• last year
Pee-Wee Herman warns of the dangers of crack cocaine in this public service announcement film. | dG1feEVHeXdobWE2OUU
00:00 [Music]
00:12 This is crack, rock cocaine.
00:16 It isn't glamorous or cool or kids stuff.
00:21 It's the most addictive kind of cocaine and it can kill you.
00:25 What's really bad is nobody knows how much it takes.
00:29 So every time you use it, you risk dying.
00:33 It isn't worth it.
00:35 Look, everybody wants to be cool.
00:39 But doing it with crack isn't just wrong.
00:42 It could be dead wrong.
00:44 [Music]
00:51 [Explosion]
