Bharat Ratna लालकृष्ण आडवाणी के बारे में जानें ये विचार

  • 7 months ago
जोधपुर.भारत रत्न लालकृष्ण आडवाणी को भारत रत्न देने की घोषणा की गई है। वे भारत विभाजन के बाद कुछ अरसा जोधपुर रहे थे। सीमांत लोक संगठन के अध्यक्ष डॉ. हिंदूसिंह सोढ़ा ने उनके बारे में यह बात कही। आप भी जानें।


00:00 The award of the highest civil honour to the President of India, Mr. Lal Krishnaji Adwani, is a matter of pride for all of us.
00:12 And for this, I would like to thank the Indian government.
00:17 Mr. Adwani is a man of great political prowess, who played a long political career of 70 years.
00:30 He was born in Karachi, India and came to India. He understood the pain of the Khasar's father, who was still alive.
00:54 I saw his role in the opposition, and I got the opportunity to meet him.
01:04 He was the Prime Minister in 2007, when he was the Home Minister.
01:10 He played a big role in the power delegations in 2004 and 2005.
01:23 We cannot just consider him as a politician, because he is a pioneer of Indian politics.
01:34 He influenced politics with his principles.
01:40 He has a great sense of honesty, which is respected by everyone.
01:54 I wish him a long life, and I hope he will continue to lead a healthy life.
02:19 Thank you.
