• l’année dernière


00:00 Make our way to John 15.
00:04 John 15.
00:13 And find verse 9.
00:17 And while we're making our way there, I want to put up two of our words.
00:24 We looked at about seven words last week, but I want to throw two of them up on the
00:31 screen.
00:32 First, put up "say."
00:33 Let's just get a reminder of what it means to say biblically.
00:39 And then follow that with "ask."
00:43 Let's look at "say" and "ask," and then we will read here in John 15.
00:51 So "ask" and "say."
00:57 Luke 11:1 said, "And when you pray, say."
01:00 Here's "say."
01:03 My mother, after watching the lesson last week, she said, "I remind her of Rick Renner."
01:10 Because he frequently throws the Greek on screens so that those watching and listening
01:19 can have a better understanding.
01:21 But to say, usually a set or systematic discourse, a systematic discourse.
01:31 God is systematic.
01:33 God was and is systematic in all that He says.
01:37 To say is to speak.
01:39 To say is to ask.
01:42 Look at that.
01:43 To say is to ask.
01:44 "And to him who is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we could ask
01:51 or think."
01:52 So, asking is saying to bid, to call, to utter that "say" and then put up "ask," to ask,
02:06 to call for, right?
02:08 Crave, desire, require.
02:10 Look at that.
02:11 To call for.
02:12 To ask according to Scripture is to call for.
02:18 You got to use your words.
02:23 You ever tell your children when they're learning how to speak or when you know they know how
02:30 to say something but they're trying to—they're trying to hold on to the baby talk?
02:38 But you know they know how to say the words.
02:41 You're trying to act like they don't know how to say.
02:44 And what do you tell them?
02:45 "Use your words.
02:46 Use your words."
02:47 Shoot, I tell my dog that.
02:48 I'd be like, "Bro, use your words.
02:51 Stop all that whining.
02:52 Use your words."
02:57 We got to use our words.
03:01 Look here in John 15.
03:02 Let's continue on with productive petitions because we want our petitions to produce results,
03:12 the good results, the right results.
03:14 Look at John 15, 9.
03:15 It says, "As the Father loved me, I also have loved you."
03:21 As the Father loved me, Jesus, talking to His disciples, talking to those who would
03:27 listen, who would take heed.
03:30 As the Father loved me, I also have loved you.
03:34 Therefore do what?
03:36 Abide in my love.
03:37 We're going to see what this word abide means a little bit later.
03:41 Abide in my love.
03:42 It says, "If you keep my commandments, you will do what?
03:48 You will abide in my love.
03:49 If you keep my commandments, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in
03:54 His love."
03:55 Now, what does Jesus mean when He says, "If you keep my commandments?"
04:02 Jesus, which commandments are you referring to?
04:09 Hopefully we'll find out today.
04:11 Verse 11, "These things I have spoken to you that my joy may remain in you and that your
04:18 joy may be.
04:21 So for my joy to be full, the joy of the Lord must be in me.
04:28 For my joy to be full, the joy of the Lord must remain in me."
04:34 And Jesus says He's spoken these things so that His joy would remain in us.
04:39 If His joy remains in us, then our joy is full.
04:44 This is my commandment.
04:46 Wait a minute.
04:47 Wait a minute, Jesus.
04:48 Jesus said in verse 10, "If you keep my commandments," plural.
04:53 Now you're telling us here, specifically those you're speaking to in this day, but it's applicable
04:59 to us.
05:01 In verse 12, now you're saying, "This is my commandment."
05:04 We've gone from the plural to the singular.
05:07 Jesus, what are you telling us?
05:10 This is my commandment that you what?
05:14 That you love one another as I have loved you.
05:19 Greater love has no one than this, than to do what?
05:22 Lay down one's life for his friends.
05:27 You are my friends if you do whatever I command you.
05:31 Well, what does He command us to do?
05:33 Love one another.
05:39 No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing.
05:46 But I've called you friends for all things that I heard from my Father I have made known
05:51 to you.
05:52 Notice Jesus says, "I no longer call you servants."
05:55 Now we serve as friends.
05:58 We still, we don't cease serving, but look at how this relationship becomes more intimate.
06:03 No longer do I call you, and He's still master.
06:06 Does He stop being master?
06:08 Maybe not, but my goodness, He's Father.
06:13 So how much more intimate is that relationship?
06:17 Look at verse 16, "You do not choose me."
06:21 How true is that?
06:22 Did He not choose the 12?
06:24 Did He not select the 70?
06:26 It says, "You do not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and
06:32 do what, and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain."
06:39 Your fruit should remain.
06:41 We shouldn't just bear fruit, but our fruit should remain.
06:45 And then He says what?
06:47 And that whatever you, whatever you what?
06:56 Whatever you what?
06:57 Well, we read earlier, to ask is to call for.
07:02 We read that to say is to ask.
07:05 So then to ask is to say.
07:07 To ask is to call for.
07:09 To ask is to require, to desire, to crave.
07:15 Whatever you ask, who?
07:18 The Father, in what?
07:21 In my name, He may give you.
07:26 These things I command you that you what?
07:29 Love one another.
07:31 He goes from commandments to commandment and says that the commandment is to love one another.
07:38 Simplified, it is to love.
07:43 And He says here that whatever, we need to find out what whatever means.
07:49 We need to find out if whatever means whatever.
07:53 Because it sounds like whatever means whatever.
07:56 But I want to make sure that whatever means whatever.
08:00 Or if whatever doesn't mean whatever, then I'd like to know for sure that whatever doesn't
08:05 mean whatever.
08:09 Because here He says whatever you call for, whatever you go to the Father and call for
08:16 in my name, He may give you.
08:18 Well, I like how that sounds.
08:23 But I want to make sure that when I go to God, I'm asking or calling for the right whatever.
08:34 Because common sense tells me there can be a wrong whatever.
08:40 But common sense also tells me why as a child of God would I ask for the wrong whatever.
08:50 Remain in John.
08:52 Look here at chapter 16 and find verse 16.
09:03 John 16, 16.
09:05 Jesus says a little while and you will not see me.
09:09 And again a little while and you will see me because I go to the Father.
09:15 We know what He's talking about here.
09:17 We recall times where He would tell His disciples, how long shall I be with you?
09:23 How long shall I bear with you?
09:27 Verse 17, then some of His disciples said among themselves, what is this that He says
09:33 to us a little while and you will not see me?
09:38 This lets you know that the disciples after hearing the teaching of Jesus did not fully
09:44 understand the teaching of Jesus.
09:46 They really wouldn't have a great grasp on this until after they were filled with the
09:51 Spirit.
09:54 You see how many things, how many of His teachings they would wrestle with.
09:59 They would have a back and forth with.
10:01 What is this that He says to us a little while?
10:04 I mean, He's already told them, I'm going to die.
10:06 I'm going to defeat death.
10:08 I'm not going to stay dead.
10:11 I will be raised.
10:12 They could not fully grasp that.
10:16 What is this that He says to us a little while and you will not see me?
10:20 And again a little while and you will see me and because I go to the Father.
10:24 What is all of that about?
10:27 They said therefore, what is this that He says a little while?
10:31 We don't know what He's talking about.
10:34 Now Jesus knew that they desired to ask Him and He said to them, are you inquiring among
10:39 yourselves about what I said a little while and you will not see me?
10:45 And again a little while and you will see me?
10:48 Most assuredly I say to you that you will weep and lament but the world will rejoice.
10:55 Why will the world?
10:57 See there's us in the world.
11:00 You're in us or you're the world.
11:04 The Bible is specifically talking to or about us or the world.
11:09 There are times when the Bible is specifically talking to Israel but there's saved Israel
11:15 and unsaved Israel.
11:20 But the majority of the time, especially when it comes to the gospel and more specifically
11:24 the New Testament, it's us, you're in us or you're them.
11:30 So if you're them, you're the world.
11:34 If you're in us, you're a part of the kingdom of God.
11:37 Jesus says what?
11:39 He says most assuredly I say to you, you'll weep and lament when I go but the world, oh,
11:47 they'll rejoice.
11:49 He says you'll be sorrowful.
11:51 Oh, but I guarantee you that sorrow will be turned into joy.
11:57 He says a woman when she is in labor, first let me clarify that I can't relate.
12:10 I can't relate.
12:11 One of the main reasons I can't relate is because I'm a dude.
12:18 But I marvel at what you women have gone through and go through when it comes to labor.
12:29 Super wonder women.
12:33 A woman when she is in labor, she has sorrow because her hour has come.
12:38 It's pain.
12:40 There's hurt, right?
12:41 But as soon as she is giving birth to the child, she doesn't remember that anguish.
12:46 Ladies, how true is that?
12:48 When you're holding that treasure in your hand, anguish, what's pain?
12:53 Look at this joy.
12:58 She doesn't remember the anguish for joy that a human being or creature has what?
13:03 Has been born into the world.
13:05 Therefore, you now have sorrow, but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice
13:10 and your joy no one will take from you.
13:15 No one will take.
13:16 Let's make sure that we don't let anyone take our joy.
13:20 You don't get to have my joy.
13:22 I didn't authorize you to take my joy.
13:25 You don't get to have it.
13:27 My joy will remain because my joy is rooted in Him.
13:32 Verse 23, he says, "Oh, and by the way, in that day you will ask me nothing.
13:38 But surely I say to you, whatever you what ask, call for.
13:44 Whatever you ask the Father in what?
13:47 In my name, He will give you.
13:50 Until now you've asked nothing in my name.
13:53 Why?
13:54 Two reasons.
13:55 Number one, they didn't need to.
13:57 They were walking with the name.
14:00 Number two, they weren't really authorized to because the name hadn't laid his life down
14:06 yet.
14:08 Until now you've asked nothing in my name.
14:10 Ask and you will receive that your what?
14:13 That your joy may be full.
14:16 We just read about full joy in chapter 15.
14:20 Okay, we have another whatever here.
14:23 Whatever you ask in my name.
14:27 Whatever Jesus, whatever I ask the Father in your name, the Father will give me.
14:34 Whatever I call for in your name, the Father will give me.
14:39 Again, I'm liking how this sounds.
14:42 I just want to make sure I clearly understand what the whatever means.
14:48 Okay, let's keep going.
14:51 Let's keep going.
14:53 Since we're in John, let's go back to John 15, but let's start at the beginning.
15:00 John 15, look at verse 1.
15:05 John 15, 1, where Jesus says, "I am."
15:13 Always remember that whenever Jesus says He am something, He's first saying that He am.
15:22 Any I am statement that comes out of the mouth of God is first a statement that He am, that
15:30 He is.
15:33 Here He says what?
15:34 What does Jesus say?
15:35 I am the true vine.
15:37 Oh, so there are false vines.
15:41 If there weren't any false vines, Jesus could simply say, I am the vine.
15:45 Oh, but no, He says what?
15:46 I am the true vine.
15:49 Oh, so there are false vines.
15:51 I'm the true vine and my Father is the vine dresser.
15:56 Every branch in me that does not bear fruit, He takes away.
16:02 And every branch that bears fruit, He prunes that it may bear more fruit.
16:10 How many of us are the productive branches in Him?
16:16 In which we're bearing fruit and then being pruned by God to bear more fruit.
16:24 You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you.
16:28 Abide in me, there it is.
16:29 There's that word again, abide.
16:32 Abide in me and I in you as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself.
16:36 I can't bear fruit of myself unless it abides in the vine and not just any vine but the
16:41 true vine.
16:43 Neither can you unless you what?
16:46 Abide in me.
16:48 I am, there it is again, the vine, you are the branches.
16:53 He who abides in me and I in him bears much fruit for without me you can do what?
17:01 Nothing.
17:03 If anyone does not abide in me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered and they gather
17:09 them and throw them into the fire and they are burned.
17:14 Some see this, some see this meaning that God will take branches that aren't abiding
17:21 in them and purify them with fire.
17:23 Others see this as, this is referring to the false branches that will be cast into fire.
17:30 The ones who are not true.
17:34 This is if you abide in me, oh, oh, let's, let's, let's, let's pay close attention to
17:39 this seventh verse.
17:41 Let's pay very close attention to this seventh verse because we already read two places.
17:47 As a matter of fact, one was later in the 15th chapter and we read one in the 16th chapter
17:53 where Jesus said what?
17:55 He said, whatever you ask the father in my name, he'll give you.
17:59 Okay.
18:00 But now I'm about to read something that is conditional.
18:05 Now I'm about to read something that sheds a little more light on the whatever.
18:10 Here we go.
18:11 He said, if you, if, whenever I read the if in the scripture, I know that if the end
18:23 result of whatever follows the if doesn't manifest in my life, it's Fred's fault.
18:33 It's Fred's fault.
18:35 Because the word said, if you do this and so, if you, if you do this, look at verse
18:40 7, if you abide in me and my what?
18:45 Words abide in you.
18:48 If that happens, you will what?
18:51 Ask what you desire and it shall be done for you.
18:55 By this, my father is glorified and you bear much fruit so you will be my disciples.
19:02 Oh, now we know why later he simply said, whatever you ask the father in my name, he'll
19:08 give you because he's already established that we must be abiding in him and his word
19:14 abiding in us before we even ask.
19:19 Before I go to the father in the name of the son, the words of the son must be abiding
19:25 in me.
19:26 Let's put up that word for abide.
19:29 Let's put that, that Greek up.
19:32 Let's put that definite so we can know what this means.
19:36 Because I want to know what this means.
19:40 Abide.
19:42 To stay, to stay, not to go, but to stay.
19:50 Staying follows the going.
19:53 The only way I can stay home is if I first go home.
19:57 I can't stay home if I never go home.
20:01 But you can't just go home.
20:02 You got to stay home.
20:05 To abide means to stay, to stay in a given place, in a given state, right, relation or
20:12 expectancy.
20:13 Watch this.
20:14 To abide means to continue.
20:16 It means to dwell.
20:19 It means to endure.
20:21 It means to remain.
20:24 Is that all I had for abide?
20:28 There we go.
20:29 Remain, dwell, continue, endure.
20:30 We read these words.
20:39 Anything else?
20:40 Was there another part to it or was that it?
20:41 Okay, I think that's it.
20:44 So to abide in Jesus and to have His words abide in you means I'm remaining in Jesus,
20:54 I'm staying in Jesus, I'm continuing in Jesus, I'm enduring in Jesus.
21:01 And if His words are abiding in me, then His words are staying in—they didn't just go
21:05 in me, they're staying in me.
21:07 His words are staying in me, His words are remaining in me, His words are continuing
21:12 in me, His words are dwelling in me, His words are enduring in me.
21:17 If I meet these qualifications, then I can ask the Father in the name of Jesus for whatever
21:25 and He will give me.
21:29 But don't waste God's time if His Word is not abiding in you.
21:35 Okay?
21:39 You said you wanted more?
21:41 No problem.
21:45 We're reading the gospel according to John.
21:47 Let's read one of his epistles, his first one.
21:49 Go to 1 John chapter 3, find verse 16.
21:55 Find verse 16.
21:56 Because see, I serve a God who knows what I have need of before I ask.
22:05 And yet the God who knows everything all at once and knows everything before it happens,
22:13 the God who in advance already knows what my request is, the God who in advance already
22:18 knows what my petition is, still tells me to ask Him.
22:24 Remember to say can mean a what?
22:27 Systematic discourse.
22:29 So God then is systematic.
22:31 God is saying, "Yeah, of course I know what you have need of or what you have want of
22:37 before you ask.
22:38 I'm God.
22:39 I know everything.
22:41 But I'm telling you to ask and I'm telling you to say."
22:47 First John 3.
22:51 Are you there?
22:53 You're at verse 16?
22:57 Let's see what we have here.
23:01 By this we know love.
23:02 This love keeps popping up too, doesn't it?
23:04 Seems like love is tied into this.
23:08 By this we know love because He laid down His life for us and we also ought to lay down
23:13 our lives for the brethren.
23:18 Will you lay down your life for your brother?
23:21 It may mean your life literally.
23:23 It may mean something else.
23:27 But will you do because of love for your brother?
23:36 It says, "But whoever has this world's goods and sees his brother in need and shuts up
23:43 his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?"
23:50 Did you read that?
23:52 Did you read what I just read?
23:53 No, no, no, no, no.
23:57 I'm not talking about the last part.
23:58 I'm talking about the part where John says, "Whoever has the world's goods."
24:04 Having goods of the world is not inherently wrong for a believer.
24:12 It is very problematic when the world's goods have you.
24:21 It better be you using the world's goods and not the world's goods using you.
24:26 That was the problem with the rich young ruler.
24:29 The Bible says, "He walked away sorrowful for he had great possessions."
24:33 Nope, great possessions had him.
24:36 He couldn't let go of great possessions.
24:40 It says, "Whoever has this world's goods and sees his brother in need and shuts up
24:45 his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?
24:49 My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in what?
24:55 In deed and in truth.
24:58 And by this we know that we are of the truth and shall assure our hearts before him.
25:05 For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart and knows all things.
25:11 Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence toward God.
25:17 That tells me that I cannot be in condemnation and confidence simultaneously.
25:24 With sin comes condemnation.
25:26 With faith comes confidence.
25:28 That's why the Bible says, "Whatever is not of faith is sin."
25:34 If I'm in faith, I'm not in sin.
25:36 If I'm in sin, I'm not in faith.
25:39 It says what?
25:40 It says, "Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence toward God."
25:44 And watch this, "And whatever we ask, we what?
25:49 Receive from him because we keep his commandments."
25:53 Jesus talked about keeping my commandments, but then took it from commandments to commandment.
26:02 Let's look at what John says next.
26:05 And whatever we ask, we receive from him because we keep his commandments and do those things
26:11 that are pleasing in his sight.
26:13 And this is his commandment.
26:19 This is the second time from John's writings that I see it go from commandments to commandment.
26:26 What is the Scripture telling me?
26:28 And this is his commandment that we should believe on the name of his son, Jesus Christ,
26:34 and do what?
26:35 "And love one another as he gave us commandment."
26:42 The commandments are summed up in the commandment.
26:47 This is why the Bible says love is the fulfillment of the law.
26:53 Loving one another, as a matter of fact, described as Jesus in some—in some gospel accounts,
27:00 it's a lawyer.
27:01 Jesus, quick question for you, which is the greatest commandment?
27:06 What does Jesus say?
27:07 "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength."
27:13 And the second is like the first.
27:15 The second might as well be in there with the first.
27:18 Love your neighbor as yourself.
27:21 Watch this.
27:22 Jesus said, "On these two hang all the law and the prophets."
27:27 The fulfillment of the law and the fulfillment of all commandments is to do this commandment,
27:34 that is to love.
27:39 And that's why we read, "This is his commandment, that we should believe on the name of his
27:45 son Jesus Christ and love one another as he gave us commandment."
27:51 When I do the commandment, I do the commandments.
27:56 But look at this, verse 22, "Whatever we ask, we receive from him."
28:02 Oh, but again, let me make sure that I remember that I must be abiding in, remaining in,
28:09 staying in, continuing in, and enduring in him.
28:15 And his word must be abiding in, and staying in, and continuing in, and enduring in me.
28:24 When I'm continuing in him and his word, and his word is continuing in me, then I will
28:29 go to the Father, and whatever I ask the Father in the name of the Son, he'll give me.
28:37 Now the abiding in him will help you identify the whatever.
28:44 The continuing in him and the remaining in him, and his word remaining in you will let
28:50 you know what the whatever is.
28:56 Mark 11, 24.
29:02 Did anyone ever have the privilege to hear Apostle Price teach Mark 11, 24?
29:12 In living color, in person.
29:15 Nothing like it.
29:18 Nothing like it.
29:19 You all know what a classic is, right?
29:26 Music can qualify to be a classic after 10 years.
29:32 And classics are the kinds of songs every time you hear them.
29:39 Doesn't matter where you are, doesn't matter when it is.
29:46 I remember when I was a kid, and I was in the car with Mike, and Adrian and Alan, he
29:51 would play classics.
29:55 This is why we had an appreciation for artists like the Platters and the Delphonics.
30:04 Look at you carnal Christians reverting back.
30:17 Now these songs came out before we were born.
30:20 When we arrived on the scene in the world, they were already classics.
30:23 We got exposed to the classics.
30:25 When I'm in the car with my sister Stephanie, listening to relevant music, now as I'm older,
30:30 I look back, those are classics.
30:33 Classics stand the test of time.
30:35 They're still relevant today.
30:37 And Daddy's teaching on Mark 11, 24 is one of his many classics still relevant today.
30:45 Tested and proven.
30:49 I will do my best effort to give you a piece of a part of a portion.
31:00 Mark 11, 24.
31:03 We're going here.
31:04 Now, I've got a lesson coming up where I'll spend more time on this verse, but we're going
31:07 to this verse because contained in this verse is a whatever.
31:14 See I still want to pinpoint this whatever.
31:17 I know that whatever I ask the Father in the name of the Son, he'll give me.
31:23 But of course that's contingent on me abiding in him and his word abiding in me.
31:30 Me abiding in him and his word abiding in me will help me identify specifically the
31:35 whatever.
31:36 I'll understand the framework and the parameters of the whatever.
31:41 As a matter of fact, I'll understand that whatever clearly doesn't mean whatever.
31:47 Because again, some whatever's aren't good for you.
31:53 But once again, again, why would Fred ask for something that's not good for him?
32:00 Why would Fred ask for something that he knows is not good for him?
32:04 Babies might ask for something that's not good for them.
32:08 Babies might ask for that pretty blue liquid.
32:11 It looks delicious.
32:12 No, darling, that's Windex.
32:14 We don't want to drink that now, do we?
32:19 Windex is pretty in the bottle, but you don't want to drink that.
32:22 It's not going to turn out well for you.
32:28 Mark 11.
32:31 Let's look at verse 24, which reads, "Therefore, I say, I say to you, whatever
32:44 thing," what?
32:45 Oh, there it is.
32:49 There's another whatever.
32:51 Whatever things.
32:52 Whatever things you, oh, look at that word.
32:54 Ask.
32:55 Whatever things you call for.
32:59 Whatever things you call for when you pray, believe.
33:04 If you have the traditional, the word is desire.
33:07 But we know that ask can mean desire.
33:08 Ask can mean crave.
33:09 It can mean desire.
33:10 It can mean require.
33:11 So, whatever things you desire, whatever things you require.
33:14 See, whatever things you crave.
33:16 See, right there, we already know that when we hear the word crave, normally that word
33:21 is in a negative context.
33:23 You know, you want to resist your cravings.
33:27 Well, I don't want to resist craving God.
33:31 Anyone crave God?
33:32 I crave God.
33:35 The word crave or cravings is only negative if it's in a negative context.
33:41 But it can be in a positive one in the case of biblical asking.
33:46 Whatever things you ask, you call for, you crave, require, or desire when you pray, it
33:55 says what?
33:56 It says, "Believe that you receive them and you will have them."
34:03 All right, whatever things, there's the whatever.
34:06 All right, we're getting close to pinpointing this whatever.
34:10 Whatever things you ask when you pray.
34:14 Okay, question for you.
34:16 According to this verse, when do I ask?
34:19 One more time.
34:22 When do I ask?
34:24 Next question.
34:25 When do I pray?
34:26 Some of you said, "When I ask."
34:37 But half of you gave the answer I was looking for.
34:42 Let me be a little more specific.
34:45 What is the timing when you pray?
34:54 Now, present, right?
34:57 Because whenever you pray, it's now.
35:03 When I prayed yesterday, it was now.
35:07 I prayed earlier at the beginning of the service.
35:09 It was now.
35:10 When I prayed, it was now.
35:13 Now has passed.
35:16 That now was in the past, but when I prayed, it was now.
35:18 When I pray tomorrow, it's going to be now.
35:20 Whenever I pray, it's now, okay?
35:23 So again, according to this verse, when do you ask?
35:27 When you pray.
35:29 And when do you pray?
35:31 You pray now.
35:32 Oh, so that means you ask now because you ask when you pray and you pray now.
35:39 What else do I know about now?
35:41 I know that now has to do with faith and faith has to do with now.
35:48 So I wonder if this is the prayer of faith that James teaches about when he says the
35:54 prayer of faith will heal or save the sick.
36:00 He specifically identifies this particular prayer as the prayer of faith.
36:06 And it was Paul who said, "Let your requests be made known," your petitions, right?
36:12 Your desires.
36:15 And he talks about praying and supplicating.
36:20 So this prayer of faith or this petition prayer is a specific prayer.
36:26 This is the prayer that we pray when it comes to petitions and we want to pray it right
36:31 so they can be productive.
36:34 I'm not talking about praying the prayer of, for example, the prayer of consecration and
36:39 dedication.
36:41 That prayer goes by a different set of rules.
36:45 That's the prayer I pray when I don't know the will of God.
36:49 So it makes sense when I pray that specific prayer to pray not my will but your will be
36:57 done.
36:58 Because regarding what I'm talking about to you right now, Father, I don't know for sure
37:02 if that's your will.
37:04 So since I don't know for sure if it's your will, because it's not clearly laid out in
37:08 your Word, I want to make sure that my will is not in the way of your will and that I
37:14 submit my will to your will.
37:16 So not my will, but your will be done.
37:18 But when it's the prayer of faith, that's the prayer you only pray because you know
37:24 the will of God.
37:26 And why do you know the will of God?
37:28 Because you know the Word of God.
37:29 Because the Word of God is the will of God.
37:32 The known will of God.
37:33 Yes, Deuteronomy 29, 29 says, "The secret things belong to the Lord."
37:37 We're not talking about secret things.
37:38 We're talking about revealed things.
37:41 Revealed things are in His Word.
37:43 So this is the revealed will of God.
37:46 So if I pray according to His will, that's me praying in faith.
37:52 I'm not praying, I'm not praying hoping, I'm praying knowing.
37:59 Are you with me?
38:01 So whatever things I ask when I pray, I pray now.
38:09 Since I'm praying now and I'm supposed to ask during the praying, that means I'm asking
38:14 now.
38:15 What does the Scripture say next?
38:16 It says, "Believe you receive them."
38:20 When do I believe I receive?
38:21 Oh, y'all are with me.
38:24 You're with me.
38:25 So we got it, right?
38:27 We pray now, we ask or call for now, and we believe we receive now.
38:34 The only future tense part of this verse is the, "You will receive."
38:42 Scripture didn't say you would receive now.
38:44 You pray now, you ask now, you believe you receive now, you believe you receive now,
38:50 then you will have.
38:53 I don't receive now, I believe I receive now.
38:57 I believe.
38:59 So if healing was what I was praying for, then my statement post-prayer is, "I believe
39:04 I'm healed."
39:06 Not I am healed, because you're not healed, but you believe it.
39:11 Because I believed I received what I asked for when I prayed and that was now.
39:18 You still with me?
39:20 Again, whatever things you ask when you pray, again, I pray now, I ask when I pray, therefore
39:28 I ask now, and I am to believe I receive what I asked for when I prayed.
39:33 So if I pray now and I ask now, I believe I receive now, and I will, I will have.
39:43 Now again, the word whatever was in there.
39:49 So does whatever mean whatever?
39:51 All right.
39:54 Let's see what we can find out.
39:58 Oh, let me, and let me not forget this part.
40:05 Verse 25 and 26.
40:09 And whenever you stand praying, well that's now.
40:14 Because whenever you pray is now.
40:16 So what does Jesus say?
40:17 "Whatever things you ask when you pray, believe you receive them and you'll have them, and
40:21 when you stand pray."
40:22 He says what?
40:24 "If you have anything against anyone, forgive them that your Father in heaven may also forgive
40:29 you your trespasses.
40:30 But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses."
40:34 What's the greater lesson here?
40:37 The greater lesson is how forgiveness can hinder petitions.
40:44 Unforgiveness can hinder.
40:45 How forgiveness can strengthen.
40:48 Forgiveness will strengthen, unforgiveness will hinder.
40:51 Now Jesus words it like this because the old covenant was still in force.
40:58 The earthly ministry of Jesus was under the Mosaic law.
41:02 The New Testament hadn't began.
41:04 His message was a New Testament.
41:08 But the New Testament had not started yet because the testator hadn't died yet.
41:16 Hebrews 9, 16, and 17 are very clear.
41:20 A testament has no power while the testator lives.
41:25 The testament doesn't have power until the testator dies.
41:28 When the testator dies, the New Testament is in force, is in power.
41:34 So Jesus, his earthly ministry operated under the law of Moses.
41:39 The old covenant was still enforced.
41:41 So Jesus teaches his disciples who are familiar with the law, law of forgiveness.
41:48 And law of forgiveness was what?
41:50 I forgive you so God can forgive me.
41:55 But Paul, who was taught by Jesus because it's Jesus that called Paul into the ministry,
42:01 Paul, by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, shows us what grace forgiveness looks like.
42:06 And grace forgiveness is what?
42:09 Grace forgiveness is not law of forgiveness.
42:11 Again, law of forgiveness is I forgive you so God will forgive me.
42:15 No, that's not how it works under grace.
42:17 Under grace it's God has forgiven me, so I forgive you.
42:23 My forgiveness from God under grace does not hinge on me first forgiving you.
42:28 No, no, no, under grace I forgive you because he's already forgiven me.
42:33 This is law of forgiveness because the disciples were under the law.
42:36 This is what they knew.
42:37 This is what they were accustomed to.
42:42 But what do we take from this?
42:43 Oh, unforgiveness is going to be problematic in your petitions being productive.
42:52 Even though we're under grace, what makes us think we can go to the Father in prayer
42:57 harboring unforgiveness?
43:01 That's venom and gall and bile in our hearts.
43:06 All right, let's make our way to 1 John.
43:10 Again, now let's look at 1 John 5.
43:15 Oh, I really wanted to go, I really wanted to get into that Mark 11, 24, but y'all got
43:25 to stay tuned for the series after this series.
43:29 And then I can really go in on some Mark 11, 24.
43:35 But I wanted to focus on that whatever.
43:38 That's another whatever.
43:40 Whatever are you saying, God, about whatever?
43:44 You still here?
43:45 All right, let's spend the rest of our time over here in 1 John, the fifth chapter.
43:52 Okay, watch this.
43:56 James in the fifth chapter talks about the prayer of faith.
44:03 John in his first epistle in the fifth chapter talks about what happens when it's prayed.
44:14 And Jesus, of course, teaches us the mechanics of it, which again is what?
44:19 The things you ask when you pray, believe you receive them and you'll have them.
44:24 Again, when do I pray?
44:27 When do I ask?
44:29 When do I believe I receive?
44:30 If I do all of that, I will have.
44:36 And until I see the manifestation of what I prayed for, my words are I believe.
44:46 The reason why I believe I'm healed is because I believed I received my healing when I prayed.
44:52 So I believe I'm healed.
44:54 When the healing shows up, I don't have to believe I'm healed anymore.
44:57 I'm healed.
45:02 First John five, verse 14.
45:13 Are you there?
45:14 Okay.
45:15 Oh, look at this.
45:16 It says, "Now this is the confidence."
45:24 This is the confidence.
45:25 Oh, I believe we're about to successfully identify whatever.
45:33 Because Jesus said, "Whatever you ask the Father in my name, I'll give you."
45:38 Jesus said, "Whatever things you ask when you pray, believe you receive them and you'll
45:41 have them."
45:44 But the same Jesus also said, "Make sure you abide in me and my word abides in you."
45:54 For the word to abide in me, that means I'm continuing in the word.
45:57 But to continue in the word, I have to get in the word.
46:00 I have to first get into the word to continue in it.
46:04 I have to first get into the word to stay in the word.
46:06 I have to first get into the word to remain in the word.
46:11 So for his word to abide in me and me to abide in him, him and his word being one and the
46:17 same, so when I'm abiding in his word, I'm abiding in him.
46:21 That means I'm getting to know God.
46:23 How do I get to know God?
46:24 I get in his word, because God and his word are one and the same.
46:30 Well here's what his word says.
46:32 First John five, 14.
46:33 "Now this is the," what?
46:34 "This is the confidence."
46:36 No, no, no, no.
46:37 Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute.
46:38 Maybe I'm reading that wrong.
46:39 Maybe I have a bad translation.
46:40 Maybe I have a bad translation.
46:44 Now this is the hope.
46:51 This is the wish.
46:55 This is the guess.
46:59 We're not guessing here?
47:01 We're not about to read about guessing?
47:04 We're not about to read about guessing?
47:08 This is the confidence that we have in him.
47:10 Man, this is how confident I am in him, huh?
47:15 Him must be a bad somebody.
47:18 This is the confidence I have in him.
47:20 This is the confidence that we have in him.
47:22 See, I can't have this kind of confidence in my favorite NFL team.
47:31 I can't do it.
47:35 I can't have confidence.
47:38 I can't do it.
47:39 I'm going to tell you a story.
47:40 This is a true story.
47:41 Some of you have heard this before.
47:43 In 2004, I got free from the bondage of sports.
47:48 Here's what I'm—this is what bondage meant for me.
47:50 Some of you men, you're not free yet, right?
47:54 See, you're in bondage when your team loses, your day is ruined.
48:00 See, that's—a couple days are ruined, you're in bondage.
48:07 That team owns you.
48:08 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
48:09 Oh, yeah, yeah, see, see, see, this is what happens.
48:14 True story.
48:15 2003, Super Bowl, Oakland Raiders coached by Bill Callahan go to the Super Bowl to meet
48:21 the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, coached by the old Oakland coach, John Gruden, who told Tampa
48:27 Bay everything Oakland was going to do.
48:30 And we got blown out, 48 to 21.
48:34 My soul was crushed.
48:40 And then in 2004, it happened in the NBA when the Lakers went back to the finals.
48:45 Oh, in 2003, they got their tails whooped by the San Antonio Spurs, but we went to redemption
48:51 and we came back and we took the Detroit Pistons for granted and got mollywhopped.
49:00 And after that, I said, "No more, that's it."
49:03 I actually stopped watching games for a good three to four seasons.
49:07 I said, "I'm not watching games anymore, I'm just going to watch ESPN, that's it.
49:11 I'm not watching the games anymore.
49:13 I'm done."
49:14 Now, on this side of freedom, I can watch any game.
49:17 Now, am I disappointed when my team loses?
49:20 Sure, but it's not the end of the world anymore.
49:24 Now it sounds silly, right?
49:25 Because in part it is silly, but see that was the confidence I had in man.
49:34 Man will let you down.
49:35 Your favorite team will let you down.
49:37 Your favorite athlete will let you down.
49:38 Your favorite celebrity will let you down.
49:40 Your favorite pastor will let you down.
49:45 But God will never let you down, never.
49:51 So this is the confidence I have in God.
49:56 See I hope my team wins.
49:58 I know God wins.
50:03 This is the confidence that we have in Him that if we ask, "Whoa, anything, anything
50:09 sounds like whatever.
50:11 Whoa, but I think I'm going to run into some qualifications here."
50:16 Watch this.
50:17 This is the confidence that we have in Him that if we ask anything according to His will,
50:26 He hears us.
50:27 Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait, wait, wait a minute.
50:32 What's the Bible saying?
50:33 Is the Bible then saying that if I don't ask according to His will, He don't hear us?
50:41 He doesn't hear us?
50:43 Well, well, yes and no.
50:45 Ability wise, of course, but He's under no obligation to respond.
50:50 For example, can I go to the Father in just any Messiah's name?
50:55 Oh, I can't, can I?
50:57 There's one key name I must go to the Father in.
51:02 Heaven is not authorized to grant any petition of mine if I go to the Father in the wrong
51:10 name.
51:11 Therefore, God is not obligated to respond to any petition prayed outside of His will.
51:22 He's not obligated to hear me because I didn't pray according to His will.
51:25 Well, what's His will?
51:27 His Word.
51:28 This is why the Word has to be written on the tablet of your heart.
51:34 You're not going to always have time to pick up that Bible.
51:36 You may not have time to open up that app on your smart device.
51:41 You better have the Word written on this app right here.
51:49 You better know that Word.
51:51 Oh, no, this is the confidence.
51:54 Let's put up that word confidence.
51:56 This is the confidence that we have in Him that if I ask anything or whatever, oh, according
52:01 to His will.
52:04 This is the confidence, parousia.
52:07 I like this.
52:09 This is the all outspokenness.
52:12 Some of y'all, you're naturally loud.
52:15 This should really fit.
52:17 This should be applicable to you.
52:22 All outspokenness.
52:23 Oh, look at this.
52:24 This is the frankness.
52:25 Some folk are really frank.
52:28 This is the bluntness.
52:29 Some people are really blunt.
52:31 Look at this, publicity.
52:34 Put up the rest of those definitions.
52:36 Confident, openly, plainly.
52:41 Let's put up the rest.
52:44 Freedom in speaking, unreservedness in speech.
52:49 Unreservedness when it comes to God.
52:52 In speech, openly, frankly.
52:55 Without concealment, without ambiguity or circumlocution.
53:01 I've never heard of that word in my life, but watch this.
53:05 Circumlocution has to do with using too many words.
53:12 Remember when Jesus—remember when Jesus said, "Don't be like the heathens using the
53:16 vain repetitions and the empty words."
53:20 That's circumlocution.
53:23 Keep going.
53:25 Free and fearless confidence, cheerful courage, boldness, assurance, the deportment or behavior
53:33 by which one becomes conspicuous or secures publicity.
53:40 That's what confidence means.
53:43 You're frank, you're bold, you're open.
53:45 I am with boldness going to God, and I'm telling him what I want.
53:49 I'm telling him what I need.
53:52 And I know he hears me.
53:53 You want to know why I know he hears me?
53:55 Because I didn't pray according to Fred's will.
53:58 I prayed according to his will.
54:01 I prayed according to his word.
54:03 So then look at the 15th verse.
54:04 "Well, if we know he hears us, well, how do I know he hears us?
54:08 How do I know that he heard me?
54:10 Because I prayed according to his will."
54:12 Isn't that wonderful?
54:14 That's wonderful.
54:15 I don't know if you have a situation, maybe however your bedroom is set up, or maybe the
54:23 distance between your bedroom and maybe your child's room down the hall.
54:28 I kid you not, there are times when I'm in the bedroom, and it's not like I have this
54:34 massively massive master bedroom, but I'll be where the bed is, and Angel will be in
54:42 the bathroom, and I call her name, and I get no response.
54:44 I'm like, "I know this woman hears me.
54:47 How does she not hear me?"
54:51 Until the roles are reversed, and she's like, "I was calling you.
54:54 Wow, I didn't hear you.
54:56 And it seems like the distance is so short that I should have heard her, or she should
55:00 have heard me."
55:03 There was a struggle to—no, it wasn't even a struggle to hear.
55:06 I didn't hear.
55:08 Sometimes you might hear, but there's a struggle to hear.
55:11 You didn't hear clearly.
55:13 That's not the case with God.
55:15 All you got to do is say it according to His will.
55:19 Say it according to His Word, He hears you.
55:21 So if I know that He hears me, then whatever I ask, that's the anything.
55:26 I know I have the petitions that I've asked of Him.
55:29 I know I have it.
55:30 Why do I know I have the petitions I've asked of Him?
55:33 Because the only petitions I asked for were the ones according to His will.
55:37 And because I asked for these petitions according to His will, I know He heard me.
55:42 So this is the confidence in God that I have.
55:44 I know that I'm going to—this is what Daddy always meant when he said all of his prayers
55:49 were answered.
55:50 He specifically was talking about the petition prayers.
55:53 And the reason why he said it is because he was praying according to the will of God.
55:57 And if you pray according to the will of God, God hears you and you have what you've asked
56:01 for because it wasn't you praying according to you, it was you praying according to Him.
