• l’année dernière
Auditionné par le Sénat américain sur les dangers des réseaux sociaux pour les enfants et les adolescents, Mark Zuckerberg a fini par présenter ses excuses aux familles de victimes. Le patron de Meta, qui regroupe des plateformes comme Facebook ou Instragram a dit tout faire pour les protéger. Un engagement contredit par la sénatrice républicaine Marsha Blackburn qui l'accuse d'"essayer d'être le premier site de trafic sexuel" aux Etats-Unis.

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00:00 (...)
00:18 -You didn't take any action, you didn't fire anybody,
00:20 you haven't compensated a single victim.
00:21 Let me ask you this, there's families of victims here today.
00:24 Have you apologized to the victims?
00:28 Would you like to do so now?
00:30 They're here, you're on national television.
00:32 Would you like now to apologize to the victims
00:35 who have been harmed by your product?
00:36 Show them the pictures.
00:37 Would you like to apologize for what you've done
00:40 to these good people?
00:41 [applause]
00:44 -I'm sorry to be here, but I'm very sorry.
00:47 I'm terrible at knowing that I have to go through
00:49 the things that your families have suffered.
00:52 This is why we invested so much in Aero,
00:55 in you, doing these three big efforts to make sure
00:58 that no one has to go through the types of things
01:02 that your families have had to suffer.
01:03 [music]
01:11 -It appears that you're trying to be
01:13 the premier sex trafficking site in this country.
01:17 -Senator, that's ridiculous.
01:18 -No, it is not ridiculous.
01:19 You want to turn around and tell these people that--
01:21 -We don't want this content on our platforms.
01:22 -Why don't you take it down?
01:24 -We do take it down.
01:25 -We are here discussing.
01:26 -We do more work to take it down than--
01:27 -We need you all to work with us.
01:29 No, you're not.
01:31 You are not.
01:32 The problem is we've been working on this--
01:36 C'est le sénateur Welch qui a fait ça.
