ball and the flag on a direct route.
01:29 Under the rules of golf you would only get relief from this if that actually interfered
01:34 with your stance, your area of intended swing or where the ball was lying.
01:40 This doesn't.
01:41 You would have to really exaggerate it to try and pretend that that influenced your
01:45 line of swing there.
01:47 So under the rules of golf there is no relief from that and much as you would like to putt
01:50 it perhaps you are going to have to chip that probably.
01:52 But there is a local rule available if the sprinkler head lies within two club lengths
01:59 of the green and your ball lies within two club lengths of the sprinkler head directly
02:03 on a line to the flag there is a local rule that would then allow you to take relief away
02:08 from that so you could then putt if you really wanted to.
02:11 We are not going to go into all the local rules here, but the RNA's website does have
02:15 a whole list of model local rules and it has the wording as well and committees are encouraged
02:21 to use that wording whenever possible so that golfers get an idea that there is a degree
02:25 of consistency between one club that has a local rule and another.
02:29 So it is basically something to look out for on the back of a scorecard, on the club notice
02:33 board, on a website or if you are playing in a competition on a handout that you might
02:38 get when you sign in.
02:39 [Music]
