00:00:00 (upbeat music)
00:00:02 - Matthew chapter seven is where we're going to go today.
00:00:24 (soft music)
00:00:27 And let's begin reading
00:00:33 at the 24th verse.
00:00:38 If you were here last Sunday morning,
00:00:41 prophetess Calloway preached this text.
00:00:43 I'm just gonna hit it and get on out of the vicinity
00:00:48 of this text because she did an incredible job.
00:00:54 Matthew seven, verse 24, if you have it say amen.
00:00:59 - Amen.
00:01:00 - Therefore, whosoever heareth these things of mine
00:01:05 and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man
00:01:10 which built his house upon a rock.
00:01:15 And the rain descended and the floods came
00:01:18 and the winds blew and they beat upon that house
00:01:20 and it fell not for it was founded upon a rock.
00:01:25 And everyone that here at these things of mine
00:01:28 and do it them not shall be likened unto a foolish man
00:01:32 which built his house upon the sand.
00:01:36 The rains descended, the floods came and the winds blew
00:01:40 and they beat upon that house and it fell
00:01:44 and great was the fall of it.
00:01:49 And great was the fall of it.
00:01:52 Identical storms beating up identical houses.
00:01:57 One fell and one stood.
00:02:01 Look at your neighbor say neighbor.
00:02:04 I got a rock that never fails.
00:02:07 Keep moving, go to Acts chapter 27.
00:02:12 Acts chapter 27, y'all got to give me time
00:02:16 'cause I use my real Bible, my paper Bible.
00:02:20 27 and verse 41, and falling, speaking of falling,
00:02:27 falling into a place where two seas meet.
00:02:33 Somebody shout transition.
00:02:35 They ran the ship aground and the four parts stuck fast
00:02:41 and it remained unmovable but the hinder part was broken
00:02:45 with the violence of the waves.
00:02:48 And the soldier's counsel was to kill the prisoners
00:02:53 lest any of them should swim out and escape.
00:02:58 But the centurion who was willing to save Paul,
00:03:01 isn't it awesome when you got favor
00:03:04 that you don't even know nothing about.
00:03:06 Paul was on this ship right here and he did not realize
00:03:12 that he had so much favor that it was not only gonna save
00:03:15 his life but it was gonna save everybody that was around him.
00:03:19 But the centurion who was willing to save Paul
00:03:24 kept them from their purpose and commanded
00:03:28 that they which could swim should cast themselves first
00:03:32 into the sea and get to the land.
00:03:35 And the rest, some on boards,
00:03:41 some on broken pieces of the ship.
00:03:46 And it came to pass that they escaped all safe to the land.
00:03:51 Look at somebody and tell them neighbor,
00:03:58 it's because I have a rock that will not fail.
00:04:03 Spirit of God, I thank you for your word
00:04:06 on this first Sunday morning.
00:04:09 I thank you for talking in this place
00:04:11 and thank you for direction I ask you to speak through me.
00:04:16 Anything that you have to say is way more important
00:04:20 than what I would have to say.
00:04:22 So Father, I pray that you would just talk in this place.
00:04:26 We are anxious, we are waiting,
00:04:29 we are sitting on the edge of our seat as it were,
00:04:32 just to hear your voice.
00:04:34 We'll give you glory and honor and praise in Jesus name.
00:04:38 Somebody shout amen.
00:04:40 On your way down, hit somebody and tell them
00:04:42 I have a rock that never fails.
00:04:44 Last Sunday morning, I told you Prophetess Galloway
00:04:55 was in here.
00:04:56 Did y'all hear her speak last Sunday morning?
00:04:58 Amen.
00:05:02 She was in here and if you didn't listen to that message,
00:05:05 you also need to listen to that as well.
00:05:07 She talked from the subject Jesus, the sure foundation.
00:05:12 She told us, she spoke to us about the wise man
00:05:17 and she spoke to us about the foolish man
00:05:19 and how that the foolish man had built his house on the sand
00:05:24 and how the wise man had built his house upon the rock.
00:05:28 Both men built the same type of house.
00:05:34 The difference is what the houses were built on
00:05:39 when the storm moved in.
00:05:42 And let me stop right here and tell you
00:05:45 that as long as you are living,
00:05:48 you will find yourselves having to be in storms.
00:05:52 We never outgrow storms.
00:05:55 I said, we never outgrow storms.
00:05:57 We do grow and we learn how to deal with them,
00:06:00 but there'll always be a storm.
00:06:03 Well, our lives will always be confronted by storms
00:06:07 because storms are inevitable.
00:06:10 It doesn't matter who you have as your prayer partner.
00:06:13 It does not matter where you live.
00:06:16 It doesn't matter what you drive.
00:06:18 It doesn't matter how much money that you make.
00:06:20 It doesn't matter if you pray 23 and a half hours
00:06:25 of a 24 hour day.
00:06:27 Storms are inevitable.
00:06:31 The tragedy of this text, however,
00:06:34 is that one man built without consideration of a storm,
00:06:39 but the other man built and he was prepared
00:06:46 for what was coming.
00:06:48 There's nothing like being prepared.
00:06:50 My suitcases, wherever I go, are always heavy.
00:06:55 Our family went to a little trip this week to Broken Bow.
00:06:59 And I had the biggest suitcase out of the whole group.
00:07:04 It was mine, it was heavy.
00:07:06 Everybody knew it was mine.
00:07:07 And they're like, we're only going for two days, Gigi.
00:07:10 I done broke their dad's down.
00:07:12 So now my grandkids have to lift it up and help me.
00:07:16 But my thing is I'd rather have it and not want it.
00:07:20 Where are the ladies in here?
00:07:23 Y'all know what I'm talking about.
00:07:25 I'd rather have it and not want it
00:07:27 than to want it and not have it.
00:07:31 So perhaps the man whose house did not survive the storm,
00:07:36 perhaps he was someone who was more concerned
00:07:42 about the cosmetics of his house.
00:07:46 Maybe it was more concerned about the curtains
00:07:50 than he was about the foundation.
00:07:52 However, any time that a building survives
00:07:56 or a life survives the storm,
00:07:58 you can bet that it is not because of the curtains.
00:08:02 It is not because of the wallpaper.
00:08:04 It is not because of the designer contents
00:08:07 that you have within your house.
00:08:09 We have to be careful not to overlook the foundation
00:08:13 because we want to get everything set up and looking pretty.
00:08:17 Let me tell you about the foundation.
00:08:19 Nobody sees that.
00:08:20 But without that, everybody will see
00:08:22 what mistakes you have made.
00:08:25 So if it survives the storm,
00:08:30 it will be because there was a foundation that was laid.
00:08:35 And we need to build into the structure of whatever it is.
00:08:41 We are building our homes and our families
00:08:44 and our careers and our businesses.
00:08:47 And we need to build into our above and beyond year.
00:08:52 We need to build into our businesses.
00:08:55 We need to build into our dreams and our plans,
00:08:59 the fact that there will be storms in 2024.
00:09:04 But look at somebody and tell them I ain't scared.
00:09:07 - I ain't scared.
00:09:08 - And the only reason you can say that and really mean that
00:09:10 is because you know that you have a firm foundation.
00:09:15 So I think it's imperative that we look a little closer
00:09:19 in this first Sunday of the first year,
00:09:22 of the first month in our 2024 year.
00:09:27 And I think it is imperative
00:09:29 that we re-examine the foundations of our lives.
00:09:34 Look at somebody and ask them, what are you built on?
00:09:37 - What are you built on?
00:09:38 - Are you built on the rock or are you built on the sand?
00:09:43 Whatever you are building,
00:09:45 if you have not built it upon the rock,
00:09:49 it is not going to last.
00:09:52 Whatever it is that you're building, it has to be built on.
00:09:55 Let me be very clear also to say
00:09:58 that not even building on a rock
00:10:01 will stop the storm from coming to your house.
00:10:05 Hello, both houses had the same kind of storm.
00:10:09 The Bible said that the rains descended,
00:10:11 the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon the house.
00:10:16 The man that built on the rock still had to endure the storm.
00:10:21 But the reason that he survived,
00:10:24 what destroyed his neighbor is because
00:10:27 when he built what he built,
00:10:29 he built it preparing for the day
00:10:32 that the rains would descend,
00:10:35 that the floods would come
00:10:37 and that the lightning would flash
00:10:38 and that the thunder would roll
00:10:40 and the rain would beat upon his house.
00:10:45 You and I have to build expecting
00:10:49 that there will be trouble sometimes.
00:10:52 (congregation cheering)
00:10:53 We have to build expecting
00:10:55 that there's going to be adversity.
00:10:59 You have to build when it comes to your marriage,
00:11:02 you have to build understanding
00:11:05 that there is a potential
00:11:08 that the size two beautiful bride
00:11:13 that walked down that aisle
00:11:15 might not stay a size two.
00:11:21 You have to build expecting
00:11:28 that the man that picked you up
00:11:31 and carried you over the threshold,
00:11:34 do y'all still do that?
00:11:35 (congregation laughing)
00:11:39 But anyway, he may not be strong enough
00:11:43 in his body to carry you anywhere.
00:11:46 The very man that you walk down the aisle to meet now,
00:11:50 you may have to roll him down the aisle in a wheelchair.
00:11:54 That's life, that there is a potential
00:12:01 that things can go that way.
00:12:04 So while you are building,
00:12:07 you have to build in the good times,
00:12:10 build in enough room for things to change.
00:12:15 Both men built their house on a day that was beautiful.
00:12:22 One man understood that not every day will be beautiful.
00:12:28 So he built his house in a way
00:12:33 that should the day change,
00:12:36 the house could still be standing.
00:12:37 Look at somebody and tell them it's built to last.
00:12:41 And the only way you can build it to last
00:12:45 is if you budget in for bad times.
00:12:48 You have got to budget in for bad times.
00:12:52 You have to budget in for emotional bad times,
00:12:56 for financial bad times.
00:12:58 You hear what I'm saying today?
00:13:00 And if you're going to build something
00:13:02 that is going to last,
00:13:04 you have to think ahead of the game.
00:13:07 And the way you build something to last,
00:13:10 the first step you do is you find that the ground
00:13:13 that you build it on is solid as a rock.
00:13:18 Build it with, build it with what?
00:13:21 Build it with the word of God as your foundation.
00:13:26 And by that I mean,
00:13:27 I'm not just talking about quoting scriptures,
00:13:30 because everybody that can quote scriptures
00:13:32 may not always know exactly what those scriptures mean.
00:13:37 So I'm not talking about just quoting scriptures,
00:13:39 but, and I'm not just talking about memorizing scriptures.
00:13:43 I'm talking about obeying scriptures
00:13:46 and being both a hearer and a doer of the word of God.
00:13:51 Outwardly it appeared that these houses were the same.
00:13:59 - Yeah.
00:14:00 - But when the storm came,
00:14:02 it exposed the hidden differences.
00:14:05 When the storm came,
00:14:08 the foundational flaws were seen.
00:14:12 Because there is nothing like a good storm
00:14:15 to show you what you're made of.
00:14:17 Whatever you are building,
00:14:21 you have to be disciplined enough
00:14:26 to build it on the word of God.
00:14:30 You cannot even build it on your feelings.
00:14:33 Oh, I fell in love with him when I see him.
00:14:36 I love what I feel.
00:14:38 It will not always be that way.
00:14:40 Y'all lying 'cause you just,
00:14:44 you can't even say amen.
00:14:47 You can't build things on your feelings
00:14:51 because you can't always trust your feelings.
00:14:56 I said, you can't always trust your feelings.
00:14:59 Just because I feel it,
00:15:01 I've told myself this so much in 2023,
00:15:04 just because you feel it does not mean that it is so.
00:15:08 Hello?
00:15:09 I can't tell you how many times I've talked myself
00:15:15 back into a sane place by saying,
00:15:17 just because I feel it does not mean that it is so.
00:15:22 As a matter of fact,
00:15:23 if you have ever built anything in your life
00:15:26 that has survived some storms,
00:15:28 you will discover that the feeling portion of it
00:15:32 has very little to do with the finished product.
00:15:37 Okay, for instance,
00:15:39 Bishop and I have raised three wonderful daughters, okay?
00:15:45 And I'm grateful that they're raised.
00:15:50 But if I had not learned to move beyond what I felt,
00:15:55 I would have never got them raised.
00:15:58 Because I didn't always feel like being a mother.
00:16:02 Come on, where the mothers at?
00:16:05 I did not always feel like getting up
00:16:08 in the middle of the night and fixing a bottle.
00:16:11 I didn't feel like cooking dinner every night.
00:16:14 I didn't feel like washing dishes.
00:16:16 I didn't feel like doing laundry.
00:16:19 We had our kids in a time
00:16:24 when we had to use cloth diapers.
00:16:26 We didn't have pampers.
00:16:27 We didn't have all of those things.
00:16:29 And so we had to use cloth diapers.
00:16:32 I think Bishop might've stuck them a time or two,
00:16:35 I don't know.
00:16:36 But whenever I heard that cry, I'd go running.
00:16:39 But we had cloth diapers.
00:16:42 We had to wash them.
00:16:43 We didn't even have a dryer.
00:16:45 We had to wash them in the washing machine
00:16:47 and then go hang them up outside.
00:16:49 Oh, they're for you if y'all in here
00:16:51 that know what I'm talking about.
00:16:54 And even in the winter,
00:16:55 we had to hang them up on the outside
00:16:57 and bring them in and then soften them up
00:17:00 by the fire that Bishop had built in the fireplace
00:17:03 to heat up our house because the furnace was broken.
00:17:07 You know, sometimes God lets you forget stuff.
00:17:14 You have to forget it or you'll never be able to move on.
00:17:17 I didn't always feel like wiping noses
00:17:25 and having to rebuke fevers and sickness off of their bodies
00:17:28 because I didn't have any health insurance
00:17:30 and I didn't have any money to go to the doctor.
00:17:33 And at one point I didn't even have a car
00:17:35 to get us to the doctor.
00:17:36 So all I had to do, all I could do was pray
00:17:40 and rebuke sickness off of my children.
00:17:43 See, it takes somebody special to be a real mother.
00:17:46 Hello?
00:17:49 Real mothers have learned the art
00:17:52 of moving beyond what we feel and showing up anyhow.
00:17:57 Come on.
00:17:58 You know, and when it comes to relationships, period,
00:18:08 the older you get and the longer you stay
00:18:12 in a committed relationship,
00:18:14 the more you will discover that feelings
00:18:17 have very little to do with it.
00:18:21 I have not always felt like being a mother.
00:18:24 I haven't always felt like being a wife.
00:18:27 I haven't even always felt like being a Christian.
00:18:30 Come on.
00:18:33 But I've learned through the years
00:18:37 that if I will stay obedient to this book right here,
00:18:42 if I will stay obedient to the word of God,
00:18:45 the word of God, then the God of the word
00:18:49 is going to bless my life.
00:18:51 I've learned that to be so.
00:18:54 I haven't even always known how to be a good mother
00:18:58 or how to be a good wife or how to be a good Christian,
00:19:02 but I have learned that if I follow the instructions
00:19:06 that are in the book right there,
00:19:07 the book will teach me everything that I need to know
00:19:12 to build whatever it is that he's called me to build.
00:19:16 Life is a recipe.
00:19:19 I said life is a recipe.
00:19:22 And if what you are trying to make does not turn out
00:19:26 like you thought it was going to turn out,
00:19:29 it could be that you just didn't follow the recipe.
00:19:34 Whatever you are building, build it according to the recipe.
00:19:39 Build it Moses, according to the pattern.
00:19:43 Don't be trying to get outside of the pattern.
00:19:48 I'm gonna tell someone Rose,
00:19:49 I don't know if she's in here or not, but yeah, there she is.
00:19:53 Rose can really cook.
00:19:56 Okay.
00:19:57 She's a cooker.
00:19:59 Rose.
00:20:01 To Rose be the glory.
00:20:03 Okay.
00:20:07 Rose can really cook and she'll make something
00:20:10 and I will like it.
00:20:12 And I just brag on her to high heaven and back.
00:20:16 But then the next couple of weeks, I'll be like,
00:20:20 Rose, can you make that again?
00:20:22 Oh yes, pastor.
00:20:24 And she'll go to make it and it won't taste the same.
00:20:29 Now it would be one thing if this happened once or twice,
00:20:32 but this happens every time.
00:20:34 You know why?
00:20:37 Because she says, I just added a little pinch of this
00:20:41 and a little pinch of that.
00:20:43 I just got a little creative.
00:20:45 You change the recipe, build it according to the pattern.
00:20:57 Whatever you are building,
00:20:59 you have to build it in obedience to the one
00:21:04 that made the pattern out Moses.
00:21:07 Because the book says what it means
00:21:10 and it means exactly what it says.
00:21:13 But if you are stubborn and if you are hard headed
00:21:16 and if you are rebellious and you refuse to be obedient,
00:21:20 the storm is going to wipe you out.
00:21:24 Do you hear me?
00:21:25 The storm will wipe you out.
00:21:26 Why?
00:21:27 Why do we have to get permits?
00:21:29 And why do we have to have,
00:21:31 somebody has to have oversight?
00:21:34 And why periodically do they have to come back
00:21:38 and inspect our, whatever we've built here as we go?
00:21:42 Why does that have to happen?
00:21:44 So that we don't get so far off course
00:21:48 that what was meant to add to us
00:21:51 really begins to take away from us
00:21:53 and it becomes dangerous for other people.
00:21:56 Look at somebody and say, stay with the plan.
00:22:00 Speaking of feelings,
00:22:04 when I'm married bishop,
00:22:07 I was attracted to him.
00:22:10 I mean, I still am.
00:22:14 I don't mean was as in past tense.
00:22:16 I was attracted.
00:22:21 There was so many things.
00:22:22 I was attracted to his personality
00:22:24 because he was always the clown
00:22:27 and he was the one that made you laugh.
00:22:29 I laughed on the inside and then I laughed on the outside.
00:22:32 I loved his charisma.
00:22:34 I loved, I loved.
00:22:36 I loved that he would buy me something.
00:22:42 And when I didn't want to go out and tell him,
00:22:44 I just told him I didn't want to go out.
00:22:46 He would call my friend and he would tell my friend,
00:22:49 tell her I bought her something
00:22:50 'cause I want her to go out with me.
00:22:52 So I would change my mind
00:22:53 and I would go out with him
00:22:56 'cause he bought me gifts.
00:22:57 I mean, I was impressed with him
00:23:01 and I liked him as a person
00:23:05 before I learned to love him as a husband.
00:23:10 However, within the last 47 years,
00:23:17 I've had some reasons and some opportunities
00:23:21 not to like him.
00:23:23 (congregation laughing)
00:23:26 Y'all just leave me out here, it's okay.
00:23:28 (congregation laughing)
00:23:31 And vice versa, he's had some opportunities
00:23:35 not to like me, but because we are built on the rock.
00:23:39 (congregation cheering)
00:23:41 And because we are built on the obedience of God's word
00:23:46 and because we are built on something
00:23:49 more than just feelings,
00:23:51 I have learned that it is possible to love him
00:23:55 even if I don't like him.
00:23:57 (congregation cheering)
00:23:59 Anybody that's been married for more than five years
00:24:02 know what I'm talking about.
00:24:03 How somebody, without a doubt,
00:24:07 somebody always says to us,
00:24:09 "How in the world did y'all stay married 47 years?"
00:24:12 And I'm like, "We didn't.
00:24:14 "We did not stay married 47 years.
00:24:17 "We stayed married one day at a time."
00:24:22 Some of those days, he held on to me tightly.
00:24:27 Other days, I held on to him tightly.
00:24:31 But every day, God held on to both of us.
00:24:36 (congregation cheering)
00:24:38 He held us together.
00:24:40 And the problem with people today
00:24:42 is they like the idea of a good marriage
00:24:45 and they like the idea of always having a date
00:24:47 on Valentine's Day.
00:24:49 And they like the idea of raising a family together.
00:24:53 They like the idea of growing older together.
00:24:56 But the reality is that there is a long way
00:24:59 between where you are today
00:25:01 and what you are looking to do tomorrow.
00:25:04 And in the meantime, you got to hold on to each other
00:25:09 because there are some real storms
00:25:12 that are going to hit your house.
00:25:15 (congregation cheering)
00:25:19 I have not always had faith in him.
00:25:22 He has not always had faith in me,
00:25:27 but we both have always had faith in the foundation
00:25:32 upon which our life was laid.
00:25:34 Look at somebody and tell them
00:25:36 you gonna need a good foundation.
00:25:39 You're gonna need faith in your foundation.
00:25:42 I said, you're gonna need faith.
00:25:43 It's one of the main ingredients
00:25:45 that you got to have in your foundation
00:25:48 because when the storms of life divided us,
00:25:52 I always took comfort in knowing that at least
00:25:56 when he went his way and I went my way,
00:25:59 we were talking to the same father.
00:26:01 We were talking to the same daddy.
00:26:04 That's why you can't run out here
00:26:06 and just marry anybody and any old thing.
00:26:09 And you don't know who their daddy is.
00:26:11 (congregation cheering)
00:26:14 Telling you, you better think that thing through.
00:26:21 They can't have a different daddy.
00:26:26 Their daddy can't look different than yours
00:26:29 because when the facts of life divided us,
00:26:32 being united in our faith held us together
00:26:36 until times got better.
00:26:38 I said they held us together until times got better.
00:26:43 Tell somebody it takes faith.
00:26:45 By faith, Noah was warned of God,
00:26:49 of things that he had not yet even seen.
00:26:53 Noah's family, please think about this with me.
00:26:56 His family survived the storm
00:26:59 and it was because of something that Noah built by faith.
00:27:04 Noah was warned from God, number one.
00:27:08 He was warned about something that had not even happened yet
00:27:12 and to be forewarned is to be forearmed.
00:27:17 So he built expecting the unexpected.
00:27:21 He built preparing something that he had never seen before.
00:27:26 He built something that actually looked a little bit stupid.
00:27:30 He built a boat and there had never been a drop of rain
00:27:34 to hit the earth before.
00:27:36 He was building something that people were staring at.
00:27:40 He was building something that they would look at today
00:27:45 but probably wouldn't understand it until tomorrow.
00:27:48 God warned him and on that warning, he moved.
00:27:53 Slap somebody and tell them you gotta move, you gotta move.
00:27:56 I said you got to move, make a move, bust a move.
00:28:00 I don't care, but you have got to move.
00:28:03 God wants men and women that will hear him and move.
00:28:08 Hear him and move, hear him and move.
00:28:13 That's why he chose Noah because he knew Noah
00:28:17 was not just a hearer but he was a doer.
00:28:21 He could hear but he would also do.
00:28:25 He had the ability to make a decision.
00:28:28 You can't be spending your life around people
00:28:32 who are always indecisive.
00:28:35 Maybe just because I don't move when you want me to move,
00:28:39 it makes you think that I'm indecisive.
00:28:43 But I'm not indecisive, but I'm working a plan.
00:28:47 I'm working a plan.
00:28:49 But to be stuck in traffic behind somebody
00:28:54 that will not accelerate and will not move
00:28:58 and will not get out of the way.
00:29:00 How many of you get frustrated with that?
00:29:02 The speed limit is 50 and they are going 35
00:29:06 and you can't get around them.
00:29:08 Be careful now, don't hurt nobody.
00:29:14 Most of the time they old anyway.
00:29:17 And I'll be mad at them and I'll finally get a break
00:29:21 to get by them and I'll look at them,
00:29:22 I'm like, that's my mom.
00:29:23 Lord, I repent.
00:29:29 (congregation laughing)
00:29:31 Look at somebody and tell them,
00:29:32 you just gotta do something.
00:29:34 You can't just stand there and play games.
00:29:37 You got to do something.
00:29:39 Have you ever noticed how procrastination
00:29:43 is eating up your life?
00:29:46 You are losing time, you are losing strength,
00:29:50 you're losing hair, you're losing your waistline,
00:29:53 you're losing years, you're losing months,
00:29:56 you're losing days, you're losing teeth,
00:29:59 you're losing everything.
00:30:00 And Noah said, I have got to build something
00:30:05 that looks crazy, but I'm not crazy.
00:30:08 I got to build it for my future.
00:30:10 I got to build it for destiny.
00:30:12 I got to build it for legacy.
00:30:14 I've got to build it for my sons and my daughters.
00:30:18 You church today are builders
00:30:21 and you have the power to build.
00:30:23 I don't know what lie the devil has told you
00:30:26 that you could not do, but I'm here today to tell you
00:30:30 that your daddy built this entire world.
00:30:33 Your daddy spoke it into existence.
00:30:36 Your daddy did it and he did it all by himself.
00:30:41 And if he is your daddy,
00:30:43 then his DNA is locked up inside of you.
00:30:47 Look at your neighbor and say,
00:30:49 you got the power to build it.
00:30:53 And you got the power to speak to it.
00:30:56 He spoke to the earth.
00:30:58 He spoke to the sea.
00:31:00 He spoke to the clouds.
00:31:02 He spoke and you got to speak, speak,
00:31:06 tell somebody, speak your plans,
00:31:08 speak your goals, speak a better day.
00:31:12 Noah exhibits to us the power
00:31:21 of having a plan.
00:31:22 Ask somebody next to you, do you have a plan?
00:31:24 I didn't ask you if you had a shout.
00:31:27 I asked you, do you have a plan?
00:31:29 I didn't ask you if you could dance.
00:31:31 I asked you, do you have a plan?
00:31:33 Noah built something that was so planned out,
00:31:36 so strong and so solid and so steady
00:31:39 that his entire family persevered
00:31:43 and made it through the worst storm.
00:31:46 How did they do it?
00:31:47 They bought into his vision.
00:31:49 They bought into what he built,
00:31:52 even though they didn't always like it in there,
00:31:55 even though it was stinky in that ark,
00:31:58 even though it was a tight place,
00:32:00 even though they felt uncomfortable,
00:32:02 even though they felt like they were restricted
00:32:05 and they were limited.
00:32:06 It was a limited place.
00:32:08 It was a restricted place.
00:32:10 It was a nasty place.
00:32:12 It was a stinky place.
00:32:13 But I'll tell you also that it was a safe place
00:32:19 for by faith, Noah,
00:32:21 being warned of God of things not yet seen moved.
00:32:25 He moved with the fear of God.
00:32:28 Somebody say the fear of God.
00:32:32 Say, God, help me in 2024
00:32:37 to have the fear of God.
00:32:40 That does not mean you're scared, okay?
00:32:44 That just means I've reverenced God.
00:32:47 And when he speaks, I move.
00:32:49 When he talks to me, I move.
00:32:51 I listen, I lean in when I hear him.
00:32:54 By faith, Noah being warned of God
00:32:57 of things not yet seen moved with reverence.
00:33:00 He moved understanding the awesomeness of God.
00:33:05 And he moved with fear and he prepared an ark
00:33:09 for the saving of his house.
00:33:12 There are so many key words in that scripture to me
00:33:15 that I could stay all day on it,
00:33:18 but I'm not going to.
00:33:19 But I will tell you, Noah was a man of faith.
00:33:24 Whoa, we're all the single ladies.
00:33:25 What makes us do that when we say single ladies?
00:33:30 If you gonna find a man,
00:33:36 first of all, he gonna find you.
00:33:39 But when your eyes do lock eyes with him,
00:33:45 make sure he's a man of faith.
00:33:48 Noah was a man, I don't wanna spend
00:33:52 the first 10 years of our life
00:33:54 trying to get you to know the God
00:33:56 that I have known for the last 20 years of my life.
00:33:59 Come back to me when you get it together.
00:34:03 Noah was a man of faith.
00:34:10 He was a man that knew how to hear God.
00:34:14 Nothing any greater than having a man
00:34:17 that knows how to hear the voice of God.
00:34:20 He was able to see what his eyes had not seen before.
00:34:27 He was able to receive things that other people didn't see.
00:34:32 Oh, Pastor Tori Phillips said
00:34:36 that there are privileged downloads
00:34:39 that God is gonna send into the earth.
00:34:43 You are privileged to get that.
00:34:45 That means everybody didn't get it.
00:34:47 You got it.
00:34:48 Look at somebody say, "Don't miss your download."
00:34:50 And because he got the download,
00:34:54 he had initiative, he was innovative.
00:34:57 He had a spirit of creativity.
00:35:02 What did he say?
00:35:04 He said, "Oh, when Sunday night."
00:35:06 He said he had a pioneering spirit.
00:35:09 He said, "This is the year of the pioneer
00:35:11 "that God is raising up people that have pioneering grace."
00:35:16 Pioneers are pathfinders.
00:35:21 It doesn't even look like a path exists,
00:35:23 but a pioneer says, "There's a path right there,
00:35:26 "and I'm gonna move that, and I'm gonna move that,
00:35:29 "and I'm gonna move that, and I'm gonna move that
00:35:31 "until I get on the path."
00:35:34 Pioneers are risk-takers, and they are room-makers.
00:35:39 They will make room for everybody else.
00:35:42 Enlarge your tent.
00:35:45 Strengthen your stakes.
00:35:48 Tell somebody, "Make room for more."
00:35:50 Noah moved with fear.
00:35:56 He moved with reverence.
00:35:58 He moved with the fear of the Lord.
00:36:00 I declare to you that the fear of the Lord
00:36:03 is coming back to the house of God.
00:36:06 I declare it's coming back to not just his house,
00:36:09 but it's coming back to your house.
00:36:12 And how many of you know we need it today?
00:36:14 Because people do whatever they want,
00:36:16 whenever they want, your kids will talk to you
00:36:20 any way that they, there was a day
00:36:23 that if I'd have said the things that I hear kids say today,
00:36:27 my mama would have yanked my tonsils out of my throat.
00:36:32 (congregation laughing)
00:36:36 Noah moved with the fear of the Lord,
00:36:39 and he built something that would make room for more.
00:36:43 If he had waited, like Pastor Torrey Phillips said,
00:36:48 if he had waited for human confirmation,
00:36:52 you and I, let alone Noah and his house,
00:36:59 but you and I, we would not even be here.
00:37:02 But because he moved, because he had heard from God,
00:37:08 Noah, his wife, his children, they survived the storm
00:37:13 because of something that she built.
00:37:19 That ain't what the Bible says.
00:37:27 They survived the storm of a lifetime
00:37:31 based on something he built.
00:37:34 If your husband's here and he's lazy, look at him and,
00:37:40 no, I'm kidding, I'm kidding.
00:37:42 Oh, that was the devil on my shoulder.
00:37:45 Get off of me.
00:37:46 Okay, really though, I know what I'm about to say
00:37:52 is gonna be old fashioned,
00:37:56 and it's getting ready to make you uncomfortable,
00:37:59 and I might even offend you.
00:38:03 Oh, well, you found out the first Sunday
00:38:05 that the Father's house in the North is not for you.
00:38:08 But I'm gonna say it anyway.
00:38:12 I have a very real problem
00:38:18 with a man that will not provide for his household.
00:38:24 (congregation cheering)
00:38:27 I have a huge problem with that, okay?
00:38:33 'Cause man and provider are synonymous to me.
00:38:38 It's like peanut butter and macaroni and mashed potatoes
00:38:44 and man and woman.
00:38:52 Don't you say woman, Pastor Keith.
00:38:55 Man and provider.
00:38:56 They're synonymous in my book.
00:39:03 I think they're synonymous in God's book too,
00:39:07 because in 1 Timothy 5 and 8, the Bible says a man
00:39:12 that does not provide for his own house,
00:39:16 he hath denied the faith, and he is worse than an infidel.
00:39:22 You have denied the faith.
00:39:24 You don't pay child support.
00:39:26 You don't come in here shouting like you're spiritual,
00:39:30 because God says you have denied the faith
00:39:33 when you deny your own.
00:39:35 (congregation cheering)
00:39:38 You're preaching Pastor Brady, do it, girl.
00:39:45 I have a problem with it.
00:39:50 I have a problem with a man who will just sit back,
00:39:53 fold his arms, and not even think about carrying
00:39:58 the financial weight of his house.
00:40:01 And now I'm not talking about a dollar amount,
00:40:04 and I'm not talking about how much weight you carry,
00:40:08 and I'm not talking about how well you provide,
00:40:12 because the way our economy is today,
00:40:15 some of your wives make more money than you do,
00:40:18 but that's okay as long as you're not like,
00:40:22 come on, bring it home.
00:40:24 (congregation cheering)
00:40:27 Y'all don't like me, but I love you,
00:40:30 that's why I'm telling you the truth.
00:40:32 I'm talking about men who will assume responsibility,
00:40:40 or at least being the one that says,
00:40:46 babe, don't worry about it.
00:40:49 'Cause what I can't get in, I will pray in.
00:40:53 God will move in this house for us.
00:40:57 There's nothing that's so low that I will not do it.
00:41:04 I'll do whatever I have to do, because I love my family.
00:41:09 Bishop, I'm telling you, when our kids were little,
00:41:13 and we didn't have any extra Christmas money,
00:41:16 he would go from one pawn shop to the next pawn shop.
00:41:21 He'd buy something over here for $25,
00:41:25 and he'd go to another pawn shop down the street,
00:41:28 and he'd sell it for $30, and he would pocket $5,
00:41:32 and then he'd go to another pawn shop,
00:41:34 and he'd buy something for 50,
00:41:36 and he'd go over here and sell it for 70,
00:41:39 and he'd stick that in his pocket,
00:41:41 and at the end of the week of Christmas,
00:41:43 he came home with enough money
00:41:45 for us to get everything that our kids wanted for Christmas,
00:41:50 and we still had $800 in our pocket.
00:41:55 Listen, I'm not talking about
00:42:06 how much quail you hit and bring it home.
00:42:12 I'm talking about at least coming home with your gun empty,
00:42:17 because I know you've been trying to shoot at something.
00:42:22 Ladies, y'all better help me.
00:42:27 Even if you don't hit it, it helps me to know
00:42:32 that you're unloading and you're aiming after something.
00:42:36 Tell somebody, "At least shoot the thing.
00:42:40 "At least shoot it.
00:42:42 "I can respect you if you don't hit it
00:42:45 "as long as you come home and your gun is empty."
00:42:48 And let me tell you,
00:42:57 before you think I'm talking about just money,
00:42:59 provision is more than money.
00:43:03 Provision is knowledge.
00:43:05 Provision is understanding.
00:43:07 Provision is education.
00:43:10 Provision is wisdom.
00:43:13 So even if you don't have an income, and I do,
00:43:19 at least if when I do come home,
00:43:23 you understand that I am exhausted,
00:43:27 and you say, "Babe, it's not my time to sit here
00:43:29 "and play games on with whatever these games are.
00:43:33 "It ain't my time to do that.
00:43:35 "I know you're tired.
00:43:35 "Go take a bath, go take a shower.
00:43:37 "Go do whatever you want and get it.
00:43:39 "I know you've been gone all day,
00:43:41 "but I understand what that is like.
00:43:43 "So I'm not just gonna say, 'Tag, you're it
00:43:46 "'cause you're home now.'
00:43:47 "I'm talking about a man that understands
00:43:50 "that his wife, she might make more money than he does,
00:43:55 "but I have an understanding
00:43:56 "that it costs you something to make it."
00:43:59 I'm talking about having wisdom.
00:44:03 Ladies, one of the greatest things
00:44:08 that you will ever get is a wise man.
00:44:10 Anybody married to a wise man?
00:44:14 Clap your hands.
00:44:16 One of the greatest gifts you will ever get
00:44:24 is the gift of a wise man.
00:44:26 All of you that are out there, single,
00:44:29 waiting on yours to find you,
00:44:31 make sure he is wise or he ain't yours.
00:44:37 Okay, go ahead.
00:44:39 Marry a fool if you want to.
00:44:40 You busy looking for a cute man?
00:44:47 I want a cute man.
00:44:50 I want a man that knows how to dress.
00:44:54 That's what I want.
00:44:56 You better get you a wise man, even if he is ugly.
00:45:00 Do you hear what I'm saying?
00:45:01 Get you a wise man 'cause you can dress up
00:45:05 something that's ugly.
00:45:06 (audience cheering)
00:45:09 You cannot cover up a fool.
00:45:15 I said you can't put enough clothes
00:45:17 on a fool to cover him up.
00:45:20 I don't care what you put on stupid, okay?
00:45:28 Eventually, your true stupid colors will come shining.
00:45:33 (audience cheering)
00:45:36 I'm preaching in here today.
00:45:44 Noah prepared.
00:45:50 Noah, hear me, he prepared an ark.
00:45:55 He prepared.
00:45:56 Look at somebody and tell him, get prepared.
00:45:59 Get prepared.
00:46:01 Get prepared.
00:46:04 It had never rained, it had never flooded,
00:46:07 but Noah was prepared for a day.
00:46:10 Hear me, he was prepared for a day that he had never seen.
00:46:14 He was prepared for a day he had never seen,
00:46:22 and he spent 120 years trying to tell people,
00:46:26 you better get in this ark.
00:46:29 You better repent.
00:46:31 They all laughed at him because obviously
00:46:33 they were not able to see something
00:46:34 they hadn't already seen.
00:46:36 They laughed at him, they ignored him.
00:46:38 They thought he was crazy.
00:46:39 They thought he had lost his mind.
00:46:41 But you know what?
00:46:43 Folk will do that.
00:46:45 Whenever you start moving in faith,
00:46:47 they'll think you have lost your mind,
00:46:50 but to hit somebody and tell them,
00:46:51 you better build it anyway.
00:46:52 (audience cheering)
00:46:55 And it is in moments of,
00:47:00 there was a transition that was happening.
00:47:03 God was about to wipe off the face of the earth.
00:47:06 He was in transition.
00:47:09 And usually, it's when you're on your way somewhere,
00:47:16 when you are in transition,
00:47:20 that systems start colliding.
00:47:22 Okay?
00:47:25 It's as you are beginning to evolve,
00:47:29 systems begin to clash.
00:47:32 I can usually tell that I'm headed somewhere
00:47:37 based on the systems that start colliding in my life.
00:47:44 I can tell I'm in transition.
00:47:48 And usually the closer that you get to where you're going,
00:47:53 the more severe the collision,
00:47:58 the more severe the storm.
00:48:00 So the storm really ought to encourage somebody.
00:48:03 And it ought to be a sign to you.
00:48:06 It ought to be giving you a heads up
00:48:09 that this would not be happening
00:48:11 if I were not about to bust into a brand new level.
00:48:16 I'm on the verge,
00:48:18 and I can tell by the storm that I'm facing.
00:48:21 The storm ought to let you know,
00:48:23 our marriage, baby, is getting ready to come together.
00:48:27 Our family is about to go to a new level.
00:48:31 Our kids are finally about to grow up.
00:48:35 Can I tell you today that the devil is after your home.
00:48:40 I said he is after your home.
00:48:43 He ain't after your church.
00:48:45 He's after your home.
00:48:47 'Cause if he can get your home, you can leave church.
00:48:51 But you'll go home and not have a place to lay your head.
00:48:55 You'll be stressed out.
00:48:57 He is after your home.
00:48:59 Oh, but tell your neighbor, say it for me.
00:49:04 The devil is a liar.
00:49:06 He's after your mind.
00:49:09 He's after your peace.
00:49:11 He is out to kill you.
00:49:13 That's why Moses told them,
00:49:16 put the blood on the doorpost of your,
00:49:20 not your church, not your job, not your friend,
00:49:26 but put the blood on the doorpost of your house.
00:49:29 The death angel is coming past your house.
00:49:33 He's coming for your house.
00:49:35 So your house has to be covered in the blood.
00:49:38 Tell your neighbor, cover your house.
00:49:41 He's after your marriage.
00:49:43 Cover your marriage.
00:49:44 He's after your family.
00:49:46 Cover your family.
00:49:47 He's after your kids.
00:49:49 Cover your family.
00:49:51 Look at your neighbor and say, he ain't getting mine.
00:49:54 (congregation cheering)
00:49:56 I'm putting the blood over everything
00:50:00 that's got my name on it.
00:50:02 Put it over your grandchildren.
00:50:07 Put it over your wife.
00:50:09 Put it over your husband.
00:50:11 Don't put the lawyer on your marriage.
00:50:14 Put the blood on.
00:50:16 (congregation cheering)
00:50:19 Put it on your dreams.
00:50:21 Put it on your vision.
00:50:22 Put it on your bank account.
00:50:24 Put it on your family goals.
00:50:27 Put it on your disappointment.
00:50:29 Put it on your doubts.
00:50:31 Put it on your discouragement.
00:50:33 (congregation cheering)
00:50:37 Put it on your passion.
00:50:42 Put the blood on everything.
00:50:45 Why?
00:50:46 'Cause when I see the blood,
00:50:48 I'll pass over.
00:50:51 (congregation cheering)
00:50:55 Transition, somebody shout transition.
00:50:57 The children of Israel were also in transition.
00:51:02 Noah was in transition.
00:51:05 The children of Israel were in transition
00:51:08 during this season.
00:51:09 And that is why the enemy wanted to try to kill them.
00:51:14 Look at your neighbor and tell him, I'm headed somewhere.
00:51:19 That's what the fight in my life has been all about.
00:51:23 That's why the devil wanted to kill me.
00:51:26 That's why he wanted me to quit.
00:51:29 But God brought me here today
00:51:31 to make sure that I tell somebody
00:51:34 why you are going through the things
00:51:36 that you have been going through.
00:51:38 I came here to tell somebody how to build a foundation
00:51:43 that will withstand whatever storm it is
00:51:46 that is coming against it.
00:51:48 I came to tell somebody,
00:51:50 you don't have to be ignorant concerning the devil's devices.
00:51:55 I said, you don't have to be ignorant.
00:51:58 Just know that the closer you get to the storm,
00:52:02 the closer you are from stepping out of it
00:52:06 and standing on dry ground.
00:52:09 (congregation cheering)
00:52:12 And I'll close today with Acts 27.
00:52:18 (congregation laughing)
00:52:19 Because Acts 27 tells us that they were carrying Paul
00:52:24 into Italy by the way of the sea, okay?
00:52:29 It first appeared,
00:52:33 when they took the prisoners and put them on the boat,
00:52:38 it first appeared as if the weather
00:52:42 was going to be cooperative, okay?
00:52:47 But then all of a sudden,
00:52:48 have you ever had an all of a sudden hit your plans?
00:52:52 All of a sudden you get a call.
00:52:56 I was going out, but I got this call
00:52:58 that said I need to go to the hospital.
00:52:59 All of a sudden,
00:53:00 all of a sudden the wind started howling.
00:53:07 They were out in the middle of the ocean,
00:53:13 in the middle of the storm,
00:53:18 not just any storm.
00:53:20 They were out in the sea.
00:53:26 And for days,
00:53:30 all they could see was the fog.
00:53:37 For days they could not see the shore.
00:53:41 For days they couldn't see where they were headed.
00:53:45 Have you ever been making good time,
00:53:49 but you could not see what you were aiming for?
00:53:54 For days they had not seen the light of day.
00:54:02 They had not seen the sun.
00:54:04 They had not seen the moon.
00:54:07 All they could see was the storm
00:54:11 that they were in.
00:54:14 You ever found yourself in a storm
00:54:19 and you could not see your way through?
00:54:22 I don't know how I'm going to get out of this.
00:54:29 You wake up, nothing's changed.
00:54:36 You go to sleep, nothing changed.
00:54:40 You wake up the next morning,
00:54:43 surely if I look out the window I can see nothing.
00:54:48 Couldn't see your way through the storm.
00:54:53 The reason that they couldn't see their way out of it
00:54:58 and that it lasted for so long
00:55:01 was because this was not just any storm.
00:55:06 This is what the Bible calls a Euroclodon.
00:55:09 That is the king of storms.
00:55:14 It doesn't get any worse than a Euroclodon.
00:55:20 A Euroclodon has a storm,
00:55:24 it's a storm with a strong northeasterly wind.
00:55:31 It's a wind that blew entire ships
00:55:36 off of their course.
00:55:39 It is a storm that lasted for weeks at a time
00:55:45 and nobody's seen it coming.
00:55:51 Nobody.
00:55:59 They would have never set sail had they seen it coming.
00:56:04 It was a deadly storm.
00:56:10 What am I saying?
00:56:11 I'm saying that after weeks of this,
00:56:15 they should have been dead.
00:56:18 They should have been destroyed.
00:56:23 The boat should have been wiped out.
00:56:28 (audience murmuring)
00:56:31 And the reason that they were
00:56:32 is because whoever built that ship
00:56:39 somehow knew this ship might be caught in a storm
00:56:55 and they built, the Bible calls them helps.
00:57:00 It was simply ropes.
00:57:08 You've heard me preach this before.
00:57:10 It was ropes that when they made the ship
00:57:14 in the bed of the ship
00:57:15 or in the foundation of the ship,
00:57:23 there were ropes that were being held together
00:57:28 because they were united with each other.
00:57:33 And as the winds began to toss,
00:57:39 the person who built the boat and put the ropes in there
00:57:45 had to know that they had potential,
00:57:47 that they could have potentially hit a uroplodon.
00:57:51 So they, what is that word?
00:57:54 They reinforced.
00:57:56 Look at somebody and tell them we need reinforcements.
00:58:00 Helps were those ropes that were tied together
00:58:05 in the foundation of the ship.
00:58:08 Now, under normal circumstances,
00:58:11 that boat should have survived.
00:58:14 But in the event that it was hit with the king of storms,
00:58:21 in the event that it was hit with a uroplodon,
00:58:26 those ropes represented added help.
00:58:31 Those ropes represented added support.
00:58:36 Helps were not visible to the natural eye.
00:58:40 You could not see them from the outer appearance.
00:58:46 Helps were only there.
00:58:51 To add strength in the storm.
00:58:56 Some of us would have never made it
00:59:00 through 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023,
00:59:13 if it had not been...
00:59:15 (crowd cheering)
00:59:19 (air whooshing)
00:59:22 Oh, tell your neighbor, "I felt my help."
00:59:25 (air whooshing)
00:59:28 My helps came when I was stuck at home.
00:59:33 My helps came when I couldn't get a paycheck.
00:59:36 My helps came.
00:59:38 (air whooshing)
00:59:41 Can I tell you what the Holy Ghost is?
00:59:44 (crowd cheering)
00:59:47 (air whooshing)
00:59:49 He is my help.
00:59:51 (crowd cheering)
00:59:52 He is your help.
00:59:54 He is the second line of defense in your life.
00:59:59 He is what the Bible calls my allosperic leaders.
01:00:02 He is a helper to us.
01:00:04 He is a preserver to us.
01:00:07 He is added strength.
01:00:08 When I feel like I can't take anymore,
01:00:11 he is added strength.
01:00:14 (air whooshing)
01:00:17 (crowd cheering)
01:00:20 Now you might only use him to shout.
01:00:26 You might only use him to have a good goose bumps,
01:00:32 to have a good feeling.
01:00:35 But I thank my allosperic leaders
01:00:39 for the nights that he held mine.
01:00:42 (crowd cheering)
01:00:45 (air whooshing)
01:00:51 I thank him for being my educator.
01:00:56 When at the age of 61, I think it was,
01:00:59 I had to go back to school
01:01:01 and learn how to do dialysis on my husband.
01:01:05 And I would put him on it at night
01:01:07 and I'd lay down and we'd try to go to sleep.
01:01:10 We would go to sleep.
01:01:12 And out of nowhere, the alarms would start going crazy.
01:01:16 And we'd wake up and I had to go open my nightstand
01:01:21 and pull out my books.
01:01:23 And at two and three and four o'clock in the morning,
01:01:26 I would sit on my bed saying, "Help me God.
01:01:30 "Help me to understand.
01:01:32 "Show me how to silence this alarm.
01:01:35 "Show me how to get him through this treatment.
01:01:38 "We need help."
01:01:41 (crowd cheering)
01:01:42 Somebody holler, "Help."
01:01:44 (crowd cheering)
01:01:46 "Help my children, my family,
01:01:51 "my marriage needs, my finances need help."
01:01:59 (crowd cheering)
01:02:05 The Holy Spirit would start praying for me.
01:02:12 And when he prays, he prays the perfect will of the Father.
01:02:19 We guess and we ask, but many times we ask amiss
01:02:25 because we don't really always know the perfect will of the Father.
01:02:30 But when I can say, (speaking in tongues)
01:02:36 that prayer from my belly goes straight to the ears of God
01:02:42 and "Help!"
01:02:45 (crowd cheering)
01:02:50 And he opened up my mind.
01:02:54 And he made ways for me to understand
01:02:59 what I could have never understood.
01:03:04 (crowd cheering)
01:03:10 When the enemy came in like a flood,
01:03:15 the--what is it?
01:03:19 Do you know your word?
01:03:20 You're saying it, but you're not saying it confidently.
01:03:23 When the enemy comes in like a flood,
01:03:25 the Spirit of the Lord raises up the standard against him
01:03:30 and says, "Absolutely not."
01:03:32 Cheryl, keep watching me.
01:03:34 Keep watching me.
01:03:35 Keep praying.
01:03:37 Keep praying in the Spirit.
01:03:38 Watch out, I'm getting ready to drop something in your lap.
01:03:41 I'm getting ready to show you what alarm to go to.
01:03:44 I'm getting ready to show you what button to push.
01:03:46 And that man is going to finish his treatment.
01:03:49 Oh, help!
01:03:56 The devil wanted to kill us both,
01:04:00 but he stopped it.
01:04:07 He was sick.
01:04:09 I wasn't sleeping, so I was about to be sick.
01:04:14 So he wanted to kill me and him with sickness.
01:04:18 But what did God do?
01:04:20 He stopped it.
01:04:23 The Spirit rose up and revived us.
01:04:30 So I'm not here today because I'm good at being strong.
01:04:36 You know, people say that, "Oh, Pastor Freddie, she's just so strong."
01:04:41 I want to hit you when you say that.
01:04:43 Because number one, I ain't that strong.
01:04:45 And you better not get too close to me when you say it.
01:04:50 I'm not that strong.
01:04:52 What that says to me is you don't understand my sacrifice.
01:04:58 I'm not strong.
01:05:00 The way we have made it thus far in our marriage with our children,
01:05:06 in our ministries, in Bishop's sickness,
01:05:10 the way we have made it thus far is not because we are strong.
01:05:16 We have made it this far because God has been constraining our enemies.
01:05:29 I'm not talking about people.
01:05:31 I'm talking about powers and principalities
01:05:34 that try to talk you into losing your mind,
01:05:37 that try to talk you into depression,
01:05:40 that try to talk you into suicide.
01:05:42 God stands up and He restrains them and says, "Go, Cheryl. Go.
01:05:49 Go in power. Go in power. Go in power. Go in power. Go in power.
01:05:57 I got this."
01:06:00 And I came in here and I preached to an empty auditorium.
01:06:05 And I went home and I came back in the next week and preached to an empty auditorium.
01:06:10 And I've been preaching ever since because God is...
01:06:15 [Music]
01:06:28 You ain't got to tell your neighbor what he stopped.
01:06:34 But look at somebody on both sides and tell them, "He stopped it. He stopped it."
01:06:39 No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Tell it.
01:06:42 Tell it like you're grateful.
01:06:44 He stopped it. He stopped it.
01:06:47 He stopped... It could have killed me.
01:06:49 It could have wiped me out.
01:06:51 It could have not only made me suicidal.
01:06:53 It could have made me homicidal.
01:06:55 But He stopped it when I couldn't stop it.
01:07:02 He made me have more capacity.
01:07:16 He enlarged my territory.
01:07:23 I'm going to close here.
01:07:25 Somebody says, "Well, Pastor Brady,
01:07:29 but if you read through that text,
01:07:33 you're going to discover that in spite of the helps,
01:07:38 in spite of the extra support,
01:07:41 in spite of the ropes and the intentionality of the man who built it,
01:07:50 the ship did eventually succumb to the storm."
01:07:59 And I got to admit it, you're right. It did.
01:08:04 The ship was ripped apart.
01:08:08 And I have seen businesses ripped apart.
01:08:10 I've seen ministries ripped apart.
01:08:12 I've seen churches ripped apart.
01:08:14 I've seen people that I love ripped apart.
01:08:20 And I don't know what the future holds
01:08:24 for them and you don't know either.
01:08:29 But when I look back over my love's,
01:08:35 and I see what He's brought me through,
01:08:42 if the Lord had not been on my side,
01:08:52 why was He on my side?
01:08:56 I'm not that holy. I'm not that perfect.
01:08:58 But why was He on my side?
01:09:02 If He hadn't been on my side, I would have never made it.
01:09:08 And I don't know what the future holds for me, for you, or anybody else.
01:09:14 I do know that through many dangers,
01:09:19 toils and snares, I have all ready come.
01:09:25 I do know that He who began a good work in me
01:09:31 has been and will continue to be faithful.
01:09:35 I do know that, yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
01:09:41 I will fear no evil because He is with me.
01:09:46 I do know that while some trust in horses and some in chariots,
01:09:52 I will always remember the name of the Lord,
01:09:57 for the name of the Lord has been my strong.
01:10:06 I've ran into Him time after time after time,
01:10:15 and I found myself safe.
01:10:20 I know the ship was torn in pieces.
01:10:23 I know it was destroyed, the Bible says it, by the violence of the waves.
01:10:30 I know the ship fell apart.
01:10:35 I know that.
01:10:37 But to me the greater miracle is that though the ship fell apart,
01:10:46 the people didn't.
01:10:51 And I came on this first Sunday in the first month of 2024,
01:10:59 and I came to say, "I've got to take a minute
01:11:04 and thank my God for keeping me together
01:11:09 when everything around me was falling apart."
01:11:17 And you ought to do the same thing!
01:11:24 Does anybody know what I mean?
01:11:27 Do you know what I mean?
01:11:31 It's like everything came apart but you.
01:11:36 And sometimes it hits so hard you thought you were apart too.
01:11:41 But then all of a sudden something would happen,
01:11:43 and you're like, "Wait, wait, I'm still here."
01:11:48 Breathe in, breathe out, you're still here.
01:11:52 Look at your neighbor and say, "Neighbor, if you see the devil
01:11:57 and he asks you about me, tell him I made it over.
01:12:03 I made it over.
01:12:07 I made it over.
01:12:10 Your marriage might not have made it over, but you made it over.
01:12:13 Your family might not have made it over, but you made it over.
01:12:17 Your business might not have made it over.
01:12:19 Your ministry might not have made it over,
01:12:22 but I came to tell you to celebrate because you made it over."
01:12:28 I had to cry. I had to feel pain.
01:12:31 I had to fight through the fog.
01:12:33 I had to fight through the confusion.
01:12:36 I had to dog paddle my way out of hell and high water,
01:12:43 but I made it.
01:12:49 And I might not have what I used to have, but I'm still here.
01:12:56 I am still here.
01:12:58 I may not be with who I used to be with,
01:13:03 but I learned if you can't be with the one you love, honey,
01:13:13 love the one you're with.
01:13:15 Love Jesus, the author and the finisher of your faith.
01:13:28 [cheers]
01:13:46 And before hell has a heyday,
01:13:52 at our expense, before they strike up the band
01:14:00 and they start rocking and rolling
01:14:03 and they kick off the celebration of our demise,
01:14:09 I need to remind every devil that is in hell
01:14:19 something that he has forgotten about the saints of God.
01:14:26 And I got to remind him today
01:14:30 that when you are a real believer,
01:14:34 you can take less and turn it into more.
01:14:44 Is there anybody that you know God enabled you to take less?
01:14:52 They didn't have a rudder.
01:14:54 They didn't have a stern.
01:14:56 They didn't have a bowl.
01:14:58 They didn't have a floor.
01:15:00 They didn't have a ceiling.
01:15:02 They didn't have a gangway to get off and on.
01:15:05 They didn't even have a frame.
01:15:08 But when you've got faith in God,
01:15:11 the whole ship can go down
01:15:15 and you can grab a board, a broken piece.
01:15:20 You can grab something that was in the structure
01:15:25 and use it to get to safety.
01:15:34 And some on boards, some on broken pieces.
01:15:42 Get somebody, tell them, "Grab what you got left
01:15:46 and use it to get where you're going.
01:15:49 Grab what little praise you got.
01:15:51 Grab what money you got.
01:15:54 Grab what family you got left and use it.
01:16:00 Ride your broken thing straight into a miracle."
01:16:08 Because when you've got God,
01:16:10 He can show you how to take not enough.
01:16:14 Anybody ever had to cook something and you had to make it?
01:16:19 Did He do it? Did He help you?
01:16:23 He'll take not enough paycheck
01:16:28 and turn it into more than enough.
01:16:31 Because next time you know you're at church giving somebody $5,
01:16:34 you didn't even know you were going to have $5.
01:16:41 Look at somebody and just tell them,
01:16:43 "If God is stretching you,
01:16:48 it's because He's making room for more."
01:16:54 (Music)
01:16:59 (music)
01:17:01 [MUSIC]