• last year
The Scotsman Sessions #397: Chris Forbes


00:00 Hi there everyone, Duncan Murray here, the other Murray brother.
00:20 You all know my brothers, Ando and Jam Jam, for all their tennis.
00:28 But I am here today for the Scotsman sessions to really finally demonstrate that I do have
00:34 some skills as well.
00:39 You know it wasn't easy growing up in that environment when everyone was so good at one
00:44 particular sport.
00:46 And no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get into it.
00:50 So eventually I did start to rebel and I did that through music.
00:58 Yeah music.
01:02 It's probably not what you're thinking.
01:04 You know it's not.
01:08 I really went traditional for what is the most badass, sorry mum, way to rebel with
01:19 a musical instrument.
01:21 And that's when I had this.
01:24 Sorry, hang on.
01:30 Let me just hear this.
01:35 Just two seconds, it's a bit tricky.
01:38 It's a strap on, a strap at the back.
01:43 The accordion, that's right.
01:45 I realised that it wasn't the most explosive instrument.
01:50 I wasn't really getting across my feelings of kind of resentment and loneliness.
01:57 Especially when you're starting out you have to learn all these pretty rubbish non-hell
02:01 raising songs like Merrily We Roll Along.
02:10 But what I realised is if I could just learn those songs in a minor key it started to give
02:18 off a little bit of energy.
02:19 It started to capture my mood a little bit at the time trying to grow up with these guys.
02:20 So I was getting somewhere.
02:42 I still wasn't really pushing the point home.
02:46 I wasn't really getting through to my mum, my brothers, they were just too busy.
02:52 It didn't matter if it was summer time, winter, even Christmas day, they were just playing
02:58 tennis.
02:59 Mum always said Santa hates a sloppy backhand.
03:03 So I had to keep pushing through and I started to go through a bit of a gothic phase.
03:08 I thought I'll just play the black keys.
03:11 There's only one song you can really do with that and it's called the Knuckle Song.
03:15 I thought that was showdom.
03:16 But that wasn't really doing it either, I've got to be honest.
03:33 These guys were off winning tournaments and winning big competitions and I was just there
03:40 trying to find a way to express myself.
03:42 And to be honest, sometimes it got so hard I would just put it into bassoon and I would
03:49 pretend I was a lonely ship in the night.
04:05 Then I realised, just like my brothers, that if I worked hard at something then I could
04:10 finally prove to my mum that there was more to me than just being a tall skinny shape
04:17 that takes up some of the space in the house.
04:46 That one's for you, Mom.
04:47 Love y'all.