YouTube Integrates Google News into "YouTube News"

  • 15 years ago News videos displayed on YouTube have been organized to be timely and relevant to the news of the day through the integration of Google News into YouTube News. This is a significant change to the way that videos are surfaced to YouTube's main pages, which had been done mostly through recommendations and popularity. YouTube made brief mention of this development in December. YouTube videos have been organized and surfaced on Google News for quite a while. Having the Google News headlines on YouTube, linked to timely YouTube videos, is a recent development. Explaining the value of the new integration is Olivia Ma, News Manager at YouTube. Olivia was a panelist at our Beet.TV Online Video Roundtable held at the Adobe offices in San Francisco earlier this week. We are editing dozens of videos from the conference and will be publishing many over the next few weeks. Stay tuned. -- Andy Plesser, Executive Producer Posted on Mar 6, 2009
