What's in a Night Club? || Acharya Prashant

  • 7 months ago
00:00 You will find that sexuality is something very open and obvious, no, in a night club
00:05 and that unnerves you, but that only means that you are not able to see the implicit,
00:10 the covert sexuality that dances around us all the time.
00:14 If you are to be annoyed, why are you not annoyed then with all the people rushing to
00:18 their offices every morning?
00:20 Is that not a sexual act?
00:21 It has to become just another place for you.
00:24 When you are there, you should know that this place is much the same as a classroom or a
00:29 morgue or a cremation ground or a wedding place.
00:31 What's the difference?
00:32 Does that place not contain the sum total of entire life processes we go through?
00:38 Don't you see jealousy there?
00:39 Don't you see ignorance there?
00:41 Desire there?
00:42 Don't you see money there?
00:43 Sensual excitement there?
00:46 And is that not what we call as life?
00:48 And if that is present everywhere in life, how is that place different or special?
00:53 If you are finding that place special, it means you are not seeing these elements elsewhere
