अक्सर आपने गौर किया होगा कि खाने के तुरंत बाद कुछ लोगों को छींक आने लगती है. कई बार लोग खाने के तुरंत बाद एक बार छींकते हैं तो कई लोगों को एक से ज्यादा बार छींक आती है. कुछ लोगों को भोजन करने के बाद नाक से पानी पहने की भी शिकायत होती है. ऐसा क्यों होता है, आप भी इसे लेकर सोचते होंगे.
Often you must have noticed that some people start sneezing immediately after eating. Many times people sneeze once immediately after eating and some people sneeze more than once. Some people also complain of watery nose after eating. Why does this happen, you may also be wondering about this.
#SneezeAfterEating,#KhanaKhaneKeBaadCheenkKyuAttiHai, #KhaneKeBaadcheenkaneKaKaran
Often you must have noticed that some people start sneezing immediately after eating. Many times people sneeze once immediately after eating and some people sneeze more than once. Some people also complain of watery nose after eating. Why does this happen, you may also be wondering about this.
#SneezeAfterEating,#KhanaKhaneKeBaadCheenkKyuAttiHai, #KhaneKeBaadcheenkaneKaKaran