Brad Pitt To Star In Quentin Tarantino's Last Venture 'The Movie Critic'?

  • 7 months ago
Hollywood megastar Brad Pitt to feature in Oscar winning filmmaker Quentin Tarantino's last feature film 'The Movie Critic'. Once in past the director had revealed that his 10th movie will possibly be his last project.


00:00 Hollywood superstar Brad Pitt is probably going to collaborate with director Quentin Tarantino
00:06 for his last feature movie. As per reported by Variety, the actor is considering the project
00:12 that will bring him and Tarantino back together after their critically praised films Once
00:18 Upon a Time in Hollywood and Inglorious Bastards which won Brad the Oscar for Best Supporting
00:24 Actor.
00:26 Although Tarantino has not yet revealed any information regarding the movie critic, it
00:31 is alleged that the story takes place in Southern California in the 1970s. The story revolves
00:38 around a jaded movie critic who is said to have drawn inspiration from the life of Pauline
00:43 Kael, the late writer for The New Yorker and one of the most significant movie critics
00:48 of her era.
00:51 It is anticipated that Tarantino will be directing just one more movie, but no studio has been
00:56 linked to the project as of yet. The cult favourite, best known for his work on Pulp
01:02 Fiction, Kill Bill Vol. 1 and 2, Inglourious Bastards, Django Unchained and The Hateful
01:08 Eight, has often declared that he will stop creating movies after 10 projects.
01:15 It is also expected by many in Hollywood that Tarantino's last feature film will shatter
01:20 all records at the box office globally, in turn winning a dozen of prestigious cinematic
01:26 awards.
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