• last year
Jeremy Clarkson was surprised that Eggheads' Kevin was a phone a friend on Millionaire.
Credit: Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? / ITV / ITVX
00:00 I don't really have any idea about this one.
00:03 I think I'm going to have to phone a friend.
00:06 David Attenborough?
00:08 Sadly not, no.
00:10 Nilly is good. Can I call Kevin, please?
00:12 Kevin Attenborough.
00:13 Of course, let's call Kevin Attenborough.
00:16 What's Kevin do?
00:19 He's one of the eggheads.
00:21 Who is he? Yeah.
00:22 He's an actual egghead? Yes.
00:23 Oh, that's quite... Are you a quizzer, I'm guessing?
00:25 Yeah. I sort of am. I bask in everybody else's perfected glory.
00:29 Let's find out if he knows.
00:32 Hello? Hi, Kevin.
00:34 Hello.
00:35 Hi, Jeremy Clarkson here from Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?
00:38 WHOOSH
