على الرغم من العقوبات الدولية.. البنوك الروسية تسجّل أرباحاً قياسية بقيمة 37 مليار دولار في عام 2023!

  • 7 months ago


00:00 Despite international sanctions, Russian banks record a record profit in 2023.
00:09 What are the main reasons behind this?
00:12 First, we point out that the Russian banks' profits in the past year reached 37 billion dollars,
00:19 and therefore increased 16 times compared to 2022.
00:25 Therefore, if we look at the main reasons behind this, we remember that the major countries have already imposed international sanctions on Russia
00:34 and frozen 300 billion dollars of their foreign reserves.
00:38 However, we notice that the profits of the banks increased last year,
00:43 with the support of the increase in demands, specifically on the government-supported real estate loans.
00:49 We note that these loans reached 34.5% compared to 2023.
00:58 We also note that the advantage of these loans is that they are less profitable than other loans,
01:04 and therefore they amounted to more than half of the new housing loans in Russia for the current year.
01:12 If we look at the Russian economy, we notice that the International Monetary Fund expected that the Russian economy would grow by 2.6% in 2024,
01:24 which is double the growth that was expected in October 2023.
01:30 We also note that these expectations are related to the Russian budget, which expected to increase the budget revenues by 22% annually in 2024.
01:43 Russia also expects that the reduction in oil prices will not greatly affect its economy.
01:50 In this context, we also point out that the head of the banking organization in the Russian Central Bank
01:57 also considered that the profits of Russian banks are indicative of the softness of the Russian economy.
02:03 These were the most important details about the reasons for the registration of Russian banks as net profits in 2023.
02:12 soon.
