• last year
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00:07:09 >> Good morning everyone and welcome to the BC Coast regional championships
00:07:14 we are on the traditional ancestral and unceded territory of the first nations here in BC
00:07:23 and we thank them for sharing this beautiful land with us to live, work and skate.
00:07:29 Our first event of the day, star two, group one.
00:07:33 I invite the following skaters to please take to the ice for their three minute warm up.
00:07:38 From the Delta figure skating club, Colleen Zhang.
00:07:42 From the Delta figure skating club, Parker Zhang.
00:07:46 From the Coquitlam skating club, Han Yuan.
00:07:50 From the Connaught skating club, Mia Wang.
00:07:53 From Champs International Skating Centre of BC, Sasha Molina.
00:07:58 From the Sun God skating club, Zoe Wu.
00:08:02 From the Sunset figure skating club, Anna Lee.
00:08:05 And from the Connaught skating club, Donna Yu.
00:08:09 Our judges for this event, Maria Spenton, Colleen Laferriere, Lucy Scharrock,
00:08:18 Elizabeth McElrath, Michelle Tostica and Bianca Gasparetto.
00:08:24 [Music]
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00:10:49 Skaters, your warm-up has completed. I ask that you please leave the ice. Thank you.
00:10:54 [No audio]
00:11:06 Our first skater, representing Delta Figure Skating Club, please welcome Colleen Zhang.
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00:13:35 From the Delta Figure Skating Club, Colleen Zhang.
00:13:43 Our next skater, representing Delta Figure Skating Club, please welcome Parker Zhang.
00:13:51 [No audio]
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00:16:13 From the Delta Figure Skating Club, Parker Zhang.
00:16:23 From the Clover--our next skater, representing the Cloverdale Skating Club, please welcome Han Yan.
00:16:31 [No audio]
00:16:49 [Music]
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00:19:06 From the Cloverdale Skating Club, Han Yuan.
00:19:15 Our next skater, representing Knott Skating Club, please welcome Mia Wang.
00:19:42 [Music]
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00:21:52 From the Knott Skating Club, Mia Wang.
00:22:02 Our next skater, representing the Knott Skating Club, please welcome Sasha Molina.
00:22:22 [Music]
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00:24:32 From Champs International Skating Center of BC, Sasha Molina.
00:24:42 Our next skater, representing Sun God Skating Club, please welcome Zoe Wu.
00:25:10 [Music]
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00:27:20 From the Sun God Skating Club, Zoe Wu.
00:27:32 Our next skater, representing Sunset Figure Skating Club, please welcome Anna Lee.
00:27:58 [Music]
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00:30:08 [Music]
00:30:18 From the Sunset Figure Skating Club, Anna Lee.
00:30:30 Our final skater, representing Connaught Skating Club, please welcome Donna Wow.
00:30:50 [Music]
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00:33:00 From the Connaught Skating Club, Donna Yao.
00:33:16 This completes the Star 2 Group 1. Our next event, Star 2 Group 2.
00:33:22 I invite the following skaters to please take to the ice for their three-minute warm-up.
00:33:28 From the Delta Figure Skating Club, Jaden Zhang.
00:33:32 From the Connaught Skating Club, Mila Lam.
00:33:35 From the Connaught Skating Club, Lindsay Lee.
00:33:39 From the Port Coquitlam Figure Skating Club, Janessa Zhu.
00:33:43 From the Connaught Skating Club, Owen Yan.
00:33:46 From the Coquitlam Skating Club, Natalie Gao.
00:33:50 From the Delta Figure Skating Club, Josephine Li.
00:33:54 And from Champs International Skating Center of BC, Casey Chan.
00:33:59 Our judges for this event, Maria Spenton, Colleen Laferriere, Lucy Chirac, Elizabeth McElrath,
00:34:10 Michelle Tostica, and Bianca Gasparetto.
00:34:15 [Music]
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00:35:36 Skaters, there's one minute remaining in your warm-up.
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00:36:38 Skaters, your warm-up has concluded. I ask that you please leave the ice. Thank you.
00:36:52 Our first skater, representing Delta Figure Skating Club, please welcome Jaden Zhang.
00:37:11 [Music]
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00:39:16 From the Delta Figure Skating Club, Jaden Zhang.
00:39:24 Our next skater, representing Connaught Skating Club, please welcome Mila Lam.
00:39:45 [Music]
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00:41:51 From the Connaught Skating Club, Mila Lam.
00:42:00 Our next skater, representing Connaught Skating Club, please welcome Lindsay Li.
00:42:06 [Music]
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00:44:25 From the Connaught Skating Club, Lindsay Li.
00:44:36 Our next skater, representing Park Coquitlam Figure Skating Club, please welcome Janessa Zhu.
00:44:56 [Music]
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00:47:02 From the Park Coquitlam Figure Skating Club, Janessa Zhu.
00:47:06 Our next skater, representing Connaught Skating Club, please welcome Owen Yan.
00:47:24 [Music]
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00:49:04 [Music]
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00:49:34 [Applause]
00:49:36 From the Connaught Skating Club, Owen Yan.
00:49:40 Our next skater, representing Coquitlam Skating Club, please welcome Natalie Kyo.
00:49:52 [Music]
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00:52:26 From the Coquitlam Skating Club, Natalie Kyo.
00:52:30 Our next skater, representing Delta Figure Skating Club, please welcome Josephine Lee.
00:52:44 [Music]
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00:54:54 From the Delta Figure Skating Club, Josephine Lee.
00:55:06 Our final skater, representing Champs International Skating Centre of BC, please welcome Casey Chan.
00:55:14 [Music]
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00:57:05 [Music]
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00:57:25 [Music]
00:57:35 From Champs International Skating Centre of BC, Casey Chan.
00:57:41 [Music]
00:57:49 This completes Star 2, Group 2.
00:57:53 Our next event, Star 2, Group 3.
00:57:56 I invite the following skaters to please take to the ice for their three-minute warm-up.
00:58:01 From the Connaught Skating Club, Erlin Sun.
00:58:04 From the Vancouver Skating Club, Hannah McClellan.
00:58:08 From the Montreal Skating Club, Elsa Ho.
00:58:11 From Champs International Skating Centre of BC, Austin Wang.
00:58:16 From the Killarney Figure Skating Club, Athena Lin.
00:58:20 From the Connaught Skating Club, Katie Yu.
00:58:23 From Champs International Skating Centre of BC, Olivia Chang.
00:58:28 And from the Connaught Skating Club, Thea Pan.
00:58:32 Our judges for this event, Lucy Chirac, Maria Spenton, Colleen Leferrier, Michelle Tostica, Bianca Gasparretta, and Elizabeth McElrath.
00:58:47 [Music]
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01:00:57 [Music]
01:01:05 Skaters, your warm-up has concluded. I ask that you please leave the ice. Thank you.
01:01:10 [No audio]
01:01:21 Our first skater, representing Connaught Skating Club, please welcome Aralyn Sun.
01:01:28 [No audio]
01:01:46 [Music]
01:01:56 [Music]
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01:03:06 [Music]
01:03:16 [Music]
01:03:26 [Music]
01:03:42 From the Connaught Skating Club, Aralyn Sun.
01:03:49 Our next skater, representing Vancouver Skating Club, please welcome Hannah McClellan.
01:03:56 [No audio]
01:04:07 [Music]
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01:06:03 [Music]
01:06:11 From the Vancouver Skating Club, Hannah McClellan.
01:06:16 Our next skater, representing Cloverdale Skating Club, please welcome Elsa Ho.
01:06:23 [No audio]
01:06:37 [Music]
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01:07:07 [Music]
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01:08:07 [Music]
01:08:17 [Music]
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01:08:37 [Music]
01:08:47 [Applause]
01:08:50 From the Cloverdale Skating Club, Elsa Ho.
01:08:55 [No audio]
01:08:58 Our next skater, representing Champs International Skating Centre of BC,
01:09:04 please welcome Austin Wang.
01:09:07 [No audio]
01:09:15 [Music]
01:09:22 I've got the world on a string, sitting on a rainbow.
01:09:31 Got the string around my finger.
01:09:38 What a world, what a life, I'm in love.
01:09:45 I got a song that I sing, I can make the rain go,
01:09:50 anytime I move my finger.
01:09:54 Lucky me, can't you see I'm in love.
01:10:00 Life is a beautiful thing, as long as I hold a string.
01:10:08 I'd be a silly so and so, if I should ever let it go.
01:10:17 I got the world on a string, sitting on a rainbow.
01:10:22 Got the string around my finger. What a world, what a life, I'm in love.
01:10:35 Life is a beautiful thing, as long as I hold a string.
01:10:43 I'd be a silly so and so, if I should ever let it go.
01:10:51 I got the world on a string, sitting on a rainbow.
01:10:57 Got the string around my finger. What a world, man, this is the life.
01:11:08 Hey now, I'm so in love.
01:11:22 From Champs International Skating Center of BC, Austin Wang.
01:11:37 Our next skater, representing Killarney Figure Skating Club,
01:11:41 please welcome Athena Lin.
01:11:44 [no audio]
01:11:54 [music]
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01:13:19 [no audio]
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01:14:01 [no audio]
01:14:06 From the Killarney Figure Skating Club, Athena Lin.
01:14:10 [applause]
01:14:13 Our next skater, representing Knott Skating Club,
01:14:17 please welcome Katie Yu.
01:14:20 [no audio]
01:14:29 [music]
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01:15:44 [no audio]
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01:16:04 [no audio]
01:16:14 [music]
01:16:24 [no audio]
01:16:34 From the Knott Skating Club, Katie Yu.
01:16:39 [applause]
01:16:41 Our next skater, representing Champs International Skating Center of BC,
01:16:47 please welcome Olivia Chang.
01:16:50 [no audio]
01:17:02 [music]
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01:18:22 [no audio]
01:18:32 [music]
01:18:42 [no audio]
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01:19:02 [no audio]
01:19:12 [no audio]
01:19:15 From Champs International Skating Center of BC, Olivia Chang.
01:19:20 [no audio]
01:19:24 Our final skater, representing Knott Skating Club,
01:19:28 please welcome Thea Pan.
01:19:32 [no audio]
01:19:51 [music]
01:20:01 [no audio]
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01:21:01 [no audio]
01:21:11 [music]
01:21:21 [no audio]
01:21:31 [music]
01:21:41 [no audio]
01:21:51 [music]
01:21:56 [no audio]
01:22:05 From the Knott Skating Club, Thea Pan.
01:22:08 [no audio]
01:22:14 This completes Star 2, Group 3.
01:22:17 [no audio]
01:22:25 Our next event, Star 2, Group 4.
01:22:29 I invite the following skaters to please take to the ice for their three-minute warm-up.
01:22:34 From the Knott Skating Club, Micah Lau.
01:22:38 From the Vancouver Skating Club, Kira Kaplan.
01:22:42 From the Vancouver Skating Club, Sophia Lu.
01:22:46 From the Knott Skating Club, Natalie Du.
01:22:50 From the Killarney Figure Skating Club, Chloe Yuen.
01:22:54 From Champs International Skating Center of BC, Julie Peng.
01:22:58 From North Surrey Skating Club, Sarah Zhang.
01:23:02 And from the Vancouver Skating Club, Luca Wood.
01:23:06 Our judges for this event, Colleen Laferriere,
01:23:10 Julia Chan, Leanne Howard,
01:23:14 Cheyenne Irvine, Helen Rodriguez,
01:23:18 and Tracy Parker.
01:23:20 [no audio]
01:23:24 [music]
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01:25:04 [music]
01:25:09 [music]
01:25:14 [music]
01:25:19 [music]
01:25:24 [music]
01:25:29 [music]
01:25:34 [music]
01:25:39 Skaters, your warm up has concluded. I ask that you please leave the ice. Thank you.
01:25:43 [no audio]
01:25:50 Our first skater, representing Connaught Skating Club,
01:25:55 please welcome Micah Lau.
01:25:57 [no audio]
01:26:19 [music]
01:26:32 [music]
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01:26:44 [music]
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01:27:54 [music]
01:27:59 [music]
01:28:04 [music]
01:28:09 [music]
01:28:14 [no audio]
01:28:19 From the Connaught Skating Club, Micah Lau.
01:28:22 [no audio]
01:28:27 Our next skater, representing Vancouver Skating Club,
01:28:31 please welcome Kira Kaplan.
01:28:34 [no audio]
01:28:47 [music]
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01:29:28 [music]
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01:30:08 [music]
01:30:18 [music]
01:30:28 [music]
01:30:38 [music]
01:30:45 [no audio]
01:30:47 From the Vancouver Skating Club, Kira Kaplan.
01:30:50 [no audio]
01:30:54 Our next skater, representing Vancouver Skating Club,
01:30:58 please welcome Sophia Liu.
01:31:01 [no audio]
01:31:12 [music]
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01:32:32 [music]
01:32:42 [music]
01:32:52 [music]
01:33:02 [music]
01:33:12 [music]
01:33:20 From the Vancouver Skating Club, Sophia Liu.
01:33:24 [no audio]
01:33:27 Our next skater, representing Connaught Skating Club,
01:33:30 please welcome Natalie Du.
01:33:33 [no audio]
01:33:45 [music]
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01:35:35 [music]
01:35:45 [music]
01:35:53 From the Connaught Skating Club, Natalie Du.
01:35:56 [no audio]
01:35:58 Our next skater, representing Killarney Figure Skating Club,
01:36:02 please welcome Chloe Yuen.
01:36:05 [no audio]
01:36:17 [music]
01:36:27 [music]
01:36:37 [music]
01:36:47 [music]
01:36:57 [music]
01:37:07 [music]
01:37:17 [music]
01:37:27 [music]
01:37:37 [music]
01:37:47 [music]
01:37:57 [music]
01:38:07 [music]
01:38:17 [music]
01:38:22 [music]
01:38:26 From the Killarney Figure Skating Club, Chloe Yuen.
01:38:30 [no audio]
01:38:33 Our next skater, representing Champs International Skating Center of BC,
01:38:38 please welcome Julie Peng.
01:38:41 [no audio]
01:38:53 [music]
01:39:03 [music]
01:39:13 [music]
01:39:23 [music]
01:39:33 [music]
01:39:43 [music]
01:39:53 [music]
01:40:03 [music]
01:40:13 [music]
01:40:23 [music]
01:40:33 [music]
01:40:43 [music]
01:40:53 [music]
01:41:00 From Champs International Skating Center of BC, Julie Peng.
01:41:05 [no audio]
01:41:07 Our next skater, representing North Surrey Skating Club,
01:41:12 please welcome Sarah Zheng.
01:41:15 [no audio]
01:41:30 [music]
01:41:35 [music]
01:41:40 [music]
01:41:45 [music]
01:41:50 [music]
01:41:55 [music]
01:42:00 [music]
01:42:05 [music]
01:42:10 [music]
01:42:15 [music]
01:42:20 [music]
01:42:25 [music]
01:42:30 [music]
01:42:35 [music]
01:42:40 [music]
01:42:45 [music]
01:42:50 [music]
01:42:55 [music]
01:43:00 [music]
01:43:05 [music]
01:43:10 [music]
01:43:15 [music]
01:43:20 [music]
01:43:25 [music]
01:43:30 [music]
01:43:35 [music]
01:43:40 [music]
01:43:45 [music]
01:43:50 From the North Surrey Skating Club, Sarah Zheng.
01:43:53 [no audio]
01:43:58 Our final skater, representing Vancouver Skating Club,
01:44:02 please welcome Luca Wood.
01:44:05 [no audio]
01:44:20 [music]
01:44:25 [music]
01:44:30 [music]
01:44:35 [music]
01:44:40 [music]
01:44:45 [music]
01:44:50 [music]
01:44:55 [music]
01:45:00 [music]
01:45:05 [music]
01:45:10 [music]
01:45:15 [music]
01:45:20 [music]
01:45:25 [music]
01:45:30 [music]
01:45:35 [music]
01:45:40 [music]
01:45:45 [music]
01:45:50 [music]
01:45:55 [music]
01:46:00 [music]
01:46:05 [music]
01:46:10 [music]
01:46:15 [music]
01:46:20 [music]
01:46:25 From the Vancouver Skating Club, Luca Wood.
01:46:29 [no audio]
01:46:38 This completes the Star 2 Group 4.
01:46:42 [no audio]
01:46:45 Our next event, Star 2 Group 5.
01:46:48 I invite the following skaters to please take to the ice
01:46:51 for their three-minute warm-up.
01:46:53 From the White Rock South Surrey Skating Club, Grace Wang.
01:46:57 From Champs International Skating Centre of BC,
01:47:01 Ulyss Chan.
01:47:03 From the Inlet Skating Club of Port Moody, Eva Chueh.
01:47:07 From the Killarney Figure Skating Club, Serena Lee.
01:47:11 From the Connaught Skating Club, Julianne Zhu.
01:47:15 From the Inlet Skating Club of Port Moody, Avery Zhang.
01:47:20 From the Cloverdale Skating Club, Chiu-Hsu Lee.
01:47:25 And from the Kairsdale Figure Skating Club, Naomi Chan.
01:47:30 Our judges for this event, Colleen Laferriere,
01:47:34 Julia Chan, Leanne Howard, Helen Rodriguez,
01:47:41 Tracy Parker, and Cheyenne Irvine.
01:47:46 [no audio]
01:47:49 [music]
01:47:53 [music]
01:47:57 [music]
01:48:01 [music]
01:48:05 [music]
01:48:09 [music]
01:48:13 [music]
01:48:16 [music]
01:48:19 [music]
01:48:25 [music]
01:48:30 [music]
01:48:33 [music]
01:48:45 [music]
01:48:48 [music]
01:48:54 Skaters, there's one minute remaining in your warm-up.
01:48:58 [music]
01:49:01 [music]
01:49:05 [music]
01:49:08 [music]
01:49:11 [music]
01:49:14 ♪ Sometimes I wanna let go, let go ♪
01:49:17 ♪ Start over from the get go, get go ♪
01:49:20 ♪ Don't care as long as I know, I know ♪
01:49:22 ♪ I'm somewhere in between, somewhere in between ♪
01:49:27 ♪ Sometimes I wanna let go, let go ♪
01:49:41 ♪ Start over from the get go, get go ♪
01:49:44 ♪ Don't care as long as I know, I know ♪
01:49:47 ♪ I'm somewhere in between, somewhere in between ♪
01:49:52 - Skaters, your warmup has concluded.
01:50:00 I ask that you please leave the ice, thank you.
01:50:02 (audience chattering)
01:50:05 Our first skater,
01:50:16 representing White Rock South Surrey Skating Club,
01:50:20 please welcome Grace Wang.
01:50:22 (audience chattering)
01:50:25 ("Look at This Stuff" by Grace Wang)
01:50:45 ♪ Look at this stuff, isn't it neat ♪
01:50:52 ♪ Wouldn't you think my collection's complete ♪
01:50:56 ♪ Wouldn't you think I'm the girl ♪
01:50:58 ♪ The girl who has everything ♪
01:51:03 ♪ I wanna be where the people are ♪
01:51:07 ♪ I wanna see, wanna see 'em dancing ♪
01:51:12 ♪ Walking around on those ♪
01:51:14 ♪ What do you call 'em? ♪
01:51:16 ♪ Oh, streets ♪
01:51:19 ♪ Up where they walk ♪
01:51:21 ♪ Up where they run ♪
01:51:23 ♪ Up where they stay all day in the sun ♪
01:51:27 ♪ Wandering free ♪
01:51:29 ♪ Wish I could be part of that world ♪
01:51:34 ♪ What would I give ♪
01:51:37 ♪ If I could live out of these waters ♪
01:51:42 ♪ What would I pay ♪
01:51:45 ♪ To spend a day on the sand ♪
01:51:51 ♪ Watch out for men, they understand ♪
01:51:55 ♪ Bet they don't reprimand their daughters ♪
01:51:59 ♪ Bright young women, sick of swimming ♪
01:52:03 ♪ Ready to stand ♪
01:52:08 ♪ Ready to know what the people know ♪
01:52:12 ♪ Ask 'em my questions and get some answers ♪
01:52:17 ♪ What's a violin, what is it ♪
01:52:19 ♪ What's the bird, bird ♪
01:52:23 ♪ When did my dread ♪
01:52:25 ♪ Wouldn't I love ♪
01:52:27 ♪ Love to explore that shore above ♪
01:52:31 - From the White Rock South Surrey Skating Club,
01:52:47 Grace Wang.
01:52:48 (audience applauding)
01:52:51 Our next skater,
01:52:54 representing Champs International Skating Center of BC,
01:52:58 please welcome Ulyss Chan.
01:53:01 (upbeat music)
01:53:16 (upbeat music)
01:53:18 (upbeat music)
01:53:21 (upbeat music)
01:53:24 (upbeat music)
01:53:26 (upbeat music)
01:53:29 (upbeat music)
01:53:31 (upbeat music)
01:53:34 (upbeat music)
01:53:37 (upbeat music)
01:53:39 (upbeat music)
01:53:58 (upbeat music)
01:54:00 (upbeat music)
01:54:11 (upbeat music)
01:54:23 (upbeat music)
01:54:25 (upbeat music)
01:54:33 (upbeat music)
01:54:44 (upbeat music)
01:54:46 (upbeat music)
01:54:56 (upbeat music)
01:55:07 (upbeat music)
01:55:10 - From Champs International Skating Center of BC,
01:55:30 Ulyss Chan.
01:55:32 Our next skater,
01:55:35 representing Inlet Skating Club of Port Moody,
01:55:39 please welcome Eva Chue.
01:55:41 (upbeat music)
01:55:52 (upbeat music)
01:55:54 (upbeat music)
01:56:04 (upbeat music)
01:56:18 (upbeat music)
01:56:21 (upbeat music)
01:56:33 (upbeat music)
01:56:43 (upbeat music)
01:56:46 (upbeat music)
01:57:02 (upbeat music)
01:57:05 (upbeat music)
01:57:19 (upbeat music)
01:57:30 (upbeat music)
01:57:32 (upbeat music)
01:57:59 - From the Inlet Skating Club of Port Moody, Eva Chue.
01:58:03 Our next skater,
01:58:08 representing Killarney Figure Skating Club,
01:58:11 please welcome Serena Lee.
01:58:13 (upbeat music)
01:58:26 (upbeat music)
01:58:29 (upbeat music)
01:58:42 (upbeat music)
01:58:51 (upbeat music)
01:58:53 (upbeat music)
01:59:00 (upbeat music)
01:59:14 (upbeat music)
01:59:17 (upbeat music)
01:59:29 (upbeat music)
01:59:43 (upbeat music)
01:59:46 (upbeat music)
02:00:00 (upbeat music)
02:00:08 (upbeat music)
02:00:10 (upbeat music)
02:00:19 - From the Killarney Figure Skating Club, Serena Lee.
02:00:36 (audience cheering)
02:00:37 Our next skater,
02:00:39 representing Connaught Skating Club,
02:00:41 please welcome Juliana Zhou.
02:00:45 (silence)
02:00:47 (upbeat music)
02:01:09 (upbeat music)
02:01:12 (upbeat music)
02:01:24 (upbeat music)
02:01:35 (upbeat music)
02:01:38 (upbeat music)
02:01:47 (upbeat music)
02:01:56 (upbeat music)
02:02:04 (upbeat music)
02:02:06 (upbeat music)
02:02:14 (upbeat music)
02:02:24 (upbeat music)
02:02:33 (upbeat music)
02:02:36 (upbeat music)
02:02:44 (upbeat music)
02:03:01 (upbeat music)
02:03:04 From the Connaught Skating Club, Juliana Zhou.
02:03:18 (silence)
02:03:20 Our next skater,
02:03:26 representing Inlet Skating Club of Port Moody,
02:03:29 please welcome Avery Zhang.
02:03:32 (upbeat music)
02:03:44 (upbeat music)
02:03:47 (upbeat music)
02:03:55 (upbeat music)
02:04:06 (upbeat music)
02:04:08 (upbeat music)
02:04:17 (upbeat music)
02:04:30 (upbeat music)
02:04:33 (upbeat music)
02:04:46 (upbeat music)
02:04:58 (upbeat music)
02:05:01 (upbeat music)
02:05:10 (upbeat music)
02:05:26 (upbeat music)
02:05:29 (upbeat music)
02:05:42 From the Inlet Skating Club of Port Moody, Avery Zhang.
02:05:54 (silence)
02:05:57 Our next skater, representing Cloverdale Skating Club,
02:06:02 please welcome Shenshu Liu.
02:06:05 (upbeat music)
02:06:22 (upbeat music)
02:06:24 (upbeat music)
02:06:34 (upbeat music)
02:06:51 (upbeat music)
02:06:54 (upbeat music)
02:07:02 (upbeat music)
02:07:08 (upbeat music)
02:07:17 (upbeat music)
02:07:20 (upbeat music)
02:07:29 (upbeat music)
02:07:45 (upbeat music)
02:07:48 (upbeat music)
02:07:55 (upbeat music)
02:08:07 (upbeat music)
02:08:09 From the Cloverdale Skating Club, Shenshu Liu.
02:08:28 Our final skater, representing Kairsdale Figure Skating Club,
02:08:36 please welcome Naomi Chan.
02:08:39 (upbeat music)
02:08:54 (upbeat music)
02:08:56 (upbeat music)
02:09:03 (upbeat music)
02:09:13 (upbeat music)
02:09:21 (upbeat music)
02:09:23 (upbeat music)
02:09:34 (upbeat music)
02:09:50 (upbeat music)
02:09:52 (upbeat music)
02:10:06 (upbeat music)
02:10:18 (upbeat music)
02:10:21 (upbeat music)
02:10:32 (upbeat music)
02:10:40 (upbeat music)
02:10:47 (upbeat music)
02:10:50 (audience applauding)
02:11:06 From the Kairsdale Figure Skating Club, Naomi Chan.
02:11:15 This completes Star Two Group Five.
02:11:18 There'll now be a short intermission
02:11:19 while we resurface the ice.
02:11:21 We will return on time with the Star Two Group Six.
02:11:26 ♪ Walking around this old and empty house ♪
02:11:35 ♪ So hold my hand, I'll walk with you, my dear ♪
02:11:40 ♪ The stars creak, I should sleep, it's keeping me awake ♪
02:11:44 ♪ It's the house telling you to close your eyes ♪
02:11:49 ♪ It's soft taste, I can't even, drives my soul ♪
02:11:54 ♪ It's killing me to see this way ♪
02:11:58 ♪ 'Cause though the truth may not be this ♪
02:12:01 ♪ It's here for you, carry on, what is it to show ♪
02:12:06 (upbeat music)
02:12:11 ♪ Hey ♪
02:12:16 ♪ Hey ♪
02:12:20 ♪ Hey ♪
02:12:25 ♪ There's an old voice in my head that's holding me back ♪
02:12:31 ♪ Well, tell her that I miss our little talks ♪
02:12:36 ♪ Soon it will be over and buried with our past ♪
02:12:40 ♪ We used to play outside when we were young ♪
02:12:43 ♪ And full of life and full of lies ♪
02:12:45 ♪ Soft taste, I don't know if I am all right ♪
02:12:49 ♪ Your mind is playing tricks on you, my dear ♪
02:12:54 ♪ 'Cause though the truth may not be this ♪
02:12:57 ♪ Shit will kill me, our body's safe to show ♪
02:13:02 ♪ Hey ♪
02:13:03 ♪ So listen to a word I say ♪
02:13:07 ♪ Hey ♪
02:13:08 ♪ The screams all sound the same ♪
