00:00:00 (Një shumë)
00:00:02 (Një shumë)
00:00:04 Një shumë, kërë, kërë.
00:00:11 Një shumë.
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00:00:50 (Një shumë)
00:00:54 And I'm just grateful for my father, Dr. Frederick Casey Price.
00:01:00 Thank you, thank you.
00:01:09 (Applause)
00:01:29 Don't y'all get me to start crying up here.
00:01:31 Thank you so much, thank you.
00:01:38 As well as my mother, Dr. Betty Price, and we just...
00:01:40 Come on y'all, y'all gonna mess me up this morning, come on.
00:01:46 Thank you so much.
00:01:52 They are...
00:01:58 Of course, dad is with Jesus right now, praise God.
00:02:01 But my mother's at home, she's watching right now.
00:02:05 Can you all wave to Dr. Betty right now, just wave.
00:02:08 She's watching.
00:02:10 You all are extended family as far as we are concerned.
00:02:13 Your pastor, your first lady are very important to me, very important to my family.
00:02:21 Very important to the Crenshaw Christian Center family.
00:02:24 Some of you may know this, some of you may not.
00:02:26 It was at a Dr. Dollar conference in the Faith Dome, and I acknowledge the call to ministry.
00:02:31 So the connection is forever.
00:02:34 I want to honor my lovely wife, Angel Price, she is here with me today.
00:02:41 And just a big thank you to you all.
00:02:49 I'm gonna pray and then we can get started.
00:02:50 Are you ready for the word?
00:02:51 Praise God.
00:02:52 Father, we thank you and we praise you always for the opportunity to gather together in your presence.
00:02:57 We know where two or three are present, you are in our midst.
00:03:02 And so we just thank you that by way of your spirit you're here with us.
00:03:06 And Holy Spirit lead and guide us into all truth, make the scripture come alive to us this day.
00:03:11 We thank you, Father, that you are Jehovah, shalom, our peace.
00:03:15 And we thank you for your shalom, nothing missing, nothing broken, wholeness.
00:03:20 And walking in the fullness of your blessing.
00:03:22 We thank you that you are Jehovah, Jireh, the Lord, our provider.
00:03:25 Every need is met, spirit, soul, and body, according to your riches of glory by Christ Jesus.
00:03:30 And you are Jehovah, Rapha, the Lord, our healer.
00:03:33 You have sent your word and healed us.
00:03:35 And he took infirmities and bore our sicknesses and by his stripes we were healed.
00:03:40 And so I thank you that as the word of God goes forth, your healing power will fill this place.
00:03:45 And fill the homes and places where those are watching online.
00:03:49 And I thank you that the hearts this morning, they are ready, good ground, prepared to receive the word.
00:03:55 We will not just be hearers this day but doers as well. In the name of the Lord Jesus, amen.
00:04:02 Make your way to Exodus 29, verse 1.
00:04:08 Now, this is a Bible teaching church.
00:04:16 I know where I'm at.
00:04:18 And so, some of what you hear today, you've heard before.
00:04:25 I believe there will be some things maybe you haven't heard before.
00:04:30 And maybe there will be some things you've heard before but today you'll hear it in a way you haven't heard before.
00:04:37 One thing for sure, Peter said this in his second epistle.
00:04:42 He said, "As long as I'm in this tent, I'm going to stir you up by reminding you."
00:04:49 For us to be reminded of anything according to the word, it must be something we've heard at one point.
00:04:55 We all know how faith comes. It doesn't come by having heard.
00:05:00 Faith comes by hearing and hearing and hearing by the word of God.
00:05:05 I want to talk with you today about kingdom power.
00:05:09 Kingdom power.
00:05:11 Let's begin here in Exodus 29, verse 1.
00:05:15 It reads, "And this is what you shall do to them to hallow them for ministering to me as priests."
00:05:24 I just want to stop right here at this point in the scripture.
00:05:27 "This is what you shall do to them to hallow them, separate or consecrate them for ministering to me as priests."
00:05:36 This is the establishing of the priesthood by way of Aaron or through Aaron and his sons.
00:05:44 They were of the tribe of Levi.
00:05:47 We know the priesthood comes out of the tribe of Levi.
00:05:53 This chapter is very detailed. I'm not going to read it all, but it's very detailed.
00:05:59 In the specifications, in the meticulous manner in which God required them to be set apart.
00:06:09 As a matter of fact, what you're going to see today is you're going to see the complexity of consecration under the law
00:06:17 and how simplified it's become under grace.
00:06:22 Verses 1 through 3 mention the animals and food offered in the consecration.
00:06:27 Verses 5 through 9 mention the garments, the breastplate, the turban or the headwear and the anointing oil.
00:06:33 And then the next few verses after that mention the sacrifice of the animals, the sprinkling of blood and the burnt offering.
00:06:40 But I want us now to focus on verse 20, if you'll do that with me.
00:06:44 Focus on verse 20, which reads, "Then you shall kill the ram and take some of its blood and put it on the,"
00:06:53 pay attention to this, "the tip of the right ear."
00:06:58 Everyone say, "tip of the right ear."
00:07:00 "On the tip of the right ear of Aaron and on the tip of the right ear of his sons,
00:07:06 on the thumb of their right hand and on the big toe of their right foot,
00:07:11 and sprinkle the blood all around on the altar."
00:07:14 For the sake of our discussion today, we're going to focus on the ear.
00:07:19 We're going to focus on the ear.
00:07:21 What did this verse say when God required them to be consecrated back then?
00:07:26 He said what? He said, "Take some of the blood and put it on the tip of the right ear."
00:07:33 I want you to hold on to that because we're going to circle back to it.
00:07:36 Now let's go over to Luke 22.
00:07:39 Luke 22, verse 47.
00:07:47 When you have it, say, "I have it."
00:07:52 Luke 22, 47. It reads, "And while he was still speaking,
00:07:59 behold, a multitude and he who was called Judas, one of the 12, went before them
00:08:06 and drew near to Jesus to kiss him.
00:08:09 But Jesus said to him, 'Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?'
00:08:14 When those around him saw what was going to happen, they said to him,
00:08:17 'Lord, shall we strike with the sword?'"
00:08:22 I think that's the kind of crew I want to roll with all the time.
00:08:26 Swords ready.
00:08:29 "And one of them struck the servant of the high priest and cut off his right ear."
00:08:36 Now we all know this was Peter. Peter had some issues he was still working through.
00:08:43 Watch this. "He struck the servant of the high priest,
00:08:46 the servant of the high priest, the servant of the high priest,
00:08:50 and what did he do? He cut off his right ear."
00:08:53 Now I just read something way, way back in Exodus about how the blood went on the tip of the right ear.
00:09:01 I need you to hold fast to that. I need you to hold fast to this,
00:09:04 how the right ear was cut off. And then let's look at one more thing.
00:09:09 Let's look at John 18, verse 10.
00:09:15 John 18, verse 10, which says, "Then Simon Peter, having a sword,
00:09:21 drew it and struck the high priest's servant and cut off his right ear.
00:09:26 The servant's name was Malchus." His name was Malchus.
00:09:31 So I want you to hold on to these three nuggets that we have acquired from these three Scriptures.
00:09:38 Over in Exodus 29, the blood went on the tip of the witch ear, the right ear,
00:09:44 and then Simon Peter cut off the right ear, watch this,
00:09:49 "of the servant of the high priest, whose name was what? Malchus."
00:09:55 We're going to come back to all of this.
00:09:58 Now let's make our way over to Matthew chapter 10, verse 1, and let's get into this thing.
00:10:06 God has called us to operate in dominion.
00:10:10 In Genesis 1:26, He said, "Let us make man in our image according to our likeness
00:10:16 and let them have something." Dominion, charge, rule, and reign.
00:10:21 That's God's original plan for man. And God doesn't deviate from His plans.
00:10:26 Now sin comes into the world and messes a few things up.
00:10:30 And yet while sin and the sinful nature that man now has, and the sinful nature man is now born with,
00:10:38 is present in the world, and sin is not only affecting man, sin is affecting the entire environment,
00:10:44 God still required whoever He called to operate in dominion.
00:10:50 Think of one by the name of Cain who killed his brother.
00:10:54 Before he killed his brother, the Bible says, God, in speaking to Cain,
00:10:58 He said, "Sin lies at the door. Its desire is for you, but you should rule over it."
00:11:09 Fast forward to the flood account.
00:11:13 And when the waters had subsided and it was time to exit the ark, what did God tell Noah?
00:11:18 He told Noah the same thing He told Adam, "Be fruitful and multiply."
00:11:22 But this time in His dominion charge to Noah, He worded it differently because sin now was present in the world.
00:11:31 And He words it this way in Genesis 9 too.
00:11:33 He says, "The fear of you and the dread of you shall be on every fish of the sea,
00:11:39 every bird of the air, and every beast of the field."
00:11:42 Now when Adam, before sin, was operating in dominion, he did not have to operate using fear or dread.
00:11:49 Whereas Noah did. Adam, pre-sin, Noah, post-sin.
00:11:54 As we continue to navigate the old covenant, we come across the scripture in Psalm.
00:12:00 Psalm 8. You all know Psalm 8, verses 1 through 6.
00:12:04 And I'll paraphrase. This is when David is in awe of the creation of God.
00:12:09 He is enamored by the majesty of God.
00:12:13 And he makes statements like, "When I consider the works of your hands,
00:12:19 when I consider the works of your fingers, how you have set your glory above the heavens,
00:12:25 and how you have ordained the moon and the sun."
00:12:28 He then asks this question, "Who am I that you're mindful of me?"
00:12:33 And it goes on to say what? "You have made Him a little lower than..."
00:12:40 Yeah, you read the angels, but the Hebrew is Elohim.
00:12:46 You have made Him a little lower than Elohim.
00:12:50 Because we were made in the image of God.
00:12:54 Now, we did become lower than the angels
00:13:01 when a man by the name of Adam decided not to listen to God and instead listen to an angel.
00:13:07 And when he gave heed to the word of a celestial, of a cherub by the name of Lucifer,
00:13:15 well, he submitted to the word of Lucifer instead of the word of God.
00:13:20 And that lowered the status of man, placed a man beneath the angels.
00:13:25 That's why the writer in Hebrew says, "For a little while we were made lower than the angels."
00:13:31 What was that little while?
00:13:32 That little while was the time in between the fall of man and the finished work at Calvary.
00:13:41 On this side of the cross, I've entered back into the position I was in before the fall.
00:13:49 Now, let's see what Jesus expects us to do with this charge and with this authority.
00:13:56 Make your way to Matthew 10, verse 1.
00:14:01 Matthew 10.
00:14:07 And it reads, "When He called His twelve disciples to Him, He gave them something."
00:14:13 Just like when God created man, He said, "Let us make man in our image according to our likeness.
00:14:19 Let them have."
00:14:21 Now we're reading here in verse 1 of Matthew 10, "When He called His twelve disciples to Him,
00:14:26 He gave them something."
00:14:28 What did He give them?
00:14:29 He gave them power over unclean spirits to do what?
00:14:33 To cast them out and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease.
00:14:40 Jesus gave the twelve power over unclean spirits to cast them out.
00:14:47 He gave them power to heal all manner of sickness and disease.
00:14:54 What is this power that Jesus gave His twelve?
00:14:59 It's called exousia.
00:15:00 It's called authority.
00:15:02 He gave them authority over unclean spirits.
00:15:06 He gave them authority to heal all type of sickness and all manner of disease.
00:15:14 All right, let's take a look at this exousia.
00:15:16 Let's take a look at this authority for just a second.
00:15:19 Go with me to Luke chapter 4.
00:15:21 Luke chapter 4, verse 31.
00:15:27 Let's watch Jesus model this for us.
00:15:29 Luke 4, 31.
00:15:34 It reads, "Then He went down to Capernaum, a city of Galilee, and was teaching them on the Sabbaths.
00:15:43 And they were astonished at His teaching, for His word was with," there it is again, "authority."
00:15:50 Exousia.
00:15:51 "Now in the synagogue there was a man who had a spirit of an unclean demon.
00:15:55 And he cried out with a loud voice, saying, 'Let us alone.
00:15:59 What have we to do with you, Jesus of Nazareth?
00:16:02 Did you come to destroy us?
00:16:04 I know who you are, the Holy One of God.'"
00:16:07 Quick question.
00:16:08 This is just a side issue.
00:16:10 Do demons know who you are?
00:16:15 Can they include you in the list, Jesus I know, Paul I know?
00:16:22 They said, "I know who you are, the Holy One of God."
00:16:25 But Jesus rebuked them, saying, "Be quiet and come out of them."
00:16:28 And when the demon had thrown Him in their midst, it came out of them and did not hurt Him.
00:16:33 And they were all amazed.
00:16:35 "And they spoke among themselves, saying, 'What a word this is for,'" watch this,
00:16:40 "'with authority and.'"
00:16:44 Wait a minute now, hold up.
00:16:46 Wait, we just read in Matthew 10 that He gave His disciples power over demons,
00:16:52 and that power is actually authority.
00:16:55 So what's this power that's here with this authority?
00:17:00 I'm looking at two powers.
00:17:02 I'm looking at two kinds or two types of power.
00:17:04 I don't know what both of these are.
00:17:06 It says, "They were all amazed.
00:17:08 They spoke among themselves, 'What a word this is, for with authority and power,
00:17:13 He commands the unclean spirits.'
00:17:15 And they come out, and the report about Him went out into every place in the surrounding region."
00:17:19 What are we looking at here?
00:17:21 Now, on top of exousia, we're looking at dunamis.
00:17:27 We're looking at authority and ability.
00:17:30 So they're marveling at what's happening through the hands and through the life and ministry of Jesus,
00:17:36 and they're marveling at this authority and this ability.
00:17:40 They say, "What a word this is, for with authority and ability,
00:17:47 He commands the unclean spirits, and they come out."
00:17:50 Now, we just read in Matthew 10, 1, that He gave His disciples authority.
00:17:54 Did He also give them ability?
00:17:56 Let's see.
00:17:57 Go to Luke 9.
00:18:00 You're in Luke.
00:18:01 Just head over to chapter 9 and look at verse 1.
00:18:11 Look at this now.
00:18:12 It says, "Then He called"--here's Luke's account of this, and Luke gives us just a little bit more.
00:18:19 Luke says, "Then He called His 12 disciples together and gave them power and authority over all demons,
00:18:26 and to do what?
00:18:27 And to cure diseases."
00:18:29 Dunamis and exousia, ability and authority.
00:18:35 Now, how is it that Jesus was able to do it?
00:18:39 Because He had it all.
00:18:42 And so since He had it all--and let me just sidebar for a second.
00:18:46 Under the New Testament, if you want authority, you've got to meet Jesus.
00:18:51 If you want ability, you've got to meet the Holy Spirit.
00:18:58 That's how that works.
00:18:59 Now, we know Jesus was baptized in water, and then the heavens opened, and the Holy Spirit descended upon Him.
00:19:04 Jesus was then baptized with the Holy Spirit.
00:19:07 Jesus was then filled with the Spirit, and He had the entire ministry of the Holy Spirit at His disposal.
00:19:13 Therefore, since He called His 12 and gave them charge, then He had authority to give them both authority and ability.
00:19:24 But what are we supposed to do with that now on this side of Calvary?
00:19:28 Well, we'll see in a second.
00:19:29 I want you to look at one more thing.
00:19:30 Go to Luke 10 and find verse 17.
00:19:35 You all familiar with the 70?
00:19:39 He didn't just give power to 12.
00:19:41 He gave power to the 70.
00:19:44 He told the 70 to do the same thing He told the 12 to do--go out, cast out demons, heal all type of sickness and manner of disease, do works in His name.
00:19:56 That's what He told the 12 to do.
00:19:58 That's what He told the 70 to do.
00:20:01 But we notice something here that's very interesting.
00:20:04 Luke 10, 17, which reads like this, "Then the 70, they returned with joy, saying," what?
00:20:13 "Saying, 'Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.'"
00:20:21 There are two things that I want you to observe in this one verse alone.
00:20:24 Number one, the fact that they said to the Lord, "Even the demons," implies they were doing other works.
00:20:39 In other words, even though it's not written, it's implied that when the 70 returned, they said, "Lord, we heal diseases in Your name.
00:20:49 Lord, we opened up blind eyes in Your name.
00:20:53 Lord, we opened up deaf ears in Your name.
00:20:56 Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name."
00:21:01 Watch what they didn't say.
00:21:03 They did not say, "Lord, even the demons are subject to You."
00:21:07 They said, "Lord, the demons are subject to us in Your name."
00:21:13 Pay attention to that.
00:21:18 Now, the next verse almost makes no sense.
00:21:21 It almost seems like Jesus doesn't even address what they said.
00:21:25 The first thing He says is, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven."
00:21:32 Now, watch this.
00:21:34 The Word of God is manifold.
00:21:37 We learn about the manifold ways of God all throughout the Scriptures, two places in particular.
00:21:42 Ephesians 3.10 says, "To the intent that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by us, the church, to the principalities and the angels in heavenly places."
00:21:54 What's manifold wisdom?
00:21:56 1 Peter 4.10 says that we have become stewards of the manifold grace of God.
00:22:02 So, God's grace is manifold.
00:22:04 God's wisdom is manifold, which means God is manifold.
00:22:08 What does manifold mean?
00:22:09 It means many.
00:22:11 It means multi-layered, multi-textured, multi-directional.
00:22:16 God's wisdom can't be contained in one box.
00:22:20 His grace doesn't just have one scent.
00:22:23 It has many scents.
00:22:24 It has many colors.
00:22:25 It has many shades and many textures.
00:22:27 Why?
00:22:28 Because He's manifold.
00:22:29 Well, if God and His Word are one and the same, then His Word is manifold.
00:22:33 That means there are layers to His Word, which means there may be a surface meaning and there may be a deeper meaning.
00:22:40 There may be a primary meaning and there may be a secondary meaning.
00:22:43 Let me address the secondary meaning first, and then let me hit the primary.
00:22:47 Now, one of the things Jesus was doing is He was humbling the 70.
00:22:53 How do we know this?
00:22:54 Well, if you skip verse 19 for a second and you just look at verse 20, what does He say?
00:22:59 He says, "Nevertheless, rejoice for the right reason."
00:23:02 He says, "Rejoice that your names are" what?
00:23:06 "That your names are written in heaven."
00:23:08 Now, it's not that we can't rejoice when people are free from demonic attacks and free from sickness and disease,
00:23:15 but He was making sure that their crosshairs were on the right target.
00:23:20 Don't get so caught up in the works that you forget about the greater gift of salvation.
00:23:26 So, with that being said, when they came back to Him saying, "Lord, guess what we saw?"
00:23:33 The Lord said, "Well, guess what I saw?"
00:23:35 You want to talk about what you done?
00:23:39 Let me tell you what I saw.
00:23:41 I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.
00:23:47 That's the secondary meaning.
00:23:49 Oh, but let me tell you the primary meaning in this.
00:23:53 Look at verse 19, which reads what?
00:23:56 "Behold," and it's interesting.
00:24:00 They come back to Him rejoicing.
00:24:02 "Lord, we've done all of these things.
00:24:04 Even the demons are subject to us in your name."
00:24:11 The next thing He says is, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven," and then He says, "Behold."
00:24:17 Again, there it is, "I give you something."
00:24:22 What did He give them?
00:24:25 He gave them authority to trample.
00:24:29 That means whatever I'm trampling on is under my feet.
00:24:33 On what?
00:24:34 On serpents and scorpions and all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
00:24:44 Here's another way that we can read this.
00:24:46 I believe the traditional King James Version reads like this.
00:24:49 "Behold, I give you power to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power."
00:24:57 In other words, Jesus said, "I give you power over the power."
00:25:05 Well, Jesus helped me out.
00:25:06 What does that mean?
00:25:08 You give us power over the power.
00:25:11 You give us your power, which trumps the power of the enemy.
00:25:17 What's the power of the enemy?
00:25:19 The power of the enemy is only ability.
00:25:22 The only authority the enemy has is the authority we give him.
00:25:27 See, that's why the Bible says, "Nor give place to the devil."
00:25:31 Now, the system of the world is under his authority, but we don't operate under the system of the world.
00:25:37 We operate under a different world system.
00:25:40 It's called the kingdom of God, and he has no legal right to transact any of his business under the jurisdiction of the kingdom of God.
00:25:51 And we have to constantly remind him of that.
00:25:54 So, here, what does Jesus say?
00:25:56 Jesus says, "I give you something that will always outdo what he has.
00:26:02 I give you my authority to trample over his ability."
00:26:09 Oh, because angels alone, devils alone, have more ability than us.
00:26:19 They are stronger than us ability-wise.
00:26:23 But what we have is something.
00:26:25 See, I like to ask this question.
00:26:27 You could have all the--you could be the athlete with all the talent in the world.
00:26:34 You have more talent and ability than the owner, but you ain't the owner.
00:26:41 You don't have the authority.
00:26:44 So, I don't care how good you are.
00:26:46 I don't care how much ability you have.
00:26:48 I got all the authority.
00:26:51 So, Jesus says, "I give you my authority to trample over his ability."
00:26:57 Oh, I like how that sounds.
00:26:59 I like how that sounds.
00:27:01 But okay, let's take it a step further.
00:27:04 Jesus wasn't just talking about his time in eternity past when he saw the devil fall like lightning.
00:27:11 He was also talking about what was happening in the moment when they returned to rejoice.
00:27:17 So, another way we can read these Scriptures is like this.
00:27:20 The 70 return with joy saying, "Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name."
00:27:26 And Jesus said, "Yeah, I know. Yeah, I know what y'all been doing, because I've been watching Satan fall like lightning.
00:27:33 Every single time you were casting out devils.
00:27:36 Every single time you were raising the dead.
00:27:39 Every single time you were healing diseases, I saw his powers being pulled down.
00:27:44 His strongholds were being pulled down.
00:27:48 Oh, yeah, I know what you've been up to.
00:27:51 I've been watching his whole kingdom just fall and fall and fall."
00:27:57 Oh, what did he say? He said, "I give you authority over his ability."
00:28:02 I like that.
00:28:03 But, ladies and gentlemen, under the New Testament, we have something better.
00:28:14 Let us not forget that while Jesus in his earthly ministry preached a new covenant message,
00:28:22 his ministry was still under the old banner.
00:28:27 How do we know this?
00:28:28 Well, the Bible speaks for itself.
00:28:30 It's Hebrews 9, 16, and 17 that tells us that a testament has no power while the testator lives.
00:28:38 It's not in force until after the testator dies.
00:28:41 It's just the difference with this testator and all other testators is that after he died, he got back up.
00:28:51 Here's what I need to now know.
00:28:53 I need to know the source of this authority.
00:28:56 I want to know where this power is housed.
00:28:59 I want to know where home base is.
00:29:01 Walk with me to Philippians 3.20.
00:29:04 Are you getting anything out of this this morning?
00:29:08 Philippians chapter 3, one verse quickly.
00:29:15 Look at verse 20.
00:29:16 And it's really just the first part of this scripture that I want you to see, which reads, "For our" what?
00:29:24 "Our citizenship is in heaven."
00:29:29 Now, on the surface, this just simply sounds like you and I are citizens of heaven.
00:29:34 All right, that makes sense.
00:29:36 I mean, I'm a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ.
00:29:39 And if I were to pass away before the Lord appears, then to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.
00:29:47 Okay, that makes sense.
00:29:48 But what was Paul truly, truly saying here when he said, "Our citizenship is in heaven"?
00:29:55 This word "citizenship" has a very unique meaning.
00:29:59 The Greek word is "polytouma," where we get from the Greek root word words like "politics" or "political" from.
00:30:10 Come to find out, this word "citizenship," really what it means is "commonwealth."
00:30:18 What it really means is "republic."
00:30:23 So let's try it like this.
00:30:26 Our republic is in heaven.
00:30:31 Oh, yeah, yeah, you live in the United States of America, which is technically, according to our Pledge of Allegiance, for example,
00:30:39 is a republic, but that's not the republic I'm talking about.
00:30:44 I'm talking about a higher form of government.
00:30:49 I'm talking about a place where once a law is established, it's established forever.
00:31:00 It can't be revoked.
00:31:03 Our citizenship, our commonwealth is in heaven.
00:31:09 Let's expound on this a bit.
00:31:11 A commonwealth is an independent country.
00:31:14 Oh, I need you to get this.
00:31:16 I need you to see this.
00:31:18 See, you thought that you primarily were a citizen of the United States of America, but that's not really your nation.
00:31:28 Your nation is the kingdom of God.
00:31:32 First and foremost, a commonwealth is an independent country or community,
00:31:37 specifically a republic, an administration, and a government, including its constitution and its laws.
00:31:45 Y'all know what a constitution is, don't you?
00:31:47 You know what's written in a constitution?
00:31:49 What you think is written in this constitution?
00:31:57 It was the prophet Isaiah in chapter 9, verse 6, who said that for unto us a child is born,
00:32:04 for unto us a son is given, and then Isaiah proceeds to say this,
00:32:08 "The government will be upon his shoulders."
00:32:14 When you look at the ministry gifts in Ephesians 4, verse 11, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers,
00:32:21 and then you look at 1 Corinthians 12, which also expounds on these gifts,
00:32:25 you find out they are also known as governments or administrations.
00:32:31 Our world, our true nation, our commonwealth is the kingdom of God.
00:32:39 Home base is housed in heaven.
00:32:43 Our names, remember Jesus said, "Nevertheless rejoice, that your names,"
00:32:48 since we're talking government and we're talking administration,
00:32:53 "your names are registered in heaven."
00:33:01 Okay, well then, if home base is in heaven, that means that's the source,
00:33:11 the foundation of the authority and the ability that I function in in the earth realm,
00:33:16 or that I should be functioning in in the earth realm.
00:33:20 Okay, look at Matthew 18, 18.
00:33:24 We know what Matthew 18, 18 says.
00:33:27 Now, the context has to do with dealing with a brother who sins, your fellow man who sins.
00:33:35 These are instructions as to how to deal with them,
00:33:38 but there's one verse here that while it's primarily applicable to the context,
00:33:43 it applies universally in the life of the believer.
00:33:46 Why? Well, look at what it says.
00:33:48 "Assuredly, I say to you."
00:33:50 Jesus said, "Assuredly." He didn't just say, "I say to you."
00:33:52 He said, "Assuredly, I say to you."
00:33:54 Assuredly, I say to you what?
00:33:56 He says, "Whatever you bound on earth or bind on earth will be what?"
00:34:03 He said, "Whatever I bind where? On earth.
00:34:08 It shall be, it will be."
00:34:12 That sounded like future tense.
00:34:14 Now, I need a little help with this because there's no future in heaven.
00:34:20 Oh, yeah, you ought to know the time in heaven is only now.
00:34:26 That's why Ecclesiastes, the writer had to be real specific when he said,
00:34:30 "There's a time and a purpose for everything under heaven, not in heaven."
00:34:36 Because the only time and season in heaven is now.
00:34:41 So, yes, I know that we believe that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
00:34:46 But see, that's for our benefit because we live in a realm where there's time.
00:34:50 God walks on time. He sits on time.
00:34:53 His throne is on top of time.
00:34:55 So, he's not bound by time.
00:34:57 So, there's only now in heaven.
00:35:00 That's why the Bible says, "A day with the Lord is like a thousand years."
00:35:05 A thousand years, give or take, is a day with the Lord.
00:35:08 What's time to God? It's nothing.
00:35:10 We know that it's nothing because when the day of Pentecost fully came
00:35:15 and they were speaking with different kinds of tongues,
00:35:18 or speaking in tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance,
00:35:21 there were people downstairs who were marveling at it,
00:35:23 but then there was a small group.
00:35:25 God's got a small group of haters. Pharisees are everywhere.
00:35:29 Everywhere.
00:35:31 Always somebody just got to disagree with you.
00:35:33 It don't matter what it is.
00:35:35 It's a beautiful day today, isn't it? No, it ain't.
00:35:38 Pharisees just got to say the opposite of whatever it is you're saying.
00:35:42 So, you had a small group. What did they say?
00:35:44 "Oh, they're drunk. That's that new wine."
00:35:47 Peter said, "It's only 9 a.m. Y'all know we don't get drunk at 9 a.m."
00:35:52 He said, "It's the third hour of the day. That is not the time for drunkenness."
00:35:56 No, Peter said, "Let me tell you what this is."
00:35:58 He said, "This is what the prophet Joel prophesied about."
00:36:01 And what did Joel say?
00:36:03 "In the last days I'll pour out my Spirit on all flesh."
00:36:07 2,000 years ago, we entered into the last days.
00:36:10 What's time to God?
00:36:13 Nothing.
00:36:15 So, how then could I bind something on earth and it will be bound in heaven?
00:36:25 How can I loose something on earth and it will be loosed in heaven?
00:36:29 Especially when, do you all recall, when the disciples asked Jesus,
00:36:34 "Teach us how to pray."
00:36:36 And Jesus gave them a prayer that sadly some people still pray today.
00:36:41 And they call it the Lord's Prayer and it ain't the Lord's Prayer.
00:36:44 If you want to give it a title, you should call it the Disciples' Prayer.
00:36:47 And I hardly doubt that they even prayed it beyond when Jesus said,
00:36:51 "Pray in this manner. Here's a blueprint. Here's a schematic for how you pray."
00:36:57 If you want to talk about the Lord's Prayer, read John 17.
00:37:00 That's the Lord's Prayer.
00:37:02 But when they asked the question, "Teach us how to pray,"
00:37:06 Jesus said, "All right, I'll give you something you can work with.
00:37:09 Follow this blueprint.
00:37:11 Our Father in heaven, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name."
00:37:18 Pay very close attention to this part.
00:37:20 "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
00:37:26 What did Jesus just tell us?
00:37:29 The will of God is done in heaven. The will of God is settled in heaven.
00:37:33 Earth got to catch up with heaven.
00:37:37 I mean, that's all prayer is.
00:37:39 Prayer is settling on earth what's already settled in heaven.
00:37:42 It's finished in heaven. It's settled in heaven.
00:37:45 Because what time is it in heaven?
00:37:48 Now.
00:37:50 So how then could I bind something on earth and it will be bound in heaven?
00:37:55 When you really break this down, what we understand is this is simply saying,
00:38:00 "Heaven backs my play."
00:38:08 When I do a work in the name of Jesus in the earth,
00:38:11 I have the full support of the administration or commonwealth of heaven.
00:38:20 Let's keep going. Let's see this.
00:38:22 Let's see this.
00:38:24 Look here.
00:38:28 Start making your way to Revelation 21.
00:38:33 How has Jesus left his authority here in the earth?
00:38:36 Well, do you all recall in Matthew 28, 18?
00:38:39 This is Matthew's account of the Great Commission.
00:38:45 And Jesus says this.
00:38:47 He says, "All authority has been given to me."
00:38:51 Where? In heaven and on earth.
00:38:57 But wait a minute.
00:38:59 Jesus, what are you doing with authority on earth when you're going to heaven
00:39:03 and you're going to sit down until your enemies have made your footstool?
00:39:08 You will be seated at the right hand of the Father for what feels like to us
00:39:15 a protracted period of time.
00:39:18 So, Jesus, my question to you is, if you're going to heaven to sit down,
00:39:23 what are you doing with authority in the earth?
00:39:27 Well, here's what Jesus said next.
00:39:30 You ready for this? It's powerful.
00:39:32 Oh, it's a rich word. Here's what he said.
00:39:34 Go.
00:39:40 And when you look up the word "go" in the Greek, it means "transfer."
00:39:44 Oh, so when Jesus said, "All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth,"
00:39:52 he was saying, "I, the head, shall handle authority in heaven.
00:39:57 You, the body, shall handle authority in the earth."
00:40:04 So when he said, "Go," he gave his authority to anyone who would believe on his name.
00:40:09 The moment you're born again, you enter into the authority, the execia of Jesus.
00:40:15 But wait, there's more.
00:40:17 Remember, the disciples could not begin to preach the kingdom until something happened.
00:40:24 What did Jesus say?
00:40:26 Jesus said, "Wait here in Jerusalem until you're endued with power from on high."
00:40:33 Well, they waited, and the Spirit of God came.
00:40:35 Jesus said, "You shall receive power after the Holy Spirit has come upon you."
00:40:42 That power is dunamis.
00:40:45 The moment you're born again, you receive the authority of Jesus.
00:40:49 The moment you're filled with the Spirit, you receive the ability of the Holy Spirit.
00:40:56 And this is what we are to operate in and function in in the earth realm.
00:41:01 We are to operate in the kingdom authority of Jesus and the kingdom ability of the Holy Spirit
00:41:09 until we pass away or until the Lord appears to receive his church.
00:41:14 It never ends. It never stops.
00:41:18 Look at Revelation 21.5.
00:41:22 I don't know about y'all, but I'm teaching myself if I ain't teaching nobody else.
00:41:28 I'm teaching so good right now that I just unloosened my shoestrings on my left shoe.
00:41:39 And instead of being embarrassed about it, I'm going to just tell y'all that my left shoe is untied right now.
00:41:47 Look at Revelation 21. Oh, I need you to see this.
00:41:52 I need you to see it.
00:41:54 Revelation 21.5. This applies to the remainder of this lesson.
00:41:58 Take a look at this.
00:42:00 Then he who sat on the throne said what? What did he say?
00:42:04 I make all things new.
00:42:10 I don't know about the God you serve, but the God I serve makes all things new.
00:42:18 But I'm about to help you fully understand what that means by telling you what the Scripture doesn't say.
00:42:25 The Scripture doesn't say, "Then he who sat on the throne said, 'Behold, I make all new things.'"
00:42:36 Now we got to talk about the difference between a new thing and a thing new.
00:42:44 See, when you make a new thing, you get rid of the old thing.
00:42:51 But God's not in the new things business. He's in the things new business.
00:42:59 Why is he in the things new business?
00:43:01 Well, God's perfect, isn't he?
00:43:03 Which means everything he creates is perfect.
00:43:07 So, what's the problem with what he created? The sin nature.
00:43:12 If you remove the sin nature, then it should go back to the way he originally created it.
00:43:18 Therefore, he don't have to make a new thing.
00:43:22 He just has to make a thing new.
00:43:26 Remember when you got born again?
00:43:30 Can some of y'all remember when you got born again?
00:43:34 I know some of y'all been saved longer than I've been alive.
00:43:38 That's a good thing.
00:43:41 When you got born again, let me tell you what did not happen.
00:43:46 God did not reach into your flesh, pull out that old spirit, eradicate it, and replace it with a new spirit.
00:43:57 No, no, no. God reached into that flesh and made your old spirit new.
00:44:02 See, when you got born again, God didn't make a new you, he just made you new.
00:44:11 Because God doesn't make new things, he makes things new.
00:44:16 In this same chapter, John says, "I saw a new heaven and a new earth."
00:44:21 But the Bible also says the earth will remain forever.
00:44:24 So, what did John see?
00:44:26 He didn't see the old earth disappear and a new earth appear. John saw the earth made new.
00:44:33 Just like he saw the heavens made new.
00:44:36 Just like this covenant that we live under now is the covenant made new.
00:44:41 Just like the new commandment of love which fulfills the law is the commandment made new.
00:44:46 Because God's not in the new things business, he's in the things new business.
00:44:51 God restores.
00:45:00 I need you to know this so that we can now make our way back to the priesthood and Malchus and the cut off ear.
00:45:10 Pastor, why'd you bring all that up in the beginning?
00:45:14 Oh, watch.
00:45:17 Now, what did we note from these first three scriptures?
00:45:20 We noted that when the priesthood was being established that the tip of the right ear, which ear?
00:45:30 The right ear.
00:45:32 The right. Right ear.
00:45:34 The right ear of Malchus was cut off, Jesus at the right hand.
00:45:37 What's up with the right?
00:45:41 Well, in the monarchy, the right hand is symbolic of power and authority.
00:45:45 The king holds the scepter in his right hand.
00:45:48 That's why, listen, you ever wonder why Jesus ain't sitting on the left side?
00:45:56 How come he didn't ascend into heaven and be seated at the left hand of God?
00:46:01 Because the right side is the side of power.
00:46:04 The right hand is the hand of power.
00:46:06 So here we are.
00:46:07 The priesthood is being established way back then under the old covenant.
00:46:12 And the first of the priests, the Aaronic priesthood, Aaron and his sons, had a little blood placed on the tip of their right ear.
00:46:25 But then, here comes Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, praying earnestly, and Judas for the betrayal.
00:46:36 Well, Peter, acting like Peter always acts, cuts off the right ear, pay attention to this, of the servant of the high priest.
00:46:47 Which means that if the servant of the high priest is the servant of the high priest, he works in the office of the high priest.
00:46:58 He operates in the realm of the high priest.
00:47:01 The high priest, as we know, Caiaphas, would have gone through the same consecration process as any other priest before him.
00:47:08 That right ear.
00:47:09 But yet, in this Garden of Gethsemane account, as they are making their way to put their hands on Jesus and place him in custody,
00:47:21 Peter, not liking it, pulls out his knife and cuts off the right ear of the servant, whose name happened to be what?
00:47:32 Malkuth.
00:47:33 Why is this significant?
00:47:35 Oh, because Malkuth means kingdom.
00:47:40 So what happened in that garden?
00:47:45 Peter cut off the right ear of the kingdom under the old.
00:47:55 Jesus reaches his hand forth and makes the ear new.
00:48:08 Making the priesthood new.
00:48:12 Oh yes, a new priesthood.
00:48:15 But the new priesthood is simply the priesthood made new.
00:48:21 The priesthood made new under the New Testament, within the framework of the kingdom of God, is royal.
00:48:33 There's no distinction between king and priest.
00:48:36 Because it was a king and a priest who laid down his life for all of us.
00:48:41 And if we would believe on him, we would enter into whatever he's in.
00:48:45 And what he is.
00:48:48 Now, my Bible tells me that he was from the tribe of Judah, but that's not the priesthood tribe.
00:48:54 Levi's tribe is the priesthood tribe.
00:48:56 And yet, the writer of Hebrews tells me that Christ is a priest according to the order of Melchizedek.
00:49:05 And it's Hebrews chapter 7 that tells me that the priesthood of Melchizedek has no beginning or end.
00:49:13 It is a priesthood that goes on continually.
00:49:16 Oh, the Levitical priesthood has come to a close.
00:49:22 The Melchizedekian priesthood continues.
00:49:27 Again, the right ear of the kingdom was cut off and then made new by the hand of Jesus.
00:49:35 Let's look at what this really means.
00:49:38 1 Peter chapter 2.
00:49:44 Y'all still with me?
00:49:47 You're getting something out of this.
00:49:49 Because if you're not, I'll just go sit down.
00:49:53 I need to know you're getting something out of this.
00:49:56 Okay.
00:49:59 Watch this.
00:50:02 1 Peter 2.4. Are you there?
00:50:04 Alright, it says what it says.
00:50:06 It says, "Coming to him as a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious,
00:50:13 you also as living stones are being built up a spiritual house, a what?
00:50:18 A holy priesthood.
00:50:23 Now, if you're already a part of a priesthood, you've been set apart.
00:50:28 The word holy means set apart.
00:50:32 Notice here the priesthood is holy.
00:50:35 To do what? To offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through who?
00:50:40 Jesus Christ.
00:50:41 Now in the same chapter, drop down to verse 9 and tell me what you see.
00:50:46 It says, "But you are a chosen generation, a"
00:50:49 Wait a minute. When did we go from being holy to being holy and royal?
00:50:59 See, royalty has to do with the king and the queen and the prince and the princess.
00:51:05 That's royalty.
00:51:07 Now there may be those who work for royalty.
00:51:10 They may be a part of royalty's administration.
00:51:15 Normally the priest, while a part of the kingdom, while having the ear of the king,
00:51:21 the priest himself is normally not royalty.
00:51:26 But in this particular case, Peter tells us that not only are we a chosen generation
00:51:32 and not only are we a holy priesthood, we're a royal priesthood.
00:51:40 "A holy nation, his own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of him
00:51:44 who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light,
00:51:48 who once were not a people but are now the people of God,
00:51:51 who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy."
00:51:55 Okay, look at Revelation chapter 1.
00:51:58 Revelation, John here, or Jesus as John records, Jesus drives this point home.
00:52:06 Peter says we're a royal priesthood. Well, how are we a royal priesthood?
00:52:10 Well, again, let us not forget that Jesus, not only was he sacrificed, he was priest and king.
00:52:19 That's why the Bible says he offered up himself.
00:52:23 Revelation 1, look at verse 4.
00:52:27 It says, "John to the seven churches which are in Asia,
00:52:30 grace to you and peace from him who is and who was and who is to come.
00:52:36 And from the seven spirits who are before his throne,
00:52:39 and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead
00:52:44 and the ruler over the kings of the earth, to him who loved us
00:52:49 and washed us from our sins in his own blood."
00:52:53 Stop right there for a second.
00:52:55 Is there anyone in this place who's been washed and cleansed in the blood of the Lamb?
00:53:03 Yeah, I'm with you. That's me too.
00:53:06 Well, if you've been washed and cleansed in the blood of the Lamb,
00:53:10 verse 6 says, "And has made us kings and priests."
00:53:17 Does that sound like a royal priesthood to you?
00:53:22 He's made us kings and priests.
00:53:25 "To his God and Father, to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen."
00:53:28 Where are my kings at?
00:53:32 Raise your hand if you're a king.
00:53:36 Okay, now watch this.
00:53:38 I'm impressed with some of you ladies
00:53:42 because you raised your hand when I said, "Where are my kings at?"
00:53:48 That means you understand and you get that when you come into Christ,
00:53:52 there's no male or female and you have put on Christ.
00:53:56 And therefore, if you have put on Christ, there are no queens.
00:54:01 There are only kings.
00:54:06 Look at all these kings.
00:54:11 Yeah, did you also notice that he didn't…
00:54:14 Notice what it doesn't say.
00:54:15 It doesn't say that we've been washed in his blood
00:54:18 and we've been made to be kings, queens, priests, and priestesses.
00:54:25 No queens and no priestesses, only kings and only priests.
00:54:32 Notice that the Bible doesn't say that those who are led by the Spirit of God
00:54:37 are the sons and daughters of God.
00:54:39 No, only the sons.
00:54:43 Because if you've entered into Christ, you've put on Christ.
00:54:48 So you've put on whatever Christ is.
00:54:51 And we know what he is, therefore, we are all kings.
00:54:57 We are all priests.
00:55:02 I mean, it's okay, ladies, to refer to yourself as a queen.
00:55:05 Just know according to the contract, you be a king.
00:55:15 He's made us what?
00:55:16 And by the way, what do kings do?
00:55:18 Y'all help me out.
00:55:19 What are some of the things?
00:55:20 Rule.
00:55:23 We rule.
00:55:26 You better remind every demon, every imp, every minion,
00:55:33 every evil thing, you are in the presence of a king.
00:55:44 All right?
00:55:46 Come on, let's wrap this up.
00:55:52 Look at the rest of this verse, by the way.
00:55:53 "Kings and priests to his God and Father, to him be glory and dominion forever and ever."
00:55:59 See, that's that line of kingship and priesthood that never ends.
00:56:07 You and I are a part of that.
00:56:09 Okay, let's look at this here.
00:56:10 Let's close with this.
00:56:14 See, kingdom authority is royal authority and priestly authority.
00:56:21 If you believe on Jesus, you're a king.
00:56:25 And what does the priest do?
00:56:28 The priest enters into the holy place on behalf of the people.
00:56:32 At least that's how it was under the Old Testament.
00:56:35 Now, I don't need nobody to enter in for me.
00:56:41 I represent myself.
00:56:44 I go to the throne of grace myself.
00:56:50 Look at this, 1 Timothy chapter 6, verse 11.
00:56:57 Some good stuff here.
00:56:58 Watch this.
00:57:00 "But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness."
00:57:07 And then what does Paul tell Timothy to do?
00:57:09 He says, "Fight the good fight."
00:57:14 Oh, if you ever had the opportunity to hear my father teach on fighting the good fight,
00:57:22 he would say it like this.
00:57:23 You want to know why it's a good fight?
00:57:25 That's right.
00:57:27 We win.
00:57:29 Listen, it's a fixed fight.
00:57:34 It's a fixed fight.
00:57:39 I don't mean to put him on the spot, but we're supposed to walk into these fights the way
00:57:43 Evander Holyfield walked into that Mike Tyson fight.
00:57:51 Philippians 4, 13, all on the road right here, I can do all things.
00:57:58 Oh, yeah.
00:58:00 It's a good fight because it's a fixed fight because it's a won fight.
00:58:08 He won, therefore we win.
00:58:11 Fight the good--oh, watch this, but you got to fight it.
00:58:16 Don't sit there staring at your world championship belt or your blue ribbon or your first place
00:58:23 trophy but never acquiring it because you never get in the fight.
00:58:29 Prized possessions just waiting for you to claim, but you got to fight.
00:58:34 Fight the good fight of faith.
00:58:36 Lay hold on eternal life to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession
00:58:40 in the presence of many witnesses.
00:58:42 Watch this, I urge you in the sight of God who gives life to all things and before Christ
00:58:47 Jesus who witnessed the good confession before Pontius Pilate that you keep this commandment
00:58:53 without spot, blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ appearing which he will what?
00:59:00 Manifest in his own time.
00:59:04 Now, let me just sidebar here.
00:59:09 Many believers don't know the difference between the appearing of the Lord and the
00:59:13 coming of the Lord.
00:59:14 You got to know the difference between the two.
00:59:16 See, the coming of the Lord is when the Lord comes back and he's making noise.
00:59:22 And we come back with him.
00:59:25 And we execute judgment with him and we rule with him.
00:59:29 The coming of the Lord, while it will happen time-wise like a thief in the night, the noise
00:59:37 that it makes will not be like a thief in the night.
00:59:41 But the appearing of the Lord, that's a stealth mission.
00:59:46 The appearing of the Lord, his feet never touch the ground, we meet the Lord in the air.
00:59:53 The coming of the Lord, Jesus said only my Father in heaven knows the day and hour.
00:59:59 The appearing of the Lord, Paul said Jesus will manifest that in his own time.
01:00:06 Let's keep reading.
01:00:07 It says, "Which he will manifest in his own time, he who is the blessed and only potentate,
01:00:12 the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone has immortality."
01:00:16 Here's my favorite part.
01:00:18 "Dwelling in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see, to whom be honor
01:00:24 and everlasting power.
01:00:25 Amen."
01:00:26 He's in unapproachable light.
01:00:28 If you could get to the light to see the light, you still couldn't approach it.
01:00:33 That's how glorious it is.
01:00:36 Not in this carnal fleshly state we couldn't.
01:00:42 Now look at this 15th verse.
01:00:44 "Which he will manifest in his own time, he who is the blessed and only potentate,
01:00:48 the King of what?
01:00:51 And the Lord of what?
01:00:53 King of kings and Lord of lords."
01:00:54 Wait a minute now.
01:00:55 I see a capital K King.
01:00:59 And I see lower… matter of fact, the capital K King is singular, but the lowercase K kings
01:01:06 are plural.
01:01:07 Oh, but wait, wait, I see Lord too.
01:01:12 That's the capital L and it's singular.
01:01:16 And I see lowercase l lords and that's plural.
01:01:20 I wonder who the kings are and who the lords are.
01:01:26 Oh, oh, oh, but wait, but wait, wait.
01:01:33 Put your shout on pause just for a second.
01:01:39 Look at what else the verse says.
01:01:42 The verse lets us know that as much dominion and authority and ability as we have been
01:01:48 given, we will always be reminded where it came from.
01:01:52 Because notice that the scripture says the blessed and only potentate.
01:01:57 Now, even if you don't know what a potentate is, you can know according to the verse that
01:02:05 there's only one.
01:02:10 Notice that it didn't say potentate of potentates.
01:02:18 Pastor, I don't know what a potentate is.
01:02:20 I like how it sounds.
01:02:24 Notice there's only one.
01:02:26 There's one potentate, king of kings and Lord of lords.
01:02:31 This is what I want to do.
01:02:32 I would like, if you're okay with it, I would like to read this verse again.
01:02:38 I want to remove the words and replace the words with the definitions, with the meanings.
01:02:46 So, we're going to define potentate, we're going to define capital K king, lowercase
01:02:54 K kings, capital L lord, and lowercase L lords.
01:03:00 I'm going to remove those words from the scripture and replace the words with what they mean.
01:03:07 Here's how it reads.
01:03:09 Verse 15, "Which he will manifest in his own time, the blessed and only ruling officer
01:03:18 of great authority, the sovereign leader of those he's called to exercise kingly power
01:03:25 and supreme controlling master of those he's called to have dominion and exercise lordship
01:03:31 over."
01:03:33 (applause)
01:03:39 So, I'm clear that there's only one ruling officer of great authority.
01:03:45 I'm clear that there's only one sovereign leader, and I'm clear there's only one supreme
01:03:50 controlling master.
01:03:53 But at least I do know where I fit in.
01:03:58 And I'm happy to know that I and you be the ones who he's called to exercise kingly power,
01:04:07 and we are the ones he's called to have dominion and exercise lordship over.
01:04:14 We are the lords submitted to the Lord.
01:04:19 We are the kings submitted to the king.
01:04:23 We are the priests submitted to the priest.
01:04:27 But we are to function in this earth realm with his dominion.
01:04:32 Remember, again, as humble as I am as a servant and child of God, when I encounter demons,
01:04:47 I don't have to say to the Lord, "Rebuke you."
01:04:51 I can rebuke you in the name of the Lord.
01:04:58 Know who you are.
01:05:01 I see a room filled with kings, lords, priests, those called to exercise dominion.
01:05:11 I see a room filled with those called to rule and called to reign.
01:05:18 And we're doing it under a covenant made new, a part of a priesthood made new.
01:05:25 Amen. Hallelujah. Thank you, world changers.
01:05:29 Hallelujah. Thank you, Father. Thank you, Father. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Thank you, thank you. Thank you, thank you.
01:05:48 Come on, let's give it up for Dr. Price.
01:05:53 Kings and priests.
01:06:02 Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Praise God.
01:06:06 That is awesome. Awesome word.
01:06:10 To put us in remembrance who we are in Christ, the authority that we have.
01:06:17 Now, go out and do it.
01:06:20 Yeah, go out and do it. Go out and do it.
01:06:24 Let's sit down just for a moment. We're going to get ready to do our offering or get ready for our offering.
01:06:29 And yeah, excited about that as well.
01:06:35 Because you give as one who are in authority, not one who's scared and one who's controlled and one in operating in fear.
01:06:45 But we operate in a different kingdom.
01:06:48 And this kingdom that we operate in, God has instructed us that we are to give.
01:06:57 He said that it's more blessed to give than it is to receive.
01:07:01 Now, somebody with a carnal mind may say that makes no sense at all.
01:07:05 Well, we're not about you making sense. We're about it making faith according to the Word of God.
01:07:10 Amen. The reason that it is more blessed to give and if you need to offer a number, raise your hand.
01:07:15 The ushers will get one to you. The reason why it is more blessed to give than it is to receive.
01:07:22 Because when we give, we activate kingdom principles.
01:07:28 As Dr. Price said, now we got heaven backing us for this which we put in play down here on this earth.
01:07:36 And we put in play that when we give, it shall be what? Given unto us.
01:07:43 God says that he gives seed to the sower and the sower is a what? A giver.
01:07:50 So, you can see how it is more blessed to give than it is to receive.
01:07:55 Because when you give, you're activating the Word of God.
01:07:58 God says, "I recognize you. I recognize you.
01:08:03 And I'm going to give seed to you who just gave.
01:08:07 So, I'm going to show you that it's more blessed to give than it is to receive."
01:08:11 Now, we know what we see around here. We don't give trying to motivate God.
01:08:15 We don't give trying to manipulate God.
01:08:17 Like, you know, I'm going to give this and now I put seed in the ground and God got to give me that back.
01:08:22 No, the Bible says, "That which we have sown actually came of him anyway.
01:08:27 All things come of thee, O Lord." And what? "Of thy own have we given back to you."
01:08:33 So, we're only giving God where it already belongs to him.
01:08:36 But God says, "Let me see your heart. Let me see your heart.
01:08:40 Let me see when you sow this seed that you're showing me that you have a love
01:08:45 and that you have an appreciation and that you have an honor for me.
01:08:49 And not that you're just trying to use me to give something to me to activate this gift of now I got to give back to you."
01:08:56 No, God said, "Let me see your heart. Let me see your heart."
01:09:00 Lift your hands for him and say, "I declare that I have a good heart."
01:09:05 Amen. Praise God.
01:09:07 So, as you prepare to give, give with that in mind.
01:09:11 It is more blessed because we're operating under kingdom principles now.
01:09:16 It is more blessed to give than it is to receive.
01:09:20 God has all of heaven that he wants to get to you.
01:09:23 God ain't trying to…he's not trying to hold anything back from you.
01:09:26 He's trying to get everything to you.
01:09:28 Can you imagine God trying to empty heaven out on you?
01:09:32 I know some of y'all be like, "Give it to me, Lord. I can take it.
01:09:35 I got space. Just lay it out here on me."
01:09:38 God is trying to empty heaven out on us because he knows that when we take it and implement it here in the earth,
01:09:45 it's going to bring…it's going to tear down the kingdom of the devil and establish his kingdom.
01:09:51 So, as we give, let's give with that in mind.
01:09:53 You see on the screen the ways to give.
01:09:55 You can text the word WORLDCHANGES, space, and the amount to 74483.
01:10:03 You guys see that you can give by giving online to worldchangers or to
01:10:10 You can call in.
01:10:11 Those who are watching can call in and do that.
01:10:14 Or if you want to even write in, you can do that.
01:10:17 Those of y'all who are watching online, if you got your seed ready, let's get ready to hold it up.
01:10:22 We're going to pray over this.
01:10:23 Praise God. Hallelujah.
01:10:27 Father, we thank you for this opportunity to give.
01:10:30 We thank you for this opportunity to sow.
01:10:33 We declare, Father, 38 years, 38 years, Father, of this ground that you've taken, made it to be good ground.
01:10:47 So, Father, we put this seed into good ground, believing, Lord, that a harvest will come that will further your kingdom,
01:10:56 that will bless those, Lord, who are even a part of this, those who we come in contact with, those whom we encounter.
01:11:03 We thank you, Father, for the seed of this word accomplishing the furtherance of your kingdom.
01:11:09 In Jesus' name, everybody said amen.
01:11:13 Praise God.
01:11:14 Ushers, you can go ahead on and pass those buckets there.
01:11:17 Amen.
01:11:20 Now, listen, the service isn't over until we give the opportunity to expand the kingdom.
01:11:33 We give the opportunity to expand the kingdom.
01:11:37 Jesus said, "Behold, I stand at the door and I knock," because he's about inviting.
01:11:43 He's about increasing his fold.
01:11:47 And if you want to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, if the Spirit of God has been speaking to you,
01:11:55 if the Spirit of God has been ministering to you, you know what it's like to have that spiritual tap on the shoulder.
01:12:01 And that's where the Spirit of God gets your attention and say, "I'm calling you.
01:12:06 I'm calling you.
01:12:07 I've been calling you for a while.
01:12:09 But on this day," as the Bible says, "Today is the day of salvation.
01:12:15 Why don't you heed that call?
01:12:17 Why don't you go ahead on and come on down and answer the Lord?
01:12:21 Don't put it off anymore.
01:12:23 Come on down.
01:12:25 Receive what God already has for you."
01:12:28 If you believe God has called you to this ministry, hallelujah, to hook up with us and to join with us
01:12:34 and to become a member of World Changers Church International, come on down.
01:12:38 Be a part of this great ministry, and let's do the work that God has called us to do.
01:12:43 Also, if you want to rededicate, if you want to tell the Lord, "Lord, you know what?
01:12:48 I started off with you right.
01:12:50 I was on fire.
01:12:52 I love you.
01:12:53 I love coming to church, and then I kind of got cold.
01:12:56 But God, I want to set myself back on fire by coming down and committing myself unto you."
01:13:03 If you want to rededicate, if you want to show the Lord that, "Father, I'm for real this time,"
01:13:11 then come on down.
01:13:13 Receive the Lord.
01:13:16 Accept everything that he has for you.
01:13:18 Praise God.
01:13:19 Come on down, my sister.
01:13:20 Yeah.
01:13:22 Amen.
01:13:23 Come on, come on, come on.
01:13:25 I know the Lord is speaking to some brothers, too.
01:13:28 Don't harden your heart.
01:13:30 Don't harden your heart.
01:13:31 Come on down.
01:13:33 Praise God.
01:13:37 Praise God.
01:13:38 Praise God.
01:13:44 38 years.
01:13:46 38 years of ministry.
01:13:49 This is what it's all about.
01:13:52 Come on, we got time.
01:13:53 We got time.
01:13:59 Praise God.
01:14:02 God has called you to this work.
01:14:05 Man, we got a work to do.
01:14:07 We got a work to do.
01:14:08 And I tell you what, it is a privilege to be able to hook up with you arm in arm, hand in hand,
01:14:17 shoulder to shoulder, to get this work done.
01:14:22 Yeah, come on and join the fight.
01:14:24 Come on and enlist.
01:14:25 Praise God.
01:14:29 Come on and enlist.
01:14:33 Thank you, Lord.
01:14:36 Come on, we got time.
01:14:37 We got time.
01:14:38 I see you coming.
01:14:41 I see you coming.
01:14:42 Praise God.
01:14:49 Come on, come on, come on.
01:15:02 Wouldn't it be a powerful testimony for you to mark this day, February 4th, 2024, I made that decision.
01:15:13 February 4th, 2024, I made that decision.
01:15:19 I put it off long enough, couldn't put it off anymore.
01:15:23 I made that decision.
01:15:25 Praise God.
01:15:26 Praise God.
01:15:27 God bless you, my brother.
01:15:28 Yes.
01:15:29 Amen.
01:15:32 Come on down.
01:15:33 Come on down.
01:15:42 Man, I tell you what, I'd never get tired of this.
01:15:45 I know y'all don't either, right?
01:15:47 Amen.
01:15:48 Come on, let's give God praise for these who've accepted this call today.
01:15:54 Praise God.
01:15:56 Now, if you would, stretch forth your hands and let's pray for them.
01:15:59 Father, we thank you for these who've come down.
01:16:02 We thank you, Lord, that they heeded your call.
01:16:07 You spoke, they listened.
01:16:10 Father, that which they've come down for, we thank you that they will receive that, whether it's salvation,
01:16:19 whether it's joining this church, whether it's rededication.
01:16:23 But, Lord, we thank you that they will not leave unfulfilled.
01:16:28 We declare that their lives will never be the same again, and that, Lord, we declare today is a new day.
01:16:37 And may it be the best day of their lives.
01:16:40 We give you thanks.
01:16:41 We give you praise.
01:16:42 In Jesus' name, amen.
01:16:45 Praise God.
01:16:49 This gentleman over here with his hand raised, you all can follow him.
01:16:52 He's going to take you up to the prayer room.
01:16:54 Make sure you get exactly what you came down for and minister to you.
01:16:59 Come on, world changers.
01:17:00 Let's give God thanks and praise again for these who've come down.
01:17:10 And for those of you all who are watching online, if you just accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior,
01:17:16 we want you to text the word "I'm saved" to 51555.
01:17:21 Give us your name.
01:17:22 Give us your email address, and we will send you an e-book that will be helpful in this new walk,
01:17:28 this new decision you just made in accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior.
01:17:33 We welcome you into the body of Christ.
01:17:36 Come on, guys.
01:17:37 Come on, come on, come on.
01:17:39 Hey, the family just got larger.
01:17:42 Yeah.
01:17:44 You got to make more space at the dinner table.
01:17:47 Praise God.
01:17:49 Amen.
01:17:50 Let's get ready to stand up.
01:17:52 Once again, 38 years in ministry, we thank God for this time.
01:18:01 We thank God for our man and woman of God, Dr. Dollar and Pastor Taffi.
01:18:06 I know they wanted to be here, but they're doing something even greater.
01:18:09 Amen.
01:18:10 But we will let them know that we held down the fort.
01:18:13 We celebrated the way that we needed to celebrate.
01:18:16 Let's give God praise for Pastor Donna Kirkland again.
01:18:20 And for Dr. K.C. Price.
01:18:23 Amen.
01:18:26 Now, lift your hands.
01:18:27 Let's get ready to close out.
01:18:31 The authority that Jesus has made available to us, may we be mindful of it.
01:18:43 May we be in remembrance of it.
01:18:47 May we walk in that authority and that power.
01:18:52 May we demonstrate the kingdom of God to a dying world.
01:18:57 May we scare the hell out of Satan and tear down his kingdom as we operate in
01:19:07 this authority that has been given to us.
01:19:10 We declare we ain't scared.
01:19:13 We declare we ain't scared.
01:19:16 We declare we ain't scared.
01:19:19 Hallelujah.
01:19:21 But this authority that has been given to us, we will defeat the devil because he
01:19:27 is under our feet.
01:19:29 Go out in great power and great authority and show the kingdom of God to a dying world.
01:19:37 God bless you.
01:19:38 You're dismissed.
01:19:39 Have a good one.
01:19:40 Amen.
01:19:46 Amen.
01:19:47 Amen.
01:19:48 Happy anniversary, world changers.
01:19:51 Happy anniversary.
01:19:53 38 years.
01:19:55 Girl, we've been here a long time.
01:19:57 A long time.
01:19:59 Man, today's service was so awesome.
01:20:03 We are so thankful for you for tuning in.
01:20:06 We are so thankful for everyone who came to celebrate with us in the dome.
01:20:11 Oh, man, it's been such a great day.
01:20:14 Thank you so much to Pastor Donnie McClurkin.
01:20:17 Wasn't that amazing?
01:20:19 Wasn't that amazing?
01:20:21 Listen, and Dr. Fred Price Jr.
01:20:26 Listen, listen, legacy, legacy.
01:20:29 Right there.
01:20:31 We are so thankful.
01:20:33 Oh, man, so today, today, it was amazing.
01:20:37 Kingdom power.
01:20:38 Amazing.
01:20:39 Kingdom power.
01:20:40 What did you get out of service today, Ayana?
01:20:41 Kingdom power.
01:20:42 That's the words right there.
01:20:44 Like we have the authority in him to tremble over everything.
01:20:48 Realizing who we are and recognizing who we are and knowing our position and our authority.
01:20:54 Yes.
01:20:55 That's it right there?
01:20:56 Yes.
01:20:57 That's it right there?
01:20:58 I'm trying to get myself together again.
01:21:00 Service was so good, just like you said, just operating in your kingdom and your authority,
01:21:06 operating in your king and your priesthood, just your stance and knowing who you are.
01:21:12 It was just a reminder for me, don't be operating how you used to.
01:21:16 No.
01:21:17 That's not how kings operate.
01:21:18 No.
01:21:19 That's not how priests operate.
01:21:20 No.
01:21:21 So you don't operate like that.
01:21:22 No, man, just a great reminder this Sunday morning.
01:21:24 Man, service was good today.
01:21:26 It was gorgeous.
01:21:27 So good.
01:21:28 I'm going to go into giving and I'm going to piggyback off of what Pastor Ken just said
01:21:33 when he said that God gives us the seed to sow.
01:21:37 So it's not that we have to provide the seed to sow.
01:21:40 He's already given it to us and that blessed me because it's not ours to give.
01:21:46 Give it in and give it with a cheerful heart.
01:21:49 Put your seeds in the ground.
01:21:50 Put God's seed in the ground and watch it multiply in your life.
01:21:54 So you guys already know we have four ways to give.
01:21:58 First is to text World Changers and leave a space and put your amount and text it to
01:22:04 74483.
01:22:06 You could call us at 866-477-7683.
01:22:11 You can send it by mail, 2500 Burdett Road, College Park, Georgia, 30349.
01:22:18 And you can give by web at or
01:22:25 And like I said, get your seed in the ground and watch it bloom and harvest in your life.
01:22:31 So what's going on in the nation?
01:22:34 All righty, World Changers Nation.
01:22:35 We got a lot of events coming your way, but we're so excited to celebrate, to be a part,
01:22:40 to be in the building.
01:22:42 All right, Change Experience New York.
01:22:45 You are up next.
01:22:46 We had an amazing time in LA this weekend.
01:22:49 So New York, get ready, get ready.
01:22:53 Listen, Friday, April 26th.
01:22:56 Text right now.
01:22:58 I want y'all to text Change 2024 to 51555 so you can register today for Friday, April 26th.
01:23:09 Dr. Dollar will be in the building.
01:23:11 Change Experience New York City.
01:23:13 Remember, we just left LA, so we headed over back to the East Coast in April to be with you guys, to be a part.
01:23:20 We want y'all in the building Friday, April 26th.
01:23:24 Remember to text Change 2024 to 51555.
01:23:29 Yes, and next we have our Women's Fellowship.
01:23:32 Y'all showed out at the last one.
01:23:35 So we are so excited this Saturday.
01:23:38 Or no, not this Saturday, next Saturday.
01:23:40 Coming up Saturday, February the 17th at 11 a.m., we want to see you in the building.
01:23:47 Ladies, bring your friends, your besties, your aunties, your mamas, your cousins, whoever.
01:23:54 We want to see you at the Women's Fellowship happening on the 17th.
01:23:58 Make sure you guys text WCCILadies to 51555 to register and save your spot.
01:24:06 What's going on next?
01:24:07 You know what's next, girl.
01:24:09 You know what's next.
01:24:10 Y'all ready to bloom.
01:24:12 Ready to bloom.
01:24:13 Y'all ready to bloom.
01:24:14 Are you registered for Bloom, our 2024 Radical Women's Conference?
01:24:20 It's coming up March 14th and 15th.
01:24:23 Join our pastor Taffi Dollar, Laura Pickett, Chris Lynn McNair, Dr. Anita Phillips, Samara Joy, Pastor Dollar, Ty Tribbett, Egypt Sherrod, and so much more.
01:24:38 The list goes longer and longer than that.
01:24:41 We have so many amazing speakers.
01:24:43 March 14th and 15th.
01:24:45 Get your girls together.
01:24:47 Register today.
01:24:49 Text Radical to 51555 so you can get your tickets, get your travel arrangements together.
01:24:55 We want to see you in the building.
01:24:57 We will be there.
01:24:58 We are so excited to be a part of this year's conference, to serve, to hug you guys, to see you guys.
01:25:06 We are so excited.
01:25:08 We'll see y'all.
01:25:09 Speaking of serving, if you would like to volunteer for our conference this year, please text "I can help" to 51555 so you can be a part of the volunteer team for the Radical Women's Conference.
01:25:23 Yes, yes.
01:25:24 And right after the Radical Women's Conference, the Grace Life Conference is happening in July.
01:25:31 We are reuniting and we are reigniting the Grace Life in 2024.
01:25:37 Make sure you get your tickets.
01:25:39 They are officially available, world changers.
01:25:42 So save your seat right now.
01:25:44 Text Grace Life to 51555 or visit
01:25:50 We are so excited to see you.
01:25:54 We'll be excited to see you at Radical Women's Conference.
01:25:56 We're going to be just as excited, if not even more excited, to see you at the Grace Life Conference.
01:26:02 It is happening July 11th through the 13th here in College Park, Georgia.
01:26:06 We want to reunite with you and we cannot wait to see you there.
01:26:10 So yeah, that's it.
01:26:12 Yes.
01:26:13 I know it's so much going on.
01:26:15 So remember to tune in to
01:26:18 You can check out all of the events that we have going on, Sunday services, Wednesday services,
01:26:23 to stay in touch with everything because it's a lot.
01:26:26 It's a lot.
01:26:27 We're excited and we want you to be a part.
01:26:29 Yes.
01:26:30 We love you so much.
01:26:31 Happy anniversary, worldchangers, and we will see you next week.
01:26:35 Bye.
01:26:36 Bye.
01:26:37 A room filled with brilliant minds.
01:26:45 Women gather to share and learn.
01:26:48 Seeds of knowledge ready to bloom.
01:26:52 Ideas blossoming as we discern.
01:26:56 Experts, students, leaders alike.
01:27:00 Each with her own light to shine.
01:27:11 I break the bands of trauma in the name of Jesus that's trying to snuff out your garden.
01:27:17 There is something you felt on the inside of you that built strength within you to give you the courage to go out and do what he has signed you to do.
01:27:26 Could you consider cooperating with the plan since he has done what he has done?
01:27:35 I'm more than a conqueror, greater is he that's on the inside of me than he that's in the world.
01:27:41 When you begin to co-multi, that be not his only word, by his stripes I am healed.
01:27:49 But you have to make up your mind, I am ready, I'm not scared, you will not have my marriage, you will not have my mind, for we are not under the law, ladies, we are under grace.
01:28:03 Are you ready to bloom?
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01:29:20 (Koha)